domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Eras tú

   Estabas de espaldas y por eso no fue fácil reconocerte. La clave fue reconocer el suéter que tenías puesto, el que compraste ese día que fuimos juntos a comprar ropa. Ese día, tu no parabas de hablar y creo que era una manera de decirme que no querías hablar de lo otro, de nuestra inminente separación. No entendías, ni tratabas de hacerlo, que yo no me iba por decisión propia. Al fin y al cabo éramos niños todavía. Estábamos entrando a la adolescencia pero tu de eso no querías saber nada. Querías que me quedara y tu manera de decirlo fue hablar y hablar y hablar, pues si seguías sin parar yo no tendría oportunidad de escapar de ti. Eras joven y no entendías que eso no era amistad, era algo distinto.

 Ese día me pediste todo el día y te lo concedí. Me hablaste de tus planes a futuro, como si fueras un gran empresario, y me explicaste que el negocio del yogur helado era cada vez más rentable. No sé si te diste cuenta pero yo sonreí varias veces pero no porque me dieras ganar de reír sino porque te admiraba de verdad. Estabas convencido de todo lo que decías, lo anunciabas todo con tanto empeño y claridad, estabas seguro de tu futuro éxito y querías que todo el mundo supiera. Sin embargo, creo que no te dabas cuenta que también era obvio que te sentías solo, que tu casa no era el lugar donde te gustaba estar y que cuando me besaste al despedirnos sentí tus labios temblar.

 Eras un niño en esa época y hoy lo sigues siendo. Cuando me miras de frente, por fin, sé quién eres pero tu no te acuerdas de mi. En tus ojos no veo ninguna chispa, ningún asomo de asombro o de sorpresa. Están apagados pero tan brillantes y grandes como siempre. Los tienes un poco cansados, debe ser por el trabajo porque te convertiste en ese hombre de negocios que siempre quisiste ser. No me sorprende que hayas seguido tus sueños, pues siempre tuviste empuje, siempre quisiste más de todo. Tu ambición por ser mejor la reconocí en ese tiempo y ahora me haces ver que no me equivocaba.

 No me reconoces y lo entiendo. Sabes que me fui hace tanto tiempo y que lloraste y estuviste mal por muchos meses hasta que te diste cuenta que la situación no iba a cambiar por mucho que dejaras los ojos en la almohada. Éramos niños cuando nos conocimos pero creo que fuiste el primero en convertirse en hombre y lo hiciste cuando me dejaste en el pasado. Tu vida después, no me la sé muy bien. Sin embargo, nunca supiste que eras observado por ojos que sabían que habías sido mi mejor amigo y ellos me informaban, cada mucho, como estabas y que hacías. Si tu supieras todo esto de pronto te escandalizaría, te asustarías y saldrías corriendo de mi presencia. Y sin embargo me das la mano y me hablas de tu negocio y no parece que sepas quién soy.

 Tu no sabes que cuando cambié de ciudad, en ese entonces, también cambié de vida y de manera de ver el mundo. Tu lo pasabas bien, lo supe. Tuviste varias novias y eras un galán con todas las chicas del colegio. Te convertiste en un casanova y, en palabras de otros que no nombraré, en el chico más guapo de nuestra secundaria. No supe más de ti hasta la graduación. Salías sonriente, feliz, en la foto que te tomaron a la salida de la ceremonia. Nunca supiste que la mía fue un año después, ya que tuve que repetir un año escolar por bajo rendimiento. Fue así que dejaste de estar en mi vida, ya no eras alguien de quién quisiera saber nada pues estábamos ya muy lejos y muy adelante para alcanzarte, si es que de eso se trataba. Dolió mucho pero creo que tu, mejor que nadie, lo entenderías.

 Y ahora estás aquí. Me hablas de cómo quieres expandir tu marca por toda la ciudad. Ya tienes tres ubicaciones de tu famoso yogurt helado, con el que revolucionaste el comercio local y ahora quieres hacerlo más grande y mejor. Viniste a esta firma de publicidad y te encontraste conmigo pero no sabes quién soy y, ahora, viéndonos todos los días, no veo cambio en tus ojos y sé que simplemente esos tiempos quedaron en el pasado. Me pasas informes y propuestas y te explico que puede ir bien para tu producto y para el tipo de comercio que buscas tener. Me miras a los ojos y me hablas, con una pasión que me hace sentirme abrazado, del esfuerzo que te ha tomado construir tu pequeño imperio y de las grandes ambiciones que tienes para él. Me preguntas si es posible y te digo que todo lo es.

