Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta real. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta real. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016


   As the doors of the club opened, Hosni stumbled out flanked by two other guys, not one looking as lost as he was. He had to lean against a wall next to the club and just wait there. The two guys that had come out with him did not ask him if he was ok or if he wants some kind of help. Actually, they only looked at him glaringly and started talking on their phones almost immediately. His head felt very dizzy, he felt it turn and turn and not stopping but his body had no reaction further than that. He wasn’t going to vomit, so he just stayed there, looking wasted.

 The guys finally asked him if he was going with them. Hosni shook his head. He didn’t feel up to any task right now and just wanted to get home as soon as possible. As the guys left, he put his hands on the pockets of his jacket and checked everything that needed to be there was indeed there: the wallet, home keys, his socks and a candy. He even opened up the wallet to see how much money he had and realized he was obliged to walk back home, as he hadn’t enough money for a bus or the subway. And even if he had, he wasn’t in the best state to know where to walk to take any of those transportation options.

 So he started walking, at seven in the morning on a Sunday, through a neighborhood that he knew well as he had identified it as a go-to place since he had arrived in town five years ago. He remembered his excitement when seeing the order and the cleanliness and the coldness of people. It was very different from his home country, in both good and bad ways. The nice thing here is that his parents became a bit less religious and were not as tough with rules as hey had been before. The proof was that he was there, stumbling around corners at that time of day.

 Then he realized he hadn’t felt his cellphone in his jacket. He stopped right in front of a disco and people smoking outside watched as he furiously looked all over himself for the cellphone, only to find it in pocket close to the knee. He was wearing the cargo pants that his dad had felt would make a great worker, being able to carry all sorts of things everywhere. Even as he had studied to be a psychologist, his parents were still looking forward for Hosni to come to the family business, which was fixing all sorts of things, like a plumber.

 The walk was resumed, with Hosni checking out a map on the phone and rectifying his route. The small scare of not finding his cellphone had helped him being a little less wasted, he could see things little bit clearer. Yet, he wasn’t walking faster at all. He thought it would have been funny to go back to the club and make the owner or some guy turn on the lights to look for the cellphone. But then he remembered that couldn’t have been possible because electronic devices were not allowed in. He laughed stupidly, alone.

 After stumbling around for around thirty minutes, he finally got home safe and sound. It took him a while to open the main door of the building and he helped himself by holding the cellphone towards the door when opening the door of the apartment, in order not to wake up his family. He was very silent and when he got into his room he took every single piece of clothe of and just entered the cold bed stark naked, falling fast asleep in a matter of seconds.

 The following morning, the voice of his mother woke him up. She wasn’t calling for him but he could hear her in the kitchen, talking to his sister and father. They were probably having breakfast. He could smell the eggs and his stomach practically belched at the presence of the aroma. He would have wanted to eat but, again, his head was spinning. He was not wasted anymore, sleeping had taken care of most of the damage, but his head hurt and he just tried to fall asleep again but couldn’t.

 Besides, as he closed his eyes, he remembered various scenes from the previous night including many that he thought were not real. So he stayed with his eyes wide open looking at the ceiling, deciding which memories were real and which ones were fake. He knew he had a lot of beer and also some drugs, which weren’t allowed in the club but people still had them inside, when employees weren’t around and that was pretty often. The scent of the eggs felt stronger, so he got up.

 His family celebrated that he joined them and he was served a plate. Then, minutes later, he had to unfold the lie that he had been preparing since the day before. He said he had been in a friend’s house, drinking and having a small party with some of his friends that had recently arrived from his home country. All his parents could ask was what news they brought from home and how they were adapting to the city. They didn’t really care for anything else. It was his sister that asked at what time he had arrived and he had planned to lie about that too: he said he arrived around four in the morning, after helping a couple of his friends get home.

 The truth was he had arrived much later than that, even remembering seeing a bit of sunlight as he entered the building. He wasn’t asked much else, and he was thankful because remembering every single lie that he had planned before that night was difficult and made his head hurt even more. He just ate and enjoyed a time with his family and then went back to his room and tried to sleep some more but couldn’t. Again, he stared at the ceiling and just wandered about every single aspect of last night and how everyone had no idea of his real night.

