viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Ser o no ser ?

   No creo que nadie sepa, en verdad quién es. Y para ser sincero, creo que nunca nadie lo sabe. Es una búsqueda eterna, de toda la vida, al menos si estamos poniendo atención. Porque eso es lo otro, la mayoría de la gente no le está poniendo mucha atención a su propia vida, prefiriendo navegarla a un destino fijo cuando ese no es el punto de vivir. Al menos para mi, vivir es ir adonde el viento, que pueden ser las acciones y las decisiones, nos lleven. Lo interesante de un viaje, como lo es la vida, no es tanto el destino sino el recorrido. Pero ya casi nadie le pone atención al recorrido porque sienten que deben ir y hacer ciertas cosas o sino no están viviendo. Y lo cómico es que por hacer justamente eso, no están viviendo para nada.

 Creo que nunca sabemos quienes somos porque casi nadie está listo para enfrentar todo eso que tiene dentro. Algunas personas eligen ser graciosas, serias, coquetas o incluso aburridas pero hay mucho más que simplemente no reconocemos. A pesar de tanta lucha por tantos derechos, la realidad de todo es que nos gusta que nos juzguen por cosas pequeñas, por rasgos que son tan recurrentes en el ser humano como los ojos y la boca. Por eso es que los apodos son algo tan popular: no reflejan en nada lo que alguien es en realidad sino algún aspecto bastante notable de una persona y puede que ni siquiera sea una característica verdaderamente de esa persona. Se decide al azar y se impone y cuando eso se hace ya no hay nada más que hacer. El apodo queda y lo que la persona es o no es, deja de ser relevante.

 Por supuesto que deben haber libertades, eso no se discute. Pero lo que es contradictorio es que se luche contra la discriminación y resulta que siempre la hemos aceptado con los brazos abiertos cuando sentimos que es un halago, porque es muy fácil hacer que alguien se sienta bien con un par de palabras. Solo juntamos algunas y mágicamente podemos hacer que el estado de ánimo de alguien mejore sustancialmente o caiga al piso. Como seres humanos, con nuestra crueldad característica, tenemos la horrible habilidad de construir y destruir con demasiada facilidad. Y no hemos hecho nada para hacernos fuertes y que en verdad no nos importen las palabras necias. Deseamos no oír pero oímos.

 Nos gusta ser “el guapo”, “la sexy”, “el bueno”, “la inteligente”. Palabras que se las lleva el viento y que, en sí mismas, no son nada más que letras pegadas que producen un sonido que para muchos, no es más que un ruido. Si a eso ha llegado la humanidad, a querer ser definidos en un simple gruñido, entonces nuestra civilización está mucho peor de lo que pensábamos. Como podemos aceptar ser solo eso cuando ni siquiera podemos definirnos a nosotros mismos con sinceridad? Como podemos atrevernos a resumir una vida, una compleja red de pensamientos en algo tan simple, y a la larga, tan humano, como una palabra?

 Casi todos lo preferimos. Definirnos de manera más exacta, más compleja, toma tiempo, en especial porque los seres humanos siempre estamos aprendiendo. Más o menos pero desde que nacemos hasta que morimos nuestro cerebro no para de recibir y procesar, almacenando información eternamente que seguramente nunca usaremos. Solo hay que recordar, o tratar de recordar al menos, todo lo que se supone aprendimos en el colegio. Inténtenlo y verán que es imposible, a menos que sean superdotados y hayan sido bendecidos con una memoria prodigiosa, algo que escasea entre los seres humanos. La mayoría preferimos dejar que esas palabras que inventamos hagan el trabajo para así no sumergirnos en las oscuridades que todos tenemos dentro.

