Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta gay. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta gay. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 2 de julio de 2015

Un bar

 En un bar pasan demasiadas cosas al mismo tiempo y hay mucha gente, en especial las noches de fin de semana. La persona más notable, porque es quién más se ve y quién tiene que dar la cara por el sitio es el barman. Normalmente son tipos atractivos, que puedan venderle lo que sea a un hombre o una mujer. La idea detrás de su trabajo es simplemente impulsar el concepto del sitio y hacer que la gente consuma tanto como se puede. En el caso del bar Endor, el nombre del barman es Augusto, quién prefiere ser llamado Gus. Y así lo pone en una etiqueta sobre su camiseta para que quienes vienen a pedir tragos se sientan más en confianza y lo perciban a él como un amigo y no como un simple empleado. Gus es, como decíamos antes, el típico barman: un tipo atractivo que cuida de si mismo y sabe vender.

 Pero para la gente que lo prefiere, está la sección VIP o para personas que pagan más que los demás. En el bar Endor la sección a VIP es una sala apartada con algunas mesas y bastante espacio para bailar y charlar, así como el mejor surtido de licores del lugar. Mientras en la zona común solo hay unos cuatro tipos de licor, en la sala VIP se puede ordenar virtualmente lo que se quiera porque chicas como Alicia se encargarán de encontrarlo para el cliente. Ella ha trabajado en Endor desde que lo abrieron y sabe como son los clientes de la zona VIP: normalmente niños de papi con dinero para gastar y gente para descrestar. Y Alicia sabe muy bien como manejarlas sin que ellos se den cuenta.

 Finalmente está la persona que se carga del asea del lugar. En el día vienen dos mujeres de una compañía a limpiarlo todo y dejarlo reluciente pero de noche, cuando el sitio está lleno, el único que se queda es Raúl. Su único trabajo es quedarse en el lugar y estar pendiente de los accidentes que ocurren con frecuencia. Cuando hay gente que ha bebido de más, siempre hay charcos de algo en algún lado. Más que todo se trata de alcohol en el piso o en los asientos, cosas que se resuelve en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Otra veces el trabajo se torna más asqueroso, porque la gente no solo tira sus copas y además tiene a su cargo los baños del lugar que son seis: tres para hombres y tres para mujeres.

 En el momento que inicia la fiesta un viernes por la noche, entra un grupito de amigos que viene a relajarse y a iniciar a uno de los integrantes en el alcohol. Se trata de Valentina y Lucía: la primera quiere que su amiga del trabajo por fin decida tomarse algo ya que nunca en su vida ha probado el alcohol. La familia de Lucía siempre fue muy conservadora y nunca celebraron nada con champagne o vino. Siempre se servían de bebidas gaseosas o incluso de agua. Con ellas venían el novio de Valentina y un compañero de trabajo llamado Pedro. Pedro sí que salía mucho pero este no era su tipo de bar.
 Gus le sirvió un trago a Valentina, que de hecho era para Lucía y luego empezó a revisar su teléfono celular. Había demasiado ruido y obviamente no iba a llamar a nadie pero estaba esperando un correo electrónico que debía llegar por esos días. Era tonto, pero la gente no creía que Gus tuviera algún problema de dinero y la verdad era que su situación era delicada. Se había mudado a la gran ciudad para tener un mejor futuro pero apenas podía sobrevivir. Y estaba esperando ganarse una beca para estudiar en Australia, para así tener una mejor educación y tal vez tener la oportunidad de vivir en otro país donde le pagaran lo justo. Hacía unos tres años, él había estudiado química en la universidad pero simplemente no había podido ejercer y la prioridad ya no fue desarrollarse como persona sino ganar dinero y ahora quería cambiar eso.

