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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta personal. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

Locos sueños

   Si hay algo que me gusta es soñar. Y no, no me refiero a imaginarme cosas que nunca van a pasar pero sin embargo “perseguirlas” hasta que ocurran. En esas estupideces yo no creo. Sería casi como creer en el genio de la lámpara o en el dragón de los deseos o algo por el estilo. No, yo me refiero a los sueños de verdad, esos que tenemos con frecuencia cuando estamos dormidos. Aunque es verdad que, según dicen, siempre soñamos, solo unas pocas veces logramos recordar un sueño y muy pocas veces lo podemos recordar en su totalidad. Pero es un ejercicio divertido: tratar de recordar todas las aventuras o desventuras que acaban de pasar en nuestra cabeza. Para mi, entre más raro y emocionante, mejor. Quiere decir que mi cerebro va muy bien.

 Obviamente las pesadillas no son mis preferidas ni las de nadie. Nos hacen despertar sudando frío y a las cinco de la mañana, sin poder siquiera entender que fue lo que pasó. A veces es porque comimos mucho antes de dormir o porque nos pusimos a leer o ver algo especialmente violento o asqueroso antes de dormir. Por eso siempre es recomendado no sobrecargarse de cosas antes de cerrar los ojos. El cerebro humano es muy fácil de disuadir así que podemos evitar casi todas las pesadillas que tenemos. Eso sí, a pesar de ser estresantes y todas las consecuencias que tienen en nuestra pobre mente, las pesadillas también pueden hablar bien de nuestra capacidad de imaginar e incluso de sentir. Alguien que no haya tenido una, puede ser de desconfiar.

 Normalmente mis sueños, y supongo yo que la mayoría de sueños, se asemeja a una película mal editada. Hay cortes raros por aquí o por allá, que nunca sé si son resultado de mi memoria que borra lo que es de poca recordación o si en verdad mi cerebro pasa de una “escena” a la otra así no más. En mi caso, muchas veces los sueños son como un recorrido. Puedo recordar empezar en algún lado pero también como empiezo a moverme y así circulo a través de diferentes sueños formando una cadena de ellos que puedo conectar por diferentes temas o incluso por los personajes que aparecen allí conmigo.

 Yo siempre soy yo o, al menos, la mayoría de las veces. Creo que a mi cerebro no le gusta mucho la idea de disfrazarme o de hacerme pasar por alguien que no soy. De hecho, podría atreverme a decir que ese es el punto. En nuestros sueños, podemos ser nosotros mismos, los de verdad, sin que nadie pueda decir nada ni prohibir nada. Y cuando digo nosotros mismos, digo todo nuestro ser, como aberraciones, sentimientos, gustos y disgustos. Porque eso es lo que nos hace ser quien seamos así a veces ocultemos o ignoremos ciertos rasgos de nuestro propio ser. En nuestros sueños estamos en casa y en ese sentido no hay por qué ocultar nada de nada de nadie. Solo somos nosotros.

 El sueño de volar es uno de los más comunes y todos lo hemos tenido, o eso creería yo. Supongo que ocurre porque es liberador, porque nos hace sentir verdaderamente libres y además no da un poder que sabemos no es real. Eso nos hace sentir especiales y quién no quiere sentirse especial en este mundo donde, en realidad, nadie lo es? Los sueños son nuestro mundo y son una vía de escape, son lo único que en verdad es nuestro. Nuestros pensamientos también lo son pero estos los podemos compartir e incluso algunas personas los pueden adivinar según nuestro comportamiento. Es muy fácil hacerlo en muchas ocasiones. Pero nadie puede ver los sueños de nadie más ni describírselos a un amigo en detalle.

 Esto es porque, como decíamos antes, nunca nos acordamos de todo lo que ocurre en un sueño. Siempre hay partes que faltan, huecos que ya despiertos muchas veces llenamos de supuestos y conjeturas pero que en realidad siguen inmersos en el misterio. Podemos suponer que lo que recordamos de un sueño es lo más importante pero eso sería tanto como decir que de un viaje largo lo que más recordamos es lo bonito y alegre. Todos sabemos que los accidentes y demás tragedias nos marcan mucho más que un beso o un abrazo. Esa es la triste realidad. Así que cuando nos despertamos recordamos pedazos y ya depende de nosotros si queremos armar algo con esos pedazos o simplemente dejarlo todo quieto y saber que disfrutamos el viaje.

