viernes, 4 de agosto de 2017

Nunca es fácil

   Nunca será fácil despedirse de un ser querido. No importa su edad, su estatus dentro de la familia o incluso si era o no de la misma especie, nos duele en el alma cuando se va alguien que amamos profundamente, así nunca antes no hayamos dado cuenta. Es un dolor grande porque los seres humanos tenemos la maldición de tener que recordar, de guardar en nuestro cerebro esas imágenes que se repiten una y otra vez como viejas películas que ya nadie parece querer ver, solo en ocasiones.

 Se nos secan los ojos de tanto llorar y nos duele tanto la cabeza como el pecho, porque no hay nada más doloroso y duro para el ser humano que enfrentarse a la muerte. Ante ella no somos nada, no tenemos ningún tipo de poder. Solo somos pequeños animalitos asustados que se arrodillan y piden clemencia, porque no hay nada más que hacer en ese momento. Ella ha llegado y hace lo que quiere cuando quiere, sin que nosotros importemos tanto como creemos que importamos a diario.

 El dolor se va con el tiempo. Aprendemos a vivir con él y a verlo como una criatura que habita dentro de nosotros. No es algo bienvenido porque a nadie le gusta sentirse así a propósito, pero sabemos que es la única manera en que podemos soportar la pérdida. Si no sintiéramos dolor, no podríamos expresar lo que significa para nosotros que alguien haya dejado su lugar junto a nosotros. Es necesario sentir que el pecho no puede más y que los ojos están secos y duelen como nunca.

 Y los recuerdos llegan a altas horas de la noche. A veces son simples imágenes, otras veces son más complejas y se comportan cuando pesadillas cuando son una simple realidad pasada. Es por eso que tenemos que aprender a vivir con la muerte. Tenemos que aprender a que las cosas pasan, a que todo es un ciclo de vida en el que estamos involucrados y, aunque no podemos hacer nada para cambiarlo, sí podemos darnos nuestro lugar en él y aprovechar la vida como viene.

 Debajo de un árbol yacen muchas de las personas que estuvieron junto a mi, muchos amigos entrañables. También flotan en el aire, libres de las cadenas humanas. Están aquí y allí, siempre junto a nosotros. Son almas, recuerdos que nos enseñan y pueden impulsarnos cuando no sabemos como seguir adelante. Es ahí cuando la vida y la muerte se cruzan y forman un mismo tejido hermoso, con dos caras distintas pero dependientes. Debemos vivir la vida, aprovecharla, ser felices y siempre disfrutar a los seres amados. En la muerte, todos estaremos juntos, tomados de la mano, libres.

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

The planetarium

   The planetarium was almost empty. The small crowds of the morning had been gone for a while and now only two couples and a sleeping guy were beneath the dome, not really witnessing the lightshow that had been made to teach people about stars, planets and all other astronomical bodies. However, there were two other people in the room. They were there only for a couple of minutes but enough for one of them to look at the massive Milky Way for quite a while.

 His name was non important. His service badge had the number 954. The number was always assigned randomly, with no real meaning. It was just a way for people to know something and, at the same time, not knowing a single truth about the person they were in front of. He would wear his badge everywhere when on duty and, on secret missions like these, he would have it somewhere on him to pull out fast or throw away in an instant, anything to live a bit longer in order to survive, step by step.

 He had arrived too early at the meeting but he had done so because it would have been too obvious if they had met on the street or even in front of the planetarium. And if they had entered at the same exact time, people would have noticed something else going on. So he just got there earlier, his hotel being pretty close to that place, and had witnessed most of the lightshow without a sound interrupting the narration, except maybe the snore of the sleeping guy on a back row.

 The agent sat down and waited. As he did that, he remembered his childhood, when he asked several times for stickers that lighted up in the dark in order to decorate his room. His mother tried to buy him some but she gave up after a couple of outings. Besides, his dad was against it the moment he knew of the kid’s request. The man declined to buy his son anything, especially not when he was doing so poorly at school. 954 had to repeat that grade the following year.

 Stars were just things that had fascinated him for a long time and they were also one of the things he had given up during childhood. When he looked back at those days, he felt that maybe he hadn’t really lived as a kid. His parents had always been so different and he was trapped often in his discussions. It was especially hurtful when they blamed him for things they hadn’t done in life, as he had been born very early in their relationship. He eventually learned that they had married only because of him. One of his grandparents told him, as if it was nothing.