 En la sala VIP, Alicia entraba con un grupo de cuatro personas que tenían cara de tener mucho dinero. Ella sabía leer no solo el lenguaje del cuerpo sino también darse cuenta que tipo de ropa usaba cada uno de los clientes que entraban a su área. Con esa información, podía saber que productos ofrecerle al cliente y como hacer que hiciera una pequeña inversión en el lugar. Con este grupo era fácil: dos parejitas de dinero. Les ofreció cocteles con ginebra y un plato de sushi para acompañar. Pero lo malo fue que rápidamente se dio cuenta que uno de los dos hombres no era precisamente agradable y su novia era su versión femenina. Nada les gustaba: pidieron cambio de mesa, un rollo diferente de sushi y cócteles con más pepino porque el de ellos estaban mal rayado.

 No era muy tarde y Raúl ya había barrido tres charcos de alcohol del piso y ahora estaba limpiando su trapero en la llave que había en el cuarto de servicio. Era el único lugar privada del lugar y le gustaba quedarse allí seguido. Cualquiera sabía que lo podía encontrar allí y el podía fumar su marihuana en paz, sin molestar ni ser molestado. Pero estaba apenas armando su cachito cuando una chica entró sin golpear. Su maquillaje estaba corrido y parecía haber estado llorando. Llevaba además los zapatos en la mano. No se dijeron nada. Ella solo se sentó y empezó llorar más fuerte y el siguió con lo que estaba haciendo, como si nada.

 Valentina miraba a Lucía con atención, percibiendo cada pequeño gesto que la mujer hacía mientras tomaba un sorbo de vodka. La mujer se sacudió un poco pero dijo que no sabía tan mal como ella pensaba. Valentina se emocionó por esto y empezó a tomar bastante, llegando a estar borracha en menos de una hora. Su novio estaba un poco apenado por esto y solo encontró a Pedro, el compañero de trabajo, para hablar. Lucía solo tomó una copa y luego se fue a casa, cuando se vio que Valentina no se daría cuenta de ello. Los chicos se quedaron cuidando a la chica y, a gritos, empezaron a conversar y a formar una amistad.

 Gus servía y servía tragos como si no hubiera un mañana. Pero cada que podía miraba su celular y rogaba para que hubiera alguna respuesta. Se emocionó por un momento cuando vio la lucecita prenderse y era solo uno de esos mensaje promocionales. Trató de distraerse, cosa que no era difícil porque muchos de sus clientes le decían piropos y querían tomarse foto con él solo por su aspecto. Augusto era un hombre muy guapo pero a veces se aburría de recibir tanta atención por lo mismo. La gente pensaba que solo le interesaba verse bien e ir al gimnasio y, por alguna razón, alimentarse sano. Muchas chicas le contaban lo que ellas hacía para mantenerse en forma pero a él eso la verdad era que no le importaba. En el momento solo rezaba en su mente para que su deseo se volviera realidad.

 A la décima queja del tipo y su novia, Alicia estaba más que cansada. Ya había tenido que cambiar virtualmente todo lo que había alrededor de esa gente y seguían molestando, como si no tuviera ella nadie más a quien atender. Así que cuando el tipo se quejó por el sabor del cóctel de su novia, Alicia le dijo que si lo deseaba podía buscar al administrador para que hablara con él. El tipo se puso a la defensiva y le dijo que era una grosera que no sabía atender a los clientes importantes pero ella le dijo que los clientes más importantes eran aquellos que se comportaban de manera ejemplar. Así que tan solo se retiró y fue a la oficina del administrador que resultaba ser su tío. Él zanjó el asunto cuando el tipo indignado dijo que pagaba y se iba por la mala atención y el tío de Alicia le aclaró que no podría volver al establecimiento.

 Raúl, cansado del chillar de la joven, le preguntó que era lo que la tenía tan mal. Le contó entonces que había descubierto hacía un par de minutos que su novio la había engañado con una de sus amigas. Raúl se rió y ella lloró más pero él le aclaró, para terminar el lloriqueo, que era una tontería que llorara por un hombre y, peor, un hombre estúpido. Le pasó el cachito terminado y lo encendió. Entonces siguió una larga conservación, sentados sobre baldes, acerca de cómo la gente espera demasiado de otros, incluso si ellos ya hubieran hecho algo similar en el pasado o lo harían sin pensar.

