sábado, 7 de marzo de 2015


   I stepped in the boat and sat inside. It was not a big space and it all smell like fish but, given the circumstances, I didn’t thought I should say or do anything about those two things. Little things, might I add, compared to the situation at hand. Onboard came the man that had been pointing at me with his gun all along but then the other one, the one that seemed less likely to shoot at any given opportunity, told him to step out of there and let him do it. There was no one else that could help me and it was too dark too distinguish anything more than the water, the boat and the armed man that had stepped out and disappeared.

 The man I was with had turned the engine and we were traveling fast. The sea was calm and there seemed to be no fishing boats or ferries that could see us. It was almost as if it was meant to be that way and, of course for me, that wasn’t so good.

 After what seemed liked an hour of journey into the open sea, the man stopped the engine and looked straight at my eyes. It was unsettling, as he was one of those people with very bright eyes that make you feel uncomfortable when you look directly at them. I had always wondered if they knew they made people feel that uneasy.

-       Did you really do it?

 There it was. It had been obvious; from the moment they had kidnapped me in my home that he wanted to ask that question so bad. Right then, he seemed eager to know the truth behind all of this, probably the truth about why he was with me right in the middle of the ocean, where no one will ever hear us talk or say the most amazing of truths. I could almost tell he was sweating, the stains beneath his armpits growing, his upper lip trembling at my sight.

-       What is that I apparently did?

 The man snored a bit, smile and kind of laughing. He was nervous. It was so obvious: his hand trembled when he wiped off his sweat and his smile wasn’t the one of a man that feels safe or sure about anything anymore. Maybe, after all, the wrong man had stepped in the boat with me.

-       We were hired.
-       I assumed as much
-       You killed a family.
-       Yes.

 The man seemed to tremble once more, due to my “confession”. To be honest, I’ve never really hidden anything about what I’ve done. I’ve made my peace with it all, specially then, when I seemed so close to death. Why lie to him when he was obviously so eager to know the truth, so eager to think he knew or that he understood what his task was all about.

-       And you say it like that? So… So cool and casual? Are you crazy?
-     I’m not mentally unstable, although the fact that I’ve killed makes me very likely to have one of those fancy disorders every murderer seems to have these days.
-       How many more?

 I couldn’t contain a smirk when he asked this. Not only because I knew it would make him tremble again, but also because people were always like that, wanting the morbid little details of how I had done something or the other. It was so typical of every single person in the world to apparently feel disgusted and scared but deep down, been utterly interested in what I had to say about all the corpses I’ve created. They sometimes seem even more interested that I was when I did what I did.

-       I don’t know. I’d rather not count.
-       The people that hired told me you raped their…
-       No. That’s not true.

 The man appeared to want to leap over me but he contained himself. Apparently he thought that I was denying the truth and that made him even more frustrated and confused but the truth was, and still is, that I never raped anyone. I’ve heard the stories, on the news and so on. They said I was ruthless but then they began to say I raped people and that’s just incorrect. If I had any more feelings I would be hurt.

-       They said…
-       You trust too much on your clients. Never thought for a second they could be lying?
-       I talked with them and…
-     Oh yes, because people are incapable of lying when they hire a hitman. Is that what you are because you seem pretty bad at this?

 There. Shaking like a leaf. I know he’s scared of me, thinking I’m some kind of animal, a beast that has to be put down. But the fun thing is that he knows or feels he cannot contain me for long and, most curiously, he seems to think I’m not guilty of this all. Because, why else would he be asking all these questions? Then again, it might be only that he’s fucking scared and he’s just stalling, avoiding the killing.

-       Are you going to kill me anytime soon?
-       Shut up.
-       It was you who began the interrogation.

 The man seemed to be thinking. I bet he was trying to decide what to do next. Maybe he thought that I might be more valuable dead than alive. The police were looking for me, that’s for sure, and I had a reward sign on my head. Apparently he wasn’t as stupid as he looked, thinking of the best way to profit properly from this assignment. He could even surrender me to the police and collect the money all by himself, leaving the other idiot to mend for himself, thinking I was dead.

-       You killed many people.
-       I know.
-       And you don’t regret it?
-       No. Why should I?
-       You’re not sorry? Not even for one of those murders?

 I looked at him carefully, trying to decide what to say. There was something more in all of this, something that had eluded me from the start. The moment they had taken me from my home it had been all about the other guy, the tall one. He had threatened me, put a bag on my head, and pointed the gun straight to my heart. This guy I was with had only driven us to the dock and then had decided to kill me, at the very last minute. And then, it became clear.