 Later that Sunday, he took something for his headache and by night he was feeling better. He helped his dad around at the hardware store the family owned, as it opened every day, and just tried not to think about that night anymore. Now that he was better, he felt guilty and kind of scared that someone would be able to really now what he had been doing that night and so many other nights, because that one had not certainly being the only night he had gone out in order to be closer to what he thought was being his own real self.

 Since arriving to the city, he had been going out to places his parents had no idea he went and the thought of them knowing was enough to make the headache come back. He was afraid of the response, not only from his father but from his mother too. Even his sister’s response would be very hard to take in. He loved his family and wouldn’t want them to disappoint them or make them feel like he had betrayed them. But the fact was that he couldn’t tell any of them the truth. Because he knew how they would respond and he wasn’t ready for that yet.

 As if his thoughts had been heard in heaven, his father rolled out his prayer mat and felt in one very specific part of the store. Hosni did the same, just next to his father and prayed for a while with him. The amount of guilt that was piling up in his mind was too great and he seriously thought that his mind would explode one day. But it didn’t, because he was much stronger than he realized. After all, he had kept them out of the truth for many years and was ready to do it for many more.

 A couple of friends told him to be real, to live a more honest life and to lift that weight from his shoulders. But they didn’t understand how his family worked, how his religion and traditions really set a standard in which he didn’t fit in at all. Sometimes he had to go to his room when his parents had discussions over news in the TV that were “immoral” to them. He just couldn’t bear to hear them argue over something he felt they didn’t understand. He was just trapped between the life he had while a kid and the life he had now, after being able to go to college and have a real education.

 So, as always, for the following week, he was the Hosni everyone knew. He worked in the store and then he applied for jobs, some very far away, trying to get into the work world and into his profession, which he actually loved. He was charming with people all around him and loving with his parents and friends. He was just a young man full of dreams as anyone else, ready to take on life and just try to get the best out of it. He really wanted to be happy and thought that lying was part of that idea. It was unavoidable and he didn’t really mind.

 H was back in the club the following Saturday night. He had bought a year pass many months before so they knew him well. They gave him a token for a complimentary beverage and then he moved on the locker area, where he proceeded to strip down and only keep on his sneakers and his underwear. Then, he crossed a curtain to the bar where he drank vodka straight. Five minutes afterwards, Hosni was walking downstairs, to the dark room below, where his dreams did not live and he could be as close as he thought he could to the person he thought he was.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015


   Lo primero que hice fue encogerme, como si fuese capaz de apretar todo mi ser en una pequeña bola. Después, lo que hice fue empezar a llorar mientras mi corazón parecía querer salirse por la boca. La sensación era horrible, como si me estuviese ahogando pero peor. El dolor eran tan verdadero, tan cruelmente real, que tuve que encogerme aún más y no tuve que echarme de lado para poder subsistir. Tenía que hacerlo, o sino la presión me iba a matar y también ese dolor tan profundo que sentía, esa angustia tan particular y tan tóxica. A veces recuperaba el aliento y podía tragar una buena bocanada de aire limpio y eso me tenía que ser suficiente para todo el rato en el que no podría hacer nada para no sentirme tan mal como me sentía.

 La separación ya la había sufrido antes pero creo que está vez me había afectado más, me había tomado más por sorpresa. Debí saber, desde ese par de lágrimas que derramé al comienzo, que habría más esperando por mi. Mi cuerpo y mi alma, al fin y al cabo, no son tan fuertes. Están casi hechos de vidrio o de papel, lo que sea que se deteriore con mayor sensibilidad. El caso es que jamás pensé que fuese a ser para tanto, pero lo fue. Mi mente no había querido pensar todos esos días en lo que iba a pasar. Siempre dije que no estaba nervioso ni asustado pero la verdad era que estaba negándome a mi mismo la realidad de las cosas. Estaba, como se dice popularmente, haciéndome el loco. No quería ver la realidad y no quería aceptar que lo que iba a suceder era real.

