sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

A Woman

   She knew she looked good. Better than that. She looked perfect, sexy and very attractive in any way possible. She had tried several bikinis earlier to know which one would make her look better in that deck chair she was going to be laying in. She finally went with one with lots of colors that looked kind of small on hair. It was just an optical illusion but it worked just as she had hoped. When she descended to the swimming pool area, at least five men turned their heads towards her. That was the proof she needed.

 She chose a deck chair in the middle of the area and just took off her sandals and purse and lay there for a few minutes. Then, trying to seem distracted or simply too sexy to care, she grabbed her purse and took out a small yellow bottle. She applied that sunscreen all over her body, slowly and touching very single centimeter she could reach. She was sure that man men were looking at her doing what she was doing and she tried not to think of them.

 When she finished, after what appeared to be an eternity, she put the bottle away. However, she grabbed another one from the purse, a brown one that was a special oily solution to get tanned faster. She sprayed it all over and spent even more time with it. She couldn’t really look at all the guy watching her but she knew they were there, almost salivating at the though of her just being there. When she was done, she lay done in a perfect pose and just tried to enjoy the sun.

 Minutes later, a waiter from the bar came to her and told her someone had sent her a drink. She covered her eyes and asked who had sent what. The waiter pointed to a man in the bar area, not far from there. He was very hairy and had only his trunks on. He wasn’t very handsome but he wasn’t an ugly man either. But the thing was, it wasn’t the one she was hoping for. Anyway, she accepted the drink and waived at the man.

 The drink was really delicious, filled with fruit juice and little alcohol. She drank almost half of it because of the sun but then she saw someone else coming her way, and it wasn’t a waiter. It was a very tall individual. He was visibly not from around there, very tall and with a well taken care of body. He was very sexy. But he wasn’t the guy she was hoping for. Not him or the guy in the bar.

 When he got to her, the tall guy complimented her and asked her if she could be invited to a drink and she said that it could happen but that she wasn’t interested in knowing anyone at the moment. The man felt visibly sad when she said that but he ordered another drink for her anyway. It was a piña colada, which she enjoyed a lot. And she enjoyed even more when he walked away, a bit annoyed.

 Apparently her work at the pool wasn’t good enough for the man she wanted. She knew his room had a view towards the pool area and she also knew that he had spent the last few days in that same place, swimming a bit or drinking with some of his buddies. She needed him to look at her for a while and then she would have him under him spell or at least that was the idea.  She decided to sit down on her chair and only cover her face with the hat she had brought from her room.

 Her legs were positioned in such a way; she knew it was too irresistible not to, at least, say something. She had very long logs and very beautiful hair that she had dyed blonde just before arriving at the hotel. She had to do it several times until she was satisfied with the results. She wanted to look as sexy as she could and attention would be guaranteed if she looked different from what men would expect.

 So her skin was pretty tanned but she had a long head of blonde hair arranged in a straight ponytail. She had tried several ways to put her hair and she had decided on the ponytail because it was simply and it had worked for her many times before. She needed to lure that guy into the people, into her hands, and the only way to do it was to use every single asset she had on her body.

 She worked out daily. Sometimes it was running and some other it was lifting light weights and dancing and using all the machines in the gym she went too. She was very dedicated and could focus on her body every single moment she was in there and it showed. No one told her what to do or how to do it, she had learned how to do a good routine by doing stuff every single day since had been the current person she was.

 Taken care of herself was also very interesting. She got to do a series of diets and it was interesting how many things she didn’t know about eating properly or even about what things she could eat besides what she had eaten all of her life. Changing those habits was very important for the new her and she had to be very careful with the things she brought to eat and drink. She had forbid herself from drinking but she had ignored that rule in the pool because she needed to succeed.

 She changed the position of her legs and looked around. No sign of the man and she was getting inpatient. She grabbed her phone and browsed through the pictures there. She had one of the guys she wanted: it had been taken during breakfast the day before. He hadn’t even noticed her right then but it was only because she hadn’t tried her best to look great. But now, things were different. He couldn’t resist.

