domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015


    It felt stupid, just waiting there as if I had nothing better to do. Besides the person that had to give me the documents was late so if the job seemed easy at one point, had now became annoying beyond imagination. I had drunk a cup of coffee and was tempted to leave after waiting for fifteen minutes. Just then, a man in a white coat arrived. It was impossible to miss her: her coat was made of fur, fluffy and beautiful and, beneath it; she wore a red dress with a deep cleavage.

 What kind of agent was this? I had never seen someone so obvious! Or maybe it was her technique, to look completely out of place in that park. She waved her hand at me and I just nodded. She sat down next to me and opened her purse. Silly me, I thought she was going to extract the papers from there but I was wrong. She grabbed a lipstick and a small mirror and began a routine she must have done twenty times a day, at least. When she was done, she put her things inside the purse and looked at me.

-       Girl’s got to be ready at all times.

 I stared at her, confused. I was sure she was the one I had to talk too but she didn’t seem to know what she had to do.

 I cleared my voice and asked, looking at a family pass by:

-       Do you…
-       I’m hungry. I haven’t had one rice for hour. That plane food… I don’t know how someone eats that. I couldn’t afford first class this time so I was under deep stress for all those hours. You know those flights.

 She clearly thought she was making sense. Or it may have been the fact that she was a very good actress because I had no idea what she was talking about. She glanced around, apparently looking for something.

-       There must be a nice restaurant in this area… Town Hall is just across the street, right?
-       Yeah…

 I stood up and offered to take her to lunch. She was thrilled by the prospect of eating and didn’t shut up in the long walk to a restaurant. Seoul was a beautiful city and I wanted to see it just as much as her but I considered myself on duty. The thing was Agent Volnal appeared to have a very different attitude towards her duties. She pointed and practically screamed at everything she thought was odd or peculiar. Being a little obvious wasn’t bad but this was a bit too much.

 We finally got to a nice little restaurant. They seem to serve every traditional dish but also other popular Asian foods like sushi or fired rice. Ms. Volnal took her coat off when seating at a table by the wall and I noticed how physical she was. What I mean is she looked like a person who goes to the gym pretty often.

-       Ms.…
-       Mirna. – She said, barely moving her lips or her eyes from the menu.

 There was a long silence in which both of us decided what to order. I wasn’t feeling too hungry myself but I preferred to go along. This was too strange to leave it at that and, most importantly, people were expecting me to have important documents by nightfall.

-       I think I might have the sashimi. I love fish.
-       Good.
-       What are you having? Maybe we can order like many small things and then share. What do you think?
-       Sure, sounds fun.

 It didn’t sound fun because time was scarce and I had been advised not to stroll for too long away from the hotel or the airport. No one wanted me to be caught by the enemy or by some foreign police. But I needed the documents and I was sure she had them.

-       We would like a sashimi plate, and some kimchi and the “kaboom” sushi you list here. And…Let’s see… What else you want honey?

 For a moment, I was too shocked by the fact she had called me honey. But then I recuperated and ordered two more plates of traditional meat and vegetables. She looked around the restaurant, admiring every single piece of the décor. I, for one, was starting to get worried. Even if we decided to eat fast, which I wouldn’t bet on, nightfall would catch us there, in a small restaurant in downtown Seoul. I had to have the info fast in order to travel early the next day.

-       Have you ever been in Asia before? – She asked.

 I jumped a bit, being to immerse in my own thoughts.

-       Yeah, I’ve gone to Japan and the Philippines. And have been in Singapore too.
-       I went to Thailand last year. Phuket. You know, the place where the tsunami happened. You wouldn’t believe; they have all working and it’s so beautiful. You should totally go there.

 As a matter of fact, I had always wanted to be there. And then the waitress came and I realized I was really hungry.

 As it happens, Mirna was a delight. For the following three hours I absolutely forgot whom I was or what it was that I was doing. We talked about everything single shallow and silly thing. We laughed at some celebrity news and also about some funny things that had happened to us in the past.

