lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

Out of focus

   Gong was simply the best in her dancing class. She did every routine perfectly, able to combine different kinds of disciplines and styles with modern music. She thought classical music was out of the game now and that dance needed something else to make it more interesting. She was also a gymnast, which made her even better to the eyes of her teacher and more annoying to the eyes of every single one of her classmates. They all knew she actually thought she was a better person only because of her achievements and knowledge and they didn’t try to make her feel welcome.

 The girl didn’t care. She was only fourteen but knew very well how to treat people and how to behave by herself. She had to think she was the best to be the best every single time, in every competition and every class. It got very tiring and pretending something that she wasn’t sure was true was very exhausting. She did not do it in daily life, preferring to relate more to her sister and her parents. But only her father because her mother was all too obsessed with her practicing and winning and it had gotten to be unbearable to be in the same room with her, always criticizing and thinking she was being encouraging but wasn’t.

 Her father wanted all that for her too, but he didn’t as much. He always reminded Gong to have fun and never forget that dance and sports were not about destroying oneself on a mat but about making the art bigger and better. She listened to this and though of it always before any of her presentations. To be honest, the days of fear had passed because she had learned not to care about anyone but her, especially when performing. She just put the world out of focus and did what she had to do.

 Gong loved to use rock songs for her performances. Hip-hop was the kind of music everyone used to seem different and classical with any change was too dull for her. She had won a tournament by performing, all five of her events, with songs by Metallica. It was her who designed every single movement, not needing or asking for any kind of help. She used to have a trainer but she left him as soon as she realized he only pressured her to be the one to gain all the recognition.

 She got rid of him and decided to be dedicated and train everyday at least an hour by herself. Her parents were very supportive and it was all unnoticeable for the media or the judges of the next big event after that. She was praised so much; no one even realized she had no trainer but only her loving parents and her sister. After that particular time, she was asked to be photograph for many famous magazines because she had won a slot on the Olympics, which were going to be celebrated in Rio de Janeiro.

 Practice was intensified. She practiced every morning, from sunrise to lunch. She only had a slight breakfast on a very short break and then kept on going. Her diet had not been consulted with a doctor but her parents read all about them to make every meal appropriate for her. It was dreadful, she knew, especially for them because they had decided to do the diets as well and that proved to be a tough decision as her meals were not really full of flavors and variety.

 It was funny at first when her dad was caught by her mother, eating a cheeseburger in the car. Gong didn’t blame him and told them that she could keep doing it all by herself but they refused and her father apologized to her, although she didn’t really understand why. She just kept focused on her practice and on designing the best possible routines for every single event she was going to be performing in on the Olympic arena.

 The girls was exceedingly happy when her parents came in one morning to her room, after practice, and told her they had bought the tickets and all the hotel arrangements had already being settled. She was going to be staying with the rest of the athletes but they would be close by to check on her and join her on every event. According to the rules, they couldn’t have meals with her on the days she was to be busy but they could go out and get to know the city on the days nothing was happening.

 But Gong noticed something she didn’t like and which made her loose her focus from practicing. Her little sister Zhang, had begun to shut her out. It was very often that she could talk to her and play but now, when she tried, Gong was refused entrance to her room and on dinner Zhang wouldn’t even look at her, preferring to eat fast or at least fake she ate and leave early for her room. Zhang was eleven and had always been Gong’s best friend. She had been very supportive when some of the girls in the dance school or in the gymnastics practice were mean to her but now she was absent.

 And when the date of the trip to Brazil came nearer, she realized the whole time there she was going to think of her sister, trying to see her up there in the seats with her parents. And she didn’t now if she could stand that, not being in right terms with the one person that had always supported her and from which she felt no pressure at all. It was the morning before leaving that her parents told her Zhang was not coming with them. They had decided to leave her with aunt Myrna, who wasn’t really their aunt but her uncle’s wife, who had three kids and a big home.

