Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta criminal. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta criminal. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016


   La pasarela elevada pasaba sobre los cinco depósitos de químicos de la fábrica. El primer en llegar fue Félix, que parecía no poder respirar y sin embargo corría todo lo que podía sin mirar atrás. Cuando estuvo encima del tercer tanque, se detuvo para ver si Marcos lo había seguido.

 En efecto, Marcos venían corriendo detrás pero lo malo era lo que venía detrás de él: era una criatura que helaba la sangre solo de verla. En apariencia era como una serpiente, solo que esta serpiente medía una docena de metros de largo y era gruesa como el tronco de un árbol. Subía por la escalerilla que daba acceso a la pasarela elevada con una habilidad que daba susto. Marcos corría lo más rápido que podía y le indicó a Félix que debía seguir su camino también o ambos serían comida de reptiles.

 La criatura se desenrolló en la pasarela flotante y con agilidad se deslizó por encima del frío metal que constituía la estructura de la especie de puente que unía un extremo al otro de la fábrica. Los de abajo eran químicos altamente corrosivos que se usaban para la creación de varios tipos de productos para la limpieza. Era un poco extraño que esa fuera la guarida de uno de los criminales más buscados por la policía pero así era. El hombre llamado la Sombra tenía su base de operaciones debajo de la estructura, en sótanos adecuados para sus actividades. Y allí también residía su mascota, la que ahora perseguía a Marcos y a Félix.

 En un momento, la criatura se enroscó en un mismo sitio y pegó un salto hacia delante, como un resorte. Félix ya había llegado al otro lado de la pasarela pero Marcos no podía correr tanto por una torcedura de tobillo que hacía que dada paso fuese un poco más difícil. Cuando la criatura saltó, le cayó muy cerca, tanto que la serpiente pudo lamerle la planta de uno de sus zapatos con su lengua bífida.

 Entonces la serpiente volvió a recoger para saltar de nuevo. Marcos había caído al suelo y no podía pararse, su pie estaba ya fracturado y sentía que se empezaba a hinchar. No había ya ninguna opción de escapatoria. Los ojos de la serpiente brillaron, contenta de haber podido atrapar al menos a uno de los hombres que estaban persiguiendo. Presionó su cuerpo sobre si mismo y volvió a saltar, dirigiendo su enorme cabeza hacia la Marcos, para tragarlo de un bocado.

 Pero la serpiente nunca cayó sobré él sino que frenó en la mitad del aire y quedó allí, congelada en el tiempo como un muñeco. Se notaba incomoda y su nerviosismo aumentó cuando en vez de estar sobre la pasarela, pasó a estar sobre uno de los tanques de químicos. Antes de caer, abrió los ojos y soltó un chillido horrible. Momentos después, su cuerpo se deshacía en un liquido de color verde esmeralda.

 Marcos respiraba deprisa. Había estado muy cerca de morir pero había visto como había pasado todo: era Félix quién había utilizado su capacidad mental para controlar a la serpiente y hacerla caer en el lugar equivocado. No hubo conversación ni felicitaciones ni nada parecido. Félix ayudó a Marcos a ponerse de pie y con sus poderes lo bajó de la pasarela flotante. Una vez abajo, se dirigieron al estacionamiento de la fábrica de donde robaron uno de los vehículos. Ya un poco lejos, escucharon una fuerte explosión. No se miraron ni dijeron nada pero ambos supusieron lo que era.

 Félix condujo por varias horas hasta llegar a un lugar en el que nadie los conociera. No podían quedarse en la ciudad pues era obvio que la Sombra iba a perseguirlos para vengar la muerte de su mascota y el descubrimiento de su guarida. Después de varias horas en la carretera, llegaron a un bosque tupido, lleno de pinos y eucaliptos y otros árboles enormes. A un lado de la carretera alquilaban cabinas en el bosque para las personas que venían a pescar y a cazar.

