Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta gay. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta gay. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 7 de abril de 2016


   Norman had never really had any dreams, no real aspirations for life. He had gone through high school with pain, due to his lack of interest for most subjects, and went on to take six months off to decide what he was doing next. His parents agreed but only because he had really made an effort in his last year to get the best scores possible to get into a good college. They weren’t magnificent scores but they were certainly much better anyone had hoped him to have.

 He loved animals so he thought of becoming a veterinarian. But decided not to when he realized he would have to operate and see wounds and things like that. He wasn’t the best person in the presence of blood or any substances like that.

 Then he analyzed the possibility of becoming an architect. But he really sucked at mathematics and at drawing so it didn’t make much sense. Engineering was also out of the question as well as anything to do with math.

 He turned to the arts and put aside at once anything very plastic. He had never been good with his hands. Literature seemed interesting but he didn’t very much mind reading and cinema required him to work in a group. Which was very hard because he tended to like being alone.

 There was also law school, which he found very boring, and psychology, which he thought was garbage wrapped in trash. Philosophy never ended up anywhere and there wasn’t really anything else he could choose in the available colleges.

 The only thing he was good at was typing, like the secretaries in the fifties. He was really good and was capable of writing really fast although he had no idea what he was writing about. So he looked it up and decided it would be interesting to become a translator. It seemed easy, it was something everyone needed in due time, they got to travel and it just seemed right for him. Besides, he had learned two languages in school besides his own so at least he had already begun his studies, in a way.

 After two years of the career, Norman met Drake. He was a stunning man who happened to be very well known in the small world of high schools that compete against each other. When they first met in college, Norman was sure he had met Drake before. The thing was, he hadn’t but he had seen him several times when he and his classmates would attend football matches to support their school team.

 Drake was the star of one of the other high schools and everyone knew him because of his slight accent and his popularity with women. Norman had checked him out a lot back in the games but never really thought of anything. Later on, through a mutual acquaintance, they met in college and hit it off right away.

 They would speak for hours about their time in high school, their personal experiences there and also about their lives as college students. Drake was studying to become an architect and Norman soon saw with his own eyes that he was really good at drawing. When he did it, he was always very focused, as if he was alone somewhere. It was something really nice to see.

 They labeled their relationship as friendship. Norman went to Drake’s house often and vice versa. Sometimes Norman would judge Drake’s drawings and designs and would help him find things to make his ideas more appealing to the teachers. Drake also helped Norman by learning all the verbs and their forms for the frequent exams that he had. He also timed his typing skills and they always had fun with that.

 Although Drake had two girlfriends during their time in college, Norman barely saw any of them. They didn’t really talked about it. It wasn’t really a surprise when, in their last semester, Drake confessed he thought he was n love with Norman. And Norman realized he had been in love from the first moment they had begun their friendship.

 So shortly after they were done with college, they moved in together and promised each other to make it work. They found a small apartment midway between each other’s jobs and just lived a nice life for a long time until Drake proposed. He was one of those guys that like all the classic stuff. He wanted his life to have it all and Norman accepted because he was happy and wanted Drake to be as happy as he could. 

 They got married in a beautiful retreat by the mountains with friends and family and celebrated it by travelling to a faraway island where they were treated like gods. Besides, their relationship grew stronger and they felt they really had someone to trust and talk to whenever they wanted to. It was one of their shared dreams and they had achieved it.

 But then, some years later, Drake asked Norman if he would like to get a child, through adoption or insemination. Drake had entered those years in which men have a desire to leave their mark in the world and the ideal way to do that is to have a child. Norman had to think about it for a while because it wasn’t an easy decision. It was the life of some poor kid they were talking about and he didn’t wanted to make a mistake with that.

 Months later, they decided to go to an agency where they would offer a woman willing to carry their baby for the duration of the pregnancy. It had been Norman that made the decision, as he decided that if they were going to have a child, it was best of it looked like one of them. He felt bad for all the children up for adoption but he just thought it was the best choice for them.

