sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Thoughts by the water

   The beach was almost empty but that did not matter. I stood there for a long time, looking at the ocean and just thinking and thinking about everything: my family, what I was doing there, the chances of meeting someone to fall in love with, job opportunities and so many other things I can’t even remember. After a while, I sat down on one of the many steps of the stairs that lead people from the park to the beach and just sat there for at least an hour. During that time, the climate change from bad to worst and I could see a storm forming over the ocean, not very far. It looked awful but I didn’t care. Or maybe I did but wasn’t afraid, I don’t remember which one it was.

 After a long time there, I decided to walk the few blocks that separated myself from the metro station. And during that time, maybe ten minutes, I kept thinking about all of that again. At some point, after validating my ticket in the station, I found myself being bored out of my mind by my own thoughts. Why was I so melancholic or depressed or whatever it was? It wasn’t unheard of for me to be like that but it was never that deep, that strange either. When the train came, I sat down on a chair by the window and just looked out the window to the darkness outside and the passing stations.

 That weird state almost made me lose my station but I “woke up” just in the right moment to descend the train and almost run up the stairs. By then, I just wanted to get home and to my bed. I walked some more blocks and almost didn’t realize it was already raining and thunders could be heard in the far distance. But somehow, I didn’t really care. Normally, I would have been shaken by the sound of thunder but this time it was as if nothing was happening. The journey in the elevator towards the top floor seemed eternal but when I got to my door I felt kind of a warmth feeling, maybe from finally being in a place I called home, where I could be safe and in peace.

 It was an odd thing to think because I could be safe in many other places but there I was feeling like I just had saved myself from the apocalypse or something like that. I actually felt relieved to get off my coat and walk into my room, where my bed seemed to be waiting for my arrival. I just let my body fall on the bed and I closed my eyes, trying to avoid thinking about anything. I was successful in my attempt to do so because I fell asleep quite fast, something I wasn’t usually able to do at that time of day. I only slept for three hours but it was enough to feel recharged and less pessimistic and emotional.

 It was already night when I sat in the bed and took off my clothes. The general heating system of the building had been lit up and the climate had changed to a more cozy one that at the time of my arrival. I stayed just in briefs for a moment until I realized I lived alone and anyone looking at my windows would be a person freezing in the outside. I actually walked towards the window and almost missed the street below as the rain, and the mist that came with it, had invaded the city, making only things that were incredibly close visible. I caressed my arms and then walked out to the kitchen. MY apartment was small: bedroom, living room with kitchen on a side and a bathroom. But it was more than enough for just me.

 I heated up microwave lasagna I had left and, as it was cooking, I grabbed myself a beer from the refrigerator. I probably gulped down half of the can’s content before I started eating but I guess that was because I was dry from three hours of sleep. I had no TV so I took the lasagna and the beer to my room. There I turned on my laptop and looked for something fun to watch. I smiled and even laughed while eating so my trick to get back on the bright side of life worked, as it often did. I thought of those moments down at the beach, but couldn’t really explain them. I had just stay there to think and nothing more.

 It is true that my life is not the most exciting one in the world but I thinking so much about it was useless and pointless. I had a small job that paid badly and I was trying to look for a better one but for now nothing had come up. Somehow people saw my resume and said “no” because I have no experience. But how could I have any experience if I’ve never even been hired, not from the age of eighteen when I started looking for work. Not my fault in any case but here we are. I had to tell myself that, eventually, something would come up and I could be improving my life in that aspect. I didn’t want to be dependent from my parents forever.

 I love them and I missed them. For a moment there, eating lasagna, drinking beer and watching a silly show online, I was reminded of them again and this time a couple of tears went down my cheeks, one on each side. I really missed them a lot and there where not near, not near at all. They lived across the ocean and we hadn’t been able to talk for a few days because of damage to their Internet network or something. It had been painful because every couple of days I chatted with them put the camera on and tell them about my day and they would tell me about theirs and so one. Maybe that was to blame for how I felt but maybe it was just a part of a bigger thing.