 Gong was destroyed by the news and, for the first time in all of her life, she refused to practice, to dance, to do any of the things she normally did. She cried and begged Zhang to come out of her room and talk to her. But Zhang was not there. She had left the day before for Myrna’s house and she, the bad sister that she felt, had not even noticed. Her parents almost had to force her to eat, put on her clothes and hop in the car for the ride to the airport. Her trip there was awful and the one on the plane to Brazil was even worse, always thinking of Zhang and feeling worse by the minute.

 When the plane finally landed. Gong insisted on calling her sister. She dialed the number herself and once she her aunt Myrna’s voice, she was relieved to know that Zhang was being very normal and even pleasant around her children. She asked Myrna to pass the phone to Zhang but then Myrna fell silent and it took her a bit to tell Gong that her sister had asked not to be interrupted while playing, especially not by them. She didn’t want to speak to any member of her family and Myrna didn’t want to make her feel worse.

 Almost in a whisper, she told Gong that Zhang was feeling very bad because of the entire trip thing and that she thought her parents had failed by letting her out of everything, clearly putting Gong first and her second. Aunt Myrna asked Gong not to blame them or her sister for anything and just to focus on her events and comeback soon to get things sorted out. She then wished her good luck in Rio. Gong thanked her for her good wishes and her advice and hung up.

 It got a bit better when she met the rest of the group and, the next day, when they did the big parade of nations. She was mesmerized by the thousands of people in the stadium and hoped her sister understood how much she wanted her there right now. The night of the parade, everyone went to bed early because the first week was always the most intense one. Gong had the following three days for practice and then it was time for the first event. Regrettably, time flew by and the moment came for her first performance.

 She did great. With the sound of pop music roaring all over, she focused only on her moves and sharpness and she was surprised to take the first spot among her group. The following day, she was able to move on the semifinals groups and then on the grand finals. All the girls were very talented and she had seen their every move for the last few days. Some of them seemed even stricter with their dancing, almost looking mad every single moment. It was as if they had nothing else on their minds.

 But she did. The final day, somehow, the thought of her sister took over everything and she didn’t even have a proper breakfast because of it. Suddenly she became worried because there was a feeling on her chest, a weird sensation that something felt wrong. Before leaving for the arena, she asked her parents to call her aunt and ask for Zhang. She thought only asking for here would be enough, not to be too pushy. She would have time to talk to her when they got back.

 Her parents went to their seats and she went on to perform beautifully. She had only a few points of advantage over her nearest competitor but it was enough to win the gold medal. She was thrilled when receiving the flowers, the medal and a stuffed mascot. Everyone was taking her picture and she was simply the happiest girl in the world. She would go back home and show the medal to her sister and everything would be ok.

 But it wasn’t. Her parents were nowhere to be found and when she did, she realized something awful had happened. Right enough, Myrna had told them that Zhang had committed suicide overnight. She had taken her to the hospital but here was nothing the doctors could do. When Gong heard this, she just collapsed. Her only friend in the world was gone, on the happiest day of her life.  

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Las torres de Valle Alto

   Desde hace siglos, tres torres se alzaban por encima del enorme bosque que cubría gran parte del Valle Alto. Lo llamaban así porque era uno de los tres valles, atravesados por el mismo río, que formaban el único centro de población de este mundo. O al menos de este lado del mundo porque nadie nunca había ido más allá de las montañas y nadie, tampoco, habían llegado de esas desconocidas tierras. Lo único que parecía conectar a los habitantes del Valle Alto con el resto del mundo, eran las tres torres del bosque, que se alzaban dos centenares de metros sobre la espesa capa verde.

 Los habitantes de los otros valles, que venían seguido a comerciar y a visitar familiares, gustaban de ir a ver las torres, recorrerlas en todo su interior y tratar de llegar lo más arriba posible. Pero nadie había llegado muy lejos ya que sus pulmones no estaban hechos para las alturas y a los cincuenta metros ya estaban exhaustos. Se dice que una mujer llegó a los primeros cien metros pero ella ya no existe y nadie puede estar muy seguro de esa historia.

