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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta peliculas. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016


   Todo había sido hecho casi a la medida. Era un mundo completo, con todo lo que se pudiese necesitar en un lugar al que se viene de vacaciones, pues esa era la idea original de los creadores de semejante invento. Se habían basado en varias películas y habían usado varios de los personajes para ir poblando ese mundo. Serían un elemento más para que cualquier persona se decidiera a gastar el dinero necesario para vivir la experiencia de entrar a un mundo de ensueño donde podía sumergirse en sus películas favoritas por un tiempo máximo de una semana.

 Los creadores de la experiencia lo habían hecho todo con mucho cuidado, pidiendo todos los derechos necesarios para usar ciertas locaciones y rostros, y también avanzando tecnológicamente de una manera que nunca se había visto en el planeta entero. Al fin y al cabo, era una experiencia en la que había que sumergirse, había que creérselo todo y para conseguir eso hay que alcanzar el mejor lugar posible en todos los sentidos. Por eso el sitio demoró mucho más tiempo del previsto en ser terminado. Hubo muchos cambios y correcciones.

 Los androides que personificaban a los personajes famosos de las películas debían de ser perfectos y por mucho tiempo no lo fueron, eran simplemente robots sin gracia que repetían las frases clave una y otra vez como discos rayados. Eso no era lo que nadie quería. Por eso tuvieron que posponer la fecha de estreno una  y otra vez, hasta que los personajes y todo su mundo estuviesen completos y no presentaran los mismos errores que se presentaban al comienzo. En esa época los androides explotaban de tanta información.

 Las primeras entradas para Cinemia (así se llamaba la experiencia construida) fueron sorteadas por internet con una página especial que eligió cien personas completamente al azar. Se hizo así, precisamente, para que nadie tuviera la posibilidad de denunciarlos por no haber sido elegidos. Dos meses después del sorteo era el momento indicado para que los primeros visitantes llegasen a lugar y empezaran a experimentar todo lo que se podía ofrecer. Eso sí, debían de reportar absolutamente todo lo que vieran para corregir antes de abrir el lugar al público general.

 Ese primer grupo de cien llegó al lugar indicado pero de allí los llevaron en un helicóptero al lugar real donde empezaba la aventura. Todo bajaron en la plaza principal de un pueblito que parecía algo desierto, pero al dejar pasar un solo día, se dieron cuenta que todo el lugar cobraba una vida inesperada. El pueblo era una gran mezcla de personajes pero de ahí los invitados podían decidir ir a un lugar o a otro del parque. Lo tenían que hacer con diferentes transportes, acordes al estilo de película que eligieran. Había para todos los gustos.

 Muchos fueron en una nave deslizadora hasta el sitio donde todo era de ciencia ficción, otros prefirieron quedarse con las películas dramáticas y románticas y otros viajaron en un carrito muy gracioso al sector donde estaban los personajes de animación. Obviamente esos eran los menos creíbles de todo  pero a los niños les encantaba y los mismo pasaba  con algunos adultos que siempre habían soñado conocer al personajes que los ayudaba a pasar las tardes en su niñez. Había mucho que elegir y relativamente poco tiempo.

 En la zona de ciencia ficción, había batallas que parecían reales con cierta frecuencia. Y en otros momentos todo era mucho más tranquilo pero de una manera que inspiraba terror. En cada zona del parque había un hotel y los huéspedes podían quedarse allí para interactuar a diario con sus personajes favoritos y vivir aventuras inmersivas que buscaban ser algo único en el negocio de los parques de diversiones Por eso el secreto al solo dejar entrar cien personas y no más.

 En la zona de animación y en la de drama, había también muchas personas queriendo conocer a sus favoritos. Pero todos los días trabajaban los técnico del parque para seguir teniendo personajes y situaciones interesantes dentro del sitio. Era trabajo arduo que se pagaba muy bien pero ciertamente cansaba mucho. La idea, y al parecer lo estaban logrando, era que los huéspedes no se dieran cuenta de nada de lo que estaba pasando. Ellos debían de disfrutar su semana en relativa paz y no con robots fallándoles por todos lados.

 El problema era que precisamente eso estaba pasando. Muchas cosas que parecían estar bien los dos primeros días, empezaron a fallar un poco en los días siguientes. Por ejemplo, había algunos personajes de western que se repetían una y otra vez, como si no existieran más frases en el mundo. La gente se aburría rápido de ellos y esas interacciones simplemente fallaban porque nadie estaba ni remotamente interesados en ellos. Por eso hubo algunos personajes que fueron retirados en esos días sin que nadie se diese cuenta.

