Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta escape. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta escape. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

La isla maldita

   Una de las flechas pasó volando por el lado de la oreja izquierda de Tomás, quién se lanzó al suelo apenas comenzaron los disparos. Los demás corrían a protegerse al lado de un árbol o solo corrían hasta que sintieran que todo estaba atrás. Pero era una ilusión pues la fechas siempre los alcanzaban. No se podía ver quien era el atacante pero la idea principal era simplemente sobrevivir y no ser atravesado por alguna de esas flechas, que parecían venir en grandes cantidades y que cada vez eran más certeras.

 Después de un par de horas de iniciado el ataque, ya habían caído cinco de las doce personas que estaban intentando escapar de la isla. Casi la mitad yacían muertos y de los demás casi todos estaban heridos de una u otra manera. Como ganarle a alguien que no veían? Además no tenían muchas opciones de escape y la mente les funcionaba con lentitud, no veían nada con claridad, ni el camino frente a ellos ni las ideas en su mente. El fracaso de su intento de fuga era inminente y Tomás estaba seguro de ello.

 Al fin y al cabo, era él el que había alentado a los otros a escapar. Su propio desespero y miedo le habían hecho hacer promesas vacías y carentes de todo sentido. Desde su captura, había estado temblando y la única idea que había tenido, la del escape, era la única que veía con claridad en su mente. Los había llevado a todos a través del bosque no porque estuviese seguro de poder salvarlos sino porque no podía pensar en nada más. Y los demás, habiendo estado más tiempo allí, no tenían voluntad alguna. Era como si obedecer fuese lo único que podían hacer. Y ahora cinco de ellos…

 Seis. El arquero, quien fuese que fuera, le había atravesado el pecho a una de las pocas mujeres que había huido con ellos. La pobre mujer cayó con fuerza al suelo seco detrás de algunos pisos agrupados de forma extraña, obviamente plantados allí por alguien. Las seis personas restantes estaban todas temblando, sus cuerpos ya casi incapaces de sostenerse por sí solos. No lo pensaban, pero hubiesen podido intentar rendirse. Tal vez eso podría funcionar.

 Todos vestían sus largas túnicas blancas, ahora manchadas de sangre y tierra. Iban descalzos, como los animales, por lo que correr se hacía cada vez más difícil. Todos estaban terriblemente delgados, desnutridos y tan dañados mentalmente que no tenían como luchar contra nada. Que hubiesen encontrado la voluntad de rebelarse y de tratar de escapar, había sido una sorpresa más que placentera. Pero la verdad, como dicho con anterioridad, era que no era rebeldía ni ganas de vivir. No se trataba de una necesidad. Era solo que ya no podían rehusarse a nada. Ya no tenían voluntad y nunca más volverían a tenerla.

 Si uno se pone a pensarlo bien, no había una razón real para que escapasen. Que ganaban con ello cuando ya no servían para nada, cuando la pasión por la vida se les había escapado lentamente, con cada día que pasaban en ese lugar, en ese edificio sin esquinas en esa isla maldita. Ninguno de ellos iba a ser capaz, si es que escapaba, de reconstruirse una vida propia, de volver a ser quienes eran o incluso de ser alguien más. De los seis que permanecían con vida, había un par que llevaban más de un año allí y nadie en el mundo podía devolverles lo que habían perdido en ese tiempo.

 Siete. Ocho. No, no era una opción rendirse. Aunque ellos no recordaban, habían sido pareja hacía mucho tiempo. Tal vez por eso se habían escondido juntos, de la mano, detrás de unos arbustos espesos y altos. Pero eso no les había servido de nada, también tenían flechas en el cuerpo y su sangre manchaba la tierra que ya había visto sangre humana en el pasado. Hacía tiempo, solo meses de hecho, ellos se habían casado y habían querido empezar una familia. Pero como los demás, tomaron una mala decisión y ahora estaban muertos.

 Los cuatro que quedaban eran Tomás, Gabriela, Marcos y H. La última era una mujer negra, con cicatrices en el rostro, que ni la gente del lugar sabía como llamar. Como no hablaba, tal vez por traumas relacionados con su larga estadía en el centro, la llamaron H, por aquello de que esa letra es muda. Era extraño pero el nombre era cómico y era algo así como un toque de color en un mundo gris y oscuro. Nadie se daba cuenta de ese toque de color pero era algo extraño que estuviese allí, como burlándose de todo.

