martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Louis's party

It had not been love at first sight. That would have been impossible, as they had met in a place were no one could actually see the other person’s face. Of course, that party was a very secret one and only people that knew other people could have been invited. But the point is that both Rémy and Luc had been invited that night and they had both participated in one of the largest secret parties to take place in all of France and probably all of Europe too. No one knew for sure how big the whole thing was, as one of the most powerful people in the country had organized it.

 The party took place in an actual palace, where other such parties had taken place, maybe three hundred years ago or more. Of course, in those times people did things like crazy, like animals, and they had no rules to make everyone feel their best and leave without any concern. This modern party had many rules and one of the most important ones, the first one in fact, was that it was forbidden for anyone to remove the mask they had been provided by the organized via mail. All masks were identical and there laid one of the key features of the party.

 Technically, every single person was the same. And, according to the rules, they were all the same to the eyes of the organizer and also each other. Of course, they were women and men but, as large as the palace was, there were lots of smaller parties within the big one. Some of those were gender exclusive, some others completely forbid clothes and there was even one where clothes were actually mandatory. It could be said that there was something for everyone and the statement would be true because Louis had made that happen.

 Louis was not his real name but it was the name he liked to be called. He was obsessed by everything that had to do with the reign of Louis the XIVth, so he had chosen that name as his secret identity for everyone to know in order to organize those parties. Of course, no one in the country knew that those gatherings actually existed but there were many rumors and people all around thought it wasn’t that farfetched as rich people tend to have things that no one thinks anyone would need. And a lot of something is always in the mix.

 The location of the party changed every year and after it had happened everything was returned in the most perfect of conditions, in the case the place was rented which happened a lot. Louis was smart enough not to use his own estates, although he was always tempted to do so. He was obsessed with everything being perfect and interior designing was one of his many obsessions. He had houses and flats all over the place and he loved to make them look their best. So he did exactly that with the rentals for his parties, everything had to be perfect.

 Luc was not as rich as Louis but one could say they ran the same circuit. It wasn’t difficult to see him in all “must” parties in the cities, always showing his face in all kinds of events. Luc’s parents had died ten years ago and had left him with a very large fortune. Now his uncle managed the company that his father had built and he let his nephew do whatever he wanted to do. Having been rich from such an early age, Luc had gone crazy in all sorts of predictable ways. His uncle had done a lot to avoid the press trying to destroy him with pictures and other “evidence”.

 He had done a lot of drugs when he was around sixteen years old. He had dated publicly both men and women. He was one of those jetsetters that travel around the world just showing their money to anyone who was willing to watch him. But the interesting thing about him was that he was the most charming young man ever to be found. He never seemed to be showing off and he even had a very caring heart that made him make big donations to many charities and institutions that really help people around the globe.

 Luc was a very weird mix and that’s why some loved him and others loathed him. Of course that happened because of how rich he was and we all know people love to hate people that are out of their reach. But even so that was the case, he didn’t care at all about how people perceived him. He really knew how to live a life where the first thing was to be himself, his original self. That’s how he met Louis, at a party where Luc was being exactly the same guy he always was. And that was very interesting to Louis who loved authentic people.

 Right away, having met him only minutes before, Louis invited Luc to his party and Luc accepted. Of course, he had been to many other parties like that one before, but never one so exclusive and lavish. His normal parties were much raunchier and he didn’t even care if it wasn’t as private as it could be. Of course, that had been a headache for his uncle for many years but now it was him that knew how to handle the press and all other people that the only thing they wanted was a big piece of his wealth or a fragment of his fame.

 It was there, in the annual party thrown by Louis, where Luc met the first person in the world that made him feel something he had never felt before. He wasn’t ready for it, not at all. He had never thought that he would actually fall in love one day. But he did. Not at the party of course, or right away, but it happened in the following months and he suffered, as he had never felt something like it before. It was almost torture but bearable and worth the pain.

