jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

Visiting hours

   The large male nurse walked as if it was the most normal place in the world. Esther followed closely, looking sometimes at the windows to sea the weather outside but also to the side, where she could see some other windows but these gave views into the room of several of the residents of the psychiatric hospital. Some of them were apparently silent but when she passed other rooms, it was easy to hear strange sounds like bumping or slapping or strange mouth noises.

 The weather outside had turned worse in the last few minutes. The sky had been dark all day but the first drops of rain had finally begun to drop. Esther thought it was maybe the best weather for such a day, for such a visit. The reached another gate, where she had to show some ID and a guard checked her for anything that couldn’t be allowed inside. She didn’t really know what those objects were, but she didn’t mind at all.

 Her purse had stayed behind, at the first gate. Also her car keys, her house keys, her cellphone and a knitting kit she carried everywhere because it made her feel a lot calmer. The only thing she was able to carry inside was a plastic bag with some chocolate bars inside as well as banana muffins and a bottle of iced tea. They had wanted to open the bottles to check it was really iced tea, but an officer had stated she trusted Esther. Apparently she understood what a mother would feel in such a circumstance.

 When they were done checking her bag again, they walked through another corridor but this one was short and ended up in a large room that was filled with people. The place was very warm and she noticed it was because of the amount of people there. Immediately, she could tell all of them were patients of the hospital. Some of them were blankly staring at nothing in particular. Others were playing by themselves or watching the TV, where a man was explaining to the audience how butterflies mated.

 The male nurse told Esther to wait inside a small room besides the recreation area. It was a small space with a table and two chairs. She sat down in one of the chairs and realized the table had two metallic hooks of some kind, small, possibly to tied down the patients in order for them no to attack or anything. She thought that was awful and decided not to think about it because the image in her mind was horrible.

 The room also had a small window and she decided to stand up, leaving the bag on the table, in order to look out the window and not think about the horrible things that maybe happened in that room, or for the matter, in that hospital. She already felt guilty and imagining situations she didn’t know about, was really not necessary.

 Her son entered the room, followed by the male nurse. She turned around when she heard his voice saying “Mama”. Esther walked to him and huge him as strong as she could and he did the same. They hadn’t seen each other in two weeks, since he had been interned in the hospital by order of a court that had decided that Kevin, Esther’s son, had to undergo psychiatric evaluation and, if necessary, rehabilitation in a psychiatric facility. And that was exactly what had happened.

 They let go of each other and sat down in the two chairs. The male nurse stayed there, by the door, leaning against the wall and pretending he wasn’t hearing anything but it was obvious he was. He had no option. Nevertheless, he had done exactly that for so many years already, that he had learned when he had to be listening and when he could just wander into his brain and imagine what he was going to have for dinner at home or what kind of car he wanted to have.

 Esther told Kevin his hands were very cold and asked him if he was eating properly. The boy, around seventeen years old, told her the food there was pretty okay and that she shouldn’t worry about it. She didn’t really listened to him. She just turned her bag upside down and showed her son all the treats she had brought him. Esther smiled to Kevin and he smiled back but it was obvious he was sad or at least not as happy as she was pretending to be.

 They decided to eat the big banana muffins first and the nurse’s stomach growled because of the delicious smell. Esther offered him a bite but he just raised his hand and moved his face, so she didn’t insisted. She asked Kevin if everything was okay with him, if he felt good there, if there was anything he wanted to tell her about it all. He took his time to answer, preferring to eat his banana muffin, which had been his favorite since he was very little.

 Kevin said to her mother that everyone in the hospital was very nice and that the only bad thing so far was that his room was a bit cold but he slept well with some two blankets and a thick quilt of top of them. She said she could bring more if he wanted it but he just said no and went on to finish his muffin. She ate too but she was more worried about her son. She didn’t know what to ask or how to ask.

 But she had to. She had no choice but ask things. Esther’s next question was about the medication they were giving him. Kevin told her he took a couple of pills everyday to control his anxiety issues and that he took others for physical problems like his blood pressure and such, because it was always very elevated. She nodded when he said that, as she tried to build in her head what that meant for him. Was he getting worse or better?