 El contrato de asesoría es por un año y se puede renovar si el cliente lo desea. Ya han pasado seis meses y tu no pareces querer renovarlo. Sí, también pienso que ya tienes suficiente y que podrías lanzarte a la aventura así nada más pero tienes que saber que me encantaría seguirte viendo dos veces a la semana. Me hablas y me hablas, como ese último día y no tienes ni idea. En tus ojos no hay indicio, ni en tu cuerpo ni en tu voz ni en ninguna parte. No sabes quién soy y duele mucho pues eres una visión de un tiempo más fácil, de una época más fresca y menos difícil. Eres casi como un espejismo que no quiere desaparecer.

 Otro mes se evapora y casi quisiera que rogaras por la renovación del contrato. Debes saber que se haría en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, de manera rápida y especial solo para ti. El otro día, no sé si te fijaste, me cogiste la mano para enseñarme como dibujar el logo de empresa. Si alguna vez has visto un rojo tan brillante en tu vida, dímelo.  Al parecer tampoco notaste mis palpitaciones y como mi mano empezó a sudar ligeramente.  Tenías un desastre ambulante en frente y no te diste cuenta. Hubieses podido decir algo justo entonces, hubieses podido sorprenderme con alguna revelación fantástica pero no hiciste nada. Solo me hiciste dibujar y luego te alejaste.

 Es difícil. Los días pasan tan rápidamente como si alguien los quemara en las hornillas de la vida y todos ellos se convierten en un polvo que nadie puede retener. Todo va tan rápido, todo se mueve tan deprisa que creo que incluso tu quisiera que el mundo se detuviese por un momento para poder respirar y ver el entorno. Incluso tu quisieras caminar descalzo por un prado, en la parte alta de una colina, y ver el campo desde allí. Incluso tu quisieras ver la calma de lo que alguna vez fue o lo que pudo haber sido. Lo último es menos probable, seguro eres menos susceptible al pasado que la mayoría, porque te ves fuerte, con una voluntad férrea que encanta y a la vez intimida un poco. Sabes que eres cautivador, es fácil darse cuenta de ello. Te queda mucho todavía de aquel joven casanova.

 Solo falta un mes y el contrato se termina. Los últimos días se ponen lentos, como si el tiempo mismo quisiera torturar a las almas perdidas, a aquellos que no saben si arriba es arriba o abajo es abajo. Ese cambio de ritmo casi duele en los huesos y es entonces que por fin aparece una señal en tus ojos. Pero no es la que se buscaba. Es un brillo de tristeza, de miedo. Uno de esos días, de los últimos, me confiesas que temes que todo fracase, me confiesas que tu miedo es por tu empresa, por los años que has trabajado por todo lo que tienes y que tal vez pueda desaparecer en cualquier momento. Dices estar feliz con lo logrado pero también que no quieres perder ninguna parte de la esencia de lo que eres al crecer, al expandir lo que requiere más espacio para crecer.

 Sientes una de mis manos sobre tu hombro y escuchas, con calma, como  tu empresa va a ser un éxito en el mercado. En apenas una semana se acaba nuestro contrato y escuchas como los planes que hemos estado elaborando ya están dando sus primeros frutos. Todo está listo para que crezcas, para que sepas lo que es ser un empresario envidiado, exitoso de verdad. Escuchas, sonriendo, los ánimos y buenos deseos que la compañía tiene para ti, pero no escuchas nada que venga de mi porque eso no importa. Sientes que la mano se retira y la conexión se rompe. Aunque no lo del todo, pues en ese preciso momento me miras y sabes quién soy. Lo sabes todo y puede que lo hayas sabido desde siempre. Tus ojos se ven como cuando éramos jóvenes y por un momento eres ese niño con una idea y con una ambición más grande que el cuerpo.

 El contrato termina. Cada uno por su lado. Tu te vas a tus cosas, a tu empresa y a tus planes de comerte el mundo. No lo sabes pero serás un gran personaje, uno de esos pocos que la gente de verdad admira y respeta. Ya eres una persona querida pero lo serás mucho más. Y no sabes que una de esas personas que te quiere estuvo tan cerca de ti todo este tiempo.