 Valentina se había quedado dormida y para su novio era ya hora de irse pero la verdad era que no quería. Hacía mucho tiempo no conversaba de manera tan agradable con nadie más y Pedro había resultado ser un tipo muy simpático y bastante versado en multitud de temas. Habían hablado de política, religión, asuntos sociales y demás y habían descubierto que sus opiniones eran similares pero no idénticas. Algo culpable, el novio de Valentina tuvo una idea: llamó al hermano de la muchacha y lo hizo recogerla y llevarla a casa. Él se quedó con Pedro y siguieron bebiendo y hablando y riendo hasta que el sitio cerró sus puertas.

 Gus tomó su chaqueta y cuando estaba a punto de salir asustó a clientes y otros empleados con un grito. Había ganado la beca y se iba para Australia. Sin pensar, besó a la chica que tenía más cerca y ella quedó más que contenta.
 La policía llegó pero no por una riña ni nada parecido sino porque el niño rico los había llamado reclamando violación de sus derechos. Alicia tuvo que explicar todo lo sucedido pero la policía obviamente no había venido a escucharla.

 Raúl y la joven llorona se quedaron hasta el cierre fumando el cachito y salieron contentos y como amigos. La sorpresa más grande fue cuando Raúl le dijo a la chica que la llevaría a casa pero que tenía que orinar primero. Al entrar al baño de hombres, oyó gemidos de placer pero los ignoró y salió del baño sin más. Nunca se dio cuenta que era Pedro y el novio de Valentina que se habían caído más que bien y habían descubierto algo más que tenían en común.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

Sex app

   It was very cold outside but I just had to smoke. It was one of those times when I just needed to fill my lungs with that damn poison that we all know and hate but sometimes need desperately. I was only wearing my boxers and I had put on his jacket in order not to freeze my ass while smoking at six AM like an idiot. The view from the balcony was amazing: as the building sat on one of the many hills in the city, you could see the business towers on one side and the ocean in the other, as well as hundreds of cars rushing one way or the other. The air smelled delicious, like fresh bread. I noticed there was a bakery just across the street and an elderly couple where entering the store, buying their morning bread so early.

 How did they do it? I don’t mean wake up this early to go and buy bread. I mean, how did they stay together for all these years, without boring each other or drive each other mad? I know and feel I would have the capacity to drive any other guy insane. For life… That tends to be a fucking long time and that’s something I’m not really comfortable with. I have never been able to keep a relationship with anyone for more than six months and this couple may be celebrating their sixtieth anniversary together. No, I think I would have died a long time before that or gone mad. I have a tendency to move around, never standing still for too long. I just couldn’t.

 I finish my cigarette but I don’t really want to go in. Thankfully I brought the pack with me along with a lighter. I lit up another one and feel it comforting my skin from the cold. Winter is done or at least that’s what all the people in the news say. But t sure doesn’t seem like it. My ass is freezing and I don’t know what else to do besides smoking like mad. I let my beer inside… Fuck!  Could have used that. Well, life isn’t perfect at all, shouldn’t I know that. I’m the man working in his father’s flower shop. I have to say I don’t hate it or anything but I would have liked to get so much more from life.

 I went to school and everything. I mean, back in high school I was a great football player and not very smart but in college I discovered I had a thing for numbers and all that. I’m good at that and that’s why dad asked to work with him. I keep the books in order and thanks to me his store is working much more efficiently than before. I even caught someone stealing for him, so I guess I did a great job. But I would have liked to have my own business, make my own decisions and just be myself in life. But this happens when you look for a fucking job for three fucking years and no one even thinks of helping you, giving you a hand. So here I am, thirty-two and still working for daddy. It pays well so I shouldn’t really but hey, I could bitch professionally.