 Porque la verdad es que somos mundos desconocidos y que, casi siempre, solo tendrán un visitante, si acaso. Ese visitante podría ser nosotros mismos pero solo si de verdad mostramos interés en saber  quienes somos. Es un viaje difícil, largo y complejo, que nos muestra esas dos caras que en las que el ser humano se registra: el bien y el mal. Puede que si excavamos un poco, encontremos algo sobre nosotros mismos que detestamos, que todo el mundo podría odiar y que debemos ocultar porque no es algo de que estar orgulloso sino algo de lo que avergonzarse. Así somos los seres humanos, infligimos dolor y vergüenza para controlar lo que no conocemos, por físico miedo.

 Es increíble lo que complejos que somos pero lo controlables que podemos ser a nuestros propios inventos y a nuestros instintos más básicos. La realidad es que somos seres llenos de miedo durante toda nuestra vida y así la pasamos, de susto en susto, protegiéndonos y corriendo de un lado a otro como ratas. Esa no es manera de vivir para nadie y, sin embargo, todos vivimos exactamente igual. Porque todavía tenemos mucho de aquello que pensamos perdido que es el instinto natural, ese recuerdo vago e inútil de cuando éramos criaturas simples, trepando árboles y subsistiendo para solo comer y reproducirnos. Pero resulta que la humanidad ya tiene otros objetivos. Lo malo es que no todos nos damos cuenta.

 El mundo no está dibujado en dos simples e inútiles colores. Las cosas no son buenas o malas sino que son como son por razones y eso es lo que debemos ver. No podemos ser tan simples que vemos algo y lo definimos al instante, cambiando para siempre la percepción del mundo respecto a algo. Sí, claro que hay cosas que son reprobables pero eso no quiere decir que no debamos aprender de ellas para hacer de nuestra humanidad algo mejor. Porque ese es el trabajo verdadero de cada uno en este mundo y es construirse a si mismo, hacer a alguien que sea completo y no solo una gran cantidad de trazos sin ningún sentido.

 Porque eso es la mayoría de la gente, solo trazos de un pincel muy bonito pero trazos al fin y al cabo. Muy poca gente decide invertir tiempo en saber que posibilidades hay de ser un dibujo complejo, alguien de verdad completo. Para nosotros mismos, es posible que seamos todo lo que queremos ser. Puede que nos conozcamos bien y sepamos todo lo que hay que saber o al menos casi todo. El otro problema es que eso no se puede quedar ahí. No podemos frenarnos cuando nosotros acabamos y el mundo empieza porque resulta que siempre viviremos en este mundo, el ser humano siempre estará aquí, en este tiempo, en esta realidad, en este que vemos y tocamos y sentimos con todo nuestro ser cada día de la vida. Esto es lo nuestro.

 Hay muchos otros mundos, la mayoría fantasías. Pero para qué preocuparnos por ellos? Las fantasías son simpáticas pero solo nublan la mente y no nos dejan ver, por nosotros mismos la increíble variedad de cosas que nos ofrece la vida. Y decimos cosas porqué eso son cuando no las conocemos. Es nuestro deber sentir curiosidad, ir y explorar y descubrir que es qué para nosotros, porque el mundo es uno pero cada uno de nosotros lo percibe de manera única y, probablemente, irrepetible. Tenemos la habilidad de crear una visión única del mundo y debemos o deberíamos compartirla con el mundo, cuando estemos listos. Somos, al fin y al cabo, una sola especie y eso debería ser suficiente para unirnos.

 Lo ideal sería que las personas dejaran de estar metidas en mundos inventados, como el amor o la esperanza ciega, y empezaran a caminar al nivel del suelo y a reconocer que la vida es mucho más que las superficialidades que todo el mundo aspira a vivir como tener un trabajo ideal, una pareja ideal y todo ideal. El mundo no es ideal, el mundo es lo que es y deberíamos explorar eso y no tratar de ajustarlo todo en nuestra mente. No estamos viviendo el mundo real sino uno que nos inventamos porque somos incapaces de ver lo que en realidad sucede a la cara. Solo en algunos momentos, la realidad es demasiado auténtica y nos deja ver su cara. La mayoría corren despavoridos.