 Kevin took the chocolate bar next and smiled. It was a weird smile, as he didn’t even know how to do it. And it lasted only a few seconds. He felt the deep scent of the chocolate and took a bite. It was also filled with oranges, which he loved. He thanked his mother and kept eating it, until he reached half of the bar. His mother told him he could have some for later but then he looked at her and, out of the blue, laughed at her. His eyes appeared to transform and his laugh was so exaggerated, she felt bad to say what she had said.

 The male nurse looked at Kevin first and then stated that the patients couldn’t keep anything from the outside in their rooms, no even food. Kevin pointed at the nurse and nodded, indicating he was telling the truth. He told his mother that she should have known that, if she had come earlier to visit him. Esther felt hurt by that but explained to him that they wouldn’t let her in because his treatment had not being properly initiated so they didn’t want her to spoil it.

 Kevin just nodded and it was obvious he didn’t care one bit about what his mother was saying. He didn’t believe her and told her that the first week had been horrible, with all the people there crazier than anyone else in the world and the doctors pinching and poking and asking and everything going on and on every single day. He felt tired every night and in the morning it would begin again and the cycle would repeat, of course, with the horrible therapy that he went through.

 Esther was horrified because he had transformed before her very eyes. He asked her if she knew what the therapy was all about. Before she could deny that she knew, he explained to her that they put him on a chair, with restraints, and made him answers questions and look at pictures and videos and tried to understand what hade being going on at the time he had killed the children in playground. They wanted to know why he had killed three of them.

 The nurse got nearer but didn’t intervene. This time, he was listening carefully. Esther was on the edge of tears, trying to ask for forgiveness about him being there and also asking her son not to say anything else about he did.

 And then he punched the table and told her that was him that’s who he really was and that she had to accept that she had a son who was a murderer and that had enjoyed it. He was hysteric, not laughing or crying, just yelling to make his point be seen. Kevin told his mother that even now, he thought back about it all and even then he enjoyed it. He had taken pleasure out of it and he had no remorse.

 He stood up fast and the nurse was going to grab him but he had no need to do that, as Kevin went through the door by himself, and on to his room. The nurse told Esther to go back to the gate and tell the guard there that her visit was over. But when the nurse went away, she couldn’t stand up. She looked at the food there on the table and then repeated her son’s words in her brain and she just couldn’t understand, she couldn’t.

 What had ever happened to her baby boy?

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2016


   El bólido iluminó el cielo por un segundo y luego desapareció, como si nunca hubiese existido. Al menos así sería si no fuera por que dos hombres jóvenes habían estado dando un paseo por la playa. Era un poco tarde y tal vez no era la hora para estar dando paseos, pero así eran las cosas. Ellos habían estado caminando de la mano, hablando de sus planes futuros y de banalidades típicas de todos los seres humanos, cuando de pronto el cielo se iluminó y alcanzaron a ver la estela de fuego encender y caer directo hacia un lugar delante de ellos.

 Tomás corrió más rápidamente. Era el más alto y el mayor de los dos por un par de años. Siempre, desde pequeño, le había interesado todo lo que tenía que ver con el espacio. En su casa tenía todavía el telescopio que sus padres le habían comprado para su cumpleaños número dieciocho. Lo limpiaba todos los días y muchas noches, cuando no tenía mucho sueño, le gustaba mirar a través del aparato e imaginar  que descubría algo importante.

Pedro, por otra parte, no era muy fanático de esas cosas como su novio. De hecho no eran solo novios, sino que estaban comprometidos para casarse muy pronto. Habían salido a caminar precisamente para hablar detalles de lo que querían en la boda y de tonterías que les gustaría ver, detalles que en verdad no hacían ninguna diferencia pero que querían discutir para hacer de la situación algo más real. Era emocionante.

 El meteorito había interrumpido una conversación acerca de la comida que iban a servir. Tomás había dejado de hablar y había perdido al instante todo interés en el tema que estaban discutiendo. Pasado un minuto, ni siquiera fingió que no le interesaba. Miró el cielo y siguió la ruta del bólido con la mirada hasta que creyó saber donde había caído. Eso a Pedro no le importaba mucho pero sabía de los gustos de Tomás así que lo siguió despacio.