 Pero a decir verdad, yo a ti no te quiero. Porque creo que siempre te he amado.

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016

OSCARS 2016: Winners Predictions

Well, here we are again. Let's break it down:

Best Picture

Will win: The Revenant
Could win: Spotlight
Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Nominee prediction results: 7/8

I rarely agree with the Academy and this year is no exception. It is clear that The Revenant is the current favorite, with former frontrunner Spotlight very close behind. There could be a surprise but I doubt it. The sad thing is that the real masterpiece of the year has very little chance of winning.

Best Director

Will win: Alejandro G. Iñárritu (The Revenant)
Could win / Should win: George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road)
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

Iñárritu did a fine job but not better than last year's Birdman. I'm not a fan of that movie but he did a great work there and awarding him twice would be just too much. Besides, Miller is the one to reward for the best action movie in a very long time.

Best Actor in a Leading Role

Will win / Should win: Leonardo DiCaprio (The Revenant)
Could win: Michael Fassbender (Steve Jobs)
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

It's time. That simple. He's performance is very good and he just deserves it after so long. Yet, many people still thing he shouldn't win. We will see if they have strong voices.

Best Actress in a Leading Role

Will win / Should win: Brie Larson (Room)
Could win: No one else really...
Nominee prediction results: 5/5

I was surprised to be right about Lawrence being nominated again. But whatever, no one has any chance of winning except Larson. Ronan was a frontrunner early on but the awards started flying towards Larson. She certainly deserves it.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

Will win: Sylvester Stallone (Creed)
Could win: Tom Hardy (The Revenant)
Should win: Mark Rylance (Bridge of Spies)
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Now this is hard to predict. This category is frequently predictable but not this year. I'm predicting Stallone winning because he's very well liked and the performance is really touching, he gives the movie a father figure that just works. Rylance performance though is very subtle but just right, not flashy, very paced. And Tom Hardy could win if The Revenant just sweeps.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Will win / Should win:: Alicia Vikander (The Danish Girl)
Could win: Kate Winslet (Steve Jobs)
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

Vikander is the heart of the movie and we all know she should be on the leading category and not in this one. However, category fraud will give her her first Academy Awards. Only Winslet could spoil but she has only won awards when Vikander wasn't there. Besides, Vikander has Ex Machina and Testament of Youth in her favor.

Best Adapted Screenplay

Will win / Should win: The Big Short
Could win: Room
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

The movie is just too good to leave empty handed. However, there are many fans of Room that may want to give another accolade to the movie.

Best Original Screenplay

Will win: Spotlight
Could win: Straight Outta Compton
Should win: Ex Machina or Inside Out
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

Sorry, I just couldn't decide for only one option as I loved Ex Machina and Inside Out. They were true beautiful stories, very well told and with fantastic scenes, all thanks to the screenplays. However this prize is probably Spotlight's. If it loses the top prize, this is the consolation prize. Yet, Straight Outta Compton could spoil in a year of controversy in the industry.

Best Animated Feature Film

Will win / Should win: Inside Out
Could win: ø
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Inside Out is this year animation masterpiece although the list of nominees was just perfect this year.

Best Foreign Language Film

Will win: Son of Saul (Hungary)
Could win: Mustang (France)
Should win: You know...
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

I was happy to see my country nominated for the first time. That's always great. However, the Hungarian entry has won almost every prize this season (they do love WWII) and if someone spoils their party it will be the Turkish movie that represents France.

Best Documentary Feature Film

Will win / Should win: Amy
Could win: The Look of Silence
Nominee prediction results: 2/5

I loved Amy. So contemporary and, sadly, timeless. Yet, the choices are so varied a surprise could happen.

Best Documentary Short Subject

Will win: Body Team 12
Could win: Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah
Should win: A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Random guess. Didn't watch any of these. Sorry.

Best Live Action Short Film

Will win: Shok
Could win: Stutterer
Should win: No idea...
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Didn't see them...

Best Animated Short Film

Will win: Prologue
Could win: Sanjay's Super Team
Should win: Bear Story
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Another random guess based on images from all the short films.

Best Original Score

Will win / Should win: The Hateful Eight
Could win: Carol
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

Ennio Morricone is a legend and he deserves a prize for his work, even if he already has an honorary one.