 Tenemos que molestarnos, al menos una vez por día, en pensar hacia adentro, explorar nuestra mente y ver que hay allí. Puede que muchas veces no encontremos nada pero seguramente hay mucho por ver y descubrir. Algunas cosas no nos gustarán y otras tal vez nos gusten demasiado pero es así la única manera de vivir de verdad. Si queremos estar contentos con nosotros mismos no necesitamos de lindas palabras sino de un reconocimiento profundo de nuestra personalidad, que siempre tendrá una respuesta clara. Nuestra autoestima es producto de lo que hemos creado como sociedad, un sistema de reglas y miedos que solo sirven para controlarnos y machacarnos como si fuésemos moscas.

 El ser humano ha inventado a la sociedad para eliminarse a si mismo. Se supone que la sociedad, con sus bondades y sus males, va eliminando a quienes no sirven a través de miedos e inseguridades, de reglas cada vez más difíciles de alcanzar y una hipocresía que hasta el más osado no es capaz de resistir. Porque el ser humano y su sociedad son una fachada para ocultar e incapacitar nuestro deber de exploración, nuestra meta biológica y existencial de saber exactamente quienes somos y, más adelante, porque somos. Debemos rebelarnos y empezar a ser nosotros antes de que todos empecemos a ser lo mismo o, peor, nada.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

Our nature

   Alex had come to the lake before many times. His dad brought him and the rest of the family for fishing or camping or long walks to breath fresh air. His father had always loved the outdoors and it was one of the most important things he passed on to his son. Alex loved to be outside, not really getting why so many people stayed inside with their computers and other machines. He also had a computer and a cellphone but he could disconnect easily in order to enjoy the world outside. Normally, his day would include a visit to the park; at least a shot one, to feel less stressed and just relax for a while. But a park in the city still had pollution around and filth and he decided one day that his next holiday would be spent in the lake of his memories.

 He told his family he would go, hoping they would go with him but that didn’t work out as he planned: his mother did not like to leave home and she had never really been the kind to love dirt, so she passed but asked him to take many pictures. His siblings had similar answers, only less precise about why they denied his request. Something about the children, their jobs, a meeting… He decided it wasn’t his business and that, if they decided to come, he would be there. Alex planned to stay a three-day weekend, in order to really explore and live again those days where his father and him would walk for hours in order to photograph rare animals or find “new” places in the forest.

 The weekend began and he arrived very early on Saturday, leaving his car in the small parking lot that the national park had available for campers. There, Alex saw the first thing that had changed since the days of his father-son trips: the parking lot had been expanded and a lot of people were already there, mainly from the neighboring towns. Apparently they had all thought, like him, that camping was a nice plan for the weekend. He grabbed all of his equipment and was about to begin walking when a ranger stopped him and asked him if he was going to camp. That was a very stupid question, seeing what Alex was carrying but he decided to just nod. Apparently, spots were now assigned.

 He began walking, now with a map provided by the ranger, in which he could see the exact spot where he had been authorized to camp. His father would have been furious, as he had always liked to camp wherever he wanted, sometimes by the lake, other times by the river. But Alex decided not to complain and just thought of visiting his father’s camping spots later that day. When he arrived to his spot, he found out that at least five other tents were already up in that area. It was outrageous as in the past there were never more than two tents next to each other, and not only because of attendance but because of safety issues. But there was no one to complain to and going back to the entrance would be lost time so he just dealt with it.

 Putting on the tent was no easy task. He had forgotten that, back when he came with his family, his parents were the ones to do all the chores previous to the proper camping experience. Alex and his siblings would just play around the area until it was all magically done and they never really asked if they could help or how it was done. Alex tried for a whole hour to put up his tent but all the little sticks and the stakes and the proper tent were too complicated for him. He didn’t get the diagram that was in the instructions, that at least existed, and had no idea what to do next. But suddenly an older man from a neighboring tent helped him out without saying a word. In a few minutes the tent was up and the old man gone.