 The exchange went fast. Agent XDE had come a long way for the information and she really didn’t feel like staying more than needed in that dreadful city. It was a very strange thing but she had been born in a city and hated every single urban landscape she had ever seen. This was because the only good memories she had had taken place far from those places, in nature, where animals lived and everything had a really nice feel of freedom and excitement about it. It felt true.

 She had landed her job just as she had come out of college. She was a very brilliant student, who had been fortunate enough to go to a very private and respected high school. She had done so many things to earn people’s respect that it wasn’t a surprise when the government started offering her jobs. Most of those jobs involved working on offices and she hated the idea of being in a closed environment. It was her that proposed them to work as an agent and they gladly complied.

 Her training was done faster than most recruits and she was sent to her first mission at the same age other girls are trying to fit in college and find what their passion in life is. She didn’t want their life and was successful in using everything she had in life in order to progress faster than others and always be ahead, no matter the costs. She had learned to be self-reliant and didn’t care at all about other people. Spies exist to prevent evil to destroy common people but she didn’t care at all.

 The adrenaline of her job was what kept her going; from the moment she stepped in her first mission. She never had an issue when asked if she could separate completely from her family. She even did it before they asked her.  XDE was assigned as her code and it was a series of letters she had chosen for herself and submitted them to her bosses. She didn’t care about receiving a “no” for an answer and that was because she knew people were afraid of her. She liked that.

 No one ever knew what her code name meant but that was of little importance in the long run. The most important thing she had to offer was her skills: she was fast, effective, silent and with an excellent eye to predict how a scenario would play out. She would play all the possible outcomes in her head and then try to move everything in order for her to get favored. She was a very good manipulator, which explained how she entered the museum without being seen and then out again, in a few minutes. She was one of the best spies the world had ever seen.

 The transaction was as follows: agent 954 was seating on the front row, very close to the projector. The couples were on the middle rows and the sleeping man on the back row. Agent XDE did not enter through the main door but through the one used by maintenance crew and all other people that worked in the planetarium and in the adjacent museum. She did it silently and had previous knowledge the door was always covered in darkness during one of those lightshows.

 When 954 noticed her, he immediately knew who she was. It wasn’t because she was obvious, but it was something about the way she walked or the way she looked at him from the dark, for only a second. He just knew that what he had to do was stand up and walk towards her side of the dome room. Darkness would help the deal get done faster and so it was. When he was very close to her, already covered by darkness, she grabbed his hand in a grip, almost as he wanted to crush it.

 Instead, she passed him a very small tube with whatever his bosses had told him to collect. The woman didn’t say a word. He just knew he had to pretend that he had decided to leave the show and she just disappeared through the same door she had used when entering. The woman almost flew away of the scene like a cat or some kind of incredibly silent creature. In a matter of minutes, she was already grabbing her only suitcase and hopping into a car for the airport.

 Meanwhile, he walked slowly through the planetarium’s exposition halls, watching the beautiful dioramas of how Humanity would colonize Mars and other celestial bodies in the Solar System. He just knew running away wasn’t the best way to do what he had to do. He had to play it cool. So he walked slowly towards the cafeteria and then bought some coffee there. He had in a table by a garden and then left walking as if nothing had happened, towards his hotel.

 The show ended inside the planetarium. The couples left after realizing the lights were on. They didn’t say a word, just walked to the exit in silence, as if they knew they had desecrated a place that was not meant for horny younger people.

 But the sleeping man remained there for a little more. After all, he hadn’t really been sleeping at all. He had just seen a very interesting exchange happened and he was well aware that many people would pay a lot of money for the information that was now in his power.

lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

Una particular tarde de compras

   Como le habían indicado, Lucía dio la vuelta a la perilla una vez la luz en el cuartito se volvió verde. El lugar que le esperaba del otro lado estaba muy bien iluminado. De hecho, parecía como si el sol estuviese brillando en la parte exterior. Era muy extraño pues ella estaba muy consciente de que en la tienda del otro lado de la puerta era de tarde, el sol estaba poniéndose. Pero allí, en esa hermosa casa donde estaba ahora, la luz llegaba directamente desde arriba, como si nada.