 Tomás era quién había llegado hacía más poco. Tenía todo más fresco en su mente y, aunque en ocasiones se sentía alcanzado por todo lo que había visto y sentido en ese lugar, seguía teniendo algo de la esperanza y de la fuerza que había tenido afuera de ese horrible lugar. Al fin y al cabo, eso le había servido para convencerlos a todos de seguirlo a él, hacia la libertad. Pero eso, se podía decir ya, había sido un fracaso completo. Estando escondido entre las ramas de un árbol enorme, metros encima del suelo, se daba cuenta de que había llevado a un montón de gente directo a sus tumbas. Y lo peor era que él estaba perdiendo lo poco que tenía en su mente, lo sentía irse y esto lo hacía llorar en silencio.

 Gabriela había sido madre. Tal vez por eso se había refugiado en una gran madriguera, entre las raíces de otro de esos árboles gigantes que había por aquí y por allá. No quería saber que animal había hecho semejante hueco y la verdad era que no le importaba. Como le iba a importar si ya no había más en ella sino instinto de supervivencia, ganas de seguir adelante pero vacías, sin sentido alguno. De pronto era su instinto de madre, ya inútil, que seguía mandándola hacia delante, sin tener ni la más mínima idea si allí adelante había algo que valiese la pena.

 Marcos era un hombre viejo o al menos lo parecía. La verdad era que no era físicamente tan viejo pero su corta estadía había sido suficiente para ahogarlo y sacar de él lo poco de bueno que había. A diferencia de los demás, Marcos no era lo que uno pudiese llamar “una buena persona”. Había matado gente y en sus mejores días había sido el brazo fuerte de uno de los criminales más buscados de su país. Y la verdad era que le había encantado matar, no tenía ningún problema con ello y jamás había sentido ni un poco de arrepentimiento. Pero allí estaba, media cabeza calva y sus músculos desaparecidos entre la locura y el hambre.

 Todos estaban allí por una razón pero ninguno la recordaba. Todos, por diferente razones, habían querido tener dinero fácil involucrándose en pruebas mentales y físicas en lo que se suponía era un centro de ayuda para pacientes clínicamente dependientes. O al menos eso decía el aviso que prometía pagar grandes cantidades por hacer pruebas inofensivas y resolver encuestas tediosas. Pero eso no era lo que había sucedido.

 Todos habían ido porque querían dinero faci﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽fue queras tediosas. Pero eso no era lo que habe, ya ine pero vacimportar si ya no habro era algo extraño que estuviesácil y, hay que decirlo, ninguno sabía la clase de maniático que dirigía el centro. Sobra decir que todo era una farsa. En esa clínica no había nadie que en verdad necesitase estar allí. Todos los pacientes eran idiotas que habían venido detrás de una paga rápida y fácil, creyendo que el mundo era así de amable y generoso. Creían que las cosas caían del cielo y que no había que ganarse la vida como todos los demás, que no había que luchar contra los otros como animales en ese entorno horrible y voraz que llaman una vida.

 Pues bien, la clínica los usó para sus experimentos. Los desapareció del mundo con excusas varias como accidentes y muertes particulares y así usaron sus cuerpos y sobretodo sus cerebros para hacer con ellos lo que mejor les pareciera.

 Y ahora corrían como gatos asustados por entre el bosque que formaba la parte más grande de la isla donde estaba la clínica a la que le habían entregado sus vidas. Nueve. Gabriela había sido acorralada en la madriguera, sin manera de salir. El arquero la había encontrado dormida y con una sonrisa en la cara. Esto lo hizo dudar por un segundo, por lo inusual que era expresión pero de todas maneras la flecha voló derecha hacia la frente de la mujer, dejándola descansar para siempre.

 Siguió entonces Marcos, que había estado caminando como un tonto hacia uno de los acantilados de la isla. La flecha le atravesó el cuello y lo hizo caer de frente, al mar. Obviamente no era lo mejor pero ya recogerían el cuerpo al otro día. Se estaba haciendo de noche y cazar sin luz no tenía mucho sentido, menos aún cuando las presas iban a estar allí todavía en la mañana.