Best Original Song

Will win: "Til it Happens to You" from The Hunting Ground
Could win: "Earned it" from Fifty Shades of Grey
Should win: "Manta Ray" from Racing Extinction
Nominee prediction results: 2/5

This is the crazy category, when anything can happen and it did. Three music stars nominated. I think it's Warren's time to finally win and Gaga fans can go insane.

Best Sound Editing

Will win / Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

That damn race! Just perfect.

Best Sound Mixing

Will win / Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: The Revenant
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

So much action cannot go unnoticed.

Best Production Design

Will win / Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: The Danish Girl
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

Those cars are insane. So much work and it was all worth it.

Best Cinematography

Will win / Should win: The Revenant
Could win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

Lubezki has won twice so maybe one would think it is too much. But it isn't. The guy is just brilliant. Although I wouldn't mind Seale or that poor Deakins winning.

Best Makeup and Hairstyling

Will win / Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: The Revenant
Nominee prediction results: 2/3

Every character is an example of why Mad Max deserves this award.

Best Costume Design

Will win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: The Revenant
Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road or The Danish Girl
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

My runner up is The Revenant because many would vote for them for any category. Not me. I like all nominees but that dystopian future is just too good, on men and women.

Best Film Editing

Will win / Should win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Could win: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Nominee prediction results: 3/5

The fact that Spolight is here is he only reason why the movie could still win Best Picture. Yet, it's a year of action movies so it would be shameful not to award this prize to any of the two action packed picture in the roster.

Best Visual Effects

Will win: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Could win: Mad Max: Fury Road
Should win: Ex Machina
Nominee prediction results: 4/5

The Revenant here means the Academy REALLY loved that movie because I have seen better FX in films not nominated. It's just nonsense. I take a leap of fate here, even if it may not be a very likely choice.


Mad Max: Fury Road > 6
The Revenant > 4
Amy, Body Team 12, Creed, The Big Short, The Danish Girl, The Hateful Eight, The Hunting Ground, Inside Out, Prologue, Room, Son of Saul, Spotlight, Star Wars: The Force Awakens > 1 each

This is it people. Let's hear it tomorrow night!

Shooting stars

   The shooting star crossed the sky fast, almost not giving anyone time to properly think about their wishes. It was a silly tradition but people had been doing that for so much time that, it made no sense not to do it. Monica watched it from her bench, comfortably seated there with her son Matt. He was complaining about not having been able to take a picture of the shooting star but Monica didn’t hear him. She was still thinking about her wish; about the only think she really really wanted. But it was one of those impossible dreams, one that had to defy science if it were to become a reality. So she knew there was no way.

 When they got home, Matt was still talking about the shooting star, how he had read about it in a book in school and how his teacher had told the class that shooting stars were just space junk, little and medium rocks that get trapped in the atmosphere and burn. Monica was now listening but she didn’t have anything to add. She felt tired and wanted to rest. Her weak had been very difficult and Matt could talk for hours if she didn’t said anything back. So she asked if he wanted some macaroni and cheese and, of course, he said yes. She gave him a big bowl and sat down with him in front of the TV, watching some animated movie. She didn’t eat. He fell asleep after he was done.

 Carrying Matt had been easier before, when Luke was alive. But things change and now she had to do all that by herself. Her friends told her to start dating, to look for someone to spend the rest of her life with. The truth was she was still young but the memory of Luke was still so fresh that she would feel as if she was cheating on him or something. That was silly but it’s always a difficult thing to go through. Matt, luckily, had been far stronger. He did cry at first and sometimes he asked things about Luke and heaven and things about his days as a baby. But that was it. Monica was his world now.

 Tired, she went to bed right after leaving Matt on his bed. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and put on some old pajamas. She looked at the bed and sighed. It was a king size bed in which she navigated every night, not capable of being still, not capable of keeping her body on her spot. Her body knew Luke wasn’t there anymore but her brain apparently had other ideas as she often saw him besides her before closing her eyes, his kind smile and big nose. She loved that big nose.

 The next day was a Saturday. She realized it was late because the sunlight was hitting her right in the face through the window’s blinds. Monica normally woke up early because of Matt but apparently her state from the day before had caused her to oversleep. She was about to convince herself to stay even for more time but then she heard a loud sound, something crashing against the floor, shattering. Matt had probably attempted to get his breakfast by himself and now there was glass or bits of plates all over the kitchen. That’s the just of a mother for you. She begrudgingly got out of bed, put on her slippers and went down to the kitchen.