 He waited there, extending his sleeping bag in the ground, but the older man did not come out of his tent again. In the silence, Alex could hear the sound of a radio and realized his noise putting up the tent must have distracted the man from some game and that’s why he had gotten that much needed hand. When everything was in order, he decided to go back to the entrance and ask for another spot but he realized the number of cars in the parking lot had doubled and that would mean there were no good spots left. At least his was near the lake. He decided to go there next and hoped it hadn’t changed as much as the rest of the park. He even felt the trees were different, if not fewer.

 His jaw dropped the moment he reached the edge of the lake. Back in the day, only a handful of people enjoyed fishing and swimming there. The water was very cold so it wasn’t like many people cared for a swim. But now, somehow, everyone was in the mood. There were at least a hundred, if not more, people in the water. They were playing with beach balls and squirt guns, laughing loudly and eating all kinds of fast foods along the shore. Alex was surprised he didn’t see any vendors around, with the amount of people eating. Something he noticed was the absence of boats so he decided to ask a couple that was close about it. According to them, fishing had been banned in the park.

 So now, that was gone. He had brought his old fishing rod but now it was useless, as well as his binoculars in order to find birds. He had noticed no chirping or any kind of bird noises in the whole area he had walked through. He decided to go to the edge of the park and hope for a better perspective on things. He couldn’t get off the smell of ketchup and mustard and the images of fat kids crying and playing in the lake. That must be discriminative in some way but he didn’t mind. He was just hurt to see that a very dear memory of his childhood was being destroyed slowly by what was supposedly called progress.

 He reached the area that his father and him had explored so many times and he was happy to see it just like he had seen it all those years ago. No yelling and crying of children and adults here. Not the sound of music or cars. This place was the real forest, the thing for which he had come to this place. He walked around, taking some pictures with a small camera he had recently bought. He was even able to spot a couple of birds and was certain he had seen a deer but maybe it had been his imagination. Suddenly, he remembered a day with his dad in which, after a particularly long walk, they had discovered a small cave by a cliff. The place was beautiful, having a great view over the forest and a cooler environment in the summer. So Alex tried to locate it.

 He walked for hours, just like back then, trying to remember the trail from his childhood. After a couple of hours, he realized he was probably lost. He had found the cliff but not the cave and realized that it would soon be night. He decided to look for the cave one more hour and if he didn’t find it he would come back later. Then, he heard something. At first he thought it was the wind but then he realized they were human voices. Maybe someone was in danger; maybe they had an accident and needed care. He tried to follow the noises and only realized what was happening when he stumbled to the ground, twisting his ankle and looking at the entrance of the cave he had known as a child.

 But they were no children or parents there, only a couple of teenagers having sex. They stopped right when they saw his face on the ground. They screamed as they pulled up their pants and, from nowhere, the same ranger that had assigned him his spot appeared running. He told them to stay still and to walk in front of him back to the entrance. They took a while but they finally got there just as the sun was setting. The ranger and the others entered his small office and he asked what had been going on in the cave. The teenagers said Alex was a pervert that was watching as they kissed and Alex said that was bullshit, because they had been fucking and not kissing. The guard asked him if he had been looking at them for long.

 Alex realized the ranger was on their side, as he looked at him with disgust. He told the truth, stating that he had been looking for he cave because his father and him had discovered it many years ago and that he had stumbled to the ground because of a rock. His ankle was hurting very bad. But the ranger did not appear to believe what he was saying. He told the teenagers to leave and never to go back to the cave again as it was off limits. As they left, he stood up and went for a nurse’s kit, and tried to fix Alex’s ankle but it was already swollen and hurting more. As he tried to do anything, he talked, implying that he did believe Alex had fallen because of a rock but also because he had been too busy nosing around the cave.