 Caminó algunos pasos y sonrió al ver que la casa no era lo que ella había esperado en un principio. Era de un claro estilo japonés pero no era nada contemporánea, más bien al contrario. En el pasillo que caminaba no había nada más sino algunos jarrones grandes, que no parecían tener nada por dentro. Al voltear a mirar la puerta, se dio cuenta de que estaba hecha de bambú y al lado había un recipiente del mismo material para poner sombrillas. El nivel de detalle era asombroso.

 Al final del pasillo había una puerta abierta. Metió su cabeza por la rendija y se dio cuenta de que también estaba vacía. Empujó un poco la puerta para poder pasar. Adentro vio una mesita poco elevada y varias almohadas distribuidas alrededor. Del otro lado del cuarto, había un hueco en el piso. Debía ser un horno o algo por el estilo. Había visto casas japonesas en películas y documentales pero jamás en persona, así que no sabía muy bien como funcionaba todo.

 Pero algo llamó más la atención de Lucía.  Había un espejo en la pared opuesta a la puerta del recinto. Iba de piso a techo y era delgado, como para darle mayor dimensión al lugar. Pero eso no era lo que le fascinaba. Era el hecho de poder ver que tenía otra ropa que con la que había entrado a la casa. Vestía lo que suponía era un hermoso kimono, de varios colores primaverales. No sentía su peso pero suponía que uno real debía ser mucho menos ligero que lo que sentía en el momento.

 Dejó el espejo atrás y fue a revisar la otra habitación, una frente al comedor. Era un pequeño recinto de descanso, algo así como una habitación. Pero no había una cama sino un algo así como un sobre para dormir en el suelo, pero mucho más grueso que los que había usado para acampar. Se vio tentada a acostarse pero entonces vio el jardín exterior a través de la puerta de papel y bambú medio abierta que había del otro lado de la habitación. Caminó por allí fascinada por las hermosas plantas, la paz y el pequeño estanque lleno de carpas de colores.

 De pronto, un sonido como alarma se escuchó con fuerza. Le habían advertido al respecto. Miró por todos lados y por fin descubrió el picaporte que buscaba, entre dos bonsái que había contra lo que parecía ser una cerca. No lo era. La puerta se abrió con facilidad y pasó entonces a otra casa, una que le era mucho más familiar porque de inmediato vio muebles que reconocía pero no sabía de donde. La puerta se cerró detrás de ella, casi en silencio. Pero ella no se dio cuenta. Algo le parecía muy cercano en ese lugar.

 Fue cuando llegó a la sala de estar que reconoció la casa como la que había habitado junto a sus padres y su hermano hacía muchos años, en su adolescencia. Lucía había dejado la casa cuando había cumplido la mayoría de edad, para irse a estudiar fuera del país, y jamás volvió. Cuando supo, la casa había sido vendida y, hasta donde sabía, el inmueble había sido demolido para construir un conjunto residencial de varias torres de apartamentos. Su barrio de niñez había desparecido de golpe.

 Sin embargo, estaba allí de nuevo como por arte de magia. Las viejas consolas de videojuegos que jugaba con su hermano menor, el gran sofá con estampado de flores en el que su padre se sentaba los fines de semana a ver partidos de fútbol y el gran sofá de tres puestos desde donde veían los dibujos animados en la mañana y su madre lloraba todas las noches cuando sus personajes de telenovela sufrían por alguna razón. Todo estaba allí, como si fuera un extraño museo.

 Entonces se dio cuenta de que todo lo que era suyo debía de estar allí, así todo el lugar no fuera más sino un invento. Corrió hacia la estrecha escalera que daba al segundo piso y en pocos segundos estuvo en el segundo piso. Su habitación estaba allí, directamente adyacente al baño que compartía con su hermano, adornada todavía por decenas de afiches referentes a varios ídolos juveniles, actores y cantantes, muchos de los cuales ya no se veían por ningún lado.

 Revisó los libros de su vieja estantería blanca, abrió el closet para descubrir ropa que no veía en año y lloró como tonta al leer las cartas de su primer novio, que había escondido siempre en un fondo falso que tenía su adorado tocador. Las palabras de ese niño, porque eso era lo que eran en esa época, eran todavía hermosas y profundas. Ese fue un tesoro que nunca recuperó y que por alguna razón estaba allí. No se había secado las lágrimas cuando la alarma sonó de nuevo. Se secó como pudo, dejó las cartas en su lugar y giró el picaporte, aparecido esta vez en su pared de papel floreado.