 Porque los sueños son como las montañas rusas o como una caminata por algún lugar especial. Son recorridos, a veces largos y a veces cortos, que terminan y no siempre podemos apuntar cual fue nuestra parte favorita pero sabemos que lo repetiríamos si nuestra sensación al final es de placer o felicidad. Acaso a quién no le ha pasado con sueña con alguien, una persona maravillosa y perfecta? y quisiéramos quedarnos allí con esa persona para siempre pero sabemos que no es posible y entonces queremos seguirlos viendo en sueños pero como no podemos encontrarlos, nunca los vemos más.

 Esos amores de los sueños son intoxicantes porque son ideales, son muchas veces tal y como nos gustaría que fuese la próxima persona que llegase a nuestras vidas. Eso es así porque en nuestros sueños el cerebro coge de todas partes para formar el viaje y toma caras y cuerpos familiares, sensaciones que hemos podido experimentar y lugares que hemos visitado antes. Todo es reciclado y entregado a nosotros en una forma atractiva y diferente, de la que muchas veces quisiéramos saber más. Es un mundo muy poderoso, aquel de los sueños, porque nos muestra lo que más queremos pero sabemos que jamás podremos hacer realidad porque no es algo que sea factible. Ese es el punto de los sueños.

 Por eso es cómico cuando hay personas que dicen que pueden leer los sueños y así decirle a alguien como será su futuro o que quieren decir cada una de las cosas que ocurrieron. Los seres humanos no tenemos ninguna forma de saber nada más que de el presente y si acaso del pasado cuando no lo ignoramos o lo metemos debajo de un tapete. Los sueños no quieren decir nada más allá del significado obvio que tienen para los que los sueña. Es ridículo que alguien venga y te diga que quiere decir todo eso que viste cuando tu lo sabes muy bien porque fuiste tu, tu inconsciente en todo caso, quien creó todo ese maravilloso mundo que desapareció al despertar. Nadie más puede decir nada al respecto.

 Hay sueños que dan miedo, otros que dan felicidad, otros que son muy raros, otros que desarrollan nuestros más bajos instintos y así sigue porque no tienen límite ya que sus únicas fronteras son las que tenemos nosotros en el cerebro. Lo increíble es que los sueños son lo que más tenemos en común los seres humanos, porque todos los hacemos e incluso tenemos sueños similares como los de volar. Y también tenemos en común que para todos son procesos de liberación, así sea por unas cuantas horas. Ni la persona más reprimida deja de soñar y su inconsciente siempre termina mostrando la realidad porque no hay una persona en este mundo que tenga algún control sobre los sueños.

 Y esa es, sin duda, una de sus más bellas características. Esa libertad, esa fluidez e increíble potencial. A veces hay gente que se despierta vigorizada, como si les hubieran inyectado el mejor remedio en existencia. Esa seguramente es la función de los sueños: relajar nuestra mente y darnos un verdadero respiro de todo lo difícil y horrible que hay en el mundo, que es mucho. También esa es la razón por la que, cuando estamos en tiempos difíciles, casi nunca nadie recuerda que soñó. Es como un bálsamo curativo que nuestro propio cerebro nos unta en el alma, corazón o como lo quieran llamar. El caso es que nos ayuda a seguir adelante, da un paso por vez y sin mirar atrás.

 Lo increíble de todo esto es que todo ocurre por nosotros mismos. No hay intervención de nadie más, no hay nadie que nos diga que hacer o como. Los sueños son todo responsabilidad nuestra y por eso es que nos complacen tanto. Nadie los hace para nosotros ni nadie puede criticar su contenido porque ese contenido somos nosotros mismos y la realidad es que, aunque a veces podemos llegar a odiarnos, al fin y al cabo siempre vivimos con nosotros y sabemos como manejar todo tipo de situaciones, incluidos esos locos sueños en los que nos manda nuestro subconsciente, a veces a manera de análisis y otras veces a manera de diversión.