 Alex stood up, inflicting a lot of pain onto himself. He told the park ranger the park had gone to hell as no one even respected nature, every single fragment been taken for tents and a lake full of fast food. The place had been a natural beauty and now it was just a shame, as it was his conclusion of blaming it all on a guy wit ha swollen ankle and not on the two kids that had taken the cave as a brothel. Alex forced his foot out of the office and, fortunately, he had his car keys with him. He just drove off, leaving his tent and other things behind. They were just a memory he wanted to erase and never go back to again.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

Paseo del recuerdo

   Por la gripa, no podía salir de mi casa. El frío afuera era terrible y además había comenzado a llover y parecía que no iba a terminar pronto. Si algo detesto, es estar enfermo. Sentirme débil e inofensivo no es algo que me parezca muy atractivo. Algunos dicen que le ven el lado amable a la situación y aprovechan ese tiempo para descansar y hacer otras cosas, más que todo ver televisión y comer comida chatarra. Tengo que confesar que así comencé pero me cansé a las pocas horas. Me habían dado tres días libres por mi enfermedad y todo porque me había desmayado en frente del jefe. Fue un momento muy embarazoso que espero nunca repetir pues me sentía, al despertarme, como un idiota que no aguanta ni un resfriado.

 Inmediatamente me enviaron a la casa y los de los tres días, que para mi fue una exageración, seguramente lo hicieron para evitar que pasara otro suceso similar al desmayo. Según un amiga, si se le quitaba la parte de mi enfermedad, había sido muy gracioso. Dijo que mis ojos se blanquearon antes de caer al piso y que lo hice como las mujeres en esas películas viejas, aquellas en las que esperaban a que el hombre les diera permiso hasta de respirar. Y esa era una de las cosas que no podía hacer bien: respirar. Tenía que hacerlo por la boca o sino me ahogaría en mi propia cama y daría más razones a mi amiga para que muriera de la risa. Estaba en la cama, calientito, pero tremendamente aburrido y sin la menor posibilidad de hacer algo que me levantara el ánimo, que estaba por los suelos.

 Algo que había negado tajantemente era que me enviaran en ambulancia a mi casa o, peor, que me llevaran a un hospital. Detestaba la idea de ser como esas personas que por cada pequeño dolor corren al consultorio de un doctor, como si el dinero creciera en los árboles, junto a seguros médicos completos y las parejas perfectas. No, yo no iba a un hospital a menos que fuese estrictamente necesario y preferiría que así permaneciera. Todos esos procedimiento y jerga hecha expresamente para que el paciente no la entienda, me pone incomodo y me hace sentir más rabia que cualquier otra cosa. Con la poca fuerza pedí que me llevaran a casa y menos mal me hicieron caso.

 Mi amiga había estado conmigo unas horas pero se había ido después de comer algo. Yo había tenido la malísima idea de desmayarme a primera de la mañana entonces uno de los tres días de descanso era el día en el que me había sentido mal. Como dije antes, no me gusta que me hayan dado tanto tiempo pero sí que parece mezquino que cuente el día del suceso como uno de los de descanso… En fin. Después de reír un rato con amiga, ella se fue y yo dormí por un par de horas pero no me fue posible dormir como hubiese querido. Un dolor persistente de cabeza me lo impedía así que decidí quedarme en la cama y no hacer nada de nada.

 Pero me aburrí pronto así que salí de la cama, abrigándome lo mejor posible con unas medias gruesas, un pantalón que no usaba en años y un saco de esos gruesos, térmicos, ideales para los inviernos fuertes. Como no sabía bien que hacer, fui a la cocina primero pero no encontré que hacer así que decidí ver que tenía en la parte superior de mi armario. El polvo que sacudí seguramente no fue lo mejor para mi estado de enfermo y la tos que siguió casi no me la quito. Lo primero que pensé fue “Porqué hay tanto polvo?” pero esa pregunta fue rápidamente reemplazada por “Que tanto es lo que guardo debajo de tanta mugre?”. Y la verdad era que no había nada de valor o interés. Más que todo eran documentos viejos, aunque también algunas revistas de cuando era niño y aparatos que ya no servían para nada.