 Todavía tenía los ojos húmedos cuando entró en un apartamento que jamás en su vida había visto o imaginado. En ese espacio, la luz era casi ausente. Cuando miró la puerta que se cerraba, se dio cuenta que desaparecía en la pared, blanca y lisa. Miró hacia un lado y hacia otro. No había nada que reconocer y no tenía ni idea de que era lo que debía hacer. Fue solo cuando empezó a caminar hacia la terraza, que luces en el techo empezaron a encenderse, pero solo sobre ella, jamás atrás o adelante.

 Siguió su camino a la terraza. La puerta que daba acceso a ella desapareció de golpe y volvió a aparecer cuando se alejó de ella, acercándose a paso lento a la nada. Porque allí no había ni tubo de metal ni un vidrio que detuviera su paso. Cuando vio que el suelo se terminaba, dio una ligera patada para ver lo que sucedía. Se escuchó un sonido seco, como si hubiese golpeado algo metálico. Pero frente a ella no parecía haber nada. Extendió los brazos y pudo tocar la nada. Se sentía fría.

 Pasada la extrañeza, contempló el paisaje que se extendía delante de ella. Era una ciudad enorme, con cientos de torres altas, muy altas. De hecho, parecía que ella estaba en una de altura similar, a juzgar por la larga distancia que había desde su posición a lo que parecían ser vehículos desplazándose a gran velocidad por vías amplias y bien iluminadas. No se había gente como tal, sino las lucecitas de colores que eran los coches, corriendo de un lado a otro de la ciudad, tal vez del mundo.

 Esa extraña visión la calmó un momento pero luego recordó que debía aprovechar el tiempo. De nuevo adentro, pudo ver que todo el apartamento era una sola habitación. La sala estaba en la mitad. A un lado de ella, tras un muro, estaba una cama como enterrada en el suelo. Se veía cómoda pero increíblemente simple. Del otro lado de la sala estaba la cocina y un comedor de sillas altas, todo hecho en cromo y mármol, frío como la noche. La iluminación era mínima, quien sabe por que razón.

 La alarma se hizo escuchar de nuevo. La puerta por la que había entrado apareció de nuevo. Lucía había tenido suficiente por un día. Casi corrió hacia ella y la atravesó. Del otro lado tuvo que esperar en el mismo cuartito que al comienzo, a la misma luz verde.

 Momentos después, caminaba en silencio, con su esposo al lado. No hablaban. El bebía un café que había comprado mientras ella estaba en la tienda. Él no preguntaba nunca por nada pero esta vez, ella lo agradeció. Había sentido y visto demasiado, tal vez más de lo que podía entender.

viernes, 28 de julio de 2017


   He took off the condom carelessly, threw it on the bin and look at himself in the mirror. For years, he had known he was a very attractive man. Men and women always made comments about how good he looked and how educated and well dressed he always was in parties, even if they weren’t the kind of parties to dress up to. His hair had always been shiny, his teeth white and his muscles very well toned and defined. He didn’t really have much to complain on the front.

 However, as he saw closed the door to pee in privacy, he looked at himself again on the mirror but saw someone else. He was suddenly looking at a short kid, kind of chubby and with a serious acne problem, which was odd because he seemed too young to be having acne problems. That was him when he was about ten years old, maybe a little younger or a little older. Maybe it wasn’t really him but the image he had of himself after so many years of looking at himself in mirrors.

 The man looked on, even after being done in the toilet. He looked at himself naked and saw beyond what people saw every single day. They loved his ripped abdomen but then he recalled he had worked for that body, day and night, paying month after month of a gym membership his parents had bought him to help his poor self-esteem. They had taken the advice of a teacher and the boy just ran with it, going every single day for a couple of hours. He was thirteen back then.

 Outside the bathroom, shuffling could be heard. He was back in the real world, a place he hated to be in but had to love in, like everyone else. Looking at mirrors had always been a way for him to be at ease, because that way he could see beyond everything. His goals were always clearer when he looked at himself on a mirror. It didn’t matter if it was the elevator of an old building or the wet toilet of a very rundown cruising bar; he felt mirror gave him a door, a way to escape.