 The pregnancy months were difficult because one of them had to help the woman they had chosen with all her pregnancy related issues and the one who was less busy was Norman. He took her to the doctor and to the dentist and to those classes were pregnant women learning how to breathe and how to stay strong. She was a very nice woman that just needed money and had already been a mother so she knew what it was all about. She was a single mom and her parents were not very happy with their decision but she didn’t care about that.

 Norman had some time to work, mainly online, with official documents but had to stop travelling to take care of the pregnancy. When the baby was born, the woman disappeared after being paid and they had new responsibilities. Drake tried to get some months off but due to fact that they were two men; they only gave him half the normal time. They sued but nothing came out of that. They enjoyed their time together, now three, and when he went back to work it was Norman who had to put almost everything about his career on hold.

 He got a break when the child was bigger and they had people they trusted to leave him off with like their parents or sisters or brothers who already had children. Being a baby, they didn’t feel good doing it but now that little Kevin as older; it didn’t seem much of a problem.

 One day, it the supermarket, Norman realized he was looking for a different cereal box for each one of them as well as their favorite snacks and meals. He knew how to cook the best burgers with mushrooms and he created Kevin’s favorite juice, a combination of three tropical fruits. In front of the freezers filled with frozen fish, he realized he had become a “house husband”. He had never really intended to and now he was doing all the things that the house needed to get done in order to work.

 He loved dressing Kevin up in Halloween and kissing Drake every morning and having sex in the most unexpected times.

 Then, Kevin was in school, Drake was successful in his job and now had a company of his own and he traveled from time to time to act as translator for some government officials or in other events. When he did that, it was fun but he had much more fun at home, when he was cooking or making the house look good. He had finally found what he loved.

 Maybe it wasn’t the most popular job of them all but he loved the look on his family when they appreciated his hard work. They didn’t teach any of that in college and he certainly had no use for those damn high scores and grades.

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015


   Nunca hubiese pensado que terminaría en la cama con él y mucho menos que me obsesionaría con algo tan típico hoy en día como sus tatuajes. Había visto otros antes, yo no tenía ninguno. Me parecían, en general, intrigantes pero nada que me volviera loco al instante o que me causara una respuesta demasiado obvia. Pero esta vez, por alguna razón, fue diferente. No sé si fue por la espontaneidad del descubrimiento, la simetría, el cuerpo del individuo o el hecho de que sentía haber cruzado una frontera que no debía o que no era mi deber cruzar.

 El caso es que cuando le ayudé a quitarse la camiseta esa noche, mis ojos quedaron prendados al instante del tatuaje en su costado derecho. A pesar de tener un cuerpo perfecto y de ser una persona que sentía que yo no merecía, olvidé todo eso por esa noche y me fijé solo en la tinta en su cuerpo. En el lado derecho, sobre el costado de la caja torácica, tenía un símbolo tatuado muy simple pero del tamaño preciso y como si hubiese sido escrito en su piel con pluma.

 No sé si él se dio cuenta, pero me pasé un buen rato besando su costado, pasando mi lengua sobre el tatuaje como si con eso fuese a absorber el conocimiento de lo que significaba el símbolo. Era algo tan simple, con un significado seguramente igual de simple, pero a mi eso me daba exactamente igual: en su cuerpo, en ese momento, después de ver sus delicados ojos cerrarse por el placer, ese tatuaje tan tonto era una revelación para mi.

 Para que no pareciera aburrido o que no sabía hacer nada más sino besar un costado de su cuerpo, me trasladé lentamente al otro costado. A él parecía no importarlo y fue en un momento, mirándolo, que me di cuenta que esos besos a él le gustaban más que a la mayoría de los hombres. Esos ojos cerrados indicaban una sensibilidad que no todo el mundo tenía, pues muchos preferían ir directo a cosas más obvias, ya vistas miles de veces en películas pornográficas. Estos besos no eran así.