 I finished my lasagna and my beer so I went to the kitchen to throw it all to the garbage bin and to take another beer from the refrigerator. I took two steps away from the kitchen but turned back and took another beer can because I knew I wanted to be at least a little drunk to sleep. After many years of getting to know myself, I realized that when I was drunk I never had awful nightmares, not even nice little dreams filled with hope and joy. I just didn’t have any or didn’t remember. Whatever it was, it was fine with me and hat was what I needed on that rainy day: to stop thinking and just sleep. I opened of the cans and started drinking when I heard a silly music playing. When it stopped, I realized it was my cellphone.

 I looked for it in my pants, which had been lying on the floor, and checked the missed calls list. Shit… To add more fun to the party that was that day, my ex-boyfriend had called, probably because I always forgot about that stupid watch he had once left in my house and now he tormented me with it. When we broke up, I took everything that was his from my apartment and just left it in his doorstep, without even ringing at his door to say “Hi” or anything of the sort. I just wanted to get it over with and move one. But apparently I had missed that stupid watch, which was able to avoid my cleaning by being stuck behind one of my bed’s “legs”. Now I had it but I had no urge to give it to him. If he wanted, and I had already told him this, he had to come for it.

 You would think that a person that you find having sex with someone else would be at least a little bit ashamed of he’s behavior but no, he wasn’t like that. He didn’t care at all about those “little” things and was just obsessed about that ugly watch. I had never been very lucky with men but that time I really missed it by a long shot. He was a handsome guy, true, but that should have alerted me. He was too close to the ideal men, in body at least, and those kind of men had never even been close to me so there was my red flag and I didn’t even care to see it.

 Anyway, I still thought about it. Not about him because I realized I had never really cared about him as a person, nor as a lover to be honest. But we had a good thing going on about how we spent time together and that was something very nice to have. But those six months were over and now I was in my briefs drinking beer and watching cartoons. Of course, I still wanted to find a person to actually care for, someone I could hug and kiss whenever I wanted and for that person to want to do that with me too, someone to comfort me in a day like that one and for me to hug tight whenever he felt weird or sad. But who knows if that will ever come my way.

 I think it’s better not to torture oneself with what could have been. That’s one more of those useless things. I decided to stop think and just drank the third can of beer like a professional, almost without breathing and just gulping it down as if my life depended on it. I turned off all the lights and just looked to the window, where the rain was still falling heavy on the street and all over the city. It was a nice thought to think that many people near me and maybe further away were having a similar moment, just looking out through the window before falling asleep. It was comforting somehow.

 I closed my eyes and, before I fell asleep for another eight hours, I thought of the men I would like to have in my arms, the job I would be proud of, my family and how their hugs felt and a future where nothing mattered, only my true happiness.

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

De la vida y sus curvas

   Muchas veces no hay nada que nos consuele. Nos sentimos perdidos, desubicados en este vida, y no entendemos de donde venimos o adonde vamos. Y a todos nos pasa pero lo peor de todo es que cuando nos pasa nos sentimos solos, únicos en nuestro dolor, nuestro sufrimiento. Hay días en los que sentimos poco y otros en los que sentimos demasiado, todo nos afecta y todo tiene una repercusión enorme en nuestra mente e incluso en nuestro cuerpo. Y eso cansa, se siente el peso de todos esos sentimientos apretando contra el cerebro y el corazón, con fuerza, como si un ser humano no estuviese hecho para sentir tanto.

 Las personas que viven felices o aparentan estar contentas todo el tiempo, aquellas que parece no tener problemas o siempre tienen una solución para todo, no son las mejores personas en las cuales confiar cuando todo se vuelve tan confuso y caótico. Esas personas tal vez sean optimistas pero un rasgo del optimista es que resulta ser un ciego más en muchas ocasiones, ignorando incluso su propio dolor. Y cuando uno mismo se ignora una cierta cantidad de veces, se va transformando y ya no es un ser humano sino el caparazón de lo que fue una persona.

 Es bueno ser positivo pero también es bueno ver la vida como es, sea lo que sea. Negarse a que el mundo es un rango de tonos de gris y no blanco y negro, es convertir todo en una decisión trascendental cuando esa decisión no existe, no hay que ponerse de un lado o de otro cuando algo ocurre sino que hay que pensarlo como es, sea algo que nosotros provocamos, u otros o incluso algo que se sale de nuestras manos porque va mucho más allá de lo que nosotros somos.