 Sadly, there was no one to talk about what he felt. People always seem to now what he wanted and how he was going to get it. It was because he was better looking and a success romantically. They only knew the cover story but they were fascinated by that man that paid a great apartment, a car and many other things, only by modeling in underwear for several companies. And to be fair, he was very successful that way. But not enough. There were always younger, hotter models to be in advertisements of any kind, and they didn’t mind doing whatever the job needed them to do.

 That was how he started performing sexual favors in order to get money. However, at first he only did it to gain the contracts he needed so badly to keep having a stable income. But then, as he gained popularity, he started to do to win more money, to keep his lifestyle alive. It was impossible to live properly by only putting on a speedo. He needed to do more than that and he did. He took off every single piece of clothing and became an escort for the rich and wealthy who visited the city.

 He let water flow on the sink and looked at the water for a while. He put his hands under it for a bit and then used the humidity to comb his hair. It was a calming motion, to pull his hair back and forth, to get it just right on his head. It made his head quieter, better for thinking about what he was doing to do next. But the conclusion he reached was always the same: he needed the money, so he would keep going out with those rich men until he had enough saved to stop having sex with them.

 However, saving was not something he did, not as often as he wanted at least. Most of the money came and went, spent mostly on clothing, skincare, his gym membership and the payment of his debts, of which he mad many. All of that wasn’t cheap at all and only a very small amount of money was spared every month. That tiny amount went to his savings account but it almost didn’t grow at all. The last time he checked, he wasn’t close to live a really freed life. Not by a long shot.

 There was a knock on the door and then a deep voice. The man outside told him that he needed to get going, so he wanted to know if the younger man needed a ride. He answered “No”, bluntly. The man answered back with: “I had a great time. You can stay the rest of the night of you want”. When he heard the door of the bedroom closing, the young man stepped outside and noticed his client had left everything in a very neat order, except the bed sheets, which were a mess.

 He let himself fall on the bed and lay there naked for five minutes or so. It almost never happened that his clients just left. They normally wanted to talk or play some creepy old fantasy that they had. Even after the sex was done, they still wanted the charade to go on for as long as they wanted. They thought that time is money and when paying a room in a luxury hotel for a whole night, they wanted to get their money’s worth. The same was applied to him. He was no better than something like a room, a thing. He was very well aware of that analogy.

 He was merchandise. After all, it had been him who had started everything, even asking clients to recommend his services to others and so on. He had a website with pictures and videos, not showing his face of course, and it was visited daily by hundreds of lonely men. Only a handful could actually pay the price to spend a night with him, as he had several rules and conditions to actually let them even look at him. He used his looks in his own advantage and he did very well.

 However, he had heard of competition and there were many young men in need of money who delivered the same services for cheaper. They were mostly college or high school students who needed money to pay for education. And they were younger and better looking than him, at least in the eyes of his clients. He had to take care for them in the world of modeling and also in the world of escorts. His life was tougher than many would have thought so, but he had chosen and he always reminded himself of that.

 He got on his feet and walked towards the window. He looked outside: the sun was rising and, in a few hours, the streets would be filled with people going from one place to the other. He grabbed his jacket, which he had put on a chair just by the window, and took a lighter and a cigarette from one of the pockets. It wasn’t allowed but he didn’t care at all. He opened the window and started smoking, feeling the cold wind of the morning on his thighs, penis, abdomen and chest.

 He looked down, towards the people, and he kept thinking of other ways to achieve his ultimate goal, which was to live like a superstar without having to do everything that he did to live like that. He could learn a proper skill, but that meant spending money on education. That way was a no go from the start. He could create some kind of enterprise but he had no ideas of what to do. His body was all he had and it was already difficult enough to be a model in such a crowded industry.

 The cigarette fell to the ground when he finished smoking, when he realized there was no way out and he had to keep doing what he did, until something else happened and changed his world. There was no other way about it, no matter what people thought about his so-called advantages.

 He put on his clothes, looked at himself on the mirror once again and then stepped outside the room. In the elevator, he saw that kid from his past again but he closed his eyes until the machine stopped and he walked fast towards the exit, into the cold streets of an uninviting city.