 Por eso cuando sucedió, fue algo gradual. O al menos el dolor fue así. Al comienzo fue ligero y pasajero pero al pasar los días y al ver que lo que estaba sucediendo era de hecho algo de verdad, todo se fue literalmente a la mierda. No hay otra manera de ilustrarlo mejor y la verdad es que así hubiera mejor manera, creo que las palabras dichas son más dicientes. Fue la tercera noche, si mal no recuerdo, en la que todo lo que tenía alrededor empezó a derrumbarse y, cuando estaba cansado, el dolor atacó. Era como si me hubiese clavado una daga hirviendo hacía mucho pero hasta ahora se había enfriado y sentía de verdad el dolor y la agonía.

Lloré como si no hubiese un mañana. Me dolieron los ojos, las manos, la boca, la cabeza y cada una de las articulaciones del cuerpo. Cuando me desperté seguí llorando, cada pensamiento era como otro cuchillo más pequeño, que tomaba un pedazo de mi ser y lo hacía trizas. El dolor era mucho mayor al que jamás hubiese sentido y la verdad me di cuenta que debía sentirlo, no debía alejarme de él como si fuese algo extraño y hecho para alguien más. Tenía que apersonarme de mi dolor y aceptarlo completo, que me consumiera por completo, al menos por este rato en el que sabía que no había escapatoria alguna para semejante dolor. Debía sumirlo y tragarlo todo.

 Así lo hice. Fue un trago amargo, que no puedo decir que se haya detenido, pero al menos ya no se traduce solo en lágrimas pero en sentimientos que van mucho más allá de algo que se pueda explicar tan fácilmente. Son dolores, son afectaciones varias y no creo que se detengan en un buen tiempo, es decir, tengo que aprender a vivir con todo ello. Y la verdad es que no me molesta para nada. Porque ese dolor, esa sensación extraña, me mantiene alerta y me recuerda muchas cosas que no debería olvidar nunca, muchos sentimientos que no tendría de ninguna otra manera. Lo malo es que hay otros sentimientos en juego que no son tan agradables pero es un todo o nada bastante particular y definitivo.

 Todo lo que me sucede tiene que ver con mi familia, con no tenerlos al lado, con no poder tocarlos y verlos cuando yo quiera. Aunque lo que me sucede va más allá de eso… Pero creo que eso ya es un comienzo y no uno que deba ser particularmente fácil. O bueno, no para mí. Hay gente que se comporta con la familia como si fueran gente con la que viven y nada más y por eso la separación no es tan traumática pero para mí lo es, seguramente porque siento algo más por ellos que agradecimiento. Nunca entenderé como es la relación de otros con sus padres pero la realidad es que no tengo que hacerlo pues esas son cosas de cada uno en la que nadie más tiene un derecho real a meterse.

 El caos es que lloro porque los siento lejos y porque me siento responsable de estar causando un dolor peor del que siento ahora, lo que es bastante malo si pudiesen sentir lo que yo siento. No puedo empezar a entender como es que ignoré por tanto tiempo la situación a la que me iba a enfrentar, como es que no la vi como algo real, algo que iba a pasar. Tuve varios momentos para arrepentirme, para echarme para atrás y no seguir más con esto en lo que me embarqué. Pero por alguna razón seguí adelante, hice cada pequeña cosa que debía hacer para logar un objetivo, que sí pude obtener. Pero la verdad es que no tuve alegría alguna por ello, de hecho al llegar al objetivo, mi atención (si es que la había) pasó directamente al siguiente punto en la agenda.

 En cierto modo, estos meses de deliberaciones y decisiones parecen haber sido vividos en un sueño o con cierto grado de distracción. Yo no sabía que hacía y lo digo con toda honestidad. Olvidaba por alguna razón que todas las acciones tienen, irremediablemente, una consecuencia y una reacción casi inmediata. No tengo ni idea porque lo olvidé pero así fue. Me siento ahora un poco estúpido aunque todavía no sé si arrepentido. Me siento extraño pero ciertamente no bien ni en óptimas condiciones. Es muy raro, pero es que como si el sueño en el que me metí hace tantos meses en verdad todavía no hubiese terminado.