Las torres estaban dispuestas en un triangulo, en el bosque que quedaba al norte de todo el Valle. Eso era lo único que sabían los habitantes de la zona. No había torres ni en Valle Medio ni en Valle Bajo y los antiguos manuscritos no decían nada de torres en el mundo. Era como si, de un día para otro, hubieran aparecido allí semejantes estructuras como si nada. Más de un erudito del Valle había ido a investigar pero las torres no tenían escritos sobre la piedra, ni símbolo alguno en sus paredes. Mucha gente decía que en lo más alto debía haber un mirador y que allí vivía un sabio que tenía miles de años.

 Por supuesto, esa era otra fantasía de los habitantes del Valle porque nadie tenía ni idea de que había en la punta de cada una de las torres. Con elementos rudimentarios, la gente tenía binoculares y telescopios incluso pero con nada notaron cosas raras en la parte alta de las torres. Lo extraño, que sí parecía ocurrir con frecuencia, era que en días soleados la punta de cada una de las estructuras empezaba a brillar. Era como si allí arriba hubiese un espejo o algo por el estilo. Por eso mucha gente inventaba historias, de una gran biblioteca en la punta de cada torre, o de los aposentos de un mago que los protegía del mal de más allá de las montañas.

 Esa era otra parte importante de todo el asunto: los habitantes del Valle no eran tan curiosos como uno creería. Esto era obvio al darse uno cuenta que solo un puñado había visitado las altas montañas que cerraban sus valles. Algunos de esos picos quedaban cubiertos de nieve en invierno y no parecían estar tan lejos. Pero la gente solo llegaba al pie de la montaña, donde pudiesen construir casas o cultivar. Como se dijo antes, no eran amantes de la altura y no tenían intención alguna de ponerse a desafiar sus cuerpos. Además, no eran exploradores natos y los que lo eran solían ser vistos como locos, queriendo escapar de las muchas tareas que tenían que cumplir.

 Cada valle estaba conectado al siguiente por un cañón estrecho en el que los habitantes, durante milenios, crearon caminos al borde del abismo para conectar las tres partes de lo que se llamaba el Gran Valle o, para la mayoría el Mundo. Porque no había manera de saber que habían más que estos valles, no había como tener constancia de que alguien vivía más allá de las montañas. Los más inteligentes de entre ellos, sabían que el mundo era uno de, probablemente, muchos planetas en el universo y que era probable de que hubiera vida en otro sitios, incluso en ese mismo mundo. Pero también era posible que su valle fuera la única isla de vida en muchos kilómetros, tal vez millones.

 Así que era entendible que nadie en todo el valle se preocupase mucho por las grandes preguntas de la vida. Simplemente habían aprendido a vivir sin tener que saberlo todo. Se contentaban con tener pan en la mesa y con ser felices. Eso era lo más importante en la cultura de los Valles, que entre sí eran algo distintos pero en eso eran idénticos: todo el mundo tenía el derecho e incluso el deber, de ser feliz. Y esto era porque sabían que no había más en el mundo que valiera la pena. Ellos no sabían de dinero ni de avaricia, lo que los hacía más únicos todavía, sin ellos saberlo.

 Un día, por supuesto inesperado para todos, una de las torres empezó a brillar más que las demás. Lo curioso era que casi no había sol y el brillo siguió hasta la noche. Se podía decir que era como un faro, del que solo había uno en Valle Alto, para los pocos barcos pesqueros que se adentraban algunos kilómetros en el mar. La diferencia era que ese faro tenía unos veinte metros de altura y este doscientos. La torre brilló igual por días y días hasta que la gente se acostumbró y ya no le hice mucho caso.

