sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

Morning after

   He woke up hugging his pillow and naked. He had no memory of when and why he had removed all of his clothes but a glance to the floor next to the bed proved it was all there, all over the place. Unfortunately, there was also a smell that hit him hard and fast and which he was not preferred for. He was too tired and dizzy to get up from the bed and grab everything and put it in a bag. But he had too because the smell was too powerful and he couldn’t rest in peace with vomit all over the place. Because that’s what the smell was.

 He did what he had to do as fast as he could and went back to bed. He didn’t put on underwear or even a t-shirt to counter the cold morning. He simply covered himself with the thick bedspread and closed his eyes, ready to sleep for a couple more hours. But he couldn’t. He turned around in bed, tried hugging the pillow, tried sleeping on the side, on his back or his chest, but none of the positions worked. He just couldn’t fall asleep and he found frustrating because he did feel tired.

 Apparently when arriving that morning, he had had the time to pull down the blinds on his window and that’s why it the place look nice and dark but according to his alarm clock it was almost one in the afternoon. He had no idea at what time he had arrived but he knew he wasn’t going to sleep anymore. And that frustrated him. Anyway, he stayed there and just closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of the city.

 Suddenly, he heard the vibrating noise of his cellphone but the device was not on his night table. It wasn’t on the floor either and he hadn’t felt it in any of the clothes he had put on a bag to wash later. For a moment there, he thought he was imagining things and that the sound was only in his head. After all, he had a lot too drink and his body was still processing it all so maybe he was just hearing things that weren’t there. He closed his eyes, again, changed the position of his legs and tried to relax.

 But the sound came back. That humming sound felt near but it wasn’t in any of the obvious places, unless he had left it in the bathroom. But he didn’t remembered having been there after he arrived. So he stood up and went to the bathroom and didn’t find anything. Taking advantage of having stood up, he decided to pee and it was there when he realized where the cellphone was.

 When he finished in the bathroom he opened the door of his room, which was unusually closed, and found his boots lying there and his cellphone inside one of them. He couldn’t explain how he knew the device was there but the important thing was that he had found out and that he could happily return to his bed.

 There, he found out it had been a friend who had been calling, causing the cellphone to vibrate. She had called four times and had sent two messages asking if he was all right. He tried to remember if he knew why she was so worried but didn’t really know, although the most likely thing was that he had left the party without telling anyone and as drunk as he was she had been worried for him. He did kind of remember wandering around the streets, feeling the piercing cold of the morning and not even knowing exactly which bus he had to be taking to go back home. He finally got into one and probably fell asleep in it but woke up just a few blocks away from his usual stop.

 He decided to write a short message to his friend and let her know he was a bit confused and still dizzy but alive and well in his bed. She responded at once, telling him she had not been lucky enough to rest all day because she had a wedding to go and had to prepare for it. She was actually really late, even if the event was going to be place late that night. She told her friend to let her now the next time he decided to leave drunk from a party and he told her that if his brain worked that next time, she would get her warning.

 The man left his cellphone on the nightstand and just stayed there. He looked up to the ceiling but he was actually thinking about the party: he had been invited because the people that had organized it knew his friend but he had no real knowledge of anyone there. That’s why, from the moment he arrived to the moment he left, he started gulping down glass after glass of alcohol: wine, rum, vodka and so on. The cocktail he was making in his belly was more dangerous than any of the actual cocktails that were made for people in clubs and pubs.

 No one even looked at him all night, not to say “Hi” or to fake and interest and ask something. And to be honest, he happened to dislike most of the people more and more as the night went on and the alcohol dissolved in his body. They all seemed so pretentious, so full of shit to be honest, that he didn’t even want to be having a fake conversation with them, he though that would be even more excruciating that the embarrassment he felt when someone entered the bathroom when he was vomiting. But he never saw the face of the person, so he couldn’t care much.

 He left the party because, as always, he felt like the odd one out, like the different one even when he knew for a fact that he wasn’t different or special or anything like that. He didn’t have any tragedy in his life, he was suffering from anything like a disease or something and he was alive and well and living. He couldn’t really complain about anything but he left that party because he couldn’t take it anymore.

 It may have been the alcohol but he was sure that even sober he would have been bored even faster that he had been. Because he couldn’t try to join any of the conversations as people looked at him in bad way when he tried to enter one: he would just stand there and listen and try to elaborate some opinion on what they were talking about and then realize that some of the people looked at him as if he was something horrible standing there or, worse, as if he had no right to be there.