 Rémy was the son of a baker and a housewife. He had been raised in one of the more modest neighborhoods in all of Paris. From a very young age, he had realized he liked other men. The day he realized it was one of the few anecdotes he liked to tell his lovers right after having sex and he didn’t really know the reason for it. He just liked to tell them how he looked at all the other boys in his class when he was fourteen years old, in the classroom, in the yard and in the bathroom. He stared and was very attentive of everything they did.

 Some lovers lasted for a few days, even one night. Others lasted much more, even as long as two years. That one was the hardest thing for him because he became numb after that relationship ended. It had been both toxic and ideal, beautiful and a disaster. He never wanted to go through that again so that’s why, every single Friday and Saturday after work, he would go to his small flat, change clothes and then leave for many hours, to visit his favorite places in the city. Some were sex clubs, some were dancing clubs, and some were bars.

 The choice of the day depended on how his week had gone for him. He worked two jobs: one in a magazine were he was practically a delivery boy, even if his parents had sacrificed themselves to give him the best education ever, including an university degree, and another job working as a barista in of the many cafés in the city. He left the second job late at night and he had two hours to prepare for his night out. It was then, in the dark, when he could finally be himself. In time, he heard about Louis’s parties and he really wanted in.

 However, money was needed to enter one of those. Not that the actual entry had a fee but that only people with lots of money could enter one of those meetings. So he did something he had never done before and that was using his sexuality to convince another man to get him invited. Of course, the trick work because, as Remy said himself, there’s nothing easier than convincing a man of doing anything when you have him by the balls, sometimes literally. So he got to the annual party and was surprised to see how others lived a life like his own.

 There, he met Luc. At first it was all about sex, which was fun even with those white masks. But then Luc found him in the “real world” and they began to talk between more sexual encounters. After some time, they stopped with the sex but kept seeing each other, getting to know one another in a way none of the two had ever thought possible. Rémy was very scared of it all as he had never felt like he could be loved, he felt himself too ugly and awful for that. He didn’t know, but Luc felt exactly the same.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016


   Su abrazo era todavía bastante apretado. Sus cuerpos desnudos estaban uno contra el otro y parecían ser piezas de un juego que encajaban a la perfección. Acababan de hacer el amor pero todavía les quedaba algo de energía para seguir dándose besos y sintiendo la piel del otro. Al rato se quedaron dormidos, así como estaban. Después se fueron acomodando en la cama para estar menos incómodos pero no se alejaron demasiado el uno del otro. El calor de sus cuerpos era ideal para soportar el frío de la mañana, que había cubierto de vaho la ventana de la habitación.

 El primero en despertarse fue Pedro. Tenía la costumbre, desde pequeño, de despertarse a las siete y media de la mañana. Nunca más temprano ni más tarde. El pequeño problema estaba en que hacía dos años no trabajaba en una oficina y podía despertarse a la hora que quisiera. Sin embargo, las viejas costumbres difícilmente mueren y despertarse temprano era una de ellas. No se puso nada de ropa para ir a la cocina y calentar el café y hacer un pan de tostadas. Otra cosa que no le gustaba era “desperdiciar” el tiempo haciendo el desayuno.

 Lo siguiente para él era comer en la sala mientras veía la televisión. Como su vida laboral iba marcada por su ritmo personal, Pedro no tenía necesidad de correr para ningún lado. Y como encima era tan temprano, pues podía decirse que se permitía tomarse todo el tiempo del mundo para cualquier cosa. Le gustaba ver el noticiero de la mañana para ver si algo más había ocurrido en el mundo tumultuoso en el que vivían. Por supuesto gente había muerto en algún lado, había guerra en otro y hambre en un país que conocía solo de nombre.

 Luego seguían las noticias de política, que solían ser las mismas todos los días. Las de deporte le interesaban un poco pues le gustaba el fútbol y lo practicaba cada que podía. Muchos fines de semana se reunía con sus amigos de infancia y jugaban un partido en una cancha alquilada. Era de césped artificial pero para el caso no importaba pues el punto era divertirse, comer algo y hablar tanto del presente como del pasado. A veces iban con sus respectivas parejas pero la verdad era que lo disfrutaban mucho más cuando eran solo los amigos.