 Y sin embargo, ya extraño algunas cosas. Extraño mis caminatas diarias y extraño la luz y los colores. Los ritmos también, así como esa rutina que no iba a ningún lado pero que era mía. Levantarme temprano, escribir, desayunar, saludar a mi madre, hablar con ella y compartir, ducharme, cambiarme, jugar videojuegos, ayudar a preparar el almuerzo, sacar a la mascota de su jaula, almorzar, hablar y compartir de nuevo y después salir a caminar y apreciar lo malo y lo bueno de la vida en ese lugar que siempre, eso creo, será mío.  Porque no me puedo quitar ni a la gente, la especial, de mi mente, ni a los lugares ni a esas pequeñas cosas que ni sé que son pero sé que importan mucho. Todo eso es, en resumen, lo que extraño y lo que anhelo y lo que añoro.

 Muchos, sin duda, me llamarán desagradecido y me tildarán de “niño de mami”, adjetivos que no significan mucho para mi en este momento. No me importa ni me ha importado nunca lo que piensen de mi pero la verdad es que me gustaría aclarar que no tiene nada que ver con agradecer o no el hecho de que extrañe a mi familia y el que no vea lo que hay ahora a mi alrededor. Ya llegaré a apreciarlo y ya habrá un momento en el que vea esas cosas especiales que me encantan en este nuevo lugar, cosas que tal vez lo conviertan en otro lugar especial, que no es tan nuevo ni tan espectacular pero que es lo que es ahora y no va a cambiar.

 Creo que eso es lo que me pone peor, el hecho de que las cosas cambien y jamás se queden como siempre han estado. Es egoísta pero por mi las cosas deberían haberse quedado como eran hace muchos años, cuando mis preocupaciones no me acosaban tanto o que simplemente la vida fuese tan perfecta que no hubiese que tragar tierra para poderla vivir por completo. Esas cosas que hay que hacer y que a nadie le gustan son aquellas que siempre me molestarán y nunca me permitirán estar de verdad tranquilo.  Pero eso es algo que tengo que aceptar, reconocer y aprender a controlar o al menos a detectar con tiempo porque todo tiene un limite, incluso nuestros moldeables cuerpos.

 Ahora mismo mi realidad es sencilla: me siento un poco perdido y molesto. Perdido porque todavía siento que lo que pasa no es real pero al mismo tiempo sé que no es un sueño. Y molesto porque la vida debería ser lo que nosotros quisiéramos que fuera. Sí, ya sé que eso acarrearía muchas cosas negativas para otros y que todo no funcionaría como lo hace hoy en día pero no creo que eso sea algo de verdad malo. Ahora, también quisiera mandarlo todo al carajo pero no puedo. Tampoco puedo acelerar el tiempo ni puedo forzar las cosas ya que todo tiene que suceder a su ritmo, a su tiempo. Y eso es frustrante y molesto pero es la realidad de las cosas.

 Lo cierto es que mi dolor es verdadero y que los extraño mucho, tanto que me confunde y hace pensar y a veces no quiero hacerlo.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Twenty seven

   No, this is not a tale of fiction. What I’m going to be saying in the next paragraphs is all real and why shouldn’t it be? It’s not all about having wild different ideas everyday. Today I decided to try something different because it’s my birthday. No, congratulations are not demanded or needed but they are appreciated. What I want to talk about is the effect this day had over be, what I think about turning a certain age, about the day, about all the fuss around it and how I feel about everything related to turning twenty seven years old today.

 Yes, I’m not that old and maybe you’ll think that I have nothing to complain about or valuable to say but I do. Because I’m only three years away from a limit that separates me between adulthood and been a young man. Of course, adulthood may begin before turning thirty. Many say the body stops growing at twenty five years old, so maybe that’s the real limit. Who cares? It’s not only a biological boundary but also one that, in this society at least, confronts us with who we are and how we do what we do. And to be honest I haven’t done anything worth stating in my thirtieth birthday as a great achievement.