 He hated parties and going out and all that shit because of that, because every single time he did it he felt judged by one or many, he felt judged because he never had enough money to spend, he felt judged because he was in silence for long periods of time, he felt judged when he finally gave his opinion and people found it to be wrong somehow and it was very tiring. He realized that he gulped down alcohol when it was free and he could do it because it created a barrier that protected him from everyone being assholes and it kind of worked.

 But he knew he couldn’t do that always. He couldn’t just hide behind glasses and glasses of vodka because he wasn’t really that person, he wasn’t a drunkard because he loved alcohol, and he was one only when he felt the need to escape. And when he didn’t have any money he just left the places where he was because pressure proved to be too heavy sometimes. No one ever tried to stop him or anything but he did dream about that, he wanted someone some day to be finally interested by him, even if there was nothing to say.

 It was his belief that everyone wants that in life, everyone wants to feel interesting and wants someone to be there and be all amazed and dazzled by your life, even if there’s nothing that’s amazing or marvelous or interesting in it. He knew that he wanted that. Even more, he needed that person urgently but whoever he was, because it had to be a he, wasn’t here and with some many people in the world and his way of being and so on, he knew it would be different.

 He was clear too that he wouldn’t change his way of being, his personality, because that would be just compliance and trying to change to make others feel nice and he didn’t wanted to be one of those people. He wanted someone to be happy with the actual him and not with some clever invention that made everyone more comfortable. He actually pitied people that went through physical and personality changes just to please, he thought of them as pathetic little people that lacked the balls it needed to go through life, even when he also felt very weak most of the time.

 He decided to turn around, lay in his belly and just sleep a bit more. He finally felt he could close his eyes and go to a land that was only his and maybe there he would find that person he needed. Maybe they would hold hands and talk or just share a moment together. Then, when time would come to open his eyes, he would just promise to wait patiently until the day they would actually meet.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016


   Ricardo terminó el último pedacito de pizza que le quedaba. Se limpió la boca con una con una servilleta, de esas bien delgadas que dan a veces, y tiró toda la basura que le había quedado en un bote que estaba justo al lado. Le gustaba mucho venir a comer al parque en la hora y media que tenía para almorzar porque así veía gente y animales y se podía relajar con el viento acariciando el pasto y el sol tocando con suavidad la superficie de un pequeño lago que había en medio del parque. Todo se sienta tan bien que cerró los ojos por un momento, echó la cabeza para atrás y se relajó lo que más pudo.

 Pero no fue por mucho tiempo porque se dio cuenta que la botella de agua que había tomado había hecho efecto y ahora tenía ganas de orinar. Como no le gustaba usar los baños de la oficina, porque siempre estaban llenos y él sufría de timidez al estar entre otros dos hombres frente a un orinal, siempre iba a los servicios de una tienda por departamentos que quedaba de camino. Así que, un poco triste por no poderse quedar, se puso de pie y emprendió la marcha hacia su trabajo

 La tienda por departamentos estaba a tan solo dos calles pero pronto se dio cuenta que tendría que rodear su ruta normal pues habían cerrado la calle por un accidente. Como la curiosidad a veces puede más que nada, se inclinó por encima de la demás gente para poder ver algo pero esto pronto no fue posible porque no era tan alto como le hubiese gustado. Trato de meterse entre algunos de los observadores pero era imposible. Se rindió y decidió tomar camino para que se le hiciese tarde.

 La calle alterna no era una avenida principal como la otra y estaba llena de tráfico por el cierre de la avenida. Los edificios, por raro que parezca, estaban oscuros de la suciedad y no había mucha gente caminando, solo un par de personajes algo oscuros, que se notaban un poco enojados por el clima pues no les daba la posibilidad de esconderse, como normalmente lo harían. Fue un sonido proveniente de uno de los apartamentos que daban a la calle que activó una respuesta activa en Ricardo: la apertura de una llave para lavar los platos. Sintió la vejiga más pesada y apresuró el paso.

 Trató de no curiosear más nada en esa calle y pronto salió a la avenida comercial, justo donde estaba la tienda que usaba para ir al baño. Entró y subió cuatro tramos de escaleras eléctricas y se dirigió a un pasillo algo escondido donde sabía que estaban los baños. Por alguna razón, a esa cadena de tiendas no les gustaba mucho ofrecer el servicio de baños, incluso siendo una obligación según una ordenanza municipal. Pero todo eso no le servía de nada a Ricardo que, al llegar al lugar, se dio cuenta que los baños estaban clausurados.