 El caso es que soñar, soñar dormido, es uno de los mayores y más privados placeros de la vida. Son nuestros, son de lo poco que es verdad personal y que no podemos ni siquiera compartir con esa fuerza y empuje que tienen. Lo mejor de los sueños es que nos enseñan pedacitos de quienes somos y así no ayudan a seguir adelante, sin depende de ellos.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Twenty seven

   No, this is not a tale of fiction. What I’m going to be saying in the next paragraphs is all real and why shouldn’t it be? It’s not all about having wild different ideas everyday. Today I decided to try something different because it’s my birthday. No, congratulations are not demanded or needed but they are appreciated. What I want to talk about is the effect this day had over be, what I think about turning a certain age, about the day, about all the fuss around it and how I feel about everything related to turning twenty seven years old today.

 Yes, I’m not that old and maybe you’ll think that I have nothing to complain about or valuable to say but I do. Because I’m only three years away from a limit that separates me between adulthood and been a young man. Of course, adulthood may begin before turning thirty. Many say the body stops growing at twenty five years old, so maybe that’s the real limit. Who cares? It’s not only a biological boundary but also one that, in this society at least, confronts us with who we are and how we do what we do. And to be honest I haven’t done anything worth stating in my thirtieth birthday as a great achievement.

 I personally don’t count education as an achievement. Why? Because I do not live in difficult conditions or at the edge of society. I have a relatively easy access to education from where my parents put me in society and there’s no real challenge in me entering or coming out with a diploma out of a academic facility. I’m not saying at all that I’m smart. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, and certainly I cannot tell for myself. But the truth is that anyone who pays an education will receive a prize for it after a while. It’s not a prize because of what you learned but because of what you paid. And that may be a hard reality so let’s move on.

 I have a school diploma, a college diploma and a postgraduate diploma. So, I’m set right? In this society, according to my educational stats, I should have a great job and a nice seat from where to look at life from. Well, I don’t. What I have today is not a product of anything I’ve done but of the efforts made by my parents. Being my birthday and all, I think it’s appropriate to thank them for all of that big effort, for everything they’ve done over the years to make sure my life is the best they can give to me. I have clothing, food, a bed and I have never worked in my life. I think it’s fair to say they did a great job.

 However, every person must be capable to sustain itself without any outer help, right? In this society, in any society to be accurate, people are required to start making money as soon as possible, first learning a skill or doing whatever there is to do to have money and then going up the ladder that leads to a better life, a better job and son on. Well, I haven’t got that. I ‘ve never had the need or the yearning to work. Maybe most people won’t get that but I just haven’t had to work. That’s it. If I could I wouldn’t do anything for life but after my last diploma was shipped to my house, I had to start looking for a job and that has been the story of my life for the last two years. And no one has given me a chance to do anything, at least not for a pay, and I’m too old to be bullied into working for nothing. So there you have it.

 I don’t really like to talk about it because I know what people think when I tell them I don’t have a job. People think that if someone isn’t paying you to do something, anything, it’s because you’re just not good for anything. People that have jobs tend to think they are superior to others just because of that and it’s always more obvious when you are this age. People like to feel they have power because they have money: they pay trips, they have a car (which I’m not interested in having, but that’s another story), they move out of their parents home, they have social lives and so on.

 I have nothing of that. Do I want to? I guess. I don’t really know. There are many think I don’t know and all I do to avoid getting crazy is writing. Because I don’t write only because I feel good doing it, because it’s the only thing I feel I can do right, but because it avoids entering into territories I prefer to live alone in myself. In the past, I have been known to hating myself so much, so deeply, so violently, and I don’t want anything to have with all of that again. I want to be far away from that black pit in which all of those hurtful feelings are. The last time I fell, it was awful. And… I always walk by it. Maybe one day I’ll finally for good.

 On a more cheerful note, I don’t really like birthdays. Surprised? I bet you’re not. I think it’s just one of the many ways to control time, to be ashamed of things that you can’t control and ashamed of the things that you can actually do something about, like that job we were talking earlier. Because I know very well it’s pointless to blame others for my failures. I am my problem and, possibly, I am my answer. But how to answer when the question is not all that clear?

 Birthdays to me are very personal, moments that I prefer to spend almost alone, only with my family close by. I don’t like big celebrations because, to be honest once again, I don’t think there’s something to celebrate. Being alive is not good enough for me, not to celebrate at least. And going old is really not something that I like to think about. Because it reminds me of what I haven’t accomplished and who I’m not and that, obviously, unsettles me. I just like to have a piece of cake, something to drink and to eat and that’s all. I don’t like big gifts or parties or going out because of that. I don’t see the point in all of it.