 When she heard a group of men laughing, she instantly moved her head towards them. They were two guys; two jocks typed playing cards in a table not very far. They were too young to be his buddies. She looked away exactly when she felt they were going to look at her. And when they did, it was almost as if she could feel her eyes on her bodies. It was quite uncomfortable but she just pretended not to have seen them. She had her sunglasses on and that could help her deflect some unwanted attention.

 But apparently, not well enough. One of the young men came towards her and just stood there like a lamp, blocking her sunlight. She knew she couldn’t ignore him so she faked a smile and asked him to move because of the sun. It was obvious he hadn’t even realized what he was doing. He jumped to the side as if he had being burned or something and kept smiling towards her.

 Finally, he told her she was a pretty lady that needed a man to take care of her. She only told him he was sweet but that she was a bit busy with her tanning right now. The jock appeared to understand that it was a very important thing, so he apologized and vowed to come back in a few moments when she would be less busy. He moved away still looking at her, almost tripping into the pool. She would have laughed but not in that moment.

 Because right then, she saw him. He was walking slowly by the other side of the pool. He wasn’t very tall and his skin was very white for a person that had been in that hotel for at least three days. His body wasn’t the best one on the area but that wasn’t what she was after. She regained her best pose and moved her legs and arms as naturally as she cool. Through her sunglasses, she saw him taking a chair across her.

 It was obvious he had noticed her. Their game lasted a few more minutes, with her doing all the poses she knew and him just trying not to look. But he finally did and realized they couldn’t avoid each other anymore. They couldn’t ignore what they knew. So he walked to the other side of the pool, close to her. And she sat down with her legs down in the deck chair, not trying to be sexy anymore.

 The man sat by her and told her the weather was nice. She moved her legs aside, putting them near his legs. She got a bit closer and said: “It could get nicer”. She also said something else to his ear, which made him smile. They both stood up and walked away together from the pool. She had achieved her goal. Agent 37 was closer than ever to her objective and nothing was going to stop her.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

La mansión hotel

   Parecía que el cielo se hubiese roto o algo por el estilo. La lluvia caía pesadamente por todos lados, inundando poco a poco el terreno alrededor de la mansión. La gotas eran gruesas y el sonido de la lluvia contra el ablandado suelo de tierra era bastante fuerte. No se podía oír nada más con ese clima más que el agua castigando la tierra. Claro, a menos que estuviera bien protegido de la lluvia, digamos, dentro de algún lugar a salvo.

 Como Vero, que veía la tormenta desde su habitación en el segundo piso de la mansión. La lluvia cambiaba de dirección cada cierto tiempo, por lo que a veces sonaba más fuerte que otras. Unas veces golpeaba el vidrio de la ventana con fuerza y otras veces parecía alejarse y casi se podía ver hacia fuera. Vero, como fuera que se oyera la lluvia, había decidido sentarse al lado de la ventana y ver como caía el agua pues no había para ella más opciones de diversión.

 En la mansión, no había mucho que hacer y mucho menos cuando no se podía salir. Sin embargo, en la habitación de al lado de Vero había una pareja de recién casados que no parecían preocuparse por el clima que hacía afuera. Les parecía que le daba un toque perfecto a su momento de pasión juntos. No llevaban ni una semana casados y parecía que no tenían mucho más en común que esa conexión sexual que parecía no tener final. Pero no les importaba, seguían sin persona en nada ni en nadie más.

 En otra de las habitaciones de la mansión, había un hombre llorando en el piso. La lluvia sí caía con fuerza contra su ventana y por eso sus quejidos no se podían escuchar con claridad. La causa de su llanto era bastante fácil de ver. En el suelo, no muy lejos de él, estaba el cuerpo de un hombre algo mayor. Tenía lo que parecía un cuchillo de cocina clavado en el pecho, justo en el lugar donde está el corazón. El hombre lloraba desconsoladamente y parecía no preocuparse por mover el cuerpo a ningún lado.

 Algunas habitaciones más allá, hacia el ala oeste del edificio, estaba la suite más amplia de todas. Allí se celebraba una pequeña reunión. La habitación tenía espacio para un piano y muchas sillas y todas estaban ocupadas. Los huéspedes de la habitación eran un hombre y una mujer de unos cincuenta años, que habían contratado al pianista para que tocara varias piezas a un grupo de sus amigos.