 De repente, sintió que su vejiga pesaba aún más. Miró alrededor y vio que no había nadie a quién preguntarle nada. Entonces se dio cuenta que eso no podía ser tan malo. Abrió la puerta cuidadosamente, que solo estaba bloqueada por un aviso, y se dispuso a ir al muro donde solían estar los cubículos pero no había nada. Ni tazas ni orinales ni lavamanos ni nada. Solo había algunos escombros en el suelo y nada más. Salió del lugar y bajó un poco apurado los cuatro tramos de escaleras. Ahora sí que el agua se sentía en todo su esplendor en la parte baja de su cuerpo y casi no podía pensar bien .

 Al llegar a la planta baja, salió a la calle rápidamente y miró para todos lados. Cuando se dio cuenta que no conocía otras opciones, así las hubiera, decidió volver a la oficina y orinar allí. Con las ganas que tenía seguramente no sería problema hacer lo suyo así estuviera el lugar a reventar. Así encaminó el paso hacia el edificio de cristal donde estaba su lugar de trabajo.

 Mientras había estado en la tienda, el clima había cambiado por completo. El sol estaba oculto tras una gruesa capa de nubes grises y nadie parecía contento como hacía un rato. De hecho todos tenían cara de pocos amigos y muchos ya tenían listo el paraguas. Ricardo pensó que la gente exageraba, como siempre, pues eran unos pesimistas de primera pero también unos hipócritas pues en un momento adoraban la ciudad por su clima y al otro la desangraban con comentarios desagradables.

 Menos mal Ricardo se dedicó a reflexionar y mirar a los demás, porque eso lo distrajo del peso que llevaba. Justo cuando cayó en cuenta de sus ganas, estaba frente al edificio. Entró lo más rápido que pudo pero perdió el ascensor, que iba relleno. Tuvo que esperar un buen rato, que utilizó para preguntarle a una agente de seguridad si había baños en el primer piso. Ella lo miró con curiosidad y una sonrisa burlona y le dijo que no había ninguno. Él no supo si creerle.

 Cuando por fin llegó el ascensor, se llenó al instante. Fue en ese momento en el que tuvo que utilizar casi toda su concentración para no dejar que el calor de la gente, la sensación de estar siendo tocado por todo el mundo y el asco puro y duro le afectaran la mente. El resto de su cerebro debía encargarse de controlar la vejiga y evitar cualquier accidente desagradable. Al fin y al cabo tenía ya más de treinta años y sería la peor humillación para él orinarse en los pantalones en el lugar donde trabajaba hacía apenas un año. Apenas el ascensor se abrió, la gente salió como espuma de una botella de champaña. Parecía que todos querían ir al baño pero la verdad era que solo Ricardo casi corrió hacia los servicios.

 Como lo había previsto, el lugar estaba lleno de gente. Al fin y al cabo solo quedaban quince minutos de la hora del almuerzo y todos habían vuelto casi al mismo tiempo para tener tiempo de tomar un café e ir al baño antes de reiniciar sus labores. Por gracias del algún dios benévolo, Ricardo vio un orinal libre y se puso de pie frente a él pero entonces algo horrible ocurrió: no podía. Miró a la izquierda donde estaba un hombre bajito y calvo y a la derecha donde había un hombre joven y alto. Miró todo lo que pudo a la pared y trató de abstraerse de todo pero simplemente no pudo y eso que sentía la vejiga al borde del colapso.

 Segundos después, se le vio salir como un tornado del baño y dirigirse, una vez más, a los ascensores. Quién sabe como aguantó todo el viaje hasta el primer piso y mucho menos como salió a la calle, donde ya había empezado a llover. Pero eso a él le daba igual. Caminó por la calle mirando si había tiendas grandes o restaurantes donde pudiese entrar a orinar. Intento colarse a un restaurante de hamburguesas pero una mujer grande le bloqueó el paso y le dijo que si no consumía no podía usar el baño. Y él no tenía dinero, pues solo había salido con lo que había gastado en el almuerzo.

 Intentó en varias tiendas y restaurantes, pero en todas decían lo mismo. A lo último, empezó a rogar y casi a llorar frente a las personas que le cerraban el paso. Pero se sabe que las personas con poder, así sea el poder más risible, creen que están por encima de todo y no suelen ceder ante nada. Eso lo pudo ver Ricardo en todo su horrible esplendor.

La lluvia lo tenía empapado pero él parecía no darse cuenta y también parecía ignorar el hecho de que la hora de empezar a trabajar había pasado hacía unos minutos. Todo eso le daba igual, solo quería orinar y sentir paz en la mente y, de hecho, poder utilizar esa mente. Pues mientras buscaba y miraba para un lado y otro de la calle, no tenía cerebro para más nada que para esa tarea tan básica y que parecía tan simple.