 I personally don’t count education as an achievement. Why? Because I do not live in difficult conditions or at the edge of society. I have a relatively easy access to education from where my parents put me in society and there’s no real challenge in me entering or coming out with a diploma out of a academic facility. I’m not saying at all that I’m smart. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not, and certainly I cannot tell for myself. But the truth is that anyone who pays an education will receive a prize for it after a while. It’s not a prize because of what you learned but because of what you paid. And that may be a hard reality so let’s move on.

 I have a school diploma, a college diploma and a postgraduate diploma. So, I’m set right? In this society, according to my educational stats, I should have a great job and a nice seat from where to look at life from. Well, I don’t. What I have today is not a product of anything I’ve done but of the efforts made by my parents. Being my birthday and all, I think it’s appropriate to thank them for all of that big effort, for everything they’ve done over the years to make sure my life is the best they can give to me. I have clothing, food, a bed and I have never worked in my life. I think it’s fair to say they did a great job.

 However, every person must be capable to sustain itself without any outer help, right? In this society, in any society to be accurate, people are required to start making money as soon as possible, first learning a skill or doing whatever there is to do to have money and then going up the ladder that leads to a better life, a better job and son on. Well, I haven’t got that. I ‘ve never had the need or the yearning to work. Maybe most people won’t get that but I just haven’t had to work. That’s it. If I could I wouldn’t do anything for life but after my last diploma was shipped to my house, I had to start looking for a job and that has been the story of my life for the last two years. And no one has given me a chance to do anything, at least not for a pay, and I’m too old to be bullied into working for nothing. So there you have it.

 I don’t really like to talk about it because I know what people think when I tell them I don’t have a job. People think that if someone isn’t paying you to do something, anything, it’s because you’re just not good for anything. People that have jobs tend to think they are superior to others just because of that and it’s always more obvious when you are this age. People like to feel they have power because they have money: they pay trips, they have a car (which I’m not interested in having, but that’s another story), they move out of their parents home, they have social lives and so on.

 I have nothing of that. Do I want to? I guess. I don’t really know. There are many think I don’t know and all I do to avoid getting crazy is writing. Because I don’t write only because I feel good doing it, because it’s the only thing I feel I can do right, but because it avoids entering into territories I prefer to live alone in myself. In the past, I have been known to hating myself so much, so deeply, so violently, and I don’t want anything to have with all of that again. I want to be far away from that black pit in which all of those hurtful feelings are. The last time I fell, it was awful. And… I always walk by it. Maybe one day I’ll finally for good.

 On a more cheerful note, I don’t really like birthdays. Surprised? I bet you’re not. I think it’s just one of the many ways to control time, to be ashamed of things that you can’t control and ashamed of the things that you can actually do something about, like that job we were talking earlier. Because I know very well it’s pointless to blame others for my failures. I am my problem and, possibly, I am my answer. But how to answer when the question is not all that clear?

 Birthdays to me are very personal, moments that I prefer to spend almost alone, only with my family close by. I don’t like big celebrations because, to be honest once again, I don’t think there’s something to celebrate. Being alive is not good enough for me, not to celebrate at least. And going old is really not something that I like to think about. Because it reminds me of what I haven’t accomplished and who I’m not and that, obviously, unsettles me. I just like to have a piece of cake, something to drink and to eat and that’s all. I don’t like big gifts or parties or going out because of that. I don’t see the point in all of it.

 I would love for someone to really read this because I feel it’s the most personal thing that I’ve written on this blog. I know most hits are just people that open the page and then close it when they see they have to read a lot. Or maybe that’s not interesting at all but it’s kind of a big deal for me because this blog is all about my writing, my fiction creations, not about me as an individual. Actually, I don’t think I can call myself a writer because I write. There is a weight, a universe to the words and I don’t think I have what it takes to be considered an actual writer. Will I get there? I have no idea. I don’t think I can answer that because I don’t like to pretend I know things that are impossible to predict. Optimism isn’t really my thing and reality doesn’t care about what you desire, about how cute you think the world is.