 I turn around and see him there, sleeping as if he had just taken a magical potion to sleep like a log. He looks nice asleep… Not that he doesn’t look nice while awake but you know what I mean. I don’t really know how I got here, I mean, how it was that I accepted to come. To be one hundred percent honest, I met him earlier today on one of those apps for the phone where you get people to fuck with. Yeah, I was that bored. I just downloaded the thing and in an hour I had gotten lots of messages. Which is amazing the body I had back in high school has almost completely disappear. But I guess I have my thing and he noticed it.

 He looked nice in his picture, cute smile, nice guy he seemed. So he asked to come to his house in the middle of the night and here I am. The sex was great and he turned out to be a great guy, very nice and well mannered. But that didn’t stop me from coming out to this freezing balcony to smoke y heart out. It’s maybe because I don’t really like this kind of situations. It annoys me that I have to use those apps and shit to get to know someone to fuck. I mean, it makes it easier but one wonders if it’s all because of me or because he was horny or what.

 Down in the street the elderly couple has just come out of the store. They are holding hands and each one of them is carrying a brown paper bag with what I guess is bread inside. They walk closely together, maybe because they’re cold or maybe because of the love they feel for each other. Either way, they look perfect, happy and just beaming. They disappear after I follow them with my look for a couple of blocks. No one else is really out there except some of those idiots in bicycles and some others obviously heading to the gym or some shit at this time of day. My only obsession is smoking and maybe a beer or two but that cult on the body, I never got it.

 I hear my cellphone’s voice mail ringtone. It only lasts for a couple of seconds but I instantly worry it will awake the guy. But no, he doesn’t even move. I open the sliding door carefully, walk slowly to my pants and take out my cellphone from one of the pockets. And come out again, closing the door behind me. As I take another puff, I realize it was my ex who just left me a message. He’s drunk and says I fucked him up or something. He says I was great always but that I drove him insane. In the background I can hear very loud music. The message ends suddenly. I check it again but hear nothing out of the ordinary so I put my cellphone in the jacket.

 He has already done that, a couple of times after we broke up. It had to be said that it happened like four months ago and he still doesn’t get over it. And he should. Not only because it’s bad for him to hold that inside for so long but because he seems to forget he was the one that send our relationship to hell. I mean, that’s what normally happens when you want to surprise your guy with a nice present that you bought him in a nice little flea market downtown and you just find him in his house fucking another guy. Yeah, that’s what happened. Once I entered with the keys he had given me, I realized there was something wrong but you know people, we always want what we know to be a lie. But it wasn’t. He was fucking that guy hard.

 I’m not the kind, soft type. I opened up that door with a fucking kick and took pictures. Yeah, I did. I was driven insane and just wanted to fucking destroy him. He begged me not to show those to anyone and then I knew what was really important to him. I didn’t even look at the guy he was fucking, who just jumped like a rabbit and into the bathroom; maybe scared I would kick him in the balls. I wanted to. Fuck, I really did but I knew I could get into trouble if I did that. So I just took the present, my cellphone and what was left of my dignity and walked away.

 That ended up the relationship. Again, I’m not one of those stupid people that talks and decides and all that shit. For me, that was it. So I never saw him again. No accepting calls or messages or presents from him. Nothing. And yet, he still calls when drunk and has the nerve to blame me for him fucking another guy. I have to be clear on this: I don’t give a shit if he had a reason to go and fuck around. He felt neglected or needy or whatever? Cool, he could have told so to me and just have a healthy breakup or talk about it or whatever. But no, he took the whore’s road and here we are.

 I don’t even hate him. I stopped feeling anything for him at that moment. Yeah, I guess I cried a bit but I got over it. Again, it was a short-lived relationship and I never expected it to last for too long. But it hurts more when it that person who disappoints you. Because I can see me disappointing anyone and I have. But never like that and never before taking time to sit down and talk about what’s happening. It may seem cruel but I always tell them “You’re not my type”, “This isn’t working” and so on. I cut the shit and say the truth because I believe we all deserve that.