 We never said a single word about or jobs. It seemed to me we didn’t need to talk about that, seeing we worked so often and for so many hours and in so many places.

-       God, this is delicious! – Said Mirna, having some kimchi.
-       I know, right? Who would think a bunch of stewed cabbage tasted this good?
-       It’s crazy. Although, I’m more of a sweet tooth.
-       Really?
-       I just love chocolate. Any guy who gives me a box of chocolates, has a very good shot at being my husband.

 I laughed. I had never felt so at ease with a woman, at least not too recently.

-       You know, there’s a store in my hotel. They sell these Belgian chocolates. Maybe we could have some.

 And we did. After eating, we took the subway together, still laughing and pointing and smiling and talking. We must have looked as best friends all the way to the hotel. There, on the ground level, there was a large chocolate store. They even created custom made orders. Mirna and I tasted a whole bunch and we each came out with a big box for our journey back home.

 Then, it came the moment to say goodbye. I had forgotten all about work until, when she kissed my cheek and hugged me goodbye; she put her lips near my ear and said:

-       Bathroom wastebasket.

 We smiled and each other and, as she walked towards the subway station, I entered the hotel and went up to my room. I didn’t even close the main door to check in the bathroom. As she had said, there was a small flash drive beneath the plastic bag in the wastebasket. And attached to it, there was a note:



sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

No más

   Parecía que toda la lluvia del mundo, toda el agua en existencia, estaba cayendo sobre la ciudad. Estaba claro que el huracán solo ganaba fuerzas y para cuando tocará tierra sería un desastre de proporciones inimaginables. Era difícil conducir así pero de todas manera Marcela tenía que hacerlo. No tenía más opción sino ir hasta el laboratorio y cerciorarse de que todo estuviera en orden.

 Verán, Marcela era la médico en jefe de un laboratorio de fertilización. Básicamente trataban de ayudar a las mujeres que tuvieran problemas concibiendo un hijo. Para la doctora este era un trabajo realmente gratificante, ya que podía ver el agradecimiento en las caras de sus pacientes al ser notificados del milagroso embarazo. Aunque no era un milagro precisamente, sino un trabajo arduo y delicado que requería de la más alta atención.

 Pero Marcela sabía que no todo el mundo se tomaba el trabajo de la misma manera y por eso estaba en camino a ver que todo estuviera bien. Raquel, su asistente, llevaba apenas dos meses en el trabajo y la doctora todavía no sabía cuanto podía confiar en ella, sobre todo en relación al cuidado de cada tratamiento que guardaban en frío. Raquel estaba encargada de que todo estuviera propiamente ordenado pero en esos pocos días de trabajo había probado ser una mujer distraída.

 Mientras Marcela estacionaba su auto en el parqueadero techado del edificio de oficinas donde estaba el laboratorio, se acordaba de Irene. Era una mujer de edad y había sido su asistente desde hacía años. Pero un buen día y sin aviso, dijo que renunciaba ya que se sentía demasiado vieja para seguir trabajando. Marcela le había rogado que se quedara pero Irene simplemente no cedió. Se fue, apenas despidiéndose. Esto para Marcela fue un golpe porque Irene no era solamente una asistente sino una amiga. Nunca la vio más.

 En el ascensor, la doctora alistó su tarjeta de seguridad, que tenía su foto y una banda magnética especial para abrir puertas restringidas. Ella tenía una  y Raquel debía haber guardado la otra en su escritorio. Nadie más podía entrar. Cuando se abrió el ascensor, frente a un gran ventanal, Marcela pensó que el clima parecía haber empeorado en apenas un par de minutos. Todo era de un gris oscuro enfermizo y las gotas de lluvia parecían del tamaño de balas.