 Caminaron rápidamente un buen trecho de playa y llegaron hasta una parte rocosa, donde había un acantilado más o menos grande que parecía adentrarse en el mar como si fuese una película. Pedro estaba seguro de que lo había visto hace poco en televisión o al menos algo similar pero no recordaba en donde. No siguió hablando porque Tomás le pedía que se callara, como si eso le fuese a ayudar a encontrar el meteorito.

 Hizo caso pero se cruzó de brazos y se quedó quieto en un solo punto. Quería que su prometido supiese que no iba a hacer nada si no se disculpaba por parecer más preocupado por una piedra espacial que por la importancia de lo que habían estado hablando. Para ser justos, no era algo tan importante pero a Pedro no le gustaba sentirse ignorado.

 Tomás no se dio ni cuenta que Pedro se había quedado atrás. Se acercó al muro de roca y lo analizó. Miró el cielo hacia atrás e imaginó el camino recorrido por la piedra. Lo hizo varias veces hasta que estuvo seguro que el meteorito debía haber impactado contra el muro de roca o debía haber pasado justo por encima. Se alejó un poco para mirar mejor y, como no veía bien por la oscuridad, decidió acercarse al muro y escalar.

 La luna iluminaba la situación y Pedro no podía creer lo que veía. Rompió su promesa de no moverse al acercarse un poco a la pared y preguntarle a Tomás que era lo que estaba haciendo. Le dijo que era peligroso y que no era algo que debía hacer a esas horas de la noche y mucho menos sin un equipo apropiado. Podría caerse y golpearse la cabeza o peor. Pero Tomás parecía empeñado en escalar el muro de piedra y en llegar a la parte más alta. Afortunadamente, era un muro de unos cinco metros de altura, así que no era excesivamente alto.

 Pedro se desesperó mucho cuando las nubes en el cielo se movieron por el viento frío de la noche costera y la luna pudo salir con todo su brillo. Tomás quedó iluminado por su hermosa luz y Pedro pudo ver que su prometido llevaba la mitad del muro escalado. Su manos se agarraban de las piedras con fuerza y parecía una estrella de mar con sus extremidades estiradas por todas partes. Era algo gracioso y a la vez horrible verlo trepado allí arriba, sin ningún tipo de ayuda.

 Ese era Tomás, en resumidas cuentas, siempre autosuficiente y capaz de hacer las cosas por sí mismo. Desde pequeño sus padres habían trabajado mucho, tratando de darles a él y a sus hermanos la mejor vida que pudieran querer: iban a una escuela privada, comían bien, viajaban en vacaciones siempre, tenían una mascota,… Era todo perfecto, todo lo que un niño podía soñar. Y sin embargo, eso había resultado en que Tomás no necesitaba de nadie para hacer lo que tenía que hacer.

 A los doce años ya cocinaba y lo hacía muy bien. Esto era porque muchas veces no había cena porque sus padres no llegaban sino hasta muy tarde y a él le tocaba cocinar algo para él y para sus hermanos, ambos menores. Así que a fuerza de el hambre que todo el mundo siente de vez en cuando, aprendió a cocinar y hoy en día era simplemente el mejor, al menos en el concepto de Pedro.

 Había convertido esa habilidad salida de la necesidad en su profesión y le iba bastante bien. Era el chef en uno de los mejores restaurantes de la ciudad y planeaba abrir su propio local con comida que él había inventado a través de los años. Así había conocido a Pedro, comiendo.

 Cuando llegó a la parte superior del muro de piedra, el corazón de Pedro descansó. Le pidió que lo esperara arriba y que se verían en un rato, cuando pudiera dar la vuelta por el otro lado pero Tomás le gritó que no se moviera, que en un momento ya volvería a estar con él. Y después de decir eso, desapareció. Pedro lo llamó varias veces, casi hiriéndose la garganta al gritar. Pero Tomás o no lo oyó o no le hizo caso.

 El clima empezaba a enfriar y Pedro estaba en pantalón corto y ahora que estaba solo le había dado por mirar a un lado y al otro, como esperando que alguna bestia le saltara de alguna sombra. Pero eso no iba pasar. Era solo que siempre se había sentido inseguro cuando estaba solo. Era algo que tenía en común con Tomás y por eso lo pasaban tan bien juntos cuando se trataba de pasarlo bien un día, solo ellos dos. Cuando estaban juntos todo era mejor y se divertían más.