 Había otros personajes en cambio que parecían ser el centro de atracción todo el tiempo. Los personajes querían estar todo el tiempo con esos que decían cosas graciosas o que eran arriesgados o que simplemente se parecían tanto a los de las películas. Al fin  al cabo esa era la idea del parque, hacer de toda la experiencia algo en lo que las personajes fuesen emocionantes y capaz de una empatía necesaria con los turistas para poder completar ciertas pruebas y superar obstáculos. Al comienzo era difícil de comprender el funcionamiento, pero no era muy difícil.

El problema era que las pruebas diseñadas parecían ser demasiado difíciles de alcanzar para la mayoría de los visitantes. Muchos se quejaban que les había tomado casi toda la semana de prueba insertarse como espía en una supuesta red de drogas que tenía lugar en la zona de películas de acción. Había tanto que hacer que las personas se perdían. Eso sin contar que a veces los androides se comportaban de manera extraña: algunas veces eran devotos casi religiosamente los turistas y otros días los hacían perder deliberadamente.

 Los ajustes no solo se hicieron durante la estadía de los primeros huéspedes sino mucho después de ello. Era obvio que faltaban muchas cosas, entre ella el carácter necesario que necesitaban los androides, que era algo que haría que la gente se perdiera en la ventura y no dudara tanto de todo lo que sucedía alrededor. Casi querían crear un videojuego de realidad virtual pero ciertamente era algo mucho mejor que eso. Se podía decir que era el siguiente paso tecnológico.

 El dueño del parque supervisó la semana de los turistas y estuvo varios meses después para indicarles a los técnicos y creativos cuáles eran los cambios que había que hacer con urgencia. Había mucho que corregir e incluso mucho que crear de cero pues habían habido cosas que no funcionaban para nada. Una de esas era la comida dentro del parque que, al ser cocinada por los androides, siempre quedaba muy diferente a los que los huéspedes esperaban y eso no podía ser. Obviamente también tenían chefs reales, pero eso era diferente.

 Tenían que ser capaces de hacerlo todo y hacerlo bien, de una manera correcta, si no es que perfecta. Todo debía ser como el mundo, o al menos esa había sido la premisa desde un comienzo. Después fue cuando el creador de todo se dio que querer que se pareciera todo al mundo real era una ridiculez del tamaño de un elefante. Eso era porque el mundo real, o mejor dicho el nuestro, es un caos y una mezcla de mucho más que solo paz y guerra y aventuras sin sentido. Querían construir algo con cierta esperanza y no para que nadie se deprimiera.

Como se esperaba, el parque demoró dos años más en abrir luego de las visita de los primeros cien huéspedes. Fue recibido con cariño por muchos pero jamás pasó la prueba de fuego. Muchos decían que se sentían falso, que era muy fácil o muy difícil. Que era complicado o aburrido o muchas otras cosas que eran predecibles. El caso es que la tecnología fue creada para no usarse más o tal vez no de la manera que inicialmente se había planeado.

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

SPECIAL: Oscar Predictions (Winners)


My final predictions with who will, could and should win, the latter only taking nominees into account (or we could be here forever). Let's start:

Best Picture

Will win: Boyhood > Of course, the race is between Birdman and Boyhood. But personally, I think the latter will win to its universality, which Birdman lacks. Of course, it's 50-50 right now so, who knows.

Could win: Birdman > The movie has performed very well in major awards and some of the guilds, the key ones, no less, so it's quite possible that the Michael Keaton vehicle will be able to win the top prize:

My vote: The Grand Budapest Hotel > I think it's the most complete of the films nominated. It uses all the tools that cinema can take hold off and is able to tell a compelling story in the most visual and entertaining way.

Best Director

Will win: Richard Linklater (Boyhood) > Yes, I know González Iñárritu won the DGA but Richard Linklater's work is much more showy and it's certainly hard that his effort to make his movie is going to be ignored. Besides, Alfonso Cuarón's last year's win may put them off from voting for González.

Could win: Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman) > No doubt, the two top races are head to head and any of these guys could win. Both works are good enough for the prize.

My vote: Bennett Miller (Foxcatcher) > ok, they were all good but no movie showed the director's ability to handle his craft more evidently than Foxcatcher. I still don't get how it was that the movie wasn't nominated in the Best Picture category. Miller is a brilliant, dedicated artist and he should win one of these soon.

Best Actor in a Leading role

Will win: Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) > Another tight race in which I believe voter will prefer the young "newcomer" than the old veteran. Remember Mickey Rourke losing a few years ago? In any case, Redmayne's physicality and love for the character makes a win very deserving.

Could win: Michael Keaton (Birdman) > He's the face of one of the top two movies of the year and he's pretty good at it. But I feel his record with the Academy and the fact that his character is not that lovable or close, will make him lose at the end.

Should win: Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) > My favorite of the bunch although I would have loved to see Timothy Spall nominated...

Best Actress in a Leading role

Will win: Julianne Moore (Still Alice) > She has been locked for a couple of months. She's a beloved skilled actress and this is a recognition, not only for her great work in this film, but for her career up to this day.