 Al otro día cayó Tomás, llorando. El arquero, por un error inconcebible, le clavó una de sus flechas en una pierna por lo que Tomás sufrió más de lo debido y, por un momento, volvió a ser quién había sido hacía tanto tiempo. Esa revelación fue cruel pero la otra flecha lo solucionó todo.

 De H nunca supieron nada. Porque la mujer sin voz y con una historia más grande que la de esa maldita clínica, no era una mujer cualquiera. Esas cicatrices eran las de una luchadora, entrenada y brillante. Escapó, nadie supo nunca como, y fue la única persona salida de ese maldito sitio que pudo reconstruir su vida como alguien más.

 Pero fue la excepción. Pues de ese lugar nadie salía vivo ni muerto. Nadie salía y punto.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2015

The man who wasn't one

   The island was rapidly covered by water. Well, it wasn’t exactly an island, rather a big rock in the middle of the bay, guilty of so many shipwrecks and swimming accidents. But now, it was the resting place of a weapon that should remain there for ages. Hopefully no one would ever again set a foot on that rock, no one would never look beneath the promontory and find the small box made of wood and metal. Never again…

 A man wearing a red mask looked at the rock sinking in the ocean from a nearby cliff. The wind moved he’s coat and the tip of his hat but not him. He stood there, like a statue, just looking at the water as the sun went away and was replaced by a chilly night. Once the island was fully covered in water, he left his post on the cliff. He started walking aimlessly, just following the path that lead to the small town near the bay. People locked themselves during the battle and now they were too afraid to step out.

 Besides, the media was making a circus out of all that had happened just hours before, half a world away. It was strange how people here were also hiding in their homes. Everyone was too scared. Two caped men with incredible powers had been battling brutally and now one of them lay dead in a hospital guarded by military men.

 Every single detail was being revealed on TV. Suddenly, people didn’t care about the time of day anymore. Children and adults watched the winner, a man with green cape in the shape of a diamond, being congratulated by political figures and military men. But that didn’t make any sense. He had just come to this world and now, suddenly, was a savior. His fall from space had obliterated fields that nourished thousands and he had destroyed half a big city destroying his opponent, who had fallen from space just like him but unto water, flooding nearby towns

 The man in the red mask walked towards the town and suddenly realized the lighthouse was not working. Maybe there was a very low of electricity and people could only hear their radios or watch their TV’s. Yes, not even street lamps were working, nor any lights inside stores or homes. In any case, that wasn’t important as no one was working or too far from home. They were all glued to the information, in order to understand at least a small part of what had happened.

 The thing is it had all occurred in a matter of hours. A full day ago, people had no idea aliens existed or super humans of any kind. But now they were here, with them, on planet Earth, and no one really knew what was going to happen. They listened to every word the news broadcasters spoke and even there, in those studios, people were barely handling what was happening. They just recited what little they knew and hoped it was for the best.

Strangely, this event had united everyone. No one was an outsider or a stranger anymore. People had suddenly realized they were all humans; they were all members of one single species and now two other creatures, aliens, had visited them. They had been so proud of their meager strength, so full of themselves for so long, but now these visitors had changed everything. They were clearly stronger and smarter and knew more of the universe than them and, secretly, that made everyone a little nervous, to say the least.

 The one that had won stood exactly were he had defeated his adversary for at least three hours. Many doctors, scientists and politicians got near him but he did nothing. He looked strangely human but he clearly wasn’t. Not only because he didn’t seem to know how to speak, but because of his two antennae on the top of his head. They were small and had the same yellowish color of his skin. People talked to him in various languages but he didn’t seem to want to move or understand what they said. He looked at them but he didn’t seem to be listening or paying attention to anything.

 He seemed robotic, at best. And his enemy wasn’t too different. He looked liked him, except his skin had a reddish tint. Maybe they shared a same species but they came from different parts of the same planet. Anything could be guessed and every single one of those guesses could be a reality. The one that lay dead went cold in a matter of seconds and was now practically frozen, without any need of human practices. But people were really not that interested in him, not as much as in the one that was alive and well, or so it seemed.