 Cuando ya terminaba el noticiero, se iba desnudo como estaba al estudio y se sentaba entonces en su escritorio. Dependiendo del día se ponía a diseñar en el portátil o a terminar algún dibujo a mano que estuviera inconcluso. El trabajo que tenía era por pedido y le llegaba con frecuencia y bien remunerado pues cuando trabajaba había hecho excelentes contactos. Por eso ahora podía permitirse una vida más calmada con los mismos resultados laborales y hasta mejores. Ahora era su propio jefe y le iba mucho mejor que antes, se sentía más creativo como diseñador de interiores.

 Como a las nueve de la mañana se despertaba Daniel. Él era más bajito que Pedro y algo más ancho del cuerpo, sin decir que estuviera gordo ni nada así. De hecho siempre preguntaba si lo estaba pero Pedro le aseguraba que no era el caso. Pedro, por su parte, era bastante flaco. A diferencia de su pareja, Daniel sí trabajaba todos los días pero ese día precisamente era libre pues el restaurante donde era ayudante del chef estaba cerrado por inventario y afortunadamente no le tocaba hacer parte de esa tarea, al menos por esa ocasión.

 Sabía bien que lo habían dejado quedarse en casa porque le debían vacaciones, pero igual él las pediría completas pronto cuando se fueran con Pedro en Navidad a un viaje que habían planeado hacía mucho tiempo a Hawái. Era un destino que ambos morían por conocer y podían permitirse el dinero y el tiempo para por fin ir y conocer de primera mano todas esas hermosas playas, practicar surf, comer mariscos, quedarse en un buen hotel, pasear por las montañas y volcanes y descubrir todo lo que no supieran de esas islas.

 Daniel se sirvió jugo de naranja. El café no era de su gusto personal, salvo el olor que le encantaba. Su desayuno era un poco más elaborado que el de Pedro pero tampoco mucho más: cortaba algo de fruta y aparte untaba mermelada de arándanos a un par de tortitas de maíz. Normalmente le daba mucha hambre en la mañana. O, mejor dicho, le daba hambre durante todo el día. De pronto por eso era cocinero, pues desde siempre le había gustado la comida y prepararla. Desde pequeño les hacía postres e incluso cenas a su familia y ellos siempre lo apoyaron en su sueño.

 Se sentó en el sofá de la sala y, mientras comía su desayuno, veía dibujos animados. Le gustaba tener una buena razón para despertarse bien en la mañana y los dibujos animados siempre servían para eso. Para noticias las leía en internet a lo largo del día, no era su intención ver tristezas desde primera hora de la mañana. Comía despacio, disfrutando cada bocado mientras miraba las travesuras del gato y el ratón. Aprovechaba que no fuera una mañana normal, de esas en que tenía que apurarse y a veces ni tiempo para despedirse había.

 Terminado el desayuno iba a un pequeño cuartito que había al lado del baño, como un depósito, y de ahí sacaba uno de esos tapetes de yoga para hacer ejercicio. Hacia una rutina con ejercicios varios durante media hora. Para eso se ponía ropa apropiada pues ejercitarse desnudo podía ser bastante incómodo. Normalmente se ejercitaba de noche pero como era un día diferente pues aprovechó para hacerlo más temprano. Después de terminar, guardó el tapete y se dirigió a la habitación principal.

 Mejor dicho, entró al baño y se quitó su ropa deportiva. Abrió la llave de la ducha y dejó que el agua calentara por unos segundos. Ese tiempo era suficiente para untar de crema dental su cepillo. En la ducha se cepillaba los dientes y luego se enjabonaba el cuerpo, disfrutando el agua tibia. Se sentía muy rico y podía disfrutar de una ducha bien dada y no como le pasaba casi todos los días, en los que debía ducharse en cinco minutos y no importaba si el agua salía fría o caliente. Era algo a lo que se había acostumbrado y por eso ese día lo disfrutaba tanto.