 Esto hasta que la segunda torre empezara a brillar y se dieran cuenta, en la noche, que una no apuntaba al mismo sitio que la otra. Apuntaban su haz de luz a un punto indefinido más allá de las montañas y se quedaba así todo el tiempo, sin moverse como lo haría un faro normal. Con el segundo haz de luz, la gente se empezó a asustar: nunca había pasado nada similar y no les gustaba que pasaran cosas que no se pudiesen explicar de manera sencilla. Los más brillantes se congregaron en el bosque, con catalejos, haciendo cálculos y hablando con los pocos que habían subido alguna montaña, que sabía casi lo mismo que los demás.

 Entonces, un mes después de que brillara la primera luz, brillo la tercera torre y entonces hubo pánico general entre los habitantes del Gran Valle. Incluso los que vivían de la pesca en las aguas poco profundas del Mar, que seguro era más grande de lo que ellos sabían, habían decidido dejar de entrar en el mar y mejor ayudar a sus mujeres en los campos o haciendo otras cosas que no conllevaran un riesgo muy grande. Las luces brillaron y la gente seguía asustada hasta que, de repente, se fueron apagando una a una, a lo largo del mismo tiempo que habían tomado para apagarse.

 Cuando la tercera torre se apagó, todos en el Valle Alto vitorearon y pudieron sentirse a salvo y seguros de nuevo. Pero ese sentimiento duró poco. A la mañana siguiente de apagarse la última luz, se reportó el encuentro de una persona en el extremo más al norte del bosque. Los habitantes de la región tenían grupos de leñadores que hacían recorridos regulares por las zonas boscosas para traer madera los pueblos para el invierno pero ese día no trajeron troncos sino a una mujer.

 La mujer tenía los pies rojos y los médicos pronto dijeron que había muerto del cansancio, de tanto correr. De hecho, no podían estar seguros de que estaba muerta porque, la verdad era, que la mujer era muy diferente a ellos. Lo más obvio era la altura, les llevaba por lo menos unos sesenta centímetros de altura y llevaba el pelo bastante corto, cortado con algún cuchillo mal afilado por lo que se podía ver. Vestía pieles de animales como ropa y parecía no haberse bañado en varios días.

 Fue una enferma quien se dio cuenta de otro detalle: la mujer había sido encontrada en posición fetal en el bosque, según los leñadores. Pues bien, una de las enfermeras concluyó, correctamente, que esto se debía a que venía cargando a una cría, un hijo. Estaba tan bien arropado entre las pieles que no había sido sorpresa que no se hubieran dado cuenta de que estaba allí. El bebé, mucho más grande que los bebés a los que ellos estaban acostumbrados, los miraba con curiosidad y lloró con fuerza, lo que alivió a los médicos, que creyeron que podía estar enfermo.

 La criatura fue alimentada con leche de vacas del Valle Medio, que todos reconocían por su riqueza alimenticia. La mujer fue enterrada en los lindes del bosque. Los doctores revisaron el cuerpo varias veces para confirmar su muerte y al final era obvio que jamás iba a despertar. Fueron los eruditos quienes entraron a la discusión, después de que el bebé fuese presentado a la sociedad en pleno. Ellos decían que esos gigantes debían venir de lejos porque nadie conocía de gente así, tan alta y con aspecto salvaje. Muchos concluyeron que la llegada de madre e hijo no era nada bueno para el Gran Valle pero muchos otros, al ver a la bebé, no creyeron eso.

 El bebé creció bastante y pronto no pudieron alzarlo más. Le hicieron un corral especial y le daban leche y pan todos los días. A veces probaban con platillos más elaborados pero el niño no los comía. Así pasaron las cosas durante un par de meses hasta que, de nuevo, los leñadores reportaron extraños en el bosque. Pero esta vez no se trataba de una mujer y su bebé sino de hombres salvajes y más de sus mujeres e hijos. Eran por lo menos unos cincuenta y todos estaban exhaustos pero ninguno de ellos estaba tan grave como lo había estado la madre del bebé.