 Todos funcionaban baterías y yo hacía mucho tiempo que no compraba de esas. Fue una lástima porque sabía que esos juegos eran una distracción excelente. Tal vez le pediría a mi amiga algunas pilas… Dejé uno de los aparatos y un par de juegos a un lado y seguí mirando entre las carpetas. Mucho del papel olía a mojado por lo que asumía que la humedad tampoco me podía estar ayudando mucho. Lo mejor que podía hacer era taparme la cara y seguir hojeando mis calificaciones del colegio, que por alguna razón estaban allí. Sonreí al recordar lo mal estudiante que había sido durante un tiempo. Sabía sumar de milagro y nunca entendí para que era tanto número y tanta formula. Sin embargo, todavía recordaba con claridad quienes estaban a lado y lado en cada clase.

 Mis mejores materias eran inglés, historia y geografía. Era lo que más me gustaba, tal vez porque quería salir corriendo del colegio y estar en cualquier parte del mundo menos aprendiendo formulas matemáticas que nunca iba a utilizar. Y de hecho, nunca las he usado entonces, en mi concepto, le gané ese round al profesor del colegio. Estaban las calificaciones de los últimos cuatro años y también las de la universidad, que eran sin duda mejores y traían recuerdos mucho más gratos. Para mí esa había sido la mejor época de todas, de descubrimientos y verdaderos amigos pero también de definición completa de quién soy y para donde voy. Eso sí, sigue sin saberlo muy bien pero esa época me aclaró la mente e incluso el corazón.

 Porque entre tanto papel con olor ha guardado, había también un par de cartas de amor y algunos recuerdos de mis primeras parejas sentimentales. Eso sí que era un viaje en el tiempo increíble ya que muchos de esos objetos no los recordaba. Había una manilla de color azul, un silbato de juguete, la envoltura de una hamburguesa y otra de un chocolate, algunas fotos de máquinas instantáneas e incluso un pedazo de tela que recordé era de una camiseta que me gustaba de uno de ellos y que su dueño había recortado, de manera un tanto excéntrica, para regalármela. Abrir la llave de los recuerdos me hizo sentir joven pero también algo perdido.

  Perdido porque ya no me parecía ni me sentía igual que ese chico al que le habían dado esos regalos. Al leer las cartas de amor, que eran solo tres, me di cuenta de que todo eso había pasado hacía una vida. Esa inocencia e ingenuidad ya no existían y tampoco ese ser crédulo y complaciente que había disfrutado de semejantes regalos, con un optimismo que el yo actual jamás tendría ni con esfuerzo. La verdad, derramé algunas lágrimas viendo todos esos objetos pues parecían más los de un hijo perdido que los de un yo más joven. Lo guardé todo con cuidado en la cajita en la que los había encontrado y esperé encontrarlos de nuevo en el futuro, momento en el cual esperaba volver a sentir todas esas cosas de nuevo, que me hicieron sentir más joven pero diferente.

 Que más había en el armario? Pues un maletín lleno de mapas y recibos de viajes pasados y otra caja, más grande, con videos y fotografías de viajes con mi familia. Aunque no tenía ni idea de cómo ver esos videos, que estaban en casete para videocámara, sí recordé cada momento por los títulos en el costado de cada cinta. Viajes familiares, hacía varios lustros, a diversos destinos pero siempre con los mismos personajes. En ese momento me puse sentimental de nuevo porque ellos estaban ahora muy lejos pero pensé que no sería mala idea aprovechar mi enfermedad para saludarlos. Lo haría más tarde, cuando tuviese algo en el estomago porque, siendo familia, siempre hay que enfrentarlos con el estomago lleno.

 Por último vi varias cosas solo mías: los dibujos de personajes animados que había dibujado a los doce años, los recuerdos de un viaje a Disney World y algunas fotos en las que besaba a mi primer novio. Había muchas más cosas y me reí solo y volví a llorar viéndolo todo. Fue como haber ido a caminar por una vía que era exclusivamente para mí y por la que hacía mucho tiempo no caminaba. Fue adentrarme en mi mismo y recordar partes de mi que había olvidado por completo y que de pronto ya no eran tan importantes ahora como lo habían sido antes. Porque la verdad es que no creo que alguien deje de ser sino que simplemente cambia acorde a su situación  actual.

