martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

A character

   She sat down on the edge of the bed, naked, and just stayed there for several minutes. She then glances at the man that was sleeping in the bed and she realized she found him repulsive. There was no real reason but she felt very uncomfortable around him and decided to dress up and leave. The woman picked up her things from the floor and put them on fast and in silence. Anyway, she could have been loud and the man wouldn’t have woken up. He was snoring and drooled, making her think what was she thinking. Once the woman had everything, she grabbed her purse, which she had left on a chair, and walked out the room. She didn’t really take a look at the guy’s apartment, she knew it would be filthy and tasteless, a mirror of his own personality.

 Once she arrived on the street, she felt more free. Her name was Marina, or at least that was the name she used to sign her paintings. She was a proper artist, painting and sculpting professionally for some years now and been very recognized by it. The man she had just been with probably had no idea what the artistic world was like or how famous she was to other people. But he hadn’t been with him to be recognized, so she couldn’t really blame him for that. She had found him in a bar and had decided she needed to have sex and just went for it with him. He seemed like the kind of guy that would pick up any girl after been offered a drink, so it wasn’t difficult to convince him. She was now regretting her choice as the guy lived very far and now she had to take a bus home. Calling someone to pick her up wasn’t really an option.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Beso en la espalda

   Sentí su beso de todos los días en la espalda y luego como su peso dejaba la cama y se alejaba de mi. La verdad yo estaba muy cansado. El día anterior había tenido que trabajar como nunca y no había tenido tiempo ni de voltearlo a mirar. A veces sentía culpa, pues en esos días que debía entregar mi trabajo, siempre pasaba a ignorarlo y él debía de ver que hacía mientras yo escribía sin cesar y gritaba por el teléfono. Cuando las cosas eran al revés, él siendo el ocupado y yo no, jamás me dejaba de lado. Me pedía consejos y que le corrigiera todo lo que pudiera, así yo no supiera nada de informes inmobiliarios. Juan parecía siempre estar allí para mi pero yo rara vez para él. Cuando me despertó con el beso, no lo sentí medio dormido como siempre. Y quise levantarme y pedirle que no se fuera o al menos darle un beso de verdad de despedida pero no sé que me impidió hacerlo.

 Cuando me liberaba de mi trabajo, había demasiado tiempo de sobra y esta vez me la pasé pensando en mis errores. La verdad, tenía miedo de que algún día de estos ese beso en la espalda dejara de existir. Tenía miedo que Juan decidiera no volver o si acaso volver solo para decirme que no aguantaba más y que prefería cualquiera cosa a seguir viviendo así conmigo. En ese momento de susto, lo único que me quedaba era mejorar como esposo. Así que me puse a hojear por varios libros de cocina que teníamos, rara vez usados, y encontré una que creí ser capaz de hacer. Primero tenía que ir al supermercado a comprar los ingredientes pues no habíamos podido ir por culpa de mi trabajo. Me di cuenta que hasta nutricionalmente mi trabajo estaba afectando mi relación y mi cuerpo.

 En el supermercado aproveché para comprar cosas que a él le gustan como cereal de colores y un café especialmente aromático. También pescado, que yo odio pero el adora, y otros productos que compartimos a lo largo de la semana cuando, por coincidencias de la vida, los dos estamos desocupados. Sin duda esos eran los mejores momentos, cuando nos quedábamos en la cama hasta tarde, abrazados o besándonos como cuando nos conocimos. Después nos pasábamos el día comiendo dulces y demás cosas no muy buenas para la salud pero compartidas en todo caso. Nos tomábamos de la mano y veíamos películas o lo que hubiese en televisión y por la noche seguramente hacíamos el amor en ese mismo sofá donde habíamos estado toda la tarde.

 Todo eso normalmente pasaba un sábado o un domingo. Entre semana él estaba muy cansado y a veces yo tenía que ir a la oficina a discutir ideas, o más bien a refutar las ideas de mi editora. Solo teníamos esos dos días y eso era cuando el calendario era amable con nosotros. El mes en el que sentí miedo no habíamos tenido un solo fin de semana decente y eso que ya estábamos a veintinueve. No quería que eso pasara más, no quería que fuésemos de esas parejas que están contentas con no verse nunca, como si el compromiso fuera lo más importante. A mi los compromisos y las promesas me resbalan si no contienen nada y yo a él lo amo todavía y lo sé y lo siento. Lo necesito.