-       Don’t tell me that I killed your wife or brother?

 The man went crazy when I said those words. He threw himself at me and started punching me all over: on the face, the chest, the stomach and the head. My hands were still tight behind my back so there wasn’t much I could do except moving violently, in order not only to drive him away but also to make the boat turn sideways to escape swimming. He couldn’t chase me through the ocean.

 But nothing of the sort happened. He just stopped beating the fuck outta me and decided to breath heavily, as far as he could from me. It hurt; I’m not going to say it didn’t. But there was no damage that he could do that would really hurt me. I was beyond all of that at that point. He could have stabbed me and I wouldn’t have cared at all. My lips were cracked, bleeding and all my body was numb from his punches but I wasn’t bad enough to look at him from my corners and smile.

-       Predictable.
-       Shut up…
-    You know, even if you do kill me, nothing is going to bring anyone back? It won’t happen.
-       Shut up!
-       The dead are done. Believe me, I know.

 Then, the guy pulled out the gun and pointed at me. He no longer trembled but he was still sweaty and his eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to be sure of what he was doing. I cleaned my face a bit from my blood without breaking the link between our eyes. Maybe he was going to kill me, maybe this was it for me but it didn’t matter. He was one more of my victims and that was enough for me. So I laughed.

 The bullet pierced right through my brain, coming out the other end and falling in the water. The man pushed my body to the water and left. He knew my body was going to be found and that everyone would know a murderer was now dead. And no one would be interested in knowing who killed me because I deserved it. But, in the end, I knew that just before the end he had been mine and that was all worth it.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Ampollas y Libertad

     Ampollas. Al menos cinco que pueda ver en el pie derecho. En el izquierdo, solo unas tres. Con razón el dolor, casi infernal, al pisar con botas para escalar y medias gruesas. Quien lo diría, siendo ambos de la talla justa. Pero así son las cosas. Mientras tanto me siento aquí en esta roca y planeo mis siguientes movimientos. Podría seguir el río que corre por el cañón, lo que me llevaría, tarde o temprano, a algún punto poblado de la región. Pero no sé todavía si eso es lo que quiero, si quiero “interactuar” a estas alturas, cuando apenas siento que he empezado.

 Caminar, explorar, de verdad ver y sentir la Tierra en la que vivimos. Esa fue mi idea cuando lo empecé a planear todo, cuando mis padres me vieron con cara de preocupación, cuando toda persona a la que le contaba mi plan se me quedaba mirando como si tuviera una enfermedad contagiosa o como si me hubiera vuelto completamente loco. Pero no siento que así sea. Solo siento que necesito alejarme, necesito enfrentarme a mi mismo en un ambiente en el que no pueda dañar a nadie sino a mi mismo, si eso llegara a ocurrir.

 Aquí, entre los riachuelos, los bosques y las montañas silentes, he podido verme a mi mismo como nunca antes y no me arrepiento de nada. Todavía me falta mucho más que hacer y mucho más que caminar y explorar. No voy a dejar que esto me gane. Es como un reto, un desafío que me impongo para probarme y llevar mi cuerpo y mi mente a límites a los que jamás han ido antes. Después de todo, he vivido mi vida en la comodidad, nunca he hecho mucho ejercicio y, como seres humanos, estamos cada vez más enfocados en la tecnología y alejados de la realidad del mundo así que porque no acercarme más, porque no cambiar de perspectiva.

 He estado caminando por una semana y me parece que no ha pasado mucho tiempo todavía. Siento que podría quedarme aquí para siempre. Es imposible, claro está, porque las raciones no son para siempre y hay días en los que cazar y tomar agua del río no es suficiente. Además, sería interesante ver como he cambiado, si es que ha habido algún cambio a notar en estos días, respecto a mi interacción con otras personas.

 La verdad no creo que sea mucho el cambio. No soy alguien que guste de la gente así no más. De hecho muchas veces me aburro, sobre todo si son grupos de mucha gente. Las fiestas y aglomeraciones simplemente me cierran, me vuelven más hosco de lo que siempre he sido y me llevan a sitios de mi mente de los que no son particularmente fanático. En parte, por eso estoy aquí, para enfrentar esas sombras que no quiero ver a la cara en mi vida diaria. Muchos dicen que eso es normal y sano pero no me parece. Hay que afrontar las cosas y yo lo estoy tratando de hacer aquí, entre los árboles.