 I would love for someone to really read this because I feel it’s the most personal thing that I’ve written on this blog. I know most hits are just people that open the page and then close it when they see they have to read a lot. Or maybe that’s not interesting at all but it’s kind of a big deal for me because this blog is all about my writing, my fiction creations, not about me as an individual. Actually, I don’t think I can call myself a writer because I write. There is a weight, a universe to the words and I don’t think I have what it takes to be considered an actual writer. Will I get there? I have no idea. I don’t think I can answer that because I don’t like to pretend I know things that are impossible to predict. Optimism isn’t really my thing and reality doesn’t care about what you desire, about how cute you think the world is.

 Besides all of this, there is the “relationship” side of turning a year older. Of course, we don’t get old only on our birthday but every single day. The birthday is only there to mark the change of a number, that’s it. So what have I achieved, relationship wise, in twenty seven years? Shit. That’s it. I haven’t done shit in all that time. Maybe there’s no surprise here either, but I don’t really believe in love as everyone imagines it to be. That beautiful romance full of stupid little phrases and words and corny moments. That love is bullshit. Same for the one that lasts forever, another piece of bullshit. Love may exist but it’s something beyond we can express in words and not only purely romantic, romance is just the stupid part of it. But I don’t really give a shit to be honest.

 I do think seeing is believing, so I have no way to think that love exists if I have never felt it. And I haven’t. I’ve had close relationships; I wouldn’t go as far to say they were deeply committed relationships, in no way profound or enriching. That is the truth. Sex? Sure, like a hundred years ago but sure. But sex is just biological, we are designed to have sex, to enjoy it, to just do it and that’s amazing. But I grew tired of it once I realized people didn’t see me as me when we had sex. They saw me as something else. Yeah, something and not someone. That didn’t feel go and with my personal issues, it wasn’t the best combo. So I just stopped.

 Anyway, this is my twenty seventh birthday, meaning that I have three more years to be a proper adult in the eyes of the public. Of course, to me, the public can go and fuck themselves, unless they start paying me for something. Because let’s face it, that’s all we are about: money and how to live through it. If you don’t think so, you’re in denial. And fuck, I want that money to stop feeling I’m a failure so fuck it. But who knows, maybe things will change a lot in the following year. My experience tells me nothing will change but who knows.

 To finish, I have to state that I’m not being ungrateful. As I said before, I thank my parents every day for what they did for me. I will always be grateful for that. But I’m not like others, I do not parade myself around people and tell them how proud I am for doing things everyone does or at least everyone I know does. Because, of course, I can only care for my micro cosmos and not for the whole world, at least not now. I just think I haven’t done shit yet and that’s it really. Will I ever do something that makes me proud? Who knows? Certainly not me. But hey, I’m turning twenty seven so fuck what anyone thinks. For today, and for many days to be exact, I just don’t care.

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

If I couldn't write, I would go insane

I used to like being naked a lot, taking pictures. I was rather popular for it. People would ask me why I did it. Well, here's why:

First, and I think I just realized this, I loved the attention. I had tons of pictures, good quality, up on Flickr. And people would mark them as favorites and even comment and I will important somehow. People would like me and that felt nice. At least at first.

With time that attention wears out. You just stop needing it or maybe you want more or different. I have no idea. The thing is I just stopped liking the attention. I had that account for five or six years. It was an important thing in my life, as funny as that may be.

I have to clarify: not all the pictures were nudes. I would upload "urban" shots too or maybe just portraits or whatever I found was nice to look at. I guess I wanted to make others see I had talent for something. Of course, I didn't. I'm a professional photographer and my "work" on Flickr lacked any real quality. I knew that all along and never really cared about it. It wasn't the point.

I would love to post one picture per week, normally I would post at the first second of a new day so the statistics would more accurately show how much a picture was liked. When I uploaded an urban view, a building or trees or whatever, the picture was not that well received. Maybe a couple of people would say "yay, it's great". And that was it.

But me, naked, showing maybe my ass or my penis (never an erection, mind you), was always received by what I can only call "critical acclaim". Of course this acclaim came from people I had never met, mostly men. All men to be honest. And they were all horny. I mean, I should be an idiot not to see it.