 Y como mi situación era de enfermedad, tal vez por eso estaba especialmente susceptible. Decidí guardarlo todo con cuidado, a excepción del juego de video portátil que iba a utilizar sin importar lo que pasara. Recordaba claramente como me había divertido con él cuando niño y quería volver a tener eso, especialmente en un momento tan aburrido con el de estar enfermo. Llamé a mi amiga para decirle lo de las baterías y me contacté con mi familia por el computador. Hablamos bastante y quedé con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja que no se me quitaría con nada en los próximos días. Cuando llegó mi amiga la mañana siguiente le conté todo.

 Ella me dio las baterías y me dijo que lo más importante era descansar para sentirme mejor. Pero en cambio pedí algo delicioso de comer y me puse a jugar el juego que me devolvió antiguas alegrías olvidadas. Me hizo recordar que yo era más que solo uno de mis sentimientos, más que uno de mis pensamientos.

 Habiendo pasado el tiempo, volví al trabajo y todos se extrañaron de mi nueva personalidad, que tal vez no duraría mucho, pero que seguramente todos disfrutarían y nadie más que yo.

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Men as monsters

   Inoctium was the name of the compound that they had invented in the lab. It had many properties that a normal human would have deemed incredible and many of those who had been involved in the project thought exactly that. Many had wanted to leave the project before it was finalized but that wasn’t possible, as no one wanted any leaks or stolen information. It was obvious that any foreign power, anyone to be honest, would love to have their hands on such a potentially disastrous little element. So very few knew about its existence and another handful thought it was just an urban legend and that no one would be so stupid to create something so incredibly dangerous, although good in every way too.

  Only a small amount had been created but what had amazed the creators was what that small quantity could do. It was an alchemist’s dream as it had the capacity of transforming anything into platinum, one of the most expensive metals in the world. It could also be used to manipulate magnetic fields so many objects had been created around it to transform the world, as we know it. But of course, all of those objects, like flying devices and many military weapons, had not come out to the world yet. The committee that had approved tests to create the compound, finally decided to cancel the whole thing altogether and ordered the inoctium to be destroyed in the act and not a single thread of evidence to be left around. The reactions were varied but it wasn’t like they could say anything to prevent it.

 Nevertheless, the destruction never took place. And that was simply because the inoctium behave almost as if it was a living creature, a very strong and resilient creature. It couldn’t be destroyed. They tried every single corrosive agent, viruses, alloys, even small bombs but nothing seemed to do anything to it. The only real difference they detected was that the amount of inoctium had somehow grown larger. The committee, after hearing the results of the attempts to kill the thing, decided to keep it away from every single human forever. It was sent to a nuclear waste disposal facility, where the deepest chamber had been redesigned to contain even the largest explosion. The inoctium was placed there, under several locks, security and around several amounts of nuclear waste.

 Its creators never forgot about it. They felt it was their baby, their proudest moment as scientists. But they knew it was dangerous so they never spoke about the inoctium, ever again. The files that had been created around it had all been destroyed and their lab was dismantled. Thirty years passed and no one dared to go back to those dark times. That was until the day Yucca mountain, the place were the inoctium rested, exploded in a massive way. A whole was opened in the desert and some small towns were in the way; the earthquake that was generated wiped them out. It was the biggest disaster involving anything nuclear and scientists couldn’t explain what happened.

But the creators of the inoctium, a group of only six people, knew exactly what had happened. They had warned the government against burying the compound in a place were other chemicals and elements were kept but no one heard then and no heard after the explosion, mainly because only a handful of government officials knew about inoctium and they were all close to retirement. The president didn’t believe a word that he heard, thinking that if such a powerful thing existed, the past governments would have used to finally impose the country on the world. Maybe that was what he would have done but it wasn’t what had happened. The team knew that the explosion had a cause but no one would believe them.