 El caso es que somos algunos, quien sabe si minoría o mayoría, que hay días que no podemos soportar las cosas como son. El mundo se vuelve una tormenta de ruido que es imposible apagar. Todo parece venir por ti, querer atraerte a un hueco del que nunca vas a salir. Suena tétrico pero así son las cosas, así se siente esos días cuando el mundo pierde todos sus colores y no hay absolutamente nada que pueda mejorar el panorama. Cuando esto ocurre, lo más difícil es que le ocurre a una persona sola y, aunque puede pedir ayuda, no entenderá nunca el punto de todo si se sostiene en alguien más.

 A veces, el cuerpo y la mente son puestos a prueba y hay que resistir solos, ver de que estamos hechos. Algo que es cierto para todos es que la vida no se supone que sea fácil. Hay personas que se quejan de que todo sea tan difícil, sea en las relaciones con otros, en el trabajo, físicamente o en general, por lo que sea. Pero esa es la prueba de la vida; es una gran carrera de obstáculos que dura lo que tenga que durar. No tenemos control de nada y debemos llevarla a cabo lo mejor que podamos. Cada persona elije como jugar y no hay reglas claras para llegar a la meta, que no es la misma para todos. Es un juego, por cruel que suene, uno donde todo cambia según lo que hagamos pero que siempre termina igual.

 Pero a pesar de esta visión, de esta cruda realidad, todos sabemos que la vida también tiene esos pequeños rayos de luz, esas cosas que nos reconfortan y nos ayudan a seguir. No se trata de mentirnos con cosas que no tienen nada que ver sino de apreciar las cosas que, dependiendo de la persona, puedan ayudar a empujar una vida hacia delante.

 A veces ese impulso depende de una persona que no somos nosotros. A veces es una sonrisa de esa persona, un abrazo o un beso el aceite de motor que necesitamos para seguir adelante sin tener que mirar atrás o tomar decisiones que podrían ser más trascendentales o peligrosas. No es malo apoyarse en alguien más mientras que no sea una relación dependiente, es algo que hay que diferenciar. Si estamos con alguien por cualquier razón que no sea porque nos hacen sentir bien, por la razón que sea, entonces deberíamos terminarlo de inmediato. La vida es corta y no debería uno pasársela mintiendo e hiriendo por ignorancia.

 Pero sí, un abrazo puede ser reconstructor, puede sentirse en lo más profundo y ayudar a reparar una zona devastada como puede ser nuestro interior, nuestra conciencia más profunda. Y mejora cuando se da sin palabras y sin pedirlo. No hay nada más doloroso que mendigar algo de cariño y por eso lo mejor es que se de espontáneamente, sin tener que verbalizarlo. Algunas personas que eso puede ser tierno o romántico pero de hecho no lo es. Pedir un beso o un abrazo denota una falta de comunicación que no se repara fácilmente.

 Lo físico puede ser reconfortante pero hay que tener cuidado porque lo físico muchas veces sucede en un momento del tiempo y no permanece. A veces un abrazo de un desconocido ayuda pero ese desconocido desaparecerá y entonces que haremos si fue ese abrazo y ningún otro el que me hizo sentir mejor? O que tal que esos besos, abrazos, incluso encuentros sexuales, solo puedan ser en ciertos momentos, lugares y ocasiones? Entonces ya no es ninguna ayuda de ningún tipo sino otro problema que puede estar acosando nuestra mente también, como todo el resto.

 Ya que estamos, el sexo es algo efímero, algo de un momento que jamás se vuelve a repetir, ni siquiera con la misma persona, ni siquiera conociéndose hace años. Siempre será diferente y por eso el sexo no es la mejor manera de sentirse mejor con nada. Y si a eso le sumamos lo que puede irnos sumando a la mente, como el desempeño, nuestra autoestima, nuestra entrega, entonces podríamos estar empeorando el problema y no ayudándonos de ninguna manera.

 En esos días en lo que todo parece negro, a veces lo mejor es respirar profundo y tan solo vivir como todos los días, tratando de estar lo más relajado posible todo el tiempo y buscando refugio en aquellas cosas que hacen nuestra vida algo mejor. Todos tenemos gustos particulares y son esa pequeñas cosas, que puede ser artificiales e incluso superficiales, las que muchas veces pueden ayudarnos a ver las cosas como son y no peor de lo que son.