 Cuando llegué al otro costado no pude evitar sonreír. Había otro tatuaje, del mismo tamaño que el anterior. La diferencia estaba en que este tenía un diseño un poco más complejo y tenía color. Además, para mi alegría, lo reconocí al instante. Creo que por eso dejé su cuerpo un momento y me dediqué a besarlo a él. Sentí una conexión que iba más allá de solo la relación sexual que estábamos teniendo o a punto de tener. Él era como yo, es decir, tenía gustos como los míos. Ese tatuaje me había transportado a mi infancia por ser el símbolo de un videojuego, por ser una marca en su cuerpo del tiempo y de la inocencia. Casi nos quedamos sin aliento después de besarnos entonces.

 Muchas veces es torpe cuando se llega a quitarle el pantalón a alguien, a menos que ya no lo tenga. Pero en ese momento, por alguna razón, nuestros ojos quedaron enganchados y mis manos siguieron haciendo lo que querían, despojándolo a él, con habilidad, de unos jeans de esos que se usan hoy en día, con la bota apretada y todo apretado.

 Cuando dejamos de mirarnos, se los quité con fuerza y entonces descubrí un tercer tatuaje. En ese momento ignoré sus tiernos pero sexis calzoncillos blancos. Decidí que era más interesante ese pez japonés que le trepaba el gemelo izquierdo, debajo de los poquísimos vellos que tenía. Mis manos, de nuevo, empezaron a actuar solas, independientes de mis ojos que no podían de mirar a ese pez y su curvatura, como parecía desaparecer detrás de esa pierna torneada, como parecía estar vivo con esos colores brillantes y hermosos.

 Mientras tanto mis manos lo tocaban todo pero yo seguía con la vista en su pierna. No sé si él se dio cuenta porque yo para ese punto había dejado de mirarlo a él. Ya no me importaba si se daba cuenta que su piel, que sus tatuajes mejor dicho, me obsesionaban y que hubiese podido quedarme esa y muchas noches más admirando cada milímetro de su cuerpo que estuviese cubierto por tinta.

 Le besé las piernas, le masajee los pies y las piernas y volví cerca de él y de su boca. Su sabor  era verdaderamente único y sumaba un detalle más, algo que simplemente mejoraba todo lo que acababa de ver. Este tipo tenía una cuerpo increíble, era alto, tenía una cara perfecta y sin embargo estaba allí, conmigo y mi cuerpo que no tenía nada que ver con el suyo. Mientras nos besábamos me molestaba que el trataba de tocar mi cuerpo pero se encontraba con que yo no era como él y por un momento me di cuenta que se abstuvo de seguir explorando.

 No separamos de nuevo y pensé que debía hacer lo que habíamos venido a hacer. Se podían hacer muchas cosas antes del sexo como tal pero si no se hacía siempre habría un cierto nivel de decepción, como cuando vas a un matrimonio y no hay pastel o te celebran tu cumpleaños y no hay regalos. Es incompleto. No quiero decir que siempre tenga que ser una experiencia completa pero es mucho más placentera si lo es.

 Bajé entonces a sus calzoncillos, que me hicieron sonreír, y empecé a bajarlos cuando vi otro tatuaje más. Era como estar en una isla del tesoro y descubrir que no había una solo punto marcado con una X sino mucho más, y todo con premio. Debajo del elástico del calzoncillo estaba su nombre. Quise reír porque me pareció curioso y también porque no conocía más de él que su nombre. Nunca me había molestado en averiguar más.

 Y sin embargo allí estábamos, yo a sus pies y él con una respiración rítmica, que aumentaba cada vez que besaba su tatuaje. Después terminé de bajarle los calzoncillos. En esa zona, como es de esperarse, me tomé el tiempo aunque debo decir que casi todo el tiempo estuve pensando en los tatuajes que había visto y en lo extraño que era que alguien pudiera tener tanta tinta en el cuerpo y no se le notara nunca. Era como si vistiera debajo de la ropa el uniforme de un superhéroe. Era el mismo nivel de poder, al menos para mi.