 Two of them, who had married and had children, decided to try and recreate the process that had created the inoctium but they failed horribly, dying in another explosion, less massive but also a tragedy. Only the two of them died, so the other four members of the team knew what had happened. They insisted on talking to the president, they wanted to explain to him how it all worked for him to understand but he just wouldn’t listen. Word had it that he was trying to blame the explosion on some terrorist group or another country, so he could get a hand on their resources. This president was not like the other who hid their intentions; he didn’t care for those who were ashamed of what had to be done, according to him.

  The team reunited with other experts and tried for them to understand what was going on and how they should prevent anyone from mishandling what was left of the compound on the site of the explosion. If the wrong person got there first or if someone mishandled the inoctium, something even more awful could happen. The scientific community was much more receptive than the government, mainly because the four remaining members of the team had time to explain how they had created the compound and what were its properties. By doing so they were going against the law and against every single paper they had to sign the day the inoctium project was shut down. But lives had been lost and they couldn’t afford to allow more to happen.

 Nevertheless, the scientific community was very divided. Some, like the government, thought the four scientists were insane old people that needed to be in a retirement home and not talking to anyone about science. Others believe some parts but the properties of the inoctium were the thing that put them in high doubt. And other believed them, mainly because they had worked on similar projects before that had ended in failure. Despite that, they felt it was possible to do what they had tried to do back then. So the team got some support and tried again to contact the government, with no more success than before. It was announced, a few days after, that the country had concluded the explosion to be a terrorist attack.

  For the members of the team, it was a tragedy when they saw the images of tanks and planes attacking some country on the other side of the world. The government had declared them guilty of harboring terrorists and claimed that they should be brought to justice. What was obvious after a few days though, was the fact that every suspect they found was killed. No one was apprehended. In a few days that nation had fallen and occupation began, like it had happened before elsewhere. Of course, every single company prepared their luggage and landed in the destroyed country to set up business, weather it was security related or minerals related. Anyway, the world had lost another piece and scientists weren’t closer to prove anything.

So they decided to disobey in the most visible way possible: they would get the proper equipment and then travel to Nevada, were the explosion had taken place, to illegally enter the site and see for themselves if the inoctium had been destroyed or not. Many fellow scientists helped them prepare and get the equipment and it took them only a week to be prepared and leave for the desert. They had brought weapons too because this time they weren’t going to be just scientist but also madmen, even if there was a women among them. When they got to Nevada, they started doing vigilance on the site, which was very heavily guarded. Fortunately, they were able to get a military drone from one of its makers and used it.

 The drone discovered that the site was not only a whole on the ground as it had been portrayed in the media. The truth was that they had built several building around the explosion site and the crater created had been covered by a white fabric, which looked like plastic, or something like it. They didn’t get to see or know more as the drone was shot down and by the military, who were the ones guarding the place. The scientists had controlled it remotely so no one knew it had been them watching but they decided to head for Las Vegas, to think about their next step. The news had changed their headlines from “Patriotic war” to “Our heroes triumphed” showing military man “guarding” the streets of a ravaged town.

 The team knew they just couldn’t get into the site as no one would allow them to and another drone would be even more dangerous, because then they would really be in the eye of the storm. They didn’t know what to do, what to think of it all. Because of them, because of what they had done so many years ago, people were dying every day. That fake war and the explosion were a symptoms of a cancer that had to be taken out. And although the government was also another disease, it was preferable to deal with the inoctium first. They planned to seek help from the opposition to the president and to the war and try to get international help from scientists around the world, willing to speak on their behalf.

   But when the war on the other side of the world expanded and spilled onto other countries, the scientists were rendered mute. Because on one morning in august, people around the world got to see the most incredible and most horrible thing in the world: the military had used the inoctium against other. They had seized it and created weaponry with it. Easily, the world started to crumble and people, for the first few seconds, were all without a voice. They couldn’t believe they were seeing the end of their world on their TV and computer screens. And many wouldn’t get to see the real end, further ahead.