 Revisé la lista que había hecho para comprar los víveres y me di cuenta que me faltaban las especias que le daban el sabor preciso a la receta que pensaba hacer. Tenía que comprar orégano y pimienta , tal vez algo de laurel, tomillo y albahaca. Sin duda era un sabor muy italiano que yo nunca había tratado de hacer pero lo iba a intentar pues de ello dependía mi estabilidad mental ese día. Mientras observaba el estante de las especias, alguien cerca revolvía el contenido de uno de los congeladores. Era uno de esos que tienen las cajas de los helados y era un hombre el que sacaba uno y la volvía a poner, y movía unas para sacar la que estuviera más abajo y luego volvía y miraba y así. No le di mucha importancia. Tomé mis especias y caminé con cierto apuro a la caja.

 Fue saliendo del supermercado que una mano se posó en el hombro y me di la vuelta casi al instante por miedo de que fuera un ladrón o algo parecido. Resultó que no era un ladrón sino el tipo del congelador. Pero eso solo lo pensé por un segundo pues ese tipo resultaba ser también uno de los mejores amigos de Juan. Sonreí falsamente mientras le daba la mano y veía que sostenía en la otra una bolsa con dos cajas de helados. No nos veíamos hacía bastante, cuando en una fiesta yo me había sentido bastante incomodo y él me había ayudado haciéndome uno de los mejores mojitos que he probado. Recordamos ese momento y nos reímos. Viendo mis bolsas, me invitó a su automóvil y me dijo que me llevaría a casa para que no caminara tanto. Me iba a negar pero eso no hubiera servido de nada. Era de esas personas que insistían.

 En el automóvil, recordamos todo lo que tenía que ver con esa fiesta. Había sido memorable pues había sido una de las primeras a las que Juan y yo habíamos asistido como pareja de casados y mucha gente se incomodaba visiblemente cuando veían nuestros anillos y más aún cuando mis nervios me urgían a tomarle la mano a mi esposo, como si estuviésemos a punto de atravesar la línea enemiga. El amigo de Juan, que se llamaba Diego, de pronto anunció que muchas de esas personas ya no le hablaban por ese día. A mi eso me sentó muy mal pero él trató de animarme diciendo que la gente era toda una porquería y que no se podía vivir de lo que solo unos pocos pensaban.

 Me preguntó que pensaba mi familia y la de él y le conté que, por extraño que pareciera, todos parecían estar ahora más cómodos con nuestra relación que antes. De pronto era el hecho de haber formalizado todo lo que nos daba cierto grado de madurez y de respeto, pero francamente yo me sentía igual antes y después de casarme. Nunca le había dicho a nadie, pero todo eso para mi sobraba con tal de que pudiera despertarme junto a él todos los días. Juan era más tradicional en ese sentido y me casé para hacerlo feliz. Apenas dije eso miré la cara de Diego, pero no había en su cara nada que indicara que esa razón había sido errónea. Cuando llegamos a casa, lo invité a pasar.

 Hice algo de café y le pregunté por su vida mientras alistaba los ingredientes de mi receta. Me dijo que se había divorciado y en el momento estaba tratando de que su ex no le quitara su derecho de ver su hija, una bebé muy bonita de la que yo había visto fotos en esa fiesta hacía meses. Diego me dijo que no tenía mucho dinero ahora y que había tenido que mudarse. Él era periodista y trabajaba desde casa, lo que explicaba que estuviera en mitad de la tarde comprando helado en el supermercado. Estuvo de acuerdo conmigo en que la vida así podía destruir una relación pero, al ver mi cara de tristeza mientras cortaba unos tomates, dijo que no todas las parejas llegaban hasta el punto del divorcio. Muchas historias terminaban mucho mejor que la suya.