 So I guess that’s what makes me uncomfortable about this whole sex app thing. I mean, it’s great that we just cut to the chase and we know what we’re there for but maybe it’s too blunt, to direct. I would love to be able to charm someone into having sex with me and not just ask. Fuck, maybe I’m a romantic that way but doesn’t it fell better when people are attracted to you as a person and not just because you are another horny guy in their area or something? People nowadays seem to just be fucking around but not really caring about anything else and that kind of bothers me. But I guess that’s the way it is and who am I to say anything? Any way, this might be my only time in this so, who cares.

 Then, I feel two warm hands holding my waist and lips kissing my right cheek. We share a kiss and a hug and then we go back inside. I spoon him until he falls asleep and just before I do that myself; I realize things are as I want them to be. So I’ll smell his hair and enjoy his smile and just see where I can take this later today.

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Life's a bitch? No, you are.

   Charlie was still breathing heavily. Mike went out of bed, almost running to the bathroom. From there, came the sound of running water. Charlie wasn’t really listening, still trying to catch his breath. He had this stupid smile on his face and he knew it but had no idea of how to get rid of it. Anyway, who cared? He was happy and wanted to feel that way for as long as he could. It wasn’t that often he felt fulfilled in life.

 His boss had recently promised him a promotion, then Mike had moved in with him and they were planning a trip around Europe to celebrate their first year together. It was all going great and he had no reason to stop smiling. When Mike came back to bed, he told Charlie he was very thirsty and had to drink water from the tap. Charlie kept smiling at him and kissed him without saying a word. Just as they were, they fell asleep until the day was new.

 They had breakfast and a nice conversation before separating to get to their jobs. Then, Charlie’s happiness ended. He had been notified that someone else had landed the promotion instead of him. All morning, he was too embarrassed by this new development to ask anything but, after lunch, he decided to talk to his boss about it. After all, he liked him and new that he would be honest and would properly explain what had happened.

 As it happens, the guy who had landed the promotion was not even a long time employee but a new staff member and the boss told Charlie he had been obligated to give him that post as he was the company’s owner son. Charlie tried to understand how a person that had been working there for four years, working hard to be precise, was not going to get the job and a kid who had no idea of the business just landed the gig because he was related to someone.

 Unknown to him, Charlie had asked this enraged, screaming a bit and visibly annoyed. The boss asked him to calm down but he didn’t. He had no idea what came over him but he just started grabbing things and throwing them all around the room. He was about to go for his boss when two security guards subdued him. He was in such a state; it was hard for them to pull him out of there. He was not a tall guy but he was apparently really strong and would go without further fighting. But the two guys were stronger and they threw him out the front door. They left but returned shortly, telling him he needed to ask someone to empty his desk. He called his only friend in the office and she put everything worth something in a box and gave it to him in the parking lot. They parted, saying nothing.

 He walked to a coffee shop with his box and tried calling Mike from his cellphone several times but he wasn’t picking up. The last time he tried, the call went straight to voice mail. Then something came over him. It wasn’t the rage he had felt before but rather a sense of worry, that something wasn’t completely fine. He decided to go back to his house and call Mike from there. Maybe his cellphone had just died or maybe something else was going on. It was certainly not the best day to be Charlie and, as he walked to the train station with his box, he hoped for everything to be ok and for this to be just a normal day or a dream.

 When he stepped off the train, he received a call from the bank, telling him why he had his bank account blocked. He hung up immediately. It made no sense that his account was blocked and he knew those calls were just pranks or ways to get his data in order to rob him. He wasn’t going to fall for that. He walked fast from the station to his building. He was helped by a lady to open the front door and took the stairs as the elevator took too long to arrive at the ground floor. When he finally made it to the sixth floor, he looked for the keys in the box and open the door.