 Not having arrived yet, she started telling Matt to get out of the kitchen so she could clean first and then make him pancakes. But it wasn’t Matt who came out of the kitchen.

 For a moment, she felt she couldn’t properly breathe. She had to grab the sofa and try not to fall down. Her heart ached and her eyes were trying to focus on something else and not on the person that was coming closer, grabbing her, helping her not to faint. She was very scared but her body was not responding properly, so she could fight her helper. She was powerless and she was crying too. She couldn’t stop the tears or her heavy breathing. The man laid her down in the sofa and looked at her with his kind smile and his big nose.

 Matt finally came out of the kitchen holding a broom. Before he had seen his mother, he told Luke he had cleaned all the man and that now they could keep cooking for mama. Then he looked at her and his voice was lost. Luke told him to come closer and tell Monica to breath slowly. He would start with breakfast so they could properly begin their day. As he disappeared into the kitchen, Monica was able to breath slowly. She grabbed his son’s hands and tried to talk but nothing would come out. He told her that she should breath slowly and that Dad would take care of anything. She then heard him singing, and that confused her even more.

 Luke had always sung. He loved to do it and had always had the dream to become a professional artist. But then they had Matt and money was needed so he entered the retail business. He managed a big department store and that was a good job that gave them many possibilities, even money for a guitar and lessons for Luke. As a matter of fact, he was coming back from his first audition when the car he was in with a friend was hit by truck and killed them. She went to the morgue and saw his body and cried and yelled. And now that same man was in her kitchen, apparently cooking her favorite type of eggs.

 She pinched herself once and again to check if she was dreaming, Matt looking at her a little scared. She indicated she wanted a hug and Matt complied. As she did so, Monica could still hear the song they had danced to on their day being sung by Luke. Her wish had come true and he was somehow there. She inhaled deeply, caressed her son and stood up, then slowly walked to the kitchen.

 He was chopping onions and bell peppers. He had already done that with some tomatoes and had a big bowl of eggs he had already whisked. She saw him from the doorway but Matt entered and opened the refrigerator. He pulled out a carton of milk and the big bottle of juice. It was a bit heavy for him so Luke helped him and he then saw his wife standing there. He asked her if she was okay. She just nodded, controlling her body in order not to faint. She was amazed at how good she was at trying to keep everything in check.

 Luke approached her and told her she had to add all the spices to the eggs. He stood up behind her and passed Monica some pepper, salt, paprika and some hot sauce. She poured the sauce slowly and he grabbed her hand and her body shook uncontrollably. She excused herself and his response was to hug her from behind and just say: “I’ve missed you so much”.

 Monica turned around right then, her eyes very open. She was touching his face, which felt real, and kissed him. He felt real then too. She then remembered the first time they had kiss, one day after class in college. He had bought her some pizza and she had bought the drinks. They had been talking about some new movie and how amazing it all was, the visual effects and the story and so on. And then, a shooting star crossed the sky. They smiled and then they just looked at each other and kissed. Simple as that.

 Matt made her comeback to the present, or whatever that was. She was holding Luke very tight and realized it was an opportunity and that she would have to be very stupid not to take it. She went along with it, cooking breakfast and laughing at the table, helping Matt do the dishes afterwards and planning a great day for the three of them. They went to a park to which they hadn’t gone for a while and gave Matt a kite to run around with and took pictures of Luke teaching him how to do it. Monica also tried it but she wasn’t very good.

 After that, they decided to have a small picnic and Matt fell asleep for a few minutes, full and tired. During that time, the couple just held hands in silence and looked up at the sky, very blue and without any clouds. She felt she had so many questions and so many things to say. But she didn’t want to break the spell of the moment. So she didn’t say a word and just held him hard. He gently squeezed her hand and they played that game until Matt woke up and they decided to play a short game of football.  They were both good kicking it and blocking the goal post. They played for hours, the here of them, until the stars began to appear in the sky and the cold settled around them.

 Again, they saw a shooting star. And then Monica turned to Luke and saw he wasn’t there. She smiled and sat on the grass. And Matt, he had vanished too.