 La joven que los atendió estaba visiblemente aburrida pero pareció estar interesada por la ropa de los dos, pues estaba quemada en parte y olía mucho a químicos. Además, era evidente que no venían al bosque a pescar o cazar pues no se veía el equipo por ningún lado. De pronto era fugitivos o incluso una pareja en un arranque pasional. La chica pensó todo esto en un momento, mientras Félix firmaba el libro del hotel y pagaba por una semana de estadía de contado. Marcos se apoyaba sobre el mostrador: su tobillo estaba mucho más hinchado que antes.

 La chica les dio un mapa de los caminos y les indicó que su cabaña era la número diez, justo del otro lado del lago. Por el tobillo de Marcos, se demoraron tanto en caminar al lugar que la tarde cayó pronto sobre ellos y tuvieron que abrir la puerta del lugar a tientas. Lo bueno era que tenía luz eléctrica y agua caliente. Lo malo era que habían bichos, como hormigas y unas cucarachas pequeñas. Era lo mínimo que tendrían que soportar con tal de pasar algunos días fuera del radar.

 Félix ayudó a Marcos a entrar en la bañera que había en el cuarto de baño. Le había insistido que se quitara la ropa para estar más cómodo pero Marcos se había negado, subiéndose los pantalones y quitándose zapatos y medias y nada más. Así se metió a la bañera que Félix llenó de agua tibia. Dejó que flotara allí el tiempo que quisiera mientras él se quitó todo la ropa en la habitación y decidió salir al lago y nadar bajo la luz de la luna llena. Era algo muy liberador flotar por allí, bañarse en la más hermosa soledad, únicamente acompañado por la grandeza de la luna.

 Félix se dio cuenta al oír el chapoteo. Trató de salir de la bañera pero casi no pudo ponerse de pie para salir. No solo era difícil apoyar el tobillo hinchado sino que la ropa mojada ejercía un peso enorme sobre él. Para cuando fue capaz de salir, se resbaló sobre el borde de la bañera e hizo un desastre en el suelo. Félix lo encontró minutos después, empapado y con la mandíbula contra el piso, incapaz de moverse. Parecía un pescado ya atrapado por las redes.

 Félix tenía alrededor de su cuerpo una toalla bastante pequeña pues solo había una para cuerpo entero y la había traído para Marcos. Pero en vez de usarla, lo ayudó a sentarse y le dijo que debía quitarse la ropa y pasar más tiempo en la bañera o al menos quitársela para poder dormir tranquilo. Como Marcos no respondió al instante, Félix se le quedó mirando y con sus poderes arrancó la camiseta y los pantalones de su cuerpo. Quedó solo en los calzoncillos bancos que tenía puestos.

 Su cara se puso roja y después discutió con Félix por haberlo hecho a la fuerza pero este no se disculpó. Solo lo ayudó a ponerse de pie y lo ayudó a ir hasta la cama. Eran dos camas sencillas, una al lado de la otra. La de Marcos estaba de lado del baño, la de Félix al lado de la ventana. Félix se acostó mirando al techo, habiendo ya apagado la luz. Marcos solo podía dormir boca abajo pero no era una opción sencilla con el dolor de tobillo. Por eso se hizo de lado, mirando a su compañero.

 De la nada, le preguntó por sus poderes. Solo conocía a otra persona que podía hacer algo parecido y no era tan sorprendente como lo que él hacía. Félix respondió que había descubierto lo que podía hacer desde que era joven y que había aprendido en secreto a manipularlo. Marcos no entendió porque escondía sus poderes, a lo que Félix respondió que cualquiera que supiera mucho de ellos seguramente quisiera aprovecharlos para su propio beneficio.

 Marcos asintió en la oscuridad. Tenía la toalla bien apretada alrededor de su cuerpo. Estaba casi desnudo, con un tobillo hinchado, al lado de un tipo que había conocido hacía menos de un día. Por alguna razón, los dos habían estado en la guardia de Sombra al mismo tiempo. No habían hablado de las razones pero Marcos asumía que los dos querían destruirlo todo y destapar el imperio criminal de la Sombra.