 Pegó un ligero salto cuando, distraído por estar echándose champú en el pelo, sintió una mano en su cintura. Se lavó el pelo con rapidez y entonces se dio cuenta que era Pedro. Se besaron un rato, abrazados bajo la lluvia de la ducha. Después uno le pasó el jabón por el cuerpo al otro y terminaron haciendo el amor de nuevo allí mismo. En total, estuvieron en la ducha por una media hora. Era mucha más agua de la que se permitían gastar normalmente pero es que el día casi pedía que pasaran cosas así, diferentes a la rutina.

 Se limpiaron bien y luego salieron al mismo tiempo. Se secaron en la habitación, dándose besos y sin decir ni una palabra. La verdad era que llevaban tres años viviendo juntos y podían decir que el último año había sido el mejor para los dos. No solo Pedro había dejado por completo el trabajo de oficina, sino que Daniel había empezado a hacer lo que en verdad le gustaba en el trabajo y eso era la repostería. Llevaba años cocinando ensaladas y carnes y un sinfín de cosas pero ahora por fin estaba haciendo lo que en verdad le gustaba.

 Ese bienestar personal se traducía en una vida de pareja mucho mejor. Las peleas habían quedado atrás al igual que las confrontaciones por dinero o las tensiones causadas por razones que ahora les parecerían verdaderamente idiotas. Ahora no era raro que hiciesen el amor todo los días, que se besaran en silencio, sin decir nada. Cuando ya tuvieron la ropa puesta, Daniel le dijo a Pedro que cocinaría el almuerzo del día. Pedro dijo que compraría algunas películas por internet para ver más tarde. La idea era hacer de ese un día especial.

 Lo raro de todo era que solo era un miércoles, clavado allí a la mitad de la semana. Los dos días anteriores y los dos días después serían iguales que siempre, con trabajo, llegar tarde, no verse ni hablarse casi en el día. Solo el fin de semana era un descanso y a veces ni eso porque debían hacer ciertas vueltas esos días o visitar a sus familias. Ese miércoles era tan importante por eso mismo, porque era como una joya que no podían permitirse perder. Era su día para celebrar quienes eran juntos y por separado.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Tragedy and mystery

The flames appeared to be running up the hill at a great speed. From the small town below, the fire seemed to conquer the mountain with ease. The smoke started to descend shortly and only minutes after the incident, the whole valley was choking on thick and toxic smoke. People got out of the streets and got in their homes, sealing every single window and door in order not to let the smoke inside. They kept the blinds up however, as it was important to know if the fire in the mountain continued or if someone attempted to stop it.

 Sure enough, a larger city located close by, had decided to send a fire brigade to extinguish the fire. But they weren’t only there for that: they were also sent on a rescue mission. After all, the fire had not been caused by some glass in the woods (it was nighttime) or a badly taken care of bonfire. The flames had appeared out of the impact of a plane against the side of the mountain. Only a couple of people from the nearby town had seen it actually crash but they wouldn’t have to know how big the aircraft was or why it had crashed.

 The city’s firemen battled against the flames for several hours. The fire that had grown around the wreckage was so violent that it had consumed a good part of the forest in its first hour. As the firemen took their time to kill the fire, dawn came and it was thanks to the first lights of the day that the fire could finally be beaten. They got to the wreckage and discovered it was one of those private jets. It probably carried around twenty people or something like that but it would be irresponsible to say before getting the black box or any additional information.

 The people of the small town were grateful that the fire had been beaten, so they decided to help the firemen with the search for the black box. They divided themselves into teams, each team having a specific area of the forest to go and look for the box. The awful thing was that, as they looked for that, they found some other things that they weren’t prepared to see. Severed heads, burned limbs and even the corpses of a couple of children. It was very shocking for everyone to see that, as their own children were not very far away.

 A farmer that lived by the mountain finally found the box. He was very thankful that the fire didn’t get to his food, so he rushed up the hill when he heard they might need help. He actually found the black box when walking towards the wreckage, closer to his house than to the remains of the plane. It seemed like something important, so he grabbed it and showed it to the chief of the firemen. He was very happy to see the box and thanked the man. It was a very happy moment in a very awkward moment to feel something like that.