 Besides all of this, there is the “relationship” side of turning a year older. Of course, we don’t get old only on our birthday but every single day. The birthday is only there to mark the change of a number, that’s it. So what have I achieved, relationship wise, in twenty seven years? Shit. That’s it. I haven’t done shit in all that time. Maybe there’s no surprise here either, but I don’t really believe in love as everyone imagines it to be. That beautiful romance full of stupid little phrases and words and corny moments. That love is bullshit. Same for the one that lasts forever, another piece of bullshit. Love may exist but it’s something beyond we can express in words and not only purely romantic, romance is just the stupid part of it. But I don’t really give a shit to be honest.

 I do think seeing is believing, so I have no way to think that love exists if I have never felt it. And I haven’t. I’ve had close relationships; I wouldn’t go as far to say they were deeply committed relationships, in no way profound or enriching. That is the truth. Sex? Sure, like a hundred years ago but sure. But sex is just biological, we are designed to have sex, to enjoy it, to just do it and that’s amazing. But I grew tired of it once I realized people didn’t see me as me when we had sex. They saw me as something else. Yeah, something and not someone. That didn’t feel go and with my personal issues, it wasn’t the best combo. So I just stopped.

 Anyway, this is my twenty seventh birthday, meaning that I have three more years to be a proper adult in the eyes of the public. Of course, to me, the public can go and fuck themselves, unless they start paying me for something. Because let’s face it, that’s all we are about: money and how to live through it. If you don’t think so, you’re in denial. And fuck, I want that money to stop feeling I’m a failure so fuck it. But who knows, maybe things will change a lot in the following year. My experience tells me nothing will change but who knows.

 To finish, I have to state that I’m not being ungrateful. As I said before, I thank my parents every day for what they did for me. I will always be grateful for that. But I’m not like others, I do not parade myself around people and tell them how proud I am for doing things everyone does or at least everyone I know does. Because, of course, I can only care for my micro cosmos and not for the whole world, at least not now. I just think I haven’t done shit yet and that’s it really. Will I ever do something that makes me proud? Who knows? Certainly not me. But hey, I’m turning twenty seven so fuck what anyone thinks. For today, and for many days to be exact, I just don’t care.

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2015


   I was like a ghost or something less significant. People were not able to walk through me but they certainly couldn’t see me. They didn’t acknowledge my presence and even if I shouted loud and clear, they wouldn’t even turn to look at me with disgust. Nothing. All my fears have come to pass although, to be honest, this hadn’t been different from the actual truth. Daily, I felt ignored. Maybe that was it…

 Late one night, tired of being overlooked by everyone and for everything, I decided to wish for a life of being absolutely invisible. I had no urge to become suddenly popular because that had never been true and I would feel just out of place if that had happened. I would have known, very fast, that people were lying or at least trying to deceit me to get something from me or to mock me. No, no popularity for me.

 I wished to be invisible, in order to feel actually free from everything that had to do with people. But clearly, I had made a mistake or hadn’t been clear enough about my desires. I just wanted to be able to ignore people, to not feel bad if they looked at me funny or if they said hurtful things. But I believe the word invisible may have been a little too literal. Now, I was a half-ghost or maybe just transparent.

 Somehow, I woke up at school like that and it was very effective as no one looked at me, not for talking nor looking. They just couldn’t see me. The sun outside those buildings, that seemed like the ones from a psychiatric hospital, was shining very bright but it felt cold or at least I didn’t feel any warmth or comfort if I got any close to the windows. I made a couple of people trip and fall, which was funny, but by the fifth time, it had lost all its interest.

 I went down to the cafeteria were I stole some food and ate it but it was simply disgusting. Food, in this state, had no flavor whatsoever. It seemed like chewing cardboard or plain paper. When I got sick of it, I spent most of lunchtime hearing other people conversations. That was fun because; as they had no idea I was there, they would say anything and I found out about some big secrets about people.

 But thinking of it, most of them were obvious secrets. They were only teenagers at the end of the day; they had nothing of real interest to hide. They hadn’t stole anything significant, although some had taken iPods and cellphones from their fellow student’s backpacks. They hadn’t had any crazy relationships either. They were really dull to be honest. Yes, some girls were not virgins any more but that I could have known without my transparence.