 Pero eso era una suposición. En la oscuridad, se quedó mirando a Félix un buen rato, preguntándose por la verdad. Después de un rato le entró el sueño, a la vez que oía la respiración pausada de su compañero. Antes de caer en los brazos de Morfeo, tuvo una visión de los ojos de Félix. Era sorprendentemente parecido a los de la serpiente.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

Almost dead

    A bloody hand found its way inside the cave. Then another and suddenly the while body was easy to see against the weak light of the Moon outside. It was a man and he was barely standing up, visibly shaking, grabbing the rock walls of the cave with every single step he took.  He collapsed as his hand slipped from the wall and his whole body was unable to remain up. He hit the ground with a very loud noise but even that was not enough to be heard over the amount of water that was falling outside.

 The next morning, the man woke up exactly were he had passed out the day before. He first opened his eyes and didn’t move, partially incapable of doing that but also not wanting to risk causing more damage to his very sensitive body. But then he realized, as he moved his hands and fingers, that he was laying on a pool of dark blood. He stood himself up with the help of his hands and a while later he was sitting against the rock wall.

 The pool of blood was almost completely dried and it looked like something out of the ordinary. Especially because, when he touched his stained close, he didn’t feel anything in particular. He hope to know where the bullet holes where, as he remembered what had happened the day before but there was no trace of any of that in his body. He opened his shirt and touched his skin and realized there was nothing in particular happening there.

 The man took a deep breath and looked outside: it was not raining but the weather had not improved that much. It was still very gray and he knew that people would be looking out for him and he definitely didn’t want to be found. He decided to stay in the cave at least another hole day. Maybe that way he would be able to understand what was happening to him. Because he was sure he had been shot several times in the chest and in the back. And now he had no proof of that, no matter how vivid everything was in his mind.

 For water, he decided to crawl to the entrance and drink the droplets that fell from the sky. When the rain picked up, he was able to drink some more and also wash his clothes in the outside, without risking anyone seeing her. He took off his clothes and tried to wash them as well as he could. After that, he just sat inside the cave, his clothes on rocks drying.

 He began thinking about the people that had tried to kill them. They were very vicious and dangerous but not very smart. The cave was not that far from town and anyone would have been there first when it was public he had escaped his death under the hands of real criminals, much worse than he had ever be.

He had actually been a criminal. Nothing too lethal: only robbing stuff and, at most, dealing sometimes with drugs when the times needed it. He knew he wasn’t the cleanest person in the face of the Earth but the only time he had decided to stop his secret dealing, then that day he’s attacked by his enemies who try to kill him but weren’t able to do it.

 And there was that now. He had always noticed, from a younger age, that he never really had problems with scarring or health in general. He had never had the flu after he turned twelve and every time he cut his skin by accident, it cured rather fast. He always thought it was because he ate very well or something like that but apparently there was something really different going on around him. How was it possibly that he survived so many shots? They had him really close, it wasn’t like the bullets missing him by seconds or anything.

 The second day inside the cave, he actually found two of the bullets on the cave’s floor. He wasn’t sure if those too were the ones that had been inside his body but he really couldn’t find another explanation for it. On his skin, he had no scars or markings that showed that he had been the victim of such a brutal attack. He even considered the possibility that he might be going insane. But after thinking it through once and again, he reached to the conclusion that he was as sane as can be.

 By the third day there, he was very hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything decent for a while and he had to go out at night in order to wander around and check if there was something he could eat around there. He was fortunate enough to find a gas station with the corresponding market. The young man that worked there looked at the man in a very suspicious way: the short was still stained with blood and his hair and skin did not look particularly clean. 

 He wandered around the store, grabbing things and also asking himself how the hell he was going to pay for all of that. He decided to be a robber once again because he was hungry. He would have to knock the kid out and just leave as fast as he could. But first, he filled his basket with thing to eat and to drink. There were even freshly cooked hotdogs and he grabbed a couple to eat on the spot.

 The kid in charge did not ask what he wanted as a woman with a pantyhose in her head entered the market right then. She had a gun on her hand and demanded the young man to put every single bill and coin from the register into one of plastic bags he had for anything that people might buy. She did not see the man from the cave, which had been very focused serving all the toppings on one his hotdogs.