 As the box was sent to the city, the firemen and people of the small town had decided to help carry the dead downhill and then to several ambulances that came and went every so often. They all counted the bodies and, when they didn’t find anyone else, they concluded there were actually thirty-seven people in the plane. It was a very strange number; as such a plane was not really suited for that many people. Even the people of the town knew that or at least they thought it was very strange. The last thing they did was waiting for the experts.

 Those people were the ones that were in charge of taking all the pictures for the report that would have to be filed in order to investigate the reasons of the crash. The experts had taken their time arriving because they had to travel from the capital to actually get there, so many of the objects and the general wreckage site was not exactly as it had been before they started looking for the box and picking up the bodies. A young fireman was bright enough to take pictures the moment they had arrived so he surrendered those images to the experts.

After the experts were done picking up all the pieces, big and small, as well as sweeping what remained of the forest to look for every single piece of evidence, the site became some sort of graveyard. It was very particular because there were no remains there but no one really knew if, maybe, some more passengers had been burned by the fire that had consumed the forest. They had no idea if that was possible so the people of the small town organized a mass one-week after the accident. Some of the firemen attended, it was a beautiful ceremony.

 Meanwhile, the experts analyzed every single fragment of the plane and determined that the model that had crashed had seating for twenty-six people. That meant that, according to the amount of bodies people had rescued from the mountain, at least eleven people had not been seating on a proper seat but somewhere else. That was not really the usual and it didn’t happen very often. The experts also tired to determine if the extra passengers could have been a reason for the crash but everything seem to point that it hadn’t been a critical factor.

 The remains of the planes and of the people were thoroughly checked and, two weeks after the crash, the experts released a statement in which they announced that the final number of dead in the crash had been forty-one and not thirty seven as the firemen and townsfolk had counted. Apparently, the remaining four that hadn’t been counted had caught on fire shortly after the crash and now their remains had almost combined with some of the other passenger’s remains.

 It was only thanks to the black box that they could determine who the passengers were and what flight that was. After all, the nearest control tower had declared that no aircraft had been detected in the area before the crash. That meant that they wouldn’t have had any contact with it and it would also have been impossible to know it had crashed. Other airfields were consulted and they all said the same thing. The first theory was that it was some sort of drug related flight, maybe operated by criminals wanting to get away from the country.

 That theory was soon debunked, as the closest border was almost two thousand kilometers always. Besides, the black box was able to tell the experts that the flight happened to be a private one. Furthermore, the codes inside it were able to point the origin of the flight, almost a thousand kilometers away. The aircraft had apparently left an airfield not so far from the capital city. It looked like they had boarded in a rush, in fear if that was possible. The voices of the crew on the recordings were very difficult to tell one from the other.

 It was rather easy to say that the plane was really crowded because a lot more voices could be heard in the background. The audios were checked several time in order to identify what everyone was saying during the flight. It was hard work because many voice chimed into the conversation happening inside the aircraft and it seemed as if they had been talking every single second until their death. Apparently the instruments had begun to fail and that could be the cause behind the crash.

 But even if that was the reason, it didn’t answer much about why all of those people had decided to get into a crowded airplane. As the voice experts analyzed the audios, others decided to have a second look at the object that had been rescued from the plane. There were toys, glasses, a briefcase, magazines, and a couple of computers… Everything except suitcases, actual luggage that the people inside the plane should have carried. It was kind of obvious that they had boarded on a rush. The origin airport was consulted on that and it was then when they had an extra clue.

 The manager of the airfield had a report of a disappeared business jet owned by a pharmaceutical company. It had been there for several months and now the people had left. No one really knew when but the fact that a company owned it raised some eyebrows. But that didn’t explain the amount of people that were inside. It took another week to have one more clue, when a clumsy investigator dropped the suitcase found on the plane, making it open and revealing a series of papers and a very bright substance in a titanium tank, the size of a forearm. The mystery was not done.