Could win: Marion Cotillard (Deux jours, Une nuit) > She won lots of critics awards and she is definitively second to Moore although I think it would be a very big surprise if she did won. Foreign language performances are still not that appreciated, in any case.

Should win: Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl) > Shameful the Academy didn't embrace one of the best thrillers to come out in the last few years. She was brilliant as the crazy and manipulative wife in a loveless marriage.

Best Actor in a Supporting role

Will win: J.K. Simmons (Whiplash) > For some reason, villainous types are loved greatly in this category. Although not all have won, Simmons performance is too good to be ignored as the cruel, crazed music conductor.

Could win: No one really. J.K Simmons has been locked for months and there's no way he could loose.

Should win: J.K. Simmons (Whiplash) > Too showy to miss. None of the other gentlemen gave that kind of performance. Not even Norton which, to me, is a very overrated performance.

Best Actress in a Supporting role

Will win: Patricia Arquette (Boyhood) > Her character is the strongest one of her movie and she shows it every so often. The growing old process is specially remarkable for her as she matures before our eyes, just as her character's son does.

Could win: Emma Stone (Birdman) > Love for Birdman may be strong enough to topple Arquette out of her prize. Besides, Stone is widely beloved as an actress and they may want to give her a boost with an award, even if her character is not all that strong.

Should win: Patricia Arquette (Boyhood) > She's locked. Let's get real.

Best Original Screenplay

Will win: Birdman > This one seems safe for the movie about a former movie actor trying to put up a play while being hunted by his past. The dialogues are quite remarkable and the movie is quite original in the way it's delivered to the audience.

Could win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > It has won some other awards in this category and I bet many voters were attracted to it because the story is so original, witty and clever. It deserves at least one prize.

Should win: The Grand Budapest Hotel but also Foxcatcher. Both screenplay were very clever and real pieces of cinema.

Best Adapted Screenplay 

Will win: Whiplash > It is normally the original screenplay category that prizes bold new directors and screenwriters but I do believe this time it will be Chazelle's movie about the world of music that will attract the votes.

Could win: The Imitation Game > WWII has always attracted the Academy and this movie has aspects to be liked by any kind of person. Besides the movie has eight nominations and its hard to see it walking away empty handed.

Should win: Whiplash > Whiplash is an actual original piece that deserves to be recognized, even if its a bit of category fraud.

Best Animated Feature Film

Will win: Big Hero 6 > Disney struck gold and got to our hearts with this moving piece of animation that, as always, finds a way to have a happy ending while dealing with grief and pain. Besides, the character and story are too good to ignore.

Could win: How to Train Your Dragon 2 > Succesful with the guilds and even more after The Lego Movie's snub, this piece also deals with grief and pain but also love and family. It's another one of those tight races we love.

Should win: Big Hero 6 > I loved it. Although Princess Kaguya was not bad at all and a win might bring the Academy close to Studio Ghibli again, after that awful snub for The Wind Rises last year.

Best Foreign Language Film

Will win: Ida (Poland) > And, once again, Academy veterans love WWII and, although that's not the main subject of the movie, it is pretty close to it. A nun finding the truth about her family while meeting an aunt she had no idea existed. It's a very good story and the acting is to be remembered.

Could win: Timbuktu (Mauritania) > After winning many César awards (the french Oscars), I believe this movie may have a big chance to win. Americans love to talk about terrorism and it has France behind it whic guarantees quality.

Should win: Leviathan (Russia) > This is the movie with the best premise and with a strong support by the guilds. Maybe it will win...

Best Documentary Feature

Will win: Citizenfour > The Academy, from time to time, loves to get political and confront the audience with the reality of their world. And what best way to do so that by awarding a daring journalist for her work on a key figure of today's world stage.

Could win: The Salt of the Earth > Wim Wender's documentaries are always beautiful and compelling. However, he has failed to win for a long time. Maybe he's due for a second award.

Should win: Finding Vivian Maier > The premise sounds gorgeous and I'm really sorry not having seeing it yet.

Best Documentary Short

Will win: Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1 > Well, its the United States and they love to give prizes to documentaries made about their own problems and this one sounds like something they would go for.

Could win: White Earth > Another local piece that sounds interesting.

Should win: Joanna > My favorite premise of all five: a woman is told she had three months to live and decides to start a blog about it.

Best Live Action Short Film

Will win: The Phone Call > Sally Hawkins as a helpline worker... Sounds good enough for a win.

Could win: Parvaneh > Immigration. What's not to like?

Should win: Aya > I find the premise funny and worth of a look: a man confuses a woman for his assigned driver.

Best Animated Short Film

Will win: Feast > Apparently it's very good animation and it has been well marketed. A man's love life seen through the eyes of his dog.