 The place was empty and he had hoped to see Mike there. But he was obviously at work. He just wanted to know right away that he was ok but apparently that was a lot to ask for. He decided to take the phone and call him again but the cellphone number he was calling was dead. Voice mail time and again. Then he sat in his sofa and started thinking where he might be. He could go to Mike’s work, but he said they didn’t know he was gay so maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe…

 And then he heard it. It was a sound coming from somewhere, like the one of someone complaining but soft. It was just as if someone tried to be silent but couldn’t really mask their own voice. It was then when Charlie realized the sound was not coming from outside or from another apartment. It was coming from one of the rooms, from the bedroom to be precise. He forgot all about his search for Mike, about his dismissal and his little box filled with shitty things. He just walked down the hall and opened the door, without even thinking much about it.

 The bedroom door was never closed but it had been this time and he now knew why. Mike was there all right. But he wasn’t wearing any clothes and wasn’t hurt at all except a few nail marks in his back. Trying to cover himself up, Mike fell from the bed and Charlie saw the person who had been moaning. Different than he might think, the person was a woman. Charlie had never seen her before and that really didn’t matter.

-       Get out of my house…

 The woman looked at Mike and then at Charlie and then at Mike again, who was putting up his underwear and walking slowly to Charlie.

-       Get the fuck out of my house! And you…

 He said nothing. The woman picked up her things and ran past Charlie, still naked. She took his bed sheet but he didn’t care. He just wanted her out of his home. Once she was out, he stood in front of the door, still shocked. There was no way of crying, of going through another episode of crazy rage. He was too overwhelmed and too hurt to cry, scream or yell. Mike came out of the bedroom and was about to touch him but Charlie slapped his arm to one side and told him to go fuck himself. He told him he had been the best person in the world to him for a whole year. How could he be like this to him?

 He shouldn’t have asked. Mike told him, caressing his arm, that he had liked at first and that he was a nice fuck but that was it. He got boring both in bed and in the rest but he didn’t let him go because of how well positioned he was. But now, Mike said, he had enough of that and wanted to leave him. Charlie followed him back to the room and told him that he wasn’t just leaving. He was throwing him out. He wasn’t going to be the victim, he told Mike, not when he was clearly the one that was losing more.

 Mike didn’t listen to anything he said. He just put some clothes, grabbed a small bag and started packing. He packed all the clothes that Mike had given him. He had to take out another bag, a bigger one, and by then Charlie decided he had to breath and count to ten, so he went to the living room and tried to calm himself down. He finally started crying profusely and didn’t heard when Mike left with two big bags full of everything Charlie had bought him

 He had been alone for at least an hour when the phone rang and he had to answer because the sound annoyed him. It was the bank again. They were sorry to tell him Internet pirates had targeted his account and that he had lost of the savings in there. He laughed like a crazy person right then, and the lady talking to him thought he had gone insane or something. She was careful to say it may take a while but that the bank would reinstate all his savings, as he had paid the insurance they sold.

 Charlie just said thanks and hung up. He cleaned up his tears and, as painful as it was, he tried to think what he had done wrong. Although he saw nothing at the time and decided it was best to take a nap, Charlie had been not that great at his job and had been promised a promotion he didn’t deserve. The owner’s boss was not the stupid kid he thought he was. The man was actually an expert in advertising and would make the company double its earning in a single year.

 As for Mike, he had met him in a bar and, been drunk, had taken him to his apartment and had sex with him. The first three months, it was all about sex, not minding anything else. It was Charlie who asked Mike to be his boyfriend and the one that insisted on Mike leaving with him. All of this happened in a matter of months, including the expensive gifts and the planning of the trip that, unknown to him, Mike was still going to have. Charlie had left him in control of one of his credit cards and Mike had recently bought the tickets for both his female friend and him. Charlie would realize about this in the future, a bit too late.