 También tenemos que darnos cuenta que solo somos una persona en el mundo y el dicho que dice que una persona puede hacer la diferencia no es cierto en el sentido que una sola persona necesita de otros para ejercer un cambio para todos, para el colectivo de los seres humanos. Esto no es así si lo que queremos es hacer un cambio en nuestro interior, si lo que queremos es trabajar en nosotros mismos. De entrada es una tarea difícil porque el ser humano no es tan moldeable en sus bases, como si lo es en ña﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ser humano no es tan moldeable en sus bases, como si lo es en astro interior, si lo que queremos es trabajar en nosotráreas que se van creando por el aprendizaje o el crecimiento personal. Todo eso depende de cada uno y puede o no funcionar pero vale la pena intentarlo.

 Es complicado porque la vida es complicada. Puede no parecer algo divertido, algo en lo que nos guste pensar, pero así son las cosas: nuestra vida real, la que tenemos todos los días y la que no se basa en nuestras relaciones con otros ni en lo que hacemos para vivir, mejor dicho, la que vivimos nosotros solos, es muy compleja. Es más compleja que la que podamos tener con cualquier persona porque no estamos en sus mentes sino que estamos en la nuestra, de nacimiento a la muerte y no hay manera de hacer un cambio porque no nos gusta o porque queremos intentar algo nuevo. Tenemos que vivir la vida como nosotros mismos y eso es difícil, seamos quienes seamos. Es una larga carretera, a veces a plena luz, otras veces en penumbra, con muchas curvas y cambios pero con un inicio y un final.

 De pronto algunos crean que eso puede sonar demasiado dramático y exagerado pero es innegable que la vida es una que vivimos solos. Por mucho que amemos a alguien, sea quien sea, no moriremos con esa persona, no en el mismo segundo ni en las mismas circunstancias, no tendremos el mismo último pensamiento ni habremos vivido nuestras vidas queriéndonos igual o pensando lo mismo a cada rato. Eso pasa en las parejas, en las familias y con los amigos. Que haya sentimientos no nos hace más cercanos en nuestra experiencia de vida que es cada uno por su lado, cada uno haciendo algo con la vida, lo que sienta que es lo que debe de hacer. En ese sentido estamos solos.

 Y la mayoría no estamos muy contentos con eso. Porque vivir cada uno por nuestro lado puede ser bastante doloroso. Pero ahí están esas pequeñas ayudas, esos abrazos fuertes llenos de energía, esos besos de mil formas, esa sonrisas, esos inventos increíbles y esas realidades que pueden asustar pero también nos dan la esperanza real, no esa que se inventaron los noticieros sino la de verdad, que nos llena sin que la entendamos por completo.

 El truco es simplemente respirar, oxigenar el cerebro y seguir adelante, paso a paso por el tiempo que sea necesario. Y recordar que las decisiones que tomemos no son malas ni buenas, correctas o erróneas, son solo decisiones que afectan nuestra vida pero a ella le dan lo mismo. Son las personas las que juzgan, no la vida como tal.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Know thyself

-       So she broke up with you because you lost your job?

Erick nodded, still drying his tears from before. His best friend Juliette paced in front of him, in his room. He had finally come out of his bedroom covers and Juliette had forced him to open the curtains. Now, all that was left was to talk.

-       I don’t get it…
-       She…
-       Not that. Why did they fire you?

Erick gulped down some orange juice Juliette had brought him and looked to a point by the window, probably remembering the moment he had been fired.

-       They said I was too focused on my personal life.

Juliette smiled.

-       So you lost your job because of her and left you because you lost the job she made you loose?

 Again he nodded and he started crying again. This time, however, Juliette did not try to stop him from doing it. Why would she? He had been the one guilty of his firing and that was the real tragedy in all of this. Nothing else mattered, not even that silly brunette.

-       I love her.
-       No, you don’t.
-       I do!
-       You’re obsessed with her. And frankly, I don’t see why.
-       She’s smart and beautiful.
-       No, she’s not. She’s a fucking bitch.

 Erick stopped crying and lamenting himself. He stared at her friend, confused.

-       What? You really didn’t know she’s a pain in the ass? Always complaining, always thinking she’s better than everyone else because she has had money to travel the goddamn world?
-       I…
-       You didn’t know… My God!