 El pobre incluso trató de orinar en un callejón y detrás de uno de esos enormes tanques de basura que ponen en la calle, pero en ambos sitios fue descubierto por policías, uno que incluso lo amenazó con ponerle una multa por comportamiento indebido o algo parecido. Al parecer para ese policía tampoco había lluvia y, por lo visto, tampoco había crímenes de más calibre en ningún otro lado de la ciudad.

 Fue después de alejarse de ese tanque de basura que se resignó y pensó que le había llegado la hora de tragarse su orgullo y simplemente orinarse encima. Prefería ensuciar sus pantalones que dañar su cuerpo aguantando tanto y para ese momento ya era más que un milagro que hubiera podido aguantar por tanto tiempo.

 Fue entonces cuando miró hacia en frente y vio que había una construcción y los trabajadores seguían en sus cosas a pesar de la lluvia. Y vio Ricardo junto a la entrada de la obra unos baños portátiles. Solo corrió hacia ellos, entró sin que nadie lo viera a uno y orinó feliz, como nunca antes lo había hecho. Cuando terminó, se sintió algo tonto y se quedó allí, saboreando la victoria. Pero esto no duró mucho, pues alguien más necesitaba utilizar el espacio.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016


   He sipped a bit of the coffee and burned his tongue right away. It was too hot and he was in a hurry, so nothing different could have happened. He decided to put at least half the pot he had made in a thermos and just take that in the car. It was pitch black outside and the van would pick him up in any minute.

Of course he hadn’t had any sleep at all. He usually went to sleep very late and he had in the auditorium at five in the morning, with didn’t really gave him much time to do anything. He decided to not even try to sleep and shower and get ready at around two of the morning, se he could have breakfast before they came to pick him up at 3:30 AM.

 But as things that shouldn’t happen always find a way of becoming truth, he dozed off for a while and he lost the time to have a proper breakfast, which resulted in him burning his tongue and running around his house like an idiot. The van arrived only minutes afterwards so he just took his thermos with him and went as fast as he could, although the elevator apparently had a problem with that, as it felt it took double the time to get to the ground floor.

  There he finally met the man that drove the van, who he apologized to. The man didn’t even acknowledge that an explained him that he needed to check him for envelops, microphones, cameras and so on. The poor guy that hadn’t slept more than half an hour wasn’t sure he was getting what the driver of the van was telling him. The man attempted to touch him but he just pulled apart in fear.

       - “It’s for security, Mr. Thomas!”

 Somehow, that enunciation woke him up a bit and he decided to stay very still as the man checked his pockets (jacket and pants), felt everything he had to feel and even asked him to take off his shoes. He complied to everything as if he was in a boot camp which made them loose about fifteen minutes of their time, that he had thought to be precious. After checking the shoes and even the socks, the man finally told him to follow him to the van.

 Mr. Thomas sat down in the far back, not wanting to talk at all with that man during the ride. After all, it was a half-hour drive from his house to the headquarters of the services firm where they had to pick up a suitcase that had all the information they needed by five in the morning in the theatre. He knew he wasn’t the only idiot waking up at such time of the day and that made him feel a little better about himself. So when the van started moving towards the highway, he was a bit more awake than before.

 As they travelled through an unusual cold morning in Los Angeles, light still absent, he decided to finally have some coffee and just enjoy the ride. He decided to pay attention to the world and the world revealed itself to him in a way he had never seen. After all, it wasn’t everyday that he woke up at this time of day, when every single person that was up seemed to have a certain thing about them.

 The driver was the first in that list. He was a very tall guy, the kind that when they bend over it looks ridiculous. When he was checking Mr. Thomas’s shoes, his body contorted in the most funny shape ever and the owner of those shoes almost laughs, partially because of the time of day but also because tall people always looked funny in the simplest positions. Besides his height, he had this weird thing where the mustache was the same color of his hair, which was blonde, but the eyebrows were very black. Somehow it looked odd, as if he was a big Mr. Potato Head.

 The next person that drew his attention was a lady on the street. They stopped in a red light for a while and he saw this elderly woman, body curved as it was humanly possible, walking her Chihuahua in the middle of the night. What was curious about the woman was not at all the fact that she was walking her dog at that time, which he knew to be very common among dog owners, but that she was wearing the strangest combination of clothing. She had a large overcoat, the color of flamingos. Under that she had a flowery shirt that looked too big for her, kaki shorts and fluffy sleepers with a baseball cap crowning her head.