 Lo que los amigos no sabían, era que todo era una trampa para convencerlos de donar plata a una organización que ellos se habían inventado. Decían que era para salvar algo, algún animal salvaje o lo que fuese y así recogerían bastante dinero con el que luego se perderían y nadie nunca los volvería a ver. Era una pareja con experiencia pues llevaban haciendo eso mismo por veinte años.

 En otra de las habitaciones del ala oeste, justo la que quedaba del lado de la escalera principal, había solo una chica con su madre. Habían venido de lejos y ahora las frenaba la lluvia. Habían concertado una cita con un joven con el que querían casar a la chica. Era de buena familia y parecía tener algo de dinero así que habían hecho lo imposible por viajar y concertar una cita lo más pronto posible. Al chico lo habían conseguido en un anuncio del periódico y esperaban verlo pronto para asegurarse de que todo lo que había dicho era verdad.

 La hija, por su parte, tenía otros planes. Había querido salir de casa para lograr escaparse con su novio cuando su madre no los estuviese viendo. Él estaba en un hotel mucho más humilde en el pueblo cercano y la esperaba en la noche. Todavía faltaban varias horas pero lo que haría ella sería escapar de las garras opresoras de su madre para irse en una aventura de por vida con uno de sus amores de la infancia. La joven era de verdad muy joven e ingenua.

 La mansión había sido convertida en hotel hacía tan solo cinco años. Antes había sido la casa señorial de algún duque de renombre pero el duque había sido también un alcohólico de primera línea. El dueño actual del hotel lo había hecho apostar la mansión y, con una facilidad impresionante, ganó el edificio en apenas unos minutos. Por supuesto, el duque quiso repetir el juego o anular la partida alegando que era ilegal pero no hubo nada que valiera.

 El pobre conde se vino a menos. Vivió una corta temporada en el pueblo y luego tuvo que irse de viaje a la capital para recibir ayuda de su familia. Lo último que se sabía era que probablemente embarcaría hacia América a probar suerte, pues en la capital no había nadie que pudiese o quisiese ayudarlo a recuperar el resplandor del pasado.

 La oficina del dueño actual de la mansión estaba ubicada debajo de la escalera principal del hotel, en el primer piso. La habitación era, de hecho, bastante amplia y tenía una ventana grande que daba al bosquecillo detrás de la mansión. Siempre le había gustado la vista pero ahora, con tanta lluvia, se daba cuenta que podría ser mucho más ambiciosos con su proyecto del hotel, podría ofrecer mucho más.

 Con la lluvia como consejera, escribió varias de sus ideas en un cuaderno. Pensaba en un jardín bajo techo o incluso en un estanque para que los clientes pudiesen tomar el sol. No era algo muy popular pero creía que el clima de la región podría merecerlo. No el actual por supuesto, que parecía no tener fin.

 La habitación más grande de la mansión estaba también en el primer piso y había sido construida para los banquetes y los bailes. Era un espacio amplio y exquisitamente decorado. El dueño no había cambiado nada del decorado antiguo pues la habitación era perfecta así como estaba. Había cuadrado clásicos por toda la pared, un tapiz oriental enorme que iba de un lado al otro de la habitación y el techo estaba decorado con varias lámparas de varios tonos colores. Era muy hermoso.

 El uso diario del salón era como comedor. Había varias mesas redondas por todos lados y la gente se sentaba allí a comer lo que quisieran. La cocina quedaba justo al lado y tenía una de las mejores cocineras del mundo. Como era una mujer, el dueño trataba de aconsejarle que no hablara con los huéspedes ni nada parecido. A muchos ver una mujer encargándose de semejante empresa los hubiera sacado corriendo. Pero era fantástica y por eso estaba allí.

 Hacía lo que el cliente quisiera, lo que fuera. Había carne de venado, faisán, cerdo salvaje, ancas de rana y muchas otras delicias. Para el desayuno traían las frutas más frescas del mercado y, en ocasión, había incluso frutas tropicales que normalmente no se podían encontrar en la región. La piña, por ejemplo, era una de las grandes favoritas de los huéspedes y siempre se procuraba que hubiese un poco en el desayuno.