 Se podría decir que en mi mundo, hay hombres, claro, pero están divididos en grupos y niveles, otros siendo claramente mejor que otros a los ojos de la humanidad en general. Los hombres con tatuajes siempre eran más sensuales, más atrevidos, más salvajes y él no parecía ser la excepción, menos aún cuando podía ver con facilidad como su espalda se arqueaba con cualquier roce de la piel, haciendo brillar sus tatuajes con la luz ideal.

 Después de un rato nos besamos de nuevo. Fue en ese momento en que él quiso, y lo dijo con su boca y no con su cuerpo, que yo también me quitase la ropa. La luz era tenue pero no lo suficiente, no como me gustaba a mi que era casi a oscuras. Pero me quité todo nada más para complacerlo pues era lo justo. Al fin y al cabo había disfrutado su cuerpo por un buen rato antes y hubiese sido muy injusto de mi parte decirle que no a cualquier cosa que quisiera. Su deseo debía ser concedido.

 Como para evitar comentarios o que mirara más de la cuenta, le pedí que se pusiera de espaldas para apreciar el resto de su cuerpo. No fue sorpresa que debajo de la nuca tuviese otro tatuaje, esta vez un símbolo tribal en forma de ave. Lo besé, pero por alguna razón no tuvo el mismo encanto que los otros, parecía algo puesto allí por su yo inseguro, su adolescente que había pedido el mismo tatuaje que otros se habían hecho millones de veces antes.

 El resto de su cuerpo posterior estaba inmaculado, solo el ave y un pedacito del pez de la pierna rompían la blancura de su piel, cubierta en partes por pecas y en otras por vellos muy finos y casi inexistentes. Le besé la espalda y me sorprendió oírlo gemir. No sé si fue cruel de mi parte, pero me interrumpí en un momento y le pregunté porque no tenía un tatuaje en la espalda baja. Él se rió y solo dijo que yo debería ayudarle a conseguir el diseño ideal.

Esa propuesta me sonó a reto y, durante el resto de la noche, imaginé qué podría irle bien en esa zona, tan delicada y suave y torneada como el resto de su cuerpo que era simplemente perfecto.

 Lo hicimos todo y cuando terminamos, cuando nos poníamos la ropa, él me dijo que debería hacerme un tatuaje también. Según él había muchos lugares donde se verían bien. Distraído, le dije que seguramente habían muchos artistas excelentes en ese mundo pero él sonrió y me explicó que lo que quería decir era que mi cuerpo le encantaba y que un tatuaje lo adornaría perfectamente.

 Al instante me sonrojé. Nos besamos y nos separamos y yo me di cuenta que no le creí lo que había dicho, ni una cosa ni la otra, pues nunca creía en los halagos de ese tipo. Pero de todas maneras me produjo una sonrisa que se mantuvo varios días en mi rostro y que le agradecí en secreto.

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Drunk gentleman

   The moment I opened my eyes, I realized how much I had to drink the night before. I didn’t even tried to sit down or stand up; I just opened my eyes and then shut them again. Although I didn’t really remember everything that had happened the night before, I was glad to know I had gotten home and that my cellphone and my wallet were in the nightstand. Those were the most important things to know, that I was alive and ok and in the right place. But my head was spinning so much I decided to close my eyes and try to get some more sleep. It had to be a Saturday or Sunday so I didn’t have to be anywhere or to do anything. I turned around, feeling cozy and warm and then, when I stretched my feet a bit, I felt someone else in bed with me.

 My eyes opened immediately but everything I could see was a head, short auburn hair and a tattoo on the shoulder, that happened to be uncovered, as he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt. I was only wearing my underwear but that didn’t matter, as that was my bed, in my home. Who was that guy? I had no idea and I didn’t wanted to be rude and wake him up just to ask. After all, he was there for a reason. Normally, any friend or friend of a friend would stay in the couch, which was very comfortable. But, somehow, I had decided not to leave him there but instead ask him to sleep with me. I then raised my head a bit and looked at the nightstand again and at the floor. There was nothing on my side that would indicate intercourse.