 The man took off his mask to let the darkness of the town’s streets cover his face. He stopped for a moment and massaged his temples, trying to breath softly and calm himself down. He had been running for a long time and now this calm was making him feel strange, almost as alien as those two men in the news. He pulled out a lighter from one of his pockets and turned the mask on fire, then left it on the pavement to burn. He looked at the fire for some time and then kept walking, until he was outside of the town, this time from the other side.

 The breeze of the night felt comforting. The cold didn’t matter anymore; it just felt comforting to feel the wind on his skin again, on his face. He had been wearing that mask for too long. He had made a name for himself wearing that thing and now he could finally resettle on Earth and live his final days with the family he had built there. He had a beautiful wife and a couple of children. They were the reason he had done what he had done and he knew he would never be sorry for it.

 The man in diamond cape finally moved but not like people would have expected. He flew, like a bird but with less grace. He flew and flew until he got to the hospital where they were keeping his enemy’s body. He entered, the military being too afraid of shooting him or something. He moved slowly, almost gliding, until he got to the room where he found the body. He immediately took the dead alien’s head between his hands and pressed hard. It looked as if he wanted to squeeze something out of there. The head of the victim suddenly shone with a bright light. The caped man’s face contorted in awful ways until he finally crushed the man’s brain. A TV drone had followed him and broadcasted this to every single home in the planet.

 The alien didn’t appear to care for it. Without even blinking, he walked to the nearest window and flew again. But this time, he disappeared into the night, towards the clouds. Radars and sonars confirmed he had left the planet and now his position was unknown. The body was oozing a strange liquid and it was decided he would be buried in an undisclosed location after some medical examinations were performed for the sake of science.

 When the man in the coat heard all of this, from a farmer’s radio that could be heard across a wheat field, he was able to finally breath. He took off his hat and revealed his face. His skin was also light yellow and he had two small antennae on his head. He had been covering his face but he did not know why. There was no one around and he could be himself if he wanted to.

But that was it: he didn’t want to be himself anymore. He had escaped a crumbling civilization far away into the blackness of space and had arrived to this small and gentle planet to live the life he had always wanted. Of course, he had left so much behind. But the future was brighter and whatever he had to do to make it so, was worth it.

 He had heard of the battle and immediately knew they had come for him. He knew whom the alien that had just left was: he had been looking for him, he wanted to take him back to their world and face his fate. But he apparently hadn’t expected to be followed and that was the reason for the battle. The man that had lay dying in the hospital was none other than the brother of the man in a coat. He had been destroyed; he had sacrificed himself for his brother. The other one had tried to read his mind before killing him, because he thought he knew were his brother was but he didn’t.

 Those two had travelled many years, so many kilometers of empty space, to destroying some buildings and fields and then just die or leave. And the alien in the coat was happy about that. He walked a little bit more and then realized the darkness of the night was all around him. So he decided to do it there. He stopped, stood still and closed his eyes. Concentrating, he was able to make his skin less yellow, his antennae turn into ears in the right places and his vocal chords come in. They, his race, had all this kind of power. But only him had been bothered to know the ways of the humans.

 When arriving on Earth, he looked even stranger that his brother at his death. But he had learned to stay low and to watch the humans, to learn everything there was to learn about them. And then, he was able to join them in society, looking just as they did. That was how his family was created and how he had realized he had made the right choice by staying here and locking the weapon he had stolen from his world just before leave it forever.

 He would never go back but he would never let them annihilate each other. Not when he could stop them. 

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015

Family's end

   The bridge crossed the gorge in all its extension. The father stopped the car at one end and head out. He inhaled the fresh air and walked near the railing of the bridge. There was a big net like structure to prevent people from falling but the view was just outstanding. There was a small river below but mainly trees, a big green mat of big and small trees that covered the valley below. The mother joined him with two small kids, which seemed to have just woken up. They held their mother’s hands and were rubbing their eyes with their free hands.