I used to be more naive, more innocent if you will. When I remember those times, I don't know if it was a good way to be back then or if I should've been more intelligent, more perceptive.

Like, when I was nineteen I think, I went out with this guy. Just cute, not really a beauty or anything but you know. We went to a gay café and chatted and kissed and I felt awesome. It wasn't muy first time kissing but it felt right and beautiful and all that shit. Any way, it ended soon after and I never really understood why. Why he behaved like he did, always distant and weird.

He was fucking (or being fucked, who knows) others, kissing others while dating me. He actually kissed another guy that same night I was in the café with him. Somebody would later tell me all of this and I just understood it all. I also understood men were not to be fully trusted as, it is true, a man always acts commanded by his dick first, then his brain. And it's even more real in gay men and they know this is true.

Many people judge me saying "Hey, why haven't you been to a gay parade? Have you really never been in one?". And my answer is simply because I don't believe in it. It's not a casual walk to just show how proud we are to be who we are. That's what is SHOULD be about. But it isn't. That parade has mutated to be many people's chance to just rub in the faces of everyone what they do with their lives. Well, good news: no one gives a flying fuck.

There are homophobes. Of course there are. But there are others that just don't care. They don't think twice if someone is sleeping with a man, a woman or a horse. They don't care. And I don't think that is a reason to be pushy and annoying. I am fucking gay and the only person I need accepting me is myself. If the world doesn't, believe me, I don't care.

There's no gay marriage, that does not exists. The only thing that does exist is two people who get together to sign a paper that says they must share everything and live together. That's it. It's nothing more than that. You're not selling yourself there, in any sense, and it shouldn't matter who does it. Who cares?

But I digress. I made those pictures, the naked ones. And all that attention and it felt nice for years, yeah. I don't like discos or whatever they all them now. I just don't, I feel like an octopus in Japanese restaurant. Just like that. I've gone to a couple and that was enough for me. So I was happy to have some guys attention.

But that faded away. I got bored. To be honest I'm bored and fed up with people every second of my life now but that made me even more bored. All those empty comments and no one coming to me in real life to say "hey, you cute". And before you give me shit, I say "coming to me" because I deserve that. I won't crawl to a guy simply because I won't give an inch of myself to someone who would just expect everything.

The thing with gay guys, and all guys I guess, is that you must test them. And no, that doesn't mean annoying them and being jealous 24/7. I mean asking them things, getting to know them for real. Just being interested to get to know the person, take time.

But no. Most people fuck after 24 hours of meeting, if not before. I'm not saying people should be nuns and monks but, come one, love yourself.

And then I started having problems with the Flickr people and they ended up closing my account. You know why? Because it happens I didn't only do those pictures for the attention. I also did them because they were like therapy for me. I have hated myself for too long and that outlet made me feel good about myself. I almost fully stopped having crazy crisis every month.

And, besides that, I personally think the human body is beautiful. I don't believe in a god so I say nature is pretty smart and resourceful. Just get naked in front of a mirror and stare at yourself. Take a good look at the details, not the superficial shit of society but your actual biologic body. It's a work of art, inside and out.

So, that ended for me. It stopped existing, that outlet, that I needed so bad for so many years. To be honest, when it ended, I said "Fuck it, I have something new now: writing". So around that time I started working on some small things and it all came down to this blog with which I have a really hard relationship.

Today, for example, I had more than five ideas. I couldn't write more that ten lines for each. I felt awful, like an idiot, because this is my thing, my only thing. And if I couldn't write, I would go insane. Simple as that.

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Writing Crap

My days are always the same: I wake up ten minutes before 10 AM to watch this tv show I like. As I do that, I eat breakfast. My breakfast is basically anything that lays around the fridge or the cupboard. I don't like breakfast, it annoys me for some reason.

After that, my mom is already up too so we watch more Tv for like an hour and then I shower, get dressed, tidy up my bedroom and by 1 PM I should be writing on my laptop.

And then, things get really easy or really annoying. Sometimes I've had an idea before and it comes back as I seat in front of the screen so it comes right up: every detail, every character, everything there is to say to make it good enough to read.
However, I practically never make corrections. That's because I'm lazy and also because I think that makes me kind of a bad writer, if I'm not capable to see errors as I write them.