 Mientras el bebía café, yo iba condimentado la carne y cortando más verduras y poniéndolo todo en el horno. La verdad es que nunca me había dado cuenta que Diego era tan entretenido. Como amigo de Juan, siempre me había parecido algo payaso, poco serio. Pero ahora parecía que su vida le había dado una lección muy dura y su personalidad parecía haber respondido a ello. De todas maneras, cada cierto rato, salían toques de ese humorista frustrado que tenía dentro. Me aconsejó un poco respecto a las especias y el tiempo y temperatura del horno, pues con su ex habían hecho un curso de cocina. Me iba a disculpar por recordarle esos momentos pero no me dejó, prefiriendo verificar todo él mismo.

 La tarde estaba terminando y le dije que se quedara un rato más para saludar a Juan. Miró el reloj preocupado y dijo que no podía quedarse mucho después de eso. Fue en ese momento que se me quedó mirando y entonces me dijo que no me preocupara pues mi relación con Juan tenía algo que la de él nunca había tenido de verdad. Le pregunté que era pero justo ahí timbró Juan y se saludaron con Diego como cuando estaban en el colegio. De pronto eran chicos de diecisiete años y me alegró verlos a ambos tan felices. Diego empezó a disculparse, argumentando que debía irse pero yo se lo impedí, invitándolo a probar la cena que él mismo había ayudado a lograr. Juan sonreía sorprendido y todos cenamos a gusto, riendo de las anécdotas de Diego y del día de Juan en la oficina y entonces supe, en un momento, cual iba a ser la respuesta de Diego.

 Cuando por fin lo dejamos ir, lleno y contento, nos despedimos con abrazos, prometiendo no dejar pasar mucho tiempo hasta vernos de nuevo. Apenas se fue, Juan me abrazó y me besó y me agradeció por esa noche. Después de limpiarlo todo, fui directo a la cama donde me esperaba Juan ya casi dormido. Me pidió acostarme junto a él. Nos quedamos mirándonos por largo rato hasta que nos besamos suavemente y entonces, después de un par de ajustes a nuestras posiciones, nos quedamos dormidos. Recuerdo que lo último en que pensé antes de sucumbir al cansancio fue en la mirada de Juan. Por eso tomé sus manos y las apreté con fuerza contra mi. Otro beso cálido en la espalda.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Sweet dream

   Anna was deeply devoted to her confectionery business. She did the most beautiful food that also happened to be delicious- Her store was small but people came from all over the city and nearby towns to eat some of her signature products such as the strawberry shortcake with extra flavor and the home-made candy bars that could have any flavor that people wanted. They could be personalized at the request of the client. The strangest flavor she had ever been asked was a mix between curry and lemon, which actually tasted pretty goof. Business was great and she handled everything by herself, having no need of a partner or someone else to take advantage of an idea she had while in high school. Back then, she already knew she wanted to cook the best desserts possible and she even tried new recipes with her family every Thursday night.

 Life was good to Anna. She was happy with her business and had recently moved to a small but nice apartment in order to be more independent from her family. She was also considering an offer that would make her candy bat available at a major supermarket chain, which would make her products even more well known and the amount of money she would make was going to be huge. But she wasn’t really sure if to accept the proposal or not. She was afraid of, with time, losing control of her business and finally selling to a large company that didn’t have any love for the art or respect for her creations. It was something she thought every single night before going to bed and it made her a bit crazy. She wanted an answer fast, to know what to do.

 She asked the advice of every member of her family and some of her friends and most of them agreed that of her small store could handle the amount of work, they should definitely sign the contract with the supermarket chain. After all, it wouldn’t be an industrial sized agreement and her products would only be sold there. It wasn’t like she was going to lose entire control of everything. So in her next meeting with the guy from the supermarket chain, she accepted and signed the contract. According to it, her store had to provide a thousand hand-made candy bars of several flavors. As they were normally personalized, they just asked her to make her top five flavors, whichever they were. She accepted and started hiring extra hands.

 They had to work on weekends and the amount of ingredients that had to be bought was simply huge. Only her employees, the three that had been with her since the beginning, would be in charge of the store as such, cooking what people had learned to expect from it. Once a month there was a new product, proposed either by Anna or by some member of her staff. In the other hand, six people worked on weekends to produce candy bars for the supermarket. She had only two weeks before having to surrender her products so everything had to be very calculated and controlled.