 And the pirates. That looks random but it isn’t. Mike had paid for porn and clothes in many websites and that’s where the pirates always take their information from.

 In conclusion, Charlie had all the answers in front of him but he wasn’t acknowledging any of them, anything that he had done. He blinded himself into thinking certain things and rushed into liking somebody because he thought he would never find someone. His sunken self-esteem had been the one to blame and it would take him still a lot of life to learn the necessary to stop blaming others for his mistakes.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

Birthday party

   Preparing a birthday party is always difficult and it get even more difficult when the person you are organizing it for is the least of your concerns. Friends and family. They are the real targets, the ones to please. Jim knew that Ari would like anything for his birthday but as it was the first one they celebrated together, he wanted to make it special. That why he had decided to invite every single meaningful person in Ari’s life and, of course, that meant inviting the parents and childhood friends.

 Now, they all knew about him being gay but some were surprised to know their friend was living already with a man. The phone conversations had been long and difficult but now everyone was invited and Jim just had to wait for them. They had to arrive just before Ari got from work in order to surprise him. Jim was a bit unsure about this, since it was likely that his boyfriend would not like the surprise. He was the kind of person that doesn’t like to mix business with personal, family with friends and so on. But being the special occasion it was, Jim thought that it was a good idea to have everyone be there for him, in one room, at least once.

  Jim, being as organized as he had always been, decided to organize every detail from early morning. Just after kissing Ari goodbye in the morning, he jumped into the shower and then called to a Spanish restaurant, where he had asked to have paella for at least twenty people. They confirmed his order and then he decided to go and pick up the cake and accompanying cupcakes to a pastry shop Ari had loved when he was a boy. There, a very nice lady gave some extra cupcakes to Jim and even gave him a cookie an some milk, to eat right there. He did exactly that, in order to please the lady and left fast after that.

 He then went to a wine store and bought six bottles of the same one but also some champagne, the same one they had taken at a recent new year’s party. He paid for that and returned home because it did not felt right to drive around with a load of bottles in the back seat, with the cake and at least fifty cupcakes. Jim organized everything in the dining table and was about to go out for some party supplies when the phone rang.

  At first no one talked and Jim was to busy thinking so he hung up immediately but the phone rang again and he answered it. This time someone talked: it was Ari’s father. Jim went white and cold in a matter of seconds and wasn’t able to say anything. There was silence for a while until Ari’s father spoke again and told Jim he wasn’t going to be able to go to the party. He said he was busy that day, helping some friends with some handiwork. According to him, he had committed to it days earlier so it was going to be impossible to assist. Then, not even waiting for Jim to say anything, he hung up.

 The sounds of the phone’s tone made Jim comeback to reality. He had always been afraid of Ari’s father and that’s why he hadn’t been able to say anything. Besides, it was obvious he was making up excuses, because he seemed to be coming up with things as he was speaking. Towards the end of the call, he wanted to say something, to demand for him to be there for his son, but he knew couldn’t just do that. He had tried to contact Ari’s father before but Ari himself had asked him not to do that. Ari’s parents were divorced and he had been estranged from his father since then.

 Ari’s mother was much more fun to be around. She had had several boyfriends after leaving Ari’s father and that seemed to have given her a new way to look at life. She was now very open and often asked them about advice, even in very intimate areas. Jim always laughed at it but complied and advised her the best he could. Lena, that was her name, had told him once that she only felt like a housewife when living with her former husband. She never complained because she loved taken care of her son and her husband but she did want more from life. According to her, that was the real reason she left him. That and the affair she had discovered he was having with, as he put it, the “neighborhood’s whore”.

 Jim was already in a store choosing plastic cups and plates when is cellphone rang. It was Ari. He was having lunch with his work buddies and had decided to call him in order to organize his birthday surprise. For a second, Jim thought Ari knew everything about the party but then he realized Ari was talking about their special time together that they always had in special occasions. Ari started telling Jim everything he was going to do with Jim on the phone. He only smiled and said nothing because in every aisle there was some other buyer and it would have been strange to start having “phone sex” right there.