 Then, I remained still for a moment as I checked mentally if any part of my body felt funny. As I did that, I realized how bad my memory was at retaining any kind of information. Not only I couldn’t remember a single thing from the night before, I had to practically touch myself to know if I had sex with the man that was sleeping beside me. That made me feel like shit, as if I did that kind of thing every time I went out. I then turned around and closed my eyes and tried to think of something to do, a way to know who he was or why he was there. The best idea would be to write my friends and ask them if they knew, although that would reflect very poorly on me. Anyway, I fell asleep in no time because of how tired I was.

 It always happened that, when I had too much to drink, I would have the wildest and weirdest dreams. That time was no exception as in, the probably one hour that I rested my eyes, I dreamt about some strange creatures that I was supposed to kill with a team of others. We were using laser weapons and the guy that was sleeping beside me was there too, covering the left flank. It was like being in a movie, people shooting all around. I was having a lot of fun there but then the dream changed and I was in a room observing two people having a fight. They couldn’t hear me and I couldn’t do anything to intervene. The yelling and their insults made me wake up, sweating a bit.

 I sat on my bed, trying to catch my breath, realizing it had only been a dream. It was a nightmare that always came back, a remembrance of a past I always tried to forget. Then, I realized the guy on my side was not there. For a second, I thought I had just imagined him but then I saw his clothes on the floor and realized he was still around. It was exactly at that moment when he came in with a tray, my only tray. There was some orange juice, a sandwich made in the toaster and a banana. But that really wasn’t what surprised me most. The guy had the body of a model or even better. Instinctively, I pulled up the sheets, as I didn’t wanted for him to see my body, which was very far from his in terms of beauty and acceptance. He had some other tattoos and he was only wearing some black briefs.

 The beautiful man passed me the tray and told me he had already had breakfast. The only thing I could do was to smile and listen to him tell me how had the idea to make me breakfast after all I had done for him and how he had found everything he needed in order to make a somewhat decent breakfast. As I drank some juice, he laughed and said he thought of giving me some cereal but he remembered me saying that I couldn’t drink any milk. Again, I just smiled, as I had no idea at what point I had told him any of that. For that matter, I had no idea in what planet I could have met a guy such as him and why he was “thankful” to me. I just ate my breakfast and, in between bites, asked him if he had eaten something yet and he said yes.

 He looked at me as I ate, which was strange already, never minding those big green eyes, the tattoos and the body that seemed to have been taken out from a fitness magazine. When I finished, I decided to be honest. First o f all, I thanked him for his kindness but then I had to confess that I didn’t remembered much about the night before. I told him I could imagine I had a lot to drink because I really didn’t know where I had met him and why he had stayed with me, even in bed. His reaction was strange as he laughed and looked even better looking as he did it. He looked at me straight in the eye and I have to say I couldn’t hold his look for a long time. His bright eyes hurt a little.

 He showed me his hand and told me his name was Steven and that we had met in the bathroom of a club where we were both having some time with friends. Steven said that, when I entered the bathroom, I seemed to have been drinking for a while already so he had no idea what I had done before he met me. Anyway, he wasn’t there alone but with another guy. He said that guy was someone he had met at work and who was very obsessed with getting high and drunk. As I came in, he was apparently trying to convince Steven to get high with something he was keeping in a small bag, but he didn’t told me what it was. I apparently went to a stall and they kept arguing outside.

 Things got pretty bad as the guy who was with him started to scream and push him. Apparently, Steven had opened the little bag and thrown all its content into the drain. The man went crazy and he punched Steven on the face. He bled a bit and it was then when I came out. According to Steven, I just went insane when I saw him on the ground bleeding. I went straight for the guy and told him to get the fuck out, the guy pushed me and then I punched him hard in the face. Two, three, four times until he could stand up. I even kicked him in the stomach and we just left that place. I didn’t even tell my friend or anything, we just left for my place and I told him I would take care of him for good.