 Desde el momento que se conocieron en el restaurante en el que Tomás trabajaba, tuvieron esa conexión especial que se da en ciertas ocasiones. Solo pudieron hablar unos minutos pero en ese momento se dieron cuenta que había cosas en las que eran similares y la misma cantidad de cosas en las que no tenían nada que ver. Y eso era intrigante y los hacía quererse ver de nuevo. Fue Pedro quién volvió al restaurante a beber algo un día, con unos amigos y entonces se atrevió a hablarle a Tomás y darle su numero.

 La relación se desarrolló rápidamente. Un año después ya vivían juntos en un pequeño apartamento no muy lejos del restaurante. Pedro trabajaba desde casa entonces le venía bien también. Como estaban siempre ahí, se acompañaban y tenían mucho tiempo para hablar y para compartir. Por eso la idea de casarse había surgido con tanta facilidad. Ninguno le había pedido la mano al otro, solo lo habían hablado. No había anillos ni nada por el estilo.

 Tomás regresó, en lo alto del acantilado. Venía, por alguna razón, sin camiseta. Le dijo a Pedro que esperara y, sin escuchar las preguntas de su novio, empezó a bajar lentamente por la pared de roca. Era obviamente mucho más difícil porque no veía donde ponía los pies. El corazón de Pedro retumbaba en sus oídos y se acercó más para estar más cerca pero no sabía que podría hacer por él si caía.

 A la mitad del recorrido, uno de los pies resbaló y lo único que hizo Pedro fue correr. Lo hizo justo a tiempo porque una de las piedras que tenía Tomás en la mano se desprendió y cayó para atrás. Afortunadamente, cayó justo encima de Pedro, que lo tomó de manera que el impacto fuera menos fuerte. En todo caso los dos cayeron al suelo y se rasparon codos y rodillas.

 Enojado, Pedro le reclamó a Tomás que tenía que hacer arriba del acantilado, qué era tan importante que no podía esperar al otro día. Y entonces, después de mirarse uno de sus codos raspados, Tomás sacó de un bolsillo su camiseta hecha un ovillo. La abrió de golpe sobre la arena y entonces una piedrita salió volando de adentro y cayó justo al lado de Pedro. Los dos la miraron juntos: una piedrita color plata que brillaba con fuerza a la luz de la luna.

 Tomás miró a Pedro sonriendo y le dijo:

      - Tenemos anillos de bodas.

 En las horas siguientes hubo muchos besos y abrazos y muchas más cosas. Pero sobre todo la realización de que todo era real y nada podía cambiarlo.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016


   Thousands of cameras flashed at the same time and then over and over again when Amy came out of the house. They al wanted to ask the same question: “How well do you think it’s going to go for you tonight?” And Amy wanted to answer but she just entered the car that was waiting her and drove away without saying a word. Her publicist praised her for not saying a word but she didn’t even heard her. She was too busy trying to answer the question the media was asking.

 Would she win the election? Maybe. There was a strong possibility that it might happen for her. It was no mystery that her campaign had been primarily focused on the fact that she was a woman and the she was not one of the political elite. She was just a councilwoman in the most populated city in the country and she had become an important part of politics in a single day.

 The party she was running for had chosen her over many other candidates because they had thought they could mold her into someone people would like and vote for, someone that did not look at all like all those older men that had dominated politics for so long. They wanted to restart with a fresh face, especially after failing to win the election for a third time in a row. They had to take advantage of the opportunity being offered by the fact that the current government was shaking.

 One scandal after the other had taken its toll on people’s opinion and, according to the latest polls; the two candidates were virtually tied. So everything could be decided by a handful of votes and that was very important. They had to ensure that they had every single possible vote in their pocket and that’s why Amy had travelled across the country, without a rest, for the last five months.

 She wasn’t an experienced politician but what the party liked about her was that she could be able to be close to people in a way most politicians just couldn’t. She didn’t look fake when talking to a mother or a person that had lost it all. They could take Amy to a prestigious country club or to a soup kitchen in the most horrible part of a city and in both cases she would be able to be sympathetic and relatable.