Could win: The Bigger Picture > Uncommon animation sometimes attracts voters.

Should win: A Single life > Premise sounds interesting: Pia can travel through her life when she plays a vinyl record. 

Best Original Score

Will win: The Theory of Everything > Besides Redmayne's performance, everyone agrees the score is one of the best parts of the movie. And it helps that the composer has never been nominated because the Academy loves to give prizes to newcomers in this category.

Could win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Double nomination would normally mean more chances to win but that has proven not quite true with the Oscars. Maybe this time it will happen?

Should win: Interstellar > Without a doubt the best of the bunch: you can play it without any images and it's still magnificent. It deserves to win. Besides, Hans Zimmer hasn't won since The Lion King. 

Best Original Song

Will win: Selma > This will be the only place where this movie will be recognized and, I have to say, it shouldn't. Studios are making all kind of things to trick the rules of this category in order to get in. To me, the song play in the credits and shouldn't be able to compete. Sorry but that's the rule.

Could win: The Lego Movie > Another snubbed movie that may find solace in this category, however unlikely that may be. Selma will have heavy support here, to the low amount of nominations it garnered.

Should win: Begin Again > The best song of the bunch, no doubt about it. It's played at least twice by two characters during the movie and it never feels forced or out of sync with the movie itself.

Best Sound Editing

Will win: American Sniper > With six surprise nominations, its hard to think it won't get at least one and this category is perfect as sound effects are quite important throughout the movie and they used them wisely.

Could win: Unbroken > Another war movie that excelled in it's use of sound to depict certain conditions, specially the one related to the airplanes and the prison camp.

Should win: Interstellar > Not as heavy use of sound as it the other two movies I mentioned but they sure did a great use of them, in this science fiction piece.

Best Sound Mixing

Will win: Whiplash > We're talking about mixing and musicals normally do well here. Of course, this movies is not a musical at all but it engages us into the plot with the sounds produced by an obsessed drummer.

Could win: American Sniper > It is very likely that they could win both. It happens frequently and wouldn't be all that strange.

Should win: Whiplash > Music and images carry the film. Impossible to overlook it.

Best Production Design

Will win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Both scene decoration and art direction are simply marvelous to the detail in this fine period piece. Everything was done to the minimal perfection and it should be rewarded.

Could win: Mr. Turner > Recreating the life of a painter living between the 18th and 19th centuries sure proved a challenged for the talented artists that brought us closer to the England of that time.

Should win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > It's showy, colorful, clean, beautiful and just breathtaking.

Best Cinematography

Will win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > It's classic but a bit daring too and it's a rather calm film, using many of the techniques cinematographers today avoid.

Could win: Birdman > Lubezki's cinematography is brilliant although it looks better because of the great editing, that sadly wasn't recognized by the Academy. Somehow, I doubt he will be honored twice in a row.

Should win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > But although great, I have to say it's sad not to see the beautiful work of Hoyte Van Hoytema recognized in the category, for his beautiful work in Interstellar.

Best Makeup and Hairstyling

Will win: Guardians of the Galaxy > Besides being a box office hit, which helps, the movie's best feature is the makeup work. And science fiction has often being recognized in this category.

Could win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Tilda Swinton's character, in particular, is showy enough to make a the movie win.

Should win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > The movie is just to beautiful to overlook.

Best Costume Design

Will win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Milena Canonero is to great to be ignored. Her work is simply marvelous on this movie.

Could win: Into the Woods > But they also love Colleen Atwood and her work in many movies, even the ones that weren't that popular with the public.

Should win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Canonero deserves that Oscar, her fourth.

Best Film Editing

Will win: Whiplash > Fast paced, lots of different frames and angles and a story that advances pretty fast. And it's all about the editing.

Could win: The Grand Budapest Hotel > Although it might be more because of its cinematography, the movie relies on a soft form of editing that many often ignore.

Should win: Whiplash > Editing in its best form, without a doubt. Although Birdman is not a movie I love, this category was theirs and somehow it missed.

Best Visual Effects

Will win: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes > No one understands how the first one lost this award to Hugo. But the sequel is equally brilliant when using motion capture technology as well as creating new characters with it.

Could win: Interstellar > It has done well with critics and with the general public. Besides, being a movie with a message may be good enough for many voters. Anyway, many sequences and specially the robots are just brilliant.

Should win: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes > Motion capture technology has not being properly recognized with an Oscar and this should be a first step to actors being nominated for their work in that new artform, post-Avatar of course.

Final Count
Will win

Whiplash = 4
Boyhood, The Grand Budapest Hotel = 3
The Theory of Everything = 2
Still Alice, Birdman, Big Hero 6, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, American Sniper, 
Guardians of the Galaxy, Ida, Citizenfour, Feats, Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1, Selma = 1