 Bajo al río para tomar algo de agua y meter los pies allí, a ver si siento menos el dolor. En el estado en el que están, no podré llegar muy lejos. Nada más caminar al río fue una prueba bastante dura de dolor y aguante, pero no creo que pueda prolongar eso por días, que sería lo que habría que caminar hasta un puesto de salud donde puedan ayudarme o un lugar donde pueda reposar más tranquilo. No, tendrá que ser aquí. Si me quedo un par de días a la orilla del río, nada malo podría pasarme.

 Lo bueno de aquí es que los seres humanos no han llegado o al menos no encontraron nada para quitarle a la Tierra. Es un páramo desolado y creo que eso es lo que más me gusta de todo: el sonido del silencio, de la paz, de la tranquilidad sin límites que puede haber aquí. Armar la carpa para dormir va a ser horrible pero sé que adentro me sentiré cómodo y que mañana podré pescar algo delicioso para comer, frito ligeramente en la pequeña cocina que traje.

 Al otro lado del riachuelo hay conejos. Puedo verlos moviéndose casi en círculos, como si esa fuera su forma de explorar cada centímetro del suelo, buscando comida para sus enormes familias. Su orejas a veces erguidas, a veces abajo, sobre sus pequeñas cabezas. Lo peor del momento es que sé que si me da mucha hambre, tendré que matar un pequeño conejo. Solo uno, ya que no soy una persona muy grande y estoy solo. Créanme que la culpa estará presente pero también el dolor de estomago por siempre comer lo mismo y la ansiedad de no tener que comer. En todo caso es una posibilidad, una que tendré en cuenta cuando no pueda encontrar buenos peces.

 Comí hace unas horas y la verdad no tengo nada de hambre. Tengo alguna barra energética para la noche y listo, no necesito más que eso. La noche, en todo caso, está hecha para pensar y reflexionar sobre mí mismo, para cogerme a puños si quiero o para llorar en silencio, sin nadie que pueda venir a ayudarme. Puede sonar terrible lo que digo pero así son las cosas. No podría decir que soy una persona totalmente estable pero tampoco soy un problema ambulante. Supongo que solo soy humano y eso no está mal o al menos no lo creo.

 Una vez me hice sangrar la frente y la nariz. Eso fue el segundo día. Me lavé en el río con agua fría y respiré pausadamente después de eso. Sorprendentemente, desde ese día, siento como si me hubiese quitado un peso de encima. Como si algo que me había estado apretándome el corazón hubiese de repente desaparecido. Muchos me preguntarían porque hacerlo aquí y no en un gimnasio o aprendiendo a boxear. La respuesta es fácil: lo que tengo adentro prefiero sacarlo a mi manera, dejarlo salir sea destructivamente o con calma. No necesito la disciplina del deporte sino el caos de la naturaleza, la falta de control.

 Toda la vida controlándolo todo y para que. Somos seres ordenados, incluso lo más distraídos. Se nos ha enseñado que es de mal gusto sentir emociones violentas cuando, lo más natural, es que así sea. Después de todo somos animales, evolucionados, pero animales en todo caso. Debemos dejar salir lo que tenemos adentro. Algunos lo hacen gritando, otros golpeando y otros prefieren consumirse lentamente en su propio odio y desdén. Obviamente, la última opción es demasiado destructiva y daña, no solo a nuestra mente, sino a las de los que nos rodean.

 Lo bueno de estar aquí, armando mi tienda de acampar sobre el prado algo húmedo al lado del riachuelo, es que no puedo dañar a nadie. Si dejo salir mi rabia, mis frustraciones, es imposible que afecten a nadie. Además, aquí entre nos, no soy alguien que grita mucho. Así que los animales tampoco se espantan mucho. De hecho, en las mañanas, suelo ser visitado por alguna criatura curiosa. Como no me comporto violentamente a esas horas, me miran con esos grandes ojos, sin miedo alguno.