Well, that's on the good days. On the bad days, it sucks, big time. I normally come up with stories I can write fast and don't make me go crazy. As one day I write in English and the following day in Spanish and so on, it gets easier or harder depending on how ready I am to write in one language or the other. Some things are easier on one or in the other. it just depends on my mood or something.

It happens a lot too that after i began, already with two pages finished, I realized how awful my story of the day is. I read a paragraph and I get pissed, sad and annoyed at the same time. It either doesn't make sense or it sound stupid or childish... It make me angry.
Sometimes, if I spent too much time doing it, I just post it and think "Fuck it". No one appear to be reading these so who to fuck cares.
If I happen to be particularly annoyed by my writing, I just erased it all and start again. Those times, I think how awful it would be if someone read my blog and thought "What is this?". So I write something else, out of the blue.

Writing is the only thing I think I am able to do correctly. I mean, I make cupcakes and I read a lot of wikipedia, but writing is my thing. I'm an idiot with numbers and social issues don't really get to me. Let's just say if I was a president I would very rapidly become a dictator.

And I know it's weird and frowned upon, for a so-called writer, but I don't really love reading. I mean, sure I read but not huge books and 5 in a year. Maybe I read one a year. I mean, for many people I know I suck a lot. But I believe writing and reading are two different things, that have little to do with one another. But that's me and, quite possibly, I'm the only one who thinks that.

So this is what I do. Write a blog and just hope for thing to pick up somehow. I have a career and a masters degree but no company gives a fuck about that. They want people they can mold and I'm past that. Not to say I'm such a creative soul but I'm not an empty canvas either.

After writing, I normally go walking somewhere. my goal every week day (there's no way in hell I'm going to exercise on weekends), is to walk 10 kilometers. I do it through nice little neighborhoods or by avenues or on huge malls. I don't care as long as I have time to make my brain calm down.

To sum it up, here are the reasons why I NEED to walk everyday:

 - Live with parents
 - Never had a job. NONE.
 - Have never been paid to do nothing. For real.
 - I'm 25.
 - I'm gay.
 - Social life in a coma.
 - What the hell. I do need the exercise.

And those are all (probably not) the reasons why I need to breath some fresh air and prevent myself from going crazy, again. I have my "rage episodes" and they can get pretty ugly but I writing has gotten those under control.

See? Writing is not only about doing the one thing that I do good. It's about doing something that makes me calm, that has the incredible capacity of make me think and just concentrate. I left school and college so long ago and I need some structure in some kind of way.

Before you think "the gym is nice" or some shit like that, let me tell you a little something. I hate gyms, I loath them and the people that love them. That's it. I won't apologize for that and won't explain it because, let's face it, how many people will be reading this?

Anyhow, what I like the most about writing is the imagination part. Many people think about techniques or structures or storylines and I don't really care about that. Actually, that doesn't really matter because what really matters is a good story, a real one, kind of original. That's it.

My career was focused on cinema and that made me think about how brilliant minds can be when they put all their energy on something. We are all in awe of people that have come up with awesome tales and characters and dialogue and we worship them like gods but we forget they were once like us.

Ok, maybe not like me but you get my point. They were people just looking to make their dreams real and by that I don't mean "dreams" like in "making your wishes come true". Not that. I mean taking out from you mind what's there and put it in display for others to see. That's the dream that comes true, not if you find a loved one or win the lottery.

Imagination for me is the most attractive thing. Maybe that's way my social life is in a coma. Yes, I have friends and they are a small number, which for me it's great, I know them better because of that. But I fail to make new ones because I get bored fairly fast. I mean, if I'm not interested in you in the first five minutes, believe, were not going to be anything.

Same goes with guys. If they prove to me that they have no imagination whatsoever, there will be no second date. Or second chat, to be accurate. Nowadays, not even that. I have no energy or personality left to have a steady relationship with anyone. And before you say "Someone will come when you least expect it", let's just say I have been waiting for 25 fucking years so kiss that.

Well, I think I digress a bit from my main point. For me writing makes things happen were I need them to happen first: in my mind. Yes, life is about physical things and so on but that hasn't worked for me, so what's bad about creating stuff for people to read and, first and foremost, to make me feel I'm not a failure and that I can do something?

No harm done I think.

To be honest, I prefer writing my crap every single day, that forcing myself into a life I know I will hate and loath every single day of my life. Unemployed and poor? Well, yeah. But hey, there are always fast food chains.