 After hanging up, Jim realized he still lacked napkins and the candle for the cake. He was looking at some funny candles when someone pushed him against the display area. Some candles fell to the floor and Jim rapidly turned to the man that had pushed him and told him to fuck off. The man turned around and Jim realized he had seen him before but couldn’t quite remember whom he was or where he had seen him.

 The man got near and Jim was already clenching his fists. It was the man that hit first, right on Jim’s nose. Hurt and disoriented, Jim threw a punch and was lucky enough to hit the man’s stomach. He dropped his basked and started punching the guy and the guy punched him until some store clerks came in and stopped them. But of them had bloody noses and marks all over their faces. Jim had even ripped the guy’s shirt on the sleeve. Both men had no breath in them when they were stopped and separated. The police came and each one of them explained their version to the policeman who decided to let them go with a warning. Jim got to pay for his stuff and left right for home. He had no idea if he had anything else to do but he wasn’t in the mood.

 Driving back home, he remembered why he knew that guy in the store. He had been Ari’s former boyfriend, the one before himself. Jim had met Ari first when he was still with him but nothing happened between them then. It was only when they met again in a party, when Ari had already ended the relationship that their relationship started.

 He remembered the guy from that time so long ago and now they had gone into a fistfight in a party shop. The man had pushed him hard and Jim knew it was because he had recognized him. Apparently the guy knew about him and Ari and was jealous that someone was with his former boyfriend. Besides, it was obvious he had anger issues because who does that to another person in a public place? Jim knew he had thrown punches too but he felt nothing would have happened if the guy hadn’t turned around.

 Putting all the party stuff on the table, he reminded himself of the crazy look in the guy’s face. At one point, he even thought he wanted to kill him and Jim thought he was ready to do exactly the same for him. It had been a very animal like fight. After putting everything on place, he looked at himself on a mirror and realized he had a black eye and his lips had cuts. Besides, his nose was bleeding a bit. He found some glasses in order to divert attention from his eye and put some toilet paper in his nose. On the lips, only lip balm to make them look less crooked.

 Just then, people started pouring in and, luckily enough, no one noticed anything strange. He started hanging out wine glasses and just then the paella people arrived. The pan that they had brought was huge and it smelled delicious. They just had to put lemon on it and it would be ready. Most guests arrived early but Jim realized almost all of them were their friends or close relatives who they knew very well. All others, Ari’s college buddies and cousins were not there. The last person to arrive before Ari was his mother who had brought her best friend, a cute short blonde woman.

 Then, after 7 PM, the doorbell rang. Jim turned off the lights and people hid behind the furniture or just crouched to the ground. Then, the door was opened and Ari was smiling like a small child, happy to see so many friendly faces in his home. The last person to greet him was Jim, who gave him a big kiss and a hug. Ari noticed is bruises but told him he wasn’t going to ask anything that night. They kissed again and the party formally started. From then on, everyone ate paella and rank wine and chatted their ears off for several hours until it was time for the birthday cake, which was shaped like a big planet Earth because of Ari’s passion for astronomy.

 They were handing out pieces of cake when the doorbell rang again and it was one of the doormen. Jim gave him a piece of cake and the man thanked him but said he had come to give them a package a man had left earlier. He had being adamant about giving it later in the evening, so the doorman had complied. Jim received the package, a box and thanked the doorman. He went back to the table and gave the package to Ari. Everyone looked in silence as he took off the rapping paper. The box was a toolbox and inside was a toy, a Batman figurine. Ari’s eyes were watery but he laughed and kept opening presents.

 That night, when everyone left, Ari confessed to Jim that that gift had been from his father. He knew it because he had given him that Batman when he was a boy, in order to protect him when coming from work. Jim kissed him to comfort him and Ari did the same, just by the black eye which hurt and made them both laugh in their bed.