 No hay nada en este mundo como ver los ojos de un animal. Puede que no reflexionen pero es imposible no creer que piensan, a su manera si es posible, pero lo hacen. Una mañana, un zorro había entrado a mi tienda y me despertó lamiéndome una herida que tenía en los nudillos. Lo hizo con delicadeza y soltó un sonido compasivo después. Se fue sin más pero me hizo sentir mejor de lo que ningún ser humano hubiese podido lograr. Y después me preguntan que porque me vine hasta aquí…

 La idea es volver a casa después de un mes. Cuando cumpla los treinta días ver ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽s. Cuando cumpla los treinta daqu soltsible, pero lo hacen. Una mañana, un zorro habposible no creer que piensan, asu é que hacer. Para entonces espero haber enfrentado todos mis demonios y haberlos derrotado o al menos, haber llegado a ciertos acuerdos con cada uno de ellos. Esa es la mejor forma de estar en paz, no solo con uno mismo sino con todos los que nos rodean. Hay que reconocernos y dejar de ignorar que unos u otros existen. Hay que tumbar esas fronteras imaginarias y acercarnos más, así sea solo para reconocer en el otro una humanidad que compartimos y nada más.

 Hace mucho frío aquí y los dedos se cansan rápido al escribir pero me gusta la idea de haber traído un diario. Mantiene mi mente despierta y consciente y me deja registrar cada estúpido pensamiento que pasa por mi mente. Espero que mañana pueda caminar mejor, aunque mis pies seguramente no quieran recibir más presión. Moveré la tienda al menos unos metros para no acostumbrar a nadie a mi presencia y para sentir que no desperdicio estos días de descanso que me doy.

 Me río de pensar en lo que muchos de mis amigos dirían: “Como descansar cuando te fuiste precisamente a eso”. Porque eso piensan que vine a hacer. A relajarme. Y, aunque lo estoy haciendo y no lo niego, no fue ese el punto de mi viaje. Como ya lo dije, tuve otras razones que prefiero no repetir para no aburrir a nadie ni a mi mismo. A veces los extraño, a mis amigos y a mi familia. Los quisiera tener cerca para contarles lo que he visto y lo que he sentido, lo que he aprendido de mi mismo y del mundo.

 Suena existencial y hasta místico y puede que lo sea pero el punto de todo es que me siento más libre aquí de lo que jamás me he sentido. Siento que puedo hacer lo que quiera y no hay quien me diga que no. Ahora me doy cuenta que esa es otra razón por la que quise venir aquí: porque quería ser libre y creo que lo estoy logrando.

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

The Other One

   I just couldn’t confront what I had done. The morning I woke up there, I felt wrong, guilty and even filthy. I wanted to leave that place so fast and never return again. How should I have know that only days later I would have to go back there, practically against my will.

 There was no need to say “goodbye” to him. After all, we didn’t really know each other that well or, at least, that’s what I prefer to think. I never let anyone too close and I have my reasons for that. No, I have no idea who he really is and I’m not interested in finding out more than I already know, more than I have too.

 You see, we were celebrating our promotions with other people of the office. We went to his place because it seemed cheaper to buy some bottles from the store and go there and have a great time. And we did. I hadn’t been that happy for a long time and I fucking deserved that promotion. I had worked hard and so had he and Laura, my best friend there. The three of us had been in charge of a certain project and we had done so great that our boss decided to grant us a very well deserved promotion. We would make more money and we would have nice new offices.

 Almost everyone was happy for us because they knew how hard it had been for us to have the job and then to be good and make such a project a big reality. We were admired and that’s why many people came to Joe’s place. Of course, it was free booze and we ordered some pizzas and I even made some cookies, already a bit tipsy. Lots of cinnamon in them... We had a blast but something that I hadn’t realized happened in a second, in blinking of an eye.

 I had gone to clean my hands after spilling some vodka on the floor and cleaning it. I had been looking at the mirror, any trace of alcohol apparently retreating, when I realized the door was half open and there he was. Joe I mean. He asked me if I was ok and I nodded and told him I was having a great time and that I felt sorry for spilling vodka. He seemed shy or distant, jus strange because he had never really been shy during our work together. And we had stayed up late in the office. He even took me home sometimes.

 But then, in that bathroom, there was a tension only broken by a girl who entered in haste and decided to vomit too close to my shoes. I jumped back just in time to retire from the “splash zone” and decided to rejoin the party, forgetting about my encounter with Joe. Well, until the party ended that is. Laura, her boyfriend and I stayed behind to help Joe clean up the place. When there were only glasses to throw and small things to put in place, Laura and her boyfriend left.

 As I cleaned up with Joe, there was this awful silence. It was even more ominous because there was no sound from the street, being three o’clock of the morning. Not a single soul walked the street below and I started talking to him about that, how empty and lonely the city looked when you stayed up until late. He agreed, saying it was worse in the suburbs, whereas in downtown or other commercial areas people were still roaming around. We talked about different things and decided to have one last drink. We both consumed it fast and, as I recuperated from the strength of the beverage, I realized he had his hands on my waist.