 Los habitantes de Valle fueron a saludarlos, tratando de ser amables pero estando tremendamente asustados. Pero la reunión terminó pronto cuando los extranjeros empezaron a quejarse, y colapsaron en el suelo, algunos llorando y otros cansados. La gente del Valle los ayudó y, cuando estuvieron mejor, les explicaron su historia. Resultaba que las torres tenían pares en otros lugares del mundo y uno de esos lugares era el desierto en el que ellos vivían. Según la leyenda, si alguna vez se prendía la torre ello indicaba que el mundo iba a cambiar y que debían seguir la luz para salvarse. Y eso habían hecho. Entonces, asustados, les dijeron que notaron más luces y que iban a venir más seres y que era probable que no todos fuesen como ellos.

 Temiendo por su seguridad, la gente del Valle empezó a organizarse, por primera vez en su Historia, para defenderse.

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015

The App

   Do you ever feel your friends get you to do things that you don’t really want to do? Very passive aggressive, not so many words but they get their way and, some time later, you regret following their advice because you realize it was all a big trap? Well, that happened to me and I felt like an idiot after realizing it was all just a way to get me out of my comfort zone.

 You see, I wasn’t planning on going out with anyone. And when I said that I mean, for a long time. I just wasn’t interested in having to be with anyone, sexually or romantically. See? I wrote, “having to”, because to me it’s still an imposition. I’m still without couple but things shifted a bit when my friends convinced me to download this new app for my cellphone. I’m gay, so I thought I was an expert on apps to check out people on the phone. And yes, I do mean that as a stereotype that is actually the truth.

 Well, anyway, they convinced me to download it and we spent a whole afternoon lying around like idiots just putting yes or no to many pictures until the app decided to stop us from keep doing that. Normally, I would have left it at that. Every time I download an app, I normally erase it from my phone days later because I find it not only boring but also such a fucking lie. I mean, let’s talk here: does anyone not really mock people when looking at all those pictures with sunglasses on, upside down “selfies”, shirtless pictures and so many other classics of the internet.

 Anyway, I just went back home and have a good sleep, which I really need by the way, and the next morning I checked my phone, as I usually do. First my emails, then some social networks and finally I reentered the app realizing someone had written to me. I answered and we had a rather normal conversation, very uneventfully. I stood up to have breakfast and forgot all about it. That day, a Saturday, I spent some time home and then I went to the mall with my family to buy some new shoes and a shirt for the upcoming wedding of some cousin or something like that (I don’t really follow that part of my family).

 When I came back home I realized the guy had sent lots of messages and even pictures and many questions marks. I didn’t even acknowledge it properly and erased the whole conversation. I certainly didn’t need anyone like that near me and even less if I was consequent with my decision not to have any type of relationship with any man. And there were no exceptions or any kind of weaknesses from my part.

 The guy kept on sending messages and I just ignored him because that’s not the type of person that interests me, not even to chat with any day or to go out and have coffee. That maniac behavior is great if you want to be scared for life but I’m just not going for that. So I kept using the app because it was kind of an obsession to criticize people and I’m known among my friends precisely because of that. I’m the one that says what the others only think and I never care if I’m being to over the top or “mean”. I just like to be honest and if that means telling you you have a big nose or your shirt is too small or your pictures are one big fat lie, I’ll say it. It’s not like we know each other.

 So one day I was going through pictures and another guy hit me up. We bonded and chatted for hours and hours and he looked cute in a couple of pictures with no filters, really casual photos of him and his dog and him in a beach. He looked like a nice person so I decided to go for it and tell him to me meet for coffee. We did and I have to say I don’t regret it at all. He was such a nice person and we had a blast together, laughing at the same things, sharing interests and even learning a couple of new thing from one another. I have to concede it felt great to feel that again after so many years, to feel that connection with another person and just feel at ease with them.

 For the following two weeks, we saw each other fairly often. On the fifth date, we decided to go for cocktails and it was then when things got strange. In a moment, a couple of seconds in which I went out to call home to say I may be late, I could have swore I saw the guy that had sent me all those messages with question marks and so on. For a minute I was convinced it was him but I forgot about that quickly when I started kissing the other guy, whose name was John, and we walked around holding hands and just having a good time that night.