 He looked at her fast but had no idea who she was. As the kid opened the register, the man realized he couldn’t let that happen. Something in his mind was opposed to the idea that the place that he was about to rob was going to robbed first by someone else. Granted, he didn’t want any of the money and just all of the food, but it just seemed like that wasn’t something that should be allowed. He looked at her carefully again and, without thinking it through, he launched himself at her, knocking him down.

 She fell to the ground all right but was still holding the gun. She shot twice, the bullets whistling very near the young man’s head. The man tried to submit her but she wouldn’t let herself be dominated. She was very strong and just had a lot of energy that the man form the cave had not. He had barely recovered from all that had happened to him but he still could hold for a bit longer.

 It was then she released herself from his hands and pointed the gun at him. She was about to talk but he moved so she shot twice. The kid squealed behind the counter when he heard the sounds. He was shaking a lot and couldn’t believe this was only his second week on the job. However, he was more surprised when he heard more fighting sounds and moaning and then nothing more.  He was very nervous but everything had apparently ended that night. Thinking of calling the police, he stood up shaking a lot and looked over the counter.

 On the floor, the woman was unconscious, with a big red mark on her head. The man that had come to buy food was beside her, with a can of chili that had been resting in the aisle behind him. He was bleeding from the chest and the young man was about to grab the phone to call the police but then he saw something very difficult to believe: from the guy’s chest, two metallic bullets were coming out as if they were giant pimples. They fell to the ground and then the guy coughed.

 He opened his eyes and looked at the kid, who looked back. Then, shaking too, the man stood up and asked the kid if he could take some of the food for free as he had no money to pay. The young man, surprisingly enough, moved his head affirmatively. The man from the cave then grabbed the basket he had been filling with one hand and the hotdog that was still in the toppings counter with the other.

 Just as he was about to leave, the kid asked him who he was. The man stopped short at the door but didn’t turn around. His answer wasn’t instantaneous, as he needed to think it through before opening his mouth. However, he turned his head around and said “Mr. Dead, kid. That’s me”. Then, he left for his cave. The excitement was so much for the kid, that he fainted. 

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Tip of the iceberg

      The metal door opened up with a “bang”. Carter was holding her gun upwards. She looked to her right and to her left and walked slowly, trying not to miss whatever she was supposed to found there. The day was perfect, almost no clouds in the sky and a shiny sun glistening above her head. She was wearing the uniform and sunglasses, as she was very sensitive to light. As she walked, more like a crab than like a human, the sound of several police patrols could be heard on that rooftop. They were possibly trying to contact Carter but she had left Johnson downstairs and had made him promise he wouldn’t let anyone in until she was done with the criminal. Johnson was younger and eager to help. He was kind of the ideal partner.

 Finally, Carter saw Frost sitting on the edge, looking at the office building in the distance. As she grew closer, she noticed he had no gun, no weapon to defend his life. She had a bad feeling about all of it and made a full stop when Frost talked in a loud and clear voice:

     - Your gun is not necessary. You can come closer but leave your gun somewhere over        that vent. – He indicated one pipe that had a cubic shape.

 Carter held her gun for a few more minutes until she realized the best thing to do was to follow his advice. She left the gun on one side of the small vent and then, slowly, walked up to the criminal. He didn’t stand or looked at her, he just spoke from his seat.

     -  I guess you are aware that I lured you to this rooftop?

 Yes, Carter knew that. It had been obvious from the beginning that he wanted to be caught, that he wanted someone to notice where he was and Carter had been the first and only one to realize what he had meant. Frost had sent a letter to many newspapers, each one very different but having a secret hidden among the letters. Being an avid reader, Carter was able to break Frost’s code and know where he was going to be next. However, she had made the mistake of leaving a note on her desk about it and now every member of the police was there.

     - Poor Johnson. He’s not that strong. – Said Frost, looking down.

 Carter got nearer and looked over the edge. She could see a large group of men dressed in blue and they seemed to be arguing. Her eyesight was not so good but she thought they were talking about how to get in. Johnson had probably locked the door, blocking their entry for some time. Frost was right, Johnson was too young, to new to know how to handle these kinds of situations.

 Frost finally turned around and looked at Carter. She pulled back a bit, scared by his scar. He had a large scar running from the left corner of his mouth to his ear. He smiled, which made him look insane, much more evil than she knew he was.