 In order to have some fun, I went down to the school’s coliseum and saw several of the guys I really liked play football. But that got too old very fast, as I had no idea what there were doing all the time. I was almost asleep when they all entered the showers. That was the moment I was waiting for so I went behind them and saw them got naked which was the first nice and fun aspect of being practically invisible.

 I could see a lot of behind and penises and their wet bodies as they went out the showers. I loved it to be honest. But it was kind of a disappointing to know that, except a couple, all the rest really look like kids still. No body hair, no big anything anywhere, not even a stubble. I don’t know why I had thought of those though “sports guys” as men when they were clearly not men still. Some of them were really cute but that was it. Besides, like I had a chance with any of them!

 I decided to leave the school and walk home. That would be fun or at least it would be distracting. I had no idea how much time the wish would last so it seemed like a good idea to explore all the possibilities before the effect of the magic was worn out. My house wasn’t too close, nor too far so a good walk was perfect at that moment. As I started to walk I felt, for the first time, I cold rush through my spine. It felt as if icy cold-water travel all the length of my body and it didn’t feel good.

 The best thing to do was to step up the pace and get going. On the sidewalks, as on the school, no one looked at me. I thought they had at various moments but it was because too many people were around me and it was obvious they all couldn’t be seen the same things around. Some people look down as they walked and others looked up, as if checking the rooftops of the nearby buildings.

 Again, I stole things from various stores I crossed along the way: a necklace for mom, a ring for my sister, a videogame for my brother and a nice vest for my father. I held this in various bags and, although it looked as if the bags were floating, no one seamed interested in them nor, again, in me. Maybe, I thought, the spell hadn’t been put on me but rather on everyone else. Maybe it was about them not been able to see me and not me having gone invisible or transparent.

Any which way, it didn’t mattered. I just hoped, for the first time during the day that it wore off rapidly. I didn’t want this anymore. I’d rather be insulted or mocked that altogether ignored. Besides, watching all of those kids and hearing what they had to say when they were with “friends”, I realized they were all just children, all equally scared to death of everyone else. That’s why they say so many mean things. I won’t say they are not to blame but now I can say I understand them.

 When I got home, I left all the gifts on the living room sofa and screamed my family member’s names but, apparently, they were not there. That was very strange as my mother rarely left the house and my brother had to be there from school already. I turned on the TV and watched some cooking show for the mean time but eventually I felt asleep. The day had left me tired and a bit dizzy.

 I woke up to the sound of people cheering and laughing. My family was all reunited, sitting by the table, having what looked like a really nice dinner. They were all so happy, smiling and telling joked and anecdotes about their days. I noticed they couldn’t see me either because I said their names but none responded. I got closer and realized something was off: we normally had a big table, with six spots on it. But this one was round, not rectangular, and was only four seats. Mine was missing.

 I also realized that the gifts I had brought were nowhere to be seen. They seemed to have vanished during my nap. They kept on talking and I got desperate. I shook them and yelled and scream and threw plates and other things to the floor. But hey remained the same: just happy, having dinner. Maybe… maybe that was it.

 Checking my theory, I walked down the only aisle and I noticed my room was missing. Nothing was there; the change was that the remaining rooms were larger. It was as if I had never existed and that was what I was afraid of. What if I wasn’t transparent or invisible? That it wasn’t that people couldn’t see me or just plainly ignored me. What if I had just never been born?

 Maybe that was the way the wish had been misunderstood. I wanted to be invisible to everyone else and what best way to be invisible that to have never been visible, ever? This was too shocking for me and then, again, the icy feeling ran through my body but this time it felt so much stronger. So much that I collapsed on the floor, unable to stand or to keep moving. Besides, I didn’t want to keep moving. I was too hurt.

 I closed my eyes but I didn’t sleep. It was like closing your eyes to encounter a foul dark world behind them, were I kept falling through holes and rings and colors surrounded me everywhere. My mind felt like exploding and my body was still numb. I was only a witness of it all, not capable to do anything to stop myself from falling.

 That was until I opened my eyes again and realized I had been in my bed all the time. I felt my body and the bed sheets and my pillow, impregnated with my smell. It was real. I was real. I was somebody and no one could ever take that away from me.