Juliette had finally had it so she stepped out of Erick’s bedroom and went for the kitchen. It was very early but she knew he kept some alcohol in the house for parties. Right enough, she found a can of beer and drank half of it on one go. Erick came out of his bedroom and sat down in his sofa, just in front of the kitchen.

-       I didn’t know you hated her so much.
-       I don’t hate her. I don’t know her that well.
-       But you…
-       I just don’t like her attitude. She comes off as arrogant and preachy; always thinking her way is the one to go. And she’s not that smart.
-       Why do you say that?

 Erick’s friend had another big sip of beer and looked at the can instead of him when speaking.

-       She thought your birthday was in February.
-       It’s in August.
-       I know. She also said that day in the gallery she did not know what all the fuss was with all that “homosexual art”. She said it was wrong to give them too many liberties.
-       But that was Alex’s expo.
-       I know.
-       And she’s gay.
-       I know!
-       Why would she say that?
-       Not smart. Told you.

For a while, they did not say another word. Juliette was busy trying to know what to say next, hopefully helping her friend and putting him in the right path towards a fast recuperation from all of this and for him to begin to worry about the job, which was the biggest lost he had suffer. However, Erick was still thinking about his former girlfriend, remembering every single time they had been together. It had been a nice ten months, in which he had lots of fun. They had laughed together and enjoyed nice moments but now he realized he had been in the presence of several comments and things she did or say that hadn’t shocked him back then but now they made more sense.

-       What are you thinking?
-       She didn’t like dogs.
-       Oh…
-       And she didn’t like any of you.

Again, Juliette smiled.

-       I knew that.
-      She always told me, in very well thought words that all of you weren’t really funny or nice to be with. But I didn’t realize what she was really saying until now.
-       It’s ok. You’re not the first person to hook up with a crazy woman.
-       But it is my first time.

 Juliette did not know what to respond to that. She finished her beer, threw the can away and sat down by Erick. She had been friends with him for over ten years now and she had seen him in every single state one can imagine a person to be. She had seen him immensely happy and also very sad. Excited, crying, yelling out of rage, insane… They were friends and she just wanted him to be all right.

-       You’re worried about the job, right?
-       I think it’s the most important thing right now.
-       Maybe… But to tell you the truth I was getting tired to be there.
-       You made great money.
-       But it was the job my dad had found for me thanks to his buds in the business. I want to make something of my own.
-       That’s great but how? Work by demand?
-      Maybe. I don’t know… I was beginning to do things there like a robot, just like the same thing over and over again and I…
-       Are you sure?

Erick looked straight and his friend’s eyes.

-       Of course. I know that you think that because of what happened I’m trying to find an excuse for it but I really didn’t feel right working there anymore.
-       That doesn’t matter anymore. Now it’s all-new again and you can decide what to do and what not do, in every sense possible. If you want to look for a different job, I guess it’s only a matter of finding it. It’s hard but you’ll get there.
-       And about…?
-    That can wait. You don’t have to be with someone to feel you’re worth anything. Actually, it’s when you’re single that you realize how much you can do and what are your strengths, your weaknesses.
-       You really think so?
-       You have to know yourself before getting it on with someone else. I think.

They smiled at each other and then they did something they did not do very often: they hugged. They then talked a bit about Juliette’s life but she didn’t want to take all the attention to herself. She told Erick she had to go to her mother’s, so that could be his first time alone and thinking about his future. Or better, not to think about anything and just enjoy himself in his place.

 Juliette left and Erick decided to try and have a nice day. He downloaded a couple of movies he had always loved, he decided to have a shower first and in the shower, he realized he wanted Chinese food for lunch so he ordered that when he was still holding his towel by the waist. In the bathroom again, after brushing his teeth, he took off the towel and took a look at himself. His eyes were read and his skin was pale, lifeless. He needed to get some sun too but maybe he could leave that for the next day.

 His delivery arrived fast and he received it in his boxers. Just like that, he sat down on his bed, by the laptop, and watched the first movie, an animated one. At one point he cried, but because of the movie and not what he had gone through. Actually, the next time he thought about his ex was the following morning when she called him on his cellphone. But he didn’t answer the call and decided to go have breakfast with Juliette.

 Eventually, he would find a job and maybe a new girlfriend. But Erick had learned that he had no idea who he really was, not entirely at least. And he wanted to know desperately before anyone else. If he didn’t, life just couldn’t be lived properly and what’s the fun in that?