 By the time she entered that car, the truth was that she felt exhausted. She didn’t want to walk anymore. She just wanted a good night’s sleep but that wasn’t possible on Election Day. They had paraded her around all day and she hadn’t even been able to properly eat anything, only some fruit her assistant was able to pass to her before the day properly began. And she couldn’t even eat it all because someone took the box away from her to give her a speech she had to memorize.

 Amy Walker was almost forty years old and that apparently was something people liked. They also liked the fact that she looked modern and seemed to know everything about the world today. She had all the gadgets and even tried to run her own social media but that was difficult because of the amount of things she had to do in a day. So, normally, Amy would only write herself a message once a day and the rest were images and phrases posted by her team.

 To her, that seemed a little bit like cheating but she reminded herself that it was all part of being a public figure. Most of those people had no way of managing anything by themselves because of their schedules and priorities. She would have wanted to be more in touch with her voters, but she could only do that in some events and even then it was extremely hard to get really close to any of then.

 In the car, her assistant gave her a box of sushi. She was so hungry that she ate five pieces in less than five minutes. Someone was trying to explain to her something about how the election work and such, but she was to hungry to even care. She asked for a bottle of water and has some, drinking almost half of the bottle in one gulp. Amy not only felt hungry and thirsty but also desperate. She felt like the space she was in was too small. In a second, she had fainted.

 When she woke up, she was still in the car. They had apparently stopped because the doors were opened and, as soon as she opened her eyes, her assistant got closer and grabbed her hand. She helped her sit down properly, as she had been lying down in the back seat of the big car. In a strange moment of privacy, they hugged and her assistant told her she was sorry for not being able to give her more time to adjust to it all and to eat. She felt guilty somehow.

 But Amy didn’t say anything about that. Instead, she asked where they were. One of the bodyguards helped her out of the car and she realized they had arrived at the convention center but they were in a lonely part of the parking lot. Policemen had possibly closed it only for her. She was thankful for that. Amy told her assistant to walk her wherever she had to go and the poor assistant did exactly that, a bit scared she might not have recuperated fully.

 Indeed, Amy did not feel very good, but there was no point in turning back and laying in that car forever. It was her night and she had to be there to see if everything went as they thought it would go. It was the final step of the road and she couldn’t just miss it.

 They all entered a backroom and then descended some stairs to the place where she would get her makeup done and a new outfit. She asked her assistant to update her every time there was something big happening and the younger woman just nodded as the candidate entered her prep room. Inside, many more people were waiting for her, in order to turn her into one of the many images that people liked.

 One group washed her hair and the other retouched her nails and toes. She had undressed behind a curtain and taken off her dress and everything else and put on a white bathrobe to be more comfortable. As she had sat down in the chair, her assistant had told her that the polling centers had closed and that results would start coming in very soon.

 It was a tense moment for her but she tried to enjoy being pampered and taken care off. That always helped her get a bit more relax. Besides, she really needed to be refreshed because of all that she had done that day: visit a school, then greeting the military and visiting a factory. And all of that had happened before noon. Afterwards she had done so many things that she was sure she couldn’t even remember them all.

 The first state had been called within the next five minutes and it was for her rival. Then the second and the third, also for her rival. Her team reminded her that those territories did not make part of their plans, so it was a predictable thing that they hadn’t gone their way.

 Another two were called as they blow-dried her hair: another for her rival and one for her. They celebrated but the cheers were not precisely happy because of the disadvantage she was in. Amy thought to herself that, if she had to make a speech from a loser’s point of view, she could even pull it off in a better way than if she had won. Maybe all of that fancy politics stuff wasn’t just for her and she needed to go back to the city council and stay there.

 Two more states were called: both for her. As they finished preparing her and changing her into a new, more modern dress, the race became an almost tie. It was really going to be close and everyone in the room was as tense as they could be. When she was done, they all watch the TV screens together and waited until it came the time to go out to the stage.

 At least half of the votes had yet to enter the race and Amy realized she might become president. She might be the one to lead a whole country. And she knew that it would be difficult and hard on her. She didn’t know if she was the best for the job. But there she was. Only a few more votes…