 En una de las mesas, ubicada hacia el ventanal, había una pareja que peleaba acaloradamente. Nadie les ponía mucha atención porque el sonido de la lluvia los tapaba y, además, el salón no estaba lleno por ser algo tarde. La gente venía a tomar el té y a distraerse, a falta de poder salir a dar una vuelta por los jardines. La pareja movía bastante los brazos y la mujer parecía amenazar al hombre con uno de sus índices. Parecía que se iba a irse en un momento pero no lo hizo.

 En otra mesa, una gran mujer disfrutaba de su té con algunas galletas. Miraba todo con una sonrisa y la verdad era que su rostro era muy hermoso. La mujer no era de la región. Había oído del hotel hacía mucho y siempre había querido venir pero solo pudo hacerlo cuando su padre murió. Era un viejo chocho que nunca la dejaba salir y la trataba como un esclava en su propia casa.

 Pero el viejo había muerto hacía poco más de un mes y ella se había sorprendido al saber la fortuna que le había ocultado toda su vida. No solo era mezquino sino que era un mentiroso de primera. Ella decidió que se daría algunos gustos en la vida y luego pondría un negocio y saldría adelante. Era una mujer fuerte y perseverante. Estaría bien.

 Afuera el sol empezaba a brillar un poco pero la lluvia no parecía querer detenerse pronto. Sin embargo, era el lugar apropiado para dos hombres que se besaban apasionadamente entre los arbustos. No se veían desde antes de una guerra lejana a la que uno de ellos había ido a perder el tiempo. Pero ahora volvía y podían, al menos por un instante, estar juntos de nuevo.

 La mansión era el lugar predilecto de la región. Era fácil ver porqué.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Visiting hours

   The large male nurse walked as if it was the most normal place in the world. Esther followed closely, looking sometimes at the windows to sea the weather outside but also to the side, where she could see some other windows but these gave views into the room of several of the residents of the psychiatric hospital. Some of them were apparently silent but when she passed other rooms, it was easy to hear strange sounds like bumping or slapping or strange mouth noises.

 The weather outside had turned worse in the last few minutes. The sky had been dark all day but the first drops of rain had finally begun to drop. Esther thought it was maybe the best weather for such a day, for such a visit. The reached another gate, where she had to show some ID and a guard checked her for anything that couldn’t be allowed inside. She didn’t really know what those objects were, but she didn’t mind at all.

 Her purse had stayed behind, at the first gate. Also her car keys, her house keys, her cellphone and a knitting kit she carried everywhere because it made her feel a lot calmer. The only thing she was able to carry inside was a plastic bag with some chocolate bars inside as well as banana muffins and a bottle of iced tea. They had wanted to open the bottles to check it was really iced tea, but an officer had stated she trusted Esther. Apparently she understood what a mother would feel in such a circumstance.

 When they were done checking her bag again, they walked through another corridor but this one was short and ended up in a large room that was filled with people. The place was very warm and she noticed it was because of the amount of people there. Immediately, she could tell all of them were patients of the hospital. Some of them were blankly staring at nothing in particular. Others were playing by themselves or watching the TV, where a man was explaining to the audience how butterflies mated.

 The male nurse told Esther to wait inside a small room besides the recreation area. It was a small space with a table and two chairs. She sat down in one of the chairs and realized the table had two metallic hooks of some kind, small, possibly to tied down the patients in order for them no to attack or anything. She thought that was awful and decided not to think about it because the image in her mind was horrible.

 The room also had a small window and she decided to stand up, leaving the bag on the table, in order to look out the window and not think about the horrible things that maybe happened in that room, or for the matter, in that hospital. She already felt guilty and imagining situations she didn’t know about, was really not necessary.

 Her son entered the room, followed by the male nurse. She turned around when she heard his voice saying “Mama”. Esther walked to him and huge him as strong as she could and he did the same. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, since he had been interned in the hospital by order of a court that had decided that Kevin, Esther’s son, had to undergo psychiatric evaluation and, if necessary, rehabilitation in a psychiatric facility. And that was exactly what had happened.