 The family stood there for several minutes, without saying a word. Even the children were silent. Then, a burst of light and smoke appeared far away, clearly visible from the bridge. The father inhaled and exhaled without saying anything, only tightening his hand in his pocket. Then he went back to the car. Mother and children followed. The engine started and they crossed the bridge fast into the highway beyond. They travelled without making a single stop. None of them complained or said anything. They were a family but it really didn’t seem like they were. The kids kept to themselves, not even playing with one another and just looking through the window or looking straight, apparently distracted with the flying dust or the sounds of the car.

 Night arrived and the car finally stopped by a roadside hotel. They paid for one room with twin beds, one for the children and the other one for the adults. But none of them really slept. They seemed to be on alert, waiting for something to happen. Every time a car drove into the hotel parking lot and the lights lit their room, they moved, opening their eyes again and shaking softly.  That was during the night and during breakfast and a nearby diner things weren’t less strange. A perky waitress tried to cheer up the kids, given them pancakes with faces on it, but the kids seemed not impressed and even worried. After they left, she told everyone that would listen about the weird family that had come in early, with a lot of money.

 Because the waitress had seen the father’s wallet and the several bills inside it. He even gave her a big tip but all with that weird face, between worry and boredom. The family kept on travelling by road until they reached the border with another country. The father and mother acted then, hugging and smiling as the immigration agents checked their passports. The mother even bought the kids some chips and candy and the kids laughed and ran. They all behave like a normal family until the immigration officer let them pass. An hour later, the car was as silent as it had always been. The terrain they were crossing at that point was desert with only a few plants to see and even a couple of rocks every few kilometers.

 That night, they didn’t stop driving. The father didn’t seem to be tired at all, just going on and on, his legs moving normally and just looking ahead, with a strange look in his face. They finally reached a big city and parked inside a shopping mall. Going inside, they suddenly separated. Each kid, mother and father took different directions and explored the place. The father went to an electronics store and checked out several computers, TV’s and sound systems. In spite of the money he had, he only bought a tablet computer. The mother, meanwhile, was in a department store trying out clothes and shoes. She made the saleswoman bring her so many pairs of shoes but finally settled for one pair she had seen from the beginning. She also bought a flowery dress and went out of the store already wearing it. The little girl went playing to the arcade and his brother entered a pet store and sat down in front of the many aquariums and fish bowls in one end of the store.

 They reunited several hours later. None of them had eaten anything but when meeting they went straight to the car and restarted their journey which happened to be a short one. They paid a room for each in a hotel and stayed there for a week until the secret service and other agencies got to them. They were arrested and send back to the country they had fled. There, a hearing was held to read the crimes they were being charged for but none of them seemed to be interested in the matter. They accused them to plan a terrorist attack and bomb a power plant that served millions of people in a large region of the country. Days later, they were presented with a lawyer and the father only told him to ask him about his story in front of the jury and the media.

 He did exactly that some weeks later and the father started telling his story. According to him, they were all a family. He knew it didn’t seem like it but it was true. He told everyone his family had been living a quiet life in a ranch not far from the bridge they had crossed to escape. They were happy and didn’t harm everyone. True, with no other relatives nearby and believing in homeschooling, they hadn’t really made many acquaintances. One night, he claims, their home was raided by men claiming to be the military, saying they suspected the home was used as a laboratory to make drugs. They apparently arrested them and took them to a military facility were they were tortured. Not only the two adults, but also the children.

 The father stopped his story there and asked if his wife could tell the rest. The judge agreed and the woman stepped up to her seat, not even looking at her husband as he grabbed a seat with their lawyer. She told them they noticed the place was underground, as they never saw any sunlight when being kept down there. She looked at the judge and told him they began another round of tortures, much more medical and even scientific. She had no idea how to explain it but she assured that they had been probed and tested several times. It was then when they all began to feel detached, not a family anymore.
 The hearing was stopped them because of the time and rescheduled for a later date, the week next to that one. During that pose, something happened that made the media really pay attention to the case and stop saying they were all acting because their adoration of terrorism had made them insane. The children were held in a facility for abandoned youth. They were being watched at all times but it was too late when, one night, the cop that was in charge of them arrived in the room and realized the little boy, maybe seven years of age, had committed suicide. His sister was three beds away, asleep or so he thought. The boy had planned it all because he knew he wasn’t going to be normal ever again.