 The flavors chosen were orange yogurt, spicy lemon, raspberries in dark chocolate, pineapple and mango and, finally, their classic passion fruit flavor. Those were the ones people had learned to love in her store since its opening only two years earlier and she was proud her clients proved to be such innovative people. They were always really open about the new sweets and were always very kind when submitting their opinions. Anna had created, with help from a friend, a web page where clients could see all of her products and also comment about every single one of them. She would normally use one night per week to read the new comment and use whatever she may find useful from them. Normally, she just laughed or felt proud but sometimes people had interesting ideas and she credited them for the ones that became successful products.

 However, things began to decline after the second months of her contract with the supermarket chain. It all started when her weekend workers started to demand a higher salary. They thought they were exploited by Anna at their current salary, working like mad from dusk till dawn every Saturday and Sunday and even some Mondays. They argued that her store made enough money to pay everyone fairly. Apparently, they resented the fact that her store staff made more money than them, which she had explained once as been simply because of seniority. The thing was they didn’t want to hear none of that. They just wanted more money or they would stop coming and that would be the perfect way to destroy Anna’s creation, and pride, for good.

 On the other hand, the supermarket chain had begun complaining about the quality of the candy bars that were sent to them the third week of contract. Apparently, they lacked the flavor and they accused Anna of sing less ingredients to make more bars which was ridiculous because her order was always the same. She didn’t even fake to be offended and stormed out of the office of one of the executives of the supermarket chain. Anna knew very well it hadn’t been her brightest moment but she couldn’t stand to be accused of doing something she would never do. Seeking a lawyer, she finally found a good one thanks to a friend. She had a meeting with him and asked about the possibilities of ending the contract with the supermarket chain.

 The lawyer, a very serious and older man, browsed through the contract and finally advised her not to end it as the repercussions to her would be simply too difficult to bare. She would have to pay a lot of money and her company would be bankrupt even before paying all of what she had to pay, if she decided to walk away from the contract. Again, Anna had trouble sleeping at night with so much to think about. She finally decided to raise the salary of her workers but not as much as they had hoped. It was clear to them by her words that no more raises would be granted before the end of the contract. Some workers left but she hired new ones and the quality of the chocolate began to improve.

 Anna also had a conversation with the supermarket chain, in which she announced her intentions of not renewing her contract with them but meeting their quotas and demands for the current contract. They really did not have anything to say because they couldn’t really pressure her into signing for one more year or even more time. The work relationship was tense there and they even threatened to sue if the quality of the candy bars was ever too low for their standards. But as she begun to closely watch the production of the candy for that damn contract, they had no base from which to keep annoying her. The candy bars where as tasty as always and her employees were finally happy or at least not aggressive. That was already an improvement.

 However, she never expected one of her trusted workers in the store to go away. Her name was Linda and she had been by Anna for many years, as they knew each other from high school. Linda announced her intentions to leave but not for any salary reasons or because she had grown to dislike the whole thing. It was more like the opposite: she had learned to love making sweets so much that she had decided to became a professional. She wanted to study a full four-year career in order to learn everything there was to know and become the best candy maker ever. Linda had always been pretty ambitious but Anna had failed to see that because of her own ambitions. When Linda announced her departure, she asked her for forgiveness and hugged her tight. Anna also told her she had a place in the store any time she wanted to come back, even if she became world renowned.

 Anna celebrated with everyone on her staff, both from the weekends and from the store, the end of the contract with the supermarket chain. There were rumors they had copied the recipes and now they were going to produce the candy themselves or that maybe rival stores would provide them with the candy that Anna had refused to give them ever more. One or the other, Anna was glad all of that ordeal had ended because she had realized that her dream was a place where she could do her own thing and experiment and be close to her clients. That contract had crushed the soul of her idea and now she needed it back in order to make it beautiful and bright again.

 The following month, she released a whole new set of products, all with exotic fruits and ingredients that would surprise everyone. She had been doing research for weeks and cooking at home to finally come up with some sort of prize to her devoted store clients who hadn’t left her in the year she had been busy doing candy bar for a corporation. The flavors and the candy were loved by everyone and she even had to ask three of her weekend workers to stay and help in the store. Her family grew that way and she realized that her life was better than ever because now she knew what she really wanted to do and what really made her happy. Her heart was always sweet and, now, more than ever.