 Se encaminó entonces al laboratorio pero se detuvo antes. Su oficina estaba abierta. Marcela bajó el brazo en el que tenía su tarjeta de seguridad y caminó lentamente hacia su oficina. No había nadie pero la puerta estaba completamente abierta, algo que ella jamás hacía. De hecho, siempre le ponía el seguro a la puerta antes de salir. En uno de los cajones guardaba algo de dinero y regalos de algunos pacientes. Sacó un par de llaves y abrió con ellas los cajones. Todo estaba en orden.

 Estuvo a punto de irse cuando se dio cuenta de que habían movido su archivero. Era grande y metálico pero cuando se halaba para abrirlo se movía un poco. Alguien había entrada en su oficina, Marcela ahora estaba segura de ello. Pero quien? No podía ser alguien del trabajo ya que casi todos sabían del dinero y los regalos. Y, revisando rápidamente el archivero, no había ningún expediente perdido ni fuera de lugar. Algo raro estaba pasando.

Marcela se decidió entonces a ir al laboratorio. Tal vez Raquel había venido también, dándose cuenta de que no había asegurado bien los tanques de enfriamiento o algo pro el estilo. Eso debía ser. Pasó entonces la tarjeta de seguridad para abrir la puerta pero esta no abrió. Intentó de nuevo y esta vez sí sirvió pero algo ocurrió que ella no esperaba: la puerta se abrió rápidamente y del otro lado salió alguien quien la golpeó en la nariz. Marcela cayó al suelo, sangrando.

 La persona que había salido entonces se le acerco hábilmente y le puso algo en la nariz. Marcela sabía que era pero no tuvo tiempo de pensar en mucho más pues se desmayó casi al instante. Tuvo un sueño extraño, sin imágenes, casi como si estuviera encerrada. Cuando abrió los ojos, se dio cuenta de que ya no estaba en el laboratorio y que estaba amarrada, de pies y manos. No tenía la boca tapada pero tampoco sentía muchos ánimos para hablar. Afuera llovía, el viento rugía.

 De pronto entro al cuarto donde estaba una mujer y Marcela se dio cuenta que era Raquel. Por un momento se sintió aliviada pero rápidamente cayó en cuenta que eso no podía ser bueno. Había sido secuestrada y Raquel no podía estar allí por pura coincidencia. La mujer se le acercó, sin expresión alguna en su rostro, y la ayudó a sentarse.

-       Como se siente?

 Marcela no pudo hablar entonces solo asintió. Raquel pareció comprender y se alejó de ella. Al otro lado del cuarto parecía haber una camilla de hospital. La asistente se sentó en un banquito al lado de la camilla y empezó a revisar algunos papeles. Marcela los reconoció como archivos de la clínica. Raquel seguramente los había sacado de su oficina.

-       Que…

 Pero Marcela no podía decir más. Sentía como si una mano invisible le estuviera apretando el cuello cuando intentaba hablar. Pero Raquel la había oído y se le acercó de nuevo. Le puso los papeles en el regazo a la doctora y se cruzó de brazos, como esperando. Marcela revisó los papeles pero no entendió nada.

 Se trataba de una pareja que había venido hacía algunos meses. Iban por su segundo intento y Marcela estaba muy optimista respecto a sus posibilidades. Pero además de los datos de siempre, no había nada especial en ese caso. Releyó los nombres de la pareja pero no los conocía de otra parte. Miró a Raquel, con cara de no entender que pasaba.

-       Ella me envió.

 Marcela frunció el ceño. Eso no tenía sentido. Intento hablar de nuevo pero el dolor volvió y cerro la boca sin haber dicho nada.

-       La inyectó con un suero que impide el uso de las cuerdas vocales. – dijo Raquel. – Pasa su efecto en un día.

 La doctora tomó los papeles y los sacudió. No entendía y estaba frustrada por no poder hablar. Entonces Raquel fue hasta el banquito, lo arrastró hasta la cama donde estaba Marcela y se sentó. La miró con ojos tristes y empezó a hablar.