 Steven smiled as he remembered all of that. He knew I was just being nice and maybe my reaction was due to the fact that he was a very handsome man. And, without any hesitation, I told him that that wasn’t the case. Yes, he was beautiful, but I reacted like that because I had seen too much violence in my life to let people keep doing that to each other. I guess my answer wasn’t the best way to solve it, but that guy would probably think again before punching someone like that just because they wouldn’t have some of his shit. Steven just smiled as I said that and I realized I had talked very passionately so I decided to thank him again for the breakfast. He took the try back to the kitchen and I used what little time I had to put on my t-shirt.

 He reentered the room as I put it on and he asked why I was doing that. He told me that I was in my house, so it was a bit strange that I decided to cover myself as if I was doing something wrong. I told him the truth that I felt little ashamed to be next to him. I had a belly, I had no perfect body like he had and it would make me feel less weird if I wore the t-shirt.  I pulled it down and sat on the bed, waiting for something although I didn’t know what it was. He was doing exactly the same thing by the door, just standing there like waiting for something to happen but not knowing exactly what. It was a bit uncomfortable.

 Finally, I decided to get into the bed again and pull up the sheets. Then, he walked up to the bed and lay down too, this time with his face towards my side. I was looking up. We stayed like that for a good while until I decided to take off the t-shirt and turn towards him. He smiled again and I just got closer and kissed him. I wasn’t going to meet a guy like that ever again. We kissed for a long time and he told me, between kissed, that I had been a gentleman the night before, as we talked in the taxi and in my living room. We had already kissed but because he had leaned forward. Now, it had been me.

 We had sex afterwards and starting going out rather frequently. But that story and its outcome, will not be told here.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Sex sells

   Because it does, doesn’t it? When Michael had the idea to make his own website, every single person he knew thought he was going insane. But what they weren’t thinking about was the time he had wasted on so many other projects that had only failed one after the other. He had gone to law school but he had never been hired by a proper firm, only as an intern and they had told him, in very few words, that he should be as far from the word of law as he could. It was a bit brutal back then but he understood what they meant. In any case, he had tried to make anything and everything in order to be his own man and have a life of his own, to make his parents proud. Because what he wanted was to repay them for all their efforts to raise him.

 Michael opened a cupcake store, which had to close only a month after it opened because absolutely no one bought anything. He had learned how to bake for several months and it all when to the trashcan in a matter of days. Then, he decided to team up with a buddy from college and open a dog walking business. They did everything an owner could want like bathing them and walking them, doing exercises and so on but they failed miserably once his partner let one of the dogs escape and the owner sued him for it. Michael had also tried to make it in the call center world but they told him in the interview his voice was not the right one for the job and in a Burger King they told him he was tall enough, but they failed to tell him what his height had to do with anything.

 So many tries and failures had made him a little bit bitter and more of a loner that ever before. He had never been the kind to go out a lot or something like that. He would prefer to stay home and watch movies. So maybe that’s when the idea came to him. Like any man his age, he watched porn from time to time, when being specially aroused. He had never really paid any attention to the movie as such, only to the act they were performing. He must have been really bored that day because he remembered thinking it all look so fake, so prepared and too rushed for his taste. It was gay porn by the way, for reasons not worth explaining as they explain themselves.

 The thing was he watched the same clip, which was about fifteen minutes long, like ten times. He watched every single part with detail and then realized sex sells. It was that easy and he had never thought about it. But then he realized he hadn’t thought of it because of how people perceived pornography, no matter if it was between two men, two women or a straight couple. If you said that you worked in porn, must people would think you’re a pervert or that you just want to be having sex all day long and that’s not what it is and that was something Michael understood that night, when he decided to properly investigate.

 So, must of the films done in the country were low budget and that’s why their production was such garbage. He knew the video he saw must have been made with a handheld camera and some sort of small microphone and not much else. He investigated further and found out these productions companies, which normally only made very few clips a year, sold what they did to larger companies in the United States and there they were marketed online or, not very often, in sex shops all around that country. But that had to imply to movie was good because if it wasn’t people would make it here and just sell it here or upload it online or something. The thing with all of this was to win money and to make it a proper business, to make it a proper job with everything correctly labeled.