  Then, another Saturday, we decided to meet for beers at his apartment. As I’m no idiot, I knew what was going to happened so I shaved properly, I put on the nice clothes and tried to be my best self. No, I wasn’t thinking of anything serious with him. To be honest, it was all such a blast for me but I saw only as kind of a game that we were playing and that may end very soon. He wasn’t ready to have a new boyfriend, having broken up with one just two months ago, and I had never had a boyfriend but wasn’t going to begin like that. Just no.

 It’s stupid, isn’t it? But I picture my first boyfriend someone to be very special and me just knowing that is him. And I didn’t feel that with John. However we had a lot of fun and every time I remember those days, I smile because he was such a nice guy and had a great time in every sense possible.

 Anyhow, I took the bus and then it happened again. I was so sure one of the people on the bus was the creepy guy from the app. And this time it wasn’t something that happened fast and went. This time I was just two rows behind him and I couldn’t wait to get to my stop and physically run. I didn’t want to know if it was actually him. I just wanted to stop minding about the crazy guy and keep on with my date with this great guy. But I couldn’t, at least not for the whole ride to John’s home. The guy wouldn’t go out in any of the stops and I was staring to get nervous. But finally my stop came and, as I had pictured, I ran to John’s building and told him all about it.

 I know it’s very romantic or arousing to talk about a creep you think you saw in a bus, but I just had to tell someone in order not to feel crazy. He was very nice, gave me a beer and told me many guys can’t just get a hint and get obsessed with others. I must have looked even more scared than before because he went on saying most of them just stopped, after finding someone else to annoy so he was sure that would happen in my case.

 Then, again, I forgot all about my problems, because we started kissing and, minutes after, we had gone to John’s room, without the beers. It had been a long time since I had had any sex with anyone and, I have to say, it was awesome. Maybe that was precisely because I had nothing to compare with, a foul thing we all do, but I just though it was perfect. He was so tender and loving or so I felt and even when things got a bit rougher, he seemed to care about me a lot.

 I ended up staying the night. I called my mom past midnight to tell her that and me and John didn’t go out of bed until eight in the morning or around that. He had fallen asleep hugging me and that has been the only time I seriously thought two things: first, that he might be that person I would decide to have a serious relationship with. Second, that I was able to do things I didn’t know I could. For me, a hug is more personal than anything else. And John did all night, awake or asleep. And he also kissed me a lot and touched me and as a person with a poor self-image, that was huge for me.

 When putting on my clothes, I thought I really could like being in a relationship and could use to nights like that. We had some breakfast and bid farewell with a final kiss. In that moment, I didn’t know it was going to be the last time we saw each other. Isn’t that sad? It would be so nice if we knew when that’s happening but I guess that, as humans that we are, we wouldn’t be able to handle it.

 I walked slowly to the bus stop, thinking of the night. I was so distracted I didn’t see the man running at me. I only reacted to late, when he tackled me and put something in front of my face. He must have drenched it in some chemical because I felt dizzy fast and I passed out. To be honest, I think it’s great that I don’t remember anything that happened after that. When I regained consciousness, I was in a hospital. They had called my parents and I was too groggy to say or do anything.

 Days later, the doctors and I talked, in the presence of a policeman. I told him what little I remembered and they told me what they could conclude had happened: them man, which I recalled been the creepy guy from the app, had taking me somewhere and had raped me. They explained he could have told people I was drunk, for them no to get suspicious. I was left in a park and a homeless man had found me and called the police and an ambulance.

 They told me it was probable I would never remember anything and I thanked the drugs for that. I went back to my life but slowly and cut off every link that was too weak to keep holding. I erased all social network profiles, erased all apps from my phone and only played games in my computer. My friends visited me at home and asked about John but I didn’t know nor care. He had paid for something he hadn’t done but I wasn’t ready. And now, I might never be.