 Resultaba que esa mujer, una tal Florencia, era amiga de Raquel. Su esposo era peor que borracho o algo por el estilo. Ese hombre la había violado varias veces y ella no lo denunció nunca. No fue sino hasta que tuvo un problema serio de salud, que Florencia habló con Raquel. El hombre la había golpeado porque ella no había sido capaz de darle un hijo. Así que la iba a obligar a tener uno.

 Dejar pasar algunos meses para que las heridas sanaran y luego llegaron al consultorio de la doctora Marcela. Cuando Raquel se enteró, le dijo a Florencia que ese hombre estaba enfermo si pensaba forzarla a tener un hijo. Así que Raquel inventó un plan: amenazó varias veces de muerte a Inés para que dejara de trabajar, la reemplazó como asistente de la doctora y ahora estaba dentro del hospital.

 Marcela estaba anonadada. Como era posible que no se hubiera dado cuenta de que algo así estaba pasando? Había sido muy negligente al no ver algo  de ese calibre pero entonces dudó. Sería verdad?

 Raquel dijo que ella había alterado los óvulos para que no sirvieran en el primer proceso pero que eso no había sido suficiente. Su plan era distinto. Y ahí entraba Marcela. La doctora dio un respingo al ver que Raquel la miraba con ojos desorbitados y un aparente desespero por ayuda.

 Como asistente, Raquel sabía que los hombres también eran revisados. Y sabía que la doctora era experta en urología así como en obstetricia. Así que necesitaba de ella un favor.

 De repente alguien más entro en la habitación. Era un mujer delgada y temblorosa. Debía ser Florencia. Halaba otra camilla y en esa estaba recostado un hombre. Era grande por donde se le viera y con cara de animal. Sin duda era el marido.

-       Es simple la verdad.

 Marcela dio un respingo al escuchar la voz de Raquel.

-       Podríamos matarlo pero sería muy fácil. Queremos que hagas algo más.

 La doctora no entendía nada pero entendió, al verse allí sin voz, que esas mujeres eran capaces de mucho y que ella no tendría opción alguna: tendría que hacer lo que le ordenaran.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015


  Somewhere, a clock announced time. The sound came from somewhere near but not from inside the room. With his eyes shut, Andrew could only hear the sound of the clock, which died fast. He finally opened his eyes and realized it was very early. He could see a blue morning outside, one of those cold mornings that only happen before seven or eight. Andre just stared at his window. He was warm and cozy there but he probably needed to come out of his sheets soon as…

 He remembered. It was Saturday. He thanked God, whichever he believed in, because he just wanted to stay there all morning. The night before he had done something he never did and now it seemed like a memory from a time long passed. He had called this guy he knew and invited him in and just went crazy with him. His head was still slightly turning because of the alcohol but he didn’t feel any hangover.

 Andrew stood up and looked out the window. The street below was deserted except for a couple of older women that seemed to be going to the market. The young man decided to the kitchen. He may not be drunk still but he was very thirsty. He walked distracted, thinking of what he had done the night before. Pouring some orange juice in a glass, he realized the guy from the night before had forgotten his wallet. It was right there, just in front of the TV.

 The young man opened his fridge again and realized he had nothing to do a decent breakfast with. No eggs, no cheese, no ham. And in the pantry, it was the same story: no bread or crackers, not even potato chips. So, he had to take a walk down to the store. He went back to his bedroom, put on some loose pants (the kind you would wear for the gym) and an old t-shirt. He grabbed a coat, the keys and a bill he always left in a secret stash for occasions like this. When he was at the door, he realized he had almost forgotten his cellphone. Once he had it, he went out.

 Effectively, there was a cold weather outside. The sun was apparently trying to warm people up but it wasn’t too high up to make any difference. It was pleasant to feel the heat in the face but that was it. There were two blocks between Andrew’s building and the small market the old ladies he had seen before were headed for. He actually saw them arguing for which tomatoes looked better.