     - I am sorry. Enemies try to make their marks you know?

 He didn’t wait for an answer from Carter, who was too scared o say a single word. The man stood up fast, putting his legs with agility over the edge of the building and standing up, revealing that he had been seating on a big envelope, the kind they used at office for reports and so on. Carter’s scared face changed to a curious one. She thought, for a moment, that he was inviting to grab the envelope but then realized he was just taking his time and letting her see what he wanted her to see. He took the envelope and pulled out one random paper. Carter could see it had a big seal on top of the page.

      - This is from Saint Mary’s hospital. No that you should feel bad, but I have an                   incurable disease. They told me I could live my life normally if I take pills forever and       have the life of a monk. And I won’t have that.

 Frost looked straight into Carter’s eyes. She felt a bit hurt by then, as they were bloody, as If he had been crying for a long time. Maybe he had cried a lot, maybe he was thinking about his chances and that’s why he had decided to leave the hidden message. He just wanted someone to join him and to know how bad he felt or how sad he was. Although that didn’t really corresponded to a man that had activated a bomb in a very crowded mall less than one year ago. His disease, whatever it was, didn’t change a single thing about him and the justice system.

     - I have to take you in. – Carter saw him straight in the eyes too. – You have done too         much. You cannot get away.

     - Yes I can. You know that.

     - But you wanted someone here with you. Why do that if all you wan is to keep                  vanishing?

 At first, Carter’s hands had been trembling. But that had disappeared. She was not nervous or scared anymore. She had a job to do and she was determined to actually do it, even if it meant running back to her gun and kill the terrorist right there. She was supposed to respect his life but she couldn’t allow him to keep escaping as he had been doing for so many years. He had fled so many horrible events he had caused, he was very insane and unstable, a person that could be trusted. Frost could not really believe he had the cards to come on top this time.

      - You’re done Frost. Come down with me, calmly.

      -  No. I need to tell you something first.

 She walked towards him and he didn’t move. Carter proceeded to taken his arm and made him kneeled before her. He didn’t really complain, he just seemed exhausted, tired somehow. His scar turned a little bit redder and she was disgusted to see it so close to her face. She took out some handcuffs she had on her back pocket but then Frost did a very fast move, pushing her by a vey loud punch on her chest, leaving her with no air on the floor. Then he got near her and asked her for silence.

 Frost took out a cellphone from his pocket and dialed a number. He waited for a bit and then someone answered in the other end. He asked for someone named Carly and then he waited again. Carter could hear he had called to a hospital or a hotel, somewhere where rooms were numbered. He talked with Carly for a while, smiling a bit and laughing. Maybe she was his wife or maybe a very close friend. Was she doing all of this for her? It didn’t make any sense. And if it was true he didn’t want to come in peace, then why bother doing all of this.

 When he finished his conversation, he told Carter to get up. He helped her but she let go of his hand as fast as he could. She demanded to know what was going on. And he complied explaining everything he had to explain. It was a long monologue, with precise details like times and days and even places and descriptions that made al seem so real. Carter thought he was playing her again but somehow he seemed honest, more than any other person she had witnessed confessing such a big part of his life.

 When he was finished, he just smiled at her and told her to keep the envelope. Downstairs, they were finally able to open the door but it was too late for that. A body crashed into one of the police cars, scaring ever-single man and woman there. Frost had jumped a few seconds ago, running towards the edge and not even doubting for a second. He had planned it like that all along and he had chosen that building because he knew how the police would park, how long they would take to bring the door down, how much time his body would take from top to bottom and so many other variable that he had loved to unravel. That had been him, through and through.

 A few weeks later, Carter visited Saint Mary’s. She met Carly there. She happened to be only nine years old and suffering a very rare disease. The best doctors in the world treated her and Carter was told it had been a difficult process but that the child would live. She was Frost’s niece, his only living relative. The envelope also revealed his disease, which was revealed by the police in the media creating a wave of hatred and proof, the irrefutable kind, that he had been forced to do every single one of his evil deeds. So his death was just one step of many on a game no one knew they were playing.