 When the trial resumed, the girl was put on the stand. She didn’t cry when asked about her brother’s death. Actually, she seemed no to feel anything. It was as if she was made of stone. She told the jury she had been with her parents when they decided to escape the facility they had been held in. Somehow, they were all faster, stronger and much more intelligent than when they were abducted from their home. Something had been done to them that had rendered them better but less of a family. They used these abilities to kill several people and escape. In a matter of minutes, they used the militaries weaponry to make a large bomb and they activated it with a remote control. The facility happened to be beneath a power plant and they had not known they had destroyed it too. They just wanted revenge.

 But as the days passed, they realized revenge served no one. Something else had been done to them, much worse than any of the tortures. Somehow, in their minds, they didn’t feel any love or care for any of their relatives. It was, they described it, as looking at someone they had never seen in their life but no one else was there to help them so they united. It didn't mattered who they were as long as they weren't doing mean things to them. They felt there was something, but not enough to make them a family again. The father stated they had stayed in that hotel for a wheel in order for the police and others to finally catch them. Escaping was not their plan all along.

 People were divided on their opinions about the case. The owners of the power plant demanded justice to be done for the deaths of several of its workers and the military were rumored to release a statement soon. But none of those things were necessary not mattered. One morning, all remaining suspects, about to be convicted for the death penalty, were dead. The father had cut his throat with a cutter he stole from one of the guards. The mother took several pills she grabbed from the purse of a woman in the court room and the girl drowned herself in a tub.

 No one ever knew anything about them. Where they had come from or what had really happened to them, nor where they had gotten all the money the police had found with them in the hotel.But it wasn’t important. They had been killed by guilt, by pain, because they realized their lives would never be the same without their family united.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Afternoon in the museum

  The place was deserted, except for the small team of scientists that roamed the debris and walked tightly together, as if they were a single entity. They approached a square, where two members of the team that had guns stepped forward and escorted the others inside a big hole on the floor. There was glass everywhere and the stairs to go down where missing some of the steps. Everyone was very careful not to fall. When they reached the bottom, they reunited again. One of them, a woman, lit up a screen where she had a map of the place.

-       There.

 She pointed at a hallway and they all began to walk a little bit more relaxed, although some of their breathing equipment started making wheezing sounds. Yes, they had masks and tanks on their backs because the air had been deemed unbreathable. This was the consequence of the bombardment the city had gone through many years ago, during the Dark Wars. These battles and skirmishes had attempted to destroy every single trace of civilization in the world but it had been stopped just in time for that not to happen. Unfortunately, not every place in the world had been spared and cities such as this one lay empty and in ruin.

 The team followed Calista, the woman with the map, through the hallway. They did steadily but not in a run, but fast anyway. They saw rooms in darkness but didn’t enter any of them. After many other dark hallways and a few stairs, they reached a long corridor, lit by the sunlit coming from the outside.

-       This is it. The rooms by this corridor.

 They entered a door to the left and they all did the same expression of amazement. The room seemed to be stuck in time as all the pieces where still exactly where they had always been. Their state, besides some dust, was just perfect so Calista and her time started unpacking everything they had brought with them. There were bags and plastic and some boxes. There was also a rod that could be extended and had wheels, to help with the transportation of the objects. In a little while, they had all the small objects wrapped in plastic and into small boxes. They did the same thing with two other rooms until the two armed men told them they should here if they wanted to leave the city before dark.

 The team was too amazed with everything to worry about time. Shiny little objects, aged thousands of years, where now in their hands. They had been ordered only to grab the smaller things, the ones that came from far away countries now to far to reach. The Hive needed every single thing to be rescued in order to preserve it forever in the fortress in the mountains. Cities like this one were toxic and people would not be able to live there for many decades or more if they weather kept being as unpredictable as always. They had actually decided to go for the objects during summer, as the other seasons were very unpredictable. In summer the only danger was the heat but the city was now covered in clouds so that wasn’t much a thing to worry.

 The rooms they were going through had objects brought fro m the Middle East, some parts of Africa and Asia. They had been taken away from tribes and other cultures so many years ago. Violence had made many museums great at some point in their history. And now, many of the cultures that had done those pieces of art had been dead for some time. One of the helpers was not only amazed by the small sculptures but by the paintings. Some were European and others where from across the Atlantic. Walking away from the others, he stared at an especially vivid portrait of a young woman, who seemed to be looking straight at him. Then, the eye moved and a whistle was heard.