 They let go of each other and sat down in the two chairs. The male nurse stayed there, by the door, leaning against the wall and pretending he wasn’t hearing anything but it was obvious he was. He had no option. Nevertheless, he had done exactly that for so many years already, that he had learned when he had to be listening and when he could just wander into his brain and imagine what he was going to have for dinner at home or what kind of car he wanted to have.

 Esther told Kevin his hands were very cold and asked him if he was eating properly. The boy, around seventeen years old, told her the food there was pretty okay and that she shouldn’t worry about it. She didn’t really listened to him. She just turned her bag upside down and showed her son all the treats she had brought him. Esther smiled to Kevin and he smiled back but it was obvious he was sad or at least not as happy as she was pretending to be.

 They decided to eat the big banana muffins first and the nurse’s stomach growled because of the delicious smell. Esther offered him a bite but he just raised his hand and moved his face, so she didn’t insisted. She asked Kevin if everything was okay with him, if he felt good there, if there was anything he wanted to tell her about it all. He took his time to answer, preferring to eat his banana muffin, which had been his favorite since he was very little.

 Kevin said to her mother that everyone in the hospital was very nice and that the only bad thing so far was that his room was a bit cold but he slept well with some two blankets and a thick quilt of top of them. She said she could bring more if he wanted it but he just said no and went on to finish his muffin. She ate too but she was more worried about her son. She didn’t know what to ask or how to ask.

 But she had to. She had no choice but ask things. Esther’s next question was about the medication they were giving him. Kevin told her he took a couple of pills everyday to control his anxiety issues and that he took others for physical problems like his blood pressure and such, because it was always very elevated. She nodded when he said that, as she tried to build in her head what that meant for him. Was he getting worse or better?

 Kevin took the chocolate bar next and smiled. It was a weird smile, as he didn’t even know how to do it. And it lasted only a few seconds. He felt the deep scent of the chocolate and took a bite. It was also filled with oranges, which he loved. He thanked his mother and kept eating it, until he reached half of the bar. His mother told him he could have some for later but then he looked at her and, out of the blue, laughed at her. His eyes appeared to transform and his laugh was so exaggerated, she felt bad to say what she had said.

 The male nurse looked at Kevin first and then stated that the patients couldn’t keep anything from the outside in their rooms, no even food. Kevin pointed at the nurse and nodded, indicating he was telling the truth. He told his mother that she should have known that, if she had come earlier to visit him. Esther felt hurt by that but explained to him that they wouldn’t let her in because his treatment had not being properly initiated so they didn’t want her to spoil it.

 Kevin just nodded and it was obvious he didn’t care one bit about what his mother was saying. He didn’t believe her and told her that the first week had been horrible, with all the people there crazier than anyone else in the world and the doctors pinching and poking and asking and everything going on and on every single day. He felt tired every night and in the morning it would begin again and the cycle would repeat, of course, with the horrible therapy that he went through.

 Esther was horrified because he had transformed before her very eyes. He asked her if she knew what the therapy was all about. Before she could deny that she knew, he explained to her that they put him on a chair, with restraints, and made him answers questions and look at pictures and videos and tried to understand what hade being going on at the time he had killed the children in playground. They wanted to know why he had killed three of them.

 The nurse got nearer but didn’t intervene. This time, he was listening carefully. Esther was on the edge of tears, trying to ask for forgiveness about him being there and also asking her son not to say anything else about he did.

 And then he punched the table and told her that was him that’s who he really was and that she had to accept that she had a son who was a murderer and that had enjoyed it. He was hysteric, not laughing or crying, just yelling to make his point be seen. Kevin told his mother that even now, he thought back about it all and even then he enjoyed it. He had taken pleasure out of it and he had no remorse.

 He stood up fast and the nurse was going to grab him but he had no need to do that, as Kevin went through the door by himself, and on to his room. The nurse told Esther to go back to the gate and tell the guard there that her visit was over. But when the nurse went away, she couldn’t stand up. She looked at the food there on the table and then repeated her son’s words in her brain and she just couldn’t understand, she couldn’t.

 What had ever happened to her baby boy?