 The next thing for Michael was to find the money for it. He had some savings from his earlier jobs and knew he could convince some of his friends but before that he had to have an idea in order to sell it properly. He came up with a film called “The spy”. At first, it seemed like some ridiculous thing but then you realized it had everything a person would want in a movie: sex, drama and even a bit of romance and comedy. He wrote it with the help of a friend that went to film school. His name was George and he was the first person to tell him how insanely great his idea was. He promised to help Michael with cameras and lights and so on if the movie got made but, as a student, he had no money to share with him to do the movie.

 Michael decided to pitch it to every person he knew, no matter if the movie was gay porn or if he want it to do it in a way he had never seen porn being made. Most people just looked at him as if he had turned insane in mid sentence. Others were interested but only because it seemed like such a crazy idea. And the only people that were on board, two men and a girl from George’s film school, told Michael they could help with the production and give only a small amount of money. It was a beginning but they needed much more in order to make the movie as such. He tried to remove things from the script and George got the cheapest but best camera he could find at that price and they still weren’t close.

 Their next step was to go to the local production companies and offer them a place in the movie if they had money to invest. But all of them were very harsh; telling them you just couldn’t get in into an industry and try to change out of nowhere. They told them they had to have experience and a way of doing things that wasn’t too out there because in porn, differently than in movies, people just wanted the same thing that they had always seen and no one would invest in a movie that, in appearance, seemed to be more like an art film than a porno. Michael was disappointed but George told him most people in cinema were just like that, as they hated competition specially when the competition was good.

 Their last resource was to get financing from abroad. So Michael wrote hundreds of emails and sent them all the same day, hoping to be shooting the movie soon. In the mean time, they had created profiles for the characters and, to make things cheap, they had decided that everyone in the crew would appear on the movie but without getting paid, only their names on the credits. One month passed and it was a long wait. Michael was beginning to lose hope but George always tried to cheer him up, trying to make him focus in things about the movie they had not yet thought about like lighting, costumes, makeup and so on.

 Finally, when all hope had been lost, Michael received a letter, a proper physical letter, from one of the biggest production companies in the United States. They had agreed to finance the movie but only if it was done according to certain standards they had, mostly things they could agree on easily on a contract. The next month, it was all about flying to Los Angeles and signing the contract. There, an executive told Michael that his vision for pornography was very interesting and that, if the film was a success, they could be thinking about working with him again. They were so happy that day, that George and Michael had a nice dinner to celebrate and, at the end of it, they shared their first kiss ever. They realized right there; they had feelings for each other.

 But production started days after that so they put all their focus on the movie. They got some good looking but different guys to participate in the movie as actors and they shot it in the streets of their cities, except the sex scenes of course. For those, George’s friend Alexa had a thing for everything related to art direction. She transformed a room in an old house owned by Michael’s grandparents into a perfect replica of what Michael had imagined for the movie. It was supposed to be the place were the two lovers escaped to be together, away from all the looks. The scenes when they had sex were incredibly easy to film and they even got some money from a condom company because they would show a close up to one of the wrappers.

 Filming lasted for a whole month and, at the end, they had a great party to celebrate their success. They announced that a friend of George’s that had already graduated was going to make the editing of the film. He was very good and told George he wanted to be part of the film. The production company sent a guy to monitor their progress and everything went as planned. Another party was held when the movie was displayed as a “new feature” on the website of the production company. In only one week, a million people paid to see it. The movie was an absolute success all over the world, making the actors stars and the crew simply heroes.

 They would be hired again for more movies, one of them being a proper sequel to “The spy”. George and Michael began dating and eventually got engaged. They never moved to the United States, even at the insistence of their job. They knew what they did was special because it had another scent to it, if you will. Michael was proud of his achievement and shared it with everyone. Some people left his life but others were just proud of him too, even his parents who wouldn’t see the film but celebrated it all the same.