 Calista’s assistant fell dead to the floor, bleeding heavily on the marble floor. The armed men told everyone to stay down but there was no use as they now so what the dead man had seen before dying: the eyes of the young woman where not there anymore and there was a hole in her mouth. Someone behind the wall had shot the assistant. But who was it? Then, more whistles were heard. The person that was shooting was using silencer. The armed men made everyone crawl out of the room and stay down as they stayed by the door and shot down some of the paintings with their guns. The whistles stopped but then, they heard steps moving away. Whoever it was, he or she was escaping.

 They all ran towards the sound and Calista took out her map and checked the corridors. There were no secrete passageways on the map but there was a service door by the next couple of stairs. She yelled this to the armed men and they ran for the door. They did so just in time, as a shadow stepped out of it and they shot it down. Calista screamed. She realized it was a bad idea to kill someone who had probably survived the nuclear holocaust. Although, the person might not be right of the head. A medic they had brought with them came fast and checked to body. The person was dead. The men pulled the body towards the corridor and then, not only Calista but everyone screamed in horror.

 The creature had been a human. That was obvious because of his body but his face… He was gravely disfigured. Everyone’s breathing machines were working at full, as terror had required much more oxygen for them to breath. Calista and the doctor grew closer to the creature to check on the details of their attacker. He had a gun with a silencer on his belt and some other gadgets that they didn’t know what they were for. He also had a handful of keys in a chain. He was wearing normal clothes, although he was visible bleeding from open wounds on his legs and arms.

 His face was striking because there were no eyes there anymore. He had a mouth but the body seemed to have grown over it, making it small and disgusting, oozing some foul odor now he was dead. Then, they all pulled back. His hand had moved. In a second, one of the armed men show the creature several times on the chest. When he was finished, everyone looked at him, as if he was mad but he said he had seen some of the movies in the archive and dead always return before they really die. Calista smiled and stood up. She asked the doctor to do every analysis he could in a short time as they were leaving soon.

 An hour later, they had put several small boxes in three large boxes that they carried on the wheeled rod. When they reached the pint where they had entered the museum, the armed guys grabbed one end of the rod and three of the assistants grabbed the other end. They were careful not to fall down with it but that plan failed when several creatures appeared on top of them, looking down through the hole on the ground. The doctor and Calista replaced the armed men on the rod as these started shooting at every single creature they saw. They were all like the one they had gunned down inside: no eyes, some extra limbs, no mouth, … All mutated from the nuclear blast. These people had survived only to be transformed into something less than the most despised animal.

 The team finally reached the top and was able to create a circle. The men gave everyone a gun so they had even more chances to get out alive. The hovercraft that had left them there could not land so near the museum so they had to make a run for the nearest bridge. After passing it, they could as the pilot to bomb the bridge to prevent the mutants from crossing. One of the armed men called the craft as they ran with difficulty, both carrying the boxes and running and shooting at every disfigured face they saw. Then, they saw the hovercraft above them but this distraction cost the arm of one man, as one of the creatures grabbed him and broke it with ease. The wheeled rod fell on the ground and they had to put it up fast, kicking and shooting like crazy.

 No one knew how they really did it, but they ran across the bridge followed closely by the mutants, that moved incredibly fast. Of the armed men asked the pilots to shoot a missile at the bridge to blow it up. He did exactly that  rocks flew all over, making everyone fall to the ground. The hovercraft landed in front of them and opened the ramp. Shooting some mutants that had been on their side when the bridge exploded, they almost dragged the boxes into the craft and left fast. The machine went fast into the clouds and far from the city. Inside, they realized the assistant whose arm had been broken, was bleeding too much. The doctor tried to stabilize him went they realized his breathing apparatus had been broken in the run. They were both put in quarantine in a small room as they flew back to the Hive.

 Calista fell onto a seat and took off her mask. She was able to breath in calm, at last. She saw the clouds through the windows and asked herself if the mission had been worth it, if they the dead assistant had died for nothing and if both quarantined men were going to be ok. And then she fell asleep, never answering these questions.