 Needless to say that we kissed and I didn’t resist. I hadn’t had any physical contact of that kind with anyone for years and I wasn’t going to refuse any act of kindness towards my body. Some minutes later we were in his room and we had sex. I was about to say we made love but that’s impossible, because I wasn’t in love with him. As I said before, I barely knew him. What I can say is I had a great time with him in that room because, never mind the alcohol, I can still remember every thing that happened.

 I felt guilty the following morning, very early, because I realized something I had forgotten the night before: Joe was engaged. She worked in the company but in another department. I had seen her a couple of times: stunning body, nice face, very kind and joyful. Joyful is not my kind of thing but it looked good on her. She was a knockout and I had heard many guys in the office had tried to date her prior to Joe but that was long before I had begun my work there.

 My pants were on the floor, my underwear on a chair, my socks in my shoes… Once I had everything on and my cellphone and backpack, I just left trying to be as silent as a mouse. I couldn’t look, for some reason, to the doorman to the face. He greeted me but I felt he knew, somehow. I felt the same thing all the way home, on the bus and on the sidewalk, just walking before finally entering my place, where my cat awaited me because he was very hungry.

 I fed him and decided to sleep properly after that. Sleep came fast and so did dreams in which I met Joe again and kissed him passionately in front of his girlfriend. In the dream, she just accepted it and left without saying a word. I woke up even more tired that I had been at arrival. Thank God it’s Saturday, I thought. I decided to stay in my home and just eat and watch TV. No one interrupted me, except Laura that called me to know if I had gotten home all right. Laura had been my friend of many years and the one that got me the job. I owe honesty to her.

 She was surprised at me but even more surprised at Joe. Everyone knew the news that he was going to marry the gorgeous girl of the office and the fact that Laura reminded me of that was awful. She then questioned Joe harshly, stating that if he was sleeping with others, it surely meant he had done it before with other girlfriends and that he was not “husband” material, despite what everyone thought.

 I let her speak. She didn’t stop for a long time and I didn’t say a word. She’s right about it all. But then I recall the way he touched and kissed me. I have had one-night stands before and I know how they go down. People are just sexual in those moments, like animals. But Joe had not been like that with me. Or so I felt… Maybe I was just trying to think about it in a good light instead of really remembering it for what it was. Maybe I’m just too eager to be the one they stay with instead being the one they sleep with.

After hanging up with Laura, I recalled my history of casual sex and concluded that, without a doubt, there was something unique about this time. I had never stayed behind to sleep, which had been a first. Although the alcohol might have knocked me out before I could even think about leaving. But that wasn’t a fair statement because almost every time I had had casual sex, I had done it with alcohol involved. It was making me crazy, for sure. Thinking about him and about his perfect girlfriend. I decided, for the sake of my mind, to stop thinking about it. Or at least, I tried.

 The next Monday was a nightmare. I felt all eyes on me, even when people were just coming to me to congratulate me about the new job. Even my boss thought I hadn’t liked the new office, my face all sad and dreary. I really tried to fake happiness a bit during lunch but that was a tremendous failure and even Laura was looking at me every time, like checking if I was going to screw up.

The hardest part was meeting Joe in a conference room and talking to him for an hour about our next project. If he had any worries, he was very good at faking them because he looked very relaxed all the time, even laughing, telling some jokes and looking at me directly into my eyes, which felt awful. It was the guilt, for sure, that grew even larger when his girlfriend opened the door at the end of the meeting and kissed him on the lips.

 Suddenly I felt so jealous of her. I hated her right there. I could have put my hand around her neck and choke her or at least grab that beautiful glossy hair and pull it hard all around the room. But all that only happened in my head. I left with Laura and she grabbed my hand. Visibly, she knew that he hadn’t gotten to me. Or maybe it wasn’t him as such but the fact that someone had being so nice to me, even if it had been only sexually, and know that possibility vanished.

 I decided not to let that get the best of me. The next day I decided to focus on my career and in honoring my new post in the office. From day one, I was on top of everything and people noticed it and suddenly I stopped thinking about Joe. I even dated a couple of guys after that, none successful relationships but nice people so I didn’t care. It was a surprise however when, the day Joe and the girl were suppose to get married, he called me and acknowledged all that had happened that night. And then he said the most hurtful word I’ve ever heard.

-       I still think about you.