 Andrew grabbed a small cart and looked for some eggs, white bread and cereal. He loved the supermarket and going alone. This was because he felt he could imagine the lives of everyone in there, he could try to guess what kind of people they were and the moment when they would be eating their groceries. Maybe the man buying the salmon wanted to impress a lady with a fancy diner and he was certain the guy who didn’t remember the name of the chicken part he was supposed to buy, had being sent there by his wife. The old ladies were probably going to cook a nice breakfast for both of them or some grandchildren. There was also a woman and Andrew that, like him, she lived alone. He was always alone and now he had gotten a guy to fuck with...

 Then, the cellphone rang. It vibrated too and this combination made Andrew severely annoyed, especially because it had interrupted his wandering through the supermarket. The number that appeared on the screen was unknown to him, so he didn’t answer. He just pressed the red part of the screen and pocketed his cellphone. He had arrived at the aisle of instant meals and he grabbed a few for the following nights. He had no idea when he would go to do proper shopping.

The cellphone rang again and this time he answered before he could see the number. He answered with an annoyed “Yes?” but then froze right where he was: it was the guy from the night before. He seemed ashamed to call but he asked Andrew if he could go by the house. He had left his wallet there and, obviously, he needed for his daily living. The guy asked Andrew if he could go right away and, without even thinking about it, our main character said yes. They hung up fast.

 Andrew stayed there, looking at the microwave meals like an idiot. But he wasn’t really looking at them. The problem was that he didn’t want to look at that guy again; he really didn’t want him in his house. But, why hadn’t he said anything? Andre could have opened his mouth and say “I’ll leave it with the doorman” or something, but he didn’t. And he was ashamed and worried he didn’t.

 After he had paid his food, Andrew walked to his house hoping not to see the guy standing there, at the door. He wasn’t. He felt relieved but not so much when, entering his apartment, he saw the wallet the guy had left there. It was funny, now that he thought of it, to call him just “that guy” on his mind. He had no idea of his name.

 The truth was that guy had come out of the Internet and the only intention Andrew had had with him was to have sex. That was it. He didn’t want him back. Besides, there was another thing. The guy was very good looking. This may seem a bit shallow but he was rather cute. And that had made Andre very nervous the night before. That’s why he had so much to drink. Now that he thought of it, it was lucky that he wasn’t puking like crazy in his bathroom.

 He didn’t consider himself a cute guy and he was so ashamed a guy like the one that had come to his apartment had come for him. It was just ridiculous, or so he thought. But he couldn’t think of it for long because the buzzer interrupted his thinking. It was the doorman announcing someone called Alex. He was going to say he didn’t know anyone by that name but then he realized that was probably the guy’s actual name, so he said, “let him in”.

 Andrew grabbed the wallet and put it on the counter, next to his groceries. “Stupid me!” he said out loud. He opened the wallet and grabbed one of many cards inside. It was his ID. Yes, this was Alexander Hoffman’s wallet. How stupid of him not having a quick look at the wallet, at least to know the name. The doorbell rang so he put the ID back inside the wallet and left it on the kitchen counter.

 He opened the door, pulling his shirt straight. The guy on the other side was a bit taller than he was, hair long but nicely cut and he had dark stubble, perfectly framing his face.

-       Hey.
-       Hey...

 Andrew didn’t know what to say. Alex looked a bit uneasy.

-       Come in. Sorry.

 Alex came in and saw his wallet on the counter. He grabbed and went through everything that was in there.

-       Thanks man. Thought I had lost it.
-       It’s ok.

 Alex smiled at Andrew. Andrew blushed.

-       You’re cute.

 Andrew burst in uncontrolled laughter.

-       Sorry… That… It’s funny.
-       What is?
-       You saying that.
-       Why? You are cute.

 This time Andrew didn’t laugh. Alex looked at him and then shook his wallet in front of Andrew.

-       In the mood for breakfast? For your help?

 Andrew smiled, still a bit red. Then, he nodded.