 She was a sight to behold and that was only for a couple of minutes, before they got in the highway and he only saw some cars and a couple of dead pigeons that had been killed by crazed drivers or just by people that had not realized that birds wee not the brightest creatures in the universe. When he saw those bodies, he couldn’t stop thinking about the poor man or woman that had to clean that up from the asphalt of the highway as his or her job. That thought made him realize he was a very lucky guy with a very good job and that he had no right to complain about something as silly as waking up early in the morning.

 It seemed that in no time they were in downtown Los Angeles, stopping in almost every stupid traffic light. He saw his watch nervously, telling himself that if he was a couple of minutes late it wouldn’t really be that big of problem as the show began a little later than five. But then he remembered he had to pass the information to the people than made a nice little presentation video for people at home to get what the presenters were saying. He worried again when he thought of this.

 It was right then when they finally got to the skyscraper where the services offices were located. He got out of the van and remembered what they had told him: he had to go the information desk and ask for Tamara Parks. Then, they would direct him to the top floor where Ms. Parks would give him the briefcase with all the information they needed in the theater.

 So he did just that. The man at the information desk was a security guard; obviously the person that tactually worked there had not yet arrived. The man gave him a badge and told him to take the middle elevator and press the button to the top floor. Said elevator took forever to arrive and also to get up there. It seemed to be going for ages. He checked his watch several times and repeated to himself that they were on time and that the theater was not that far away. He realized the elevator had a mirror so he decided to check his suit for stains or anything unusual, his teeth and his face. It was right then the elevator decided to stop and open.

 This startled him but no one was outside waiting. He had to walk to an office and wait there in a waiting room for the woman. But he didn’t have to wait at all. She was there and greeted him with a big smile that he would be unable to do at that time of day. She asked him to follow her to a conference room and there he found the briefcase but also two big guys, with black glasses and earpieces. Somehow, it was funny to see them there, as if they were thing to put in a room like plants or statues.

 Ms. Parks explained they were the security team assigned to join him to the theater to ensure all the information got there safely and that only the people that had to see it saw it and no one else. They checked everything in five minutes and then they were good to go. He left the smiling Parks in the top floor but was joined in the elevator by the two big guys who didn’t smile at all.

 He was a bit relieved when he got to the van and this time the driver decided to speed up as he realized time was running short. The theater was not far away and, with the presence of the two big guys, Mr. Thomas had no opportunity to see the outside world, mainly because he was trapped between those two mountains that were apparently people.

 Exactly at five in the morning, they pulled off outside the theater and there was already someone waiting, telling her they were a bit late which was a lie. Apparently people there were very stressed. The four of them walked, almost jogged, to the theater and there straight to the master room when a lonely woman was waiting for them behind a computer. It was Mr. Thomas job to only look at her work like crazy for the next twenty minutes, helped only by another man.

 When the presentation was done, Thomas’s work was done. The big men would guard the briefcase and   he could just sit in the back of the theater and hear the name of the nominees from there. At that point, he was finally awake and also very excited because he knew he was part of something that meant a lot to many people and that was, somehow, the pinnacle of their efforts and the most coveted prize in the cinema industry.

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

PREDICTIONS: Academy Awards

Here are my predictions. I have seen many of these movies. The only real shots in the dark are in the short subject categories, which I haven't seen at all. I'll try to see the ones that get nominated.

After my predicted five, I've decided to put an alternative nominee, just for fun.

Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts!

Best Picture

* The Big Short
* Bridge of Spies
* Carol
* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Martian
* The Revenant
* Room
* Spotlight

If 9 or 10 I'd add the following two movies:

* Inside Out
* Straight Outta Compton

Best Director

* The Big Short -- Adam McKay
* Mad Max: Fury Road -- George Miller
* The Martian -- Ridley Scott
* The Revenant -- Alejandro G. Iñárritu
* Spotlight -- Tom McCarthy

Alt: Carol -- Todd Haynes

Best Actor in a Leading Role

* Steve Carrell -- The Big Short
* Matt Damon -- The Martian
* Leonardo DiCaprio -- The Revenant
* Michael Fassbender -- Steve Jobs
* Eddie Redmayne -- The Danish Girl

Alt: Bryan Cranston -- Trumbo

Best Actress in a Leading Role

* Cate Blanchett -- Carol
* Brie Larson -- Room
* Jennifer Lawrence -- Joy
* Charlotte Rampling -- 45 Years
* Saiorse Ronan -- Brooklyn

Alt: Alicia Vikander -- The Danish Girl

Best Actor in a Supporting role

* Christian Bale -- The Big Short
* Idris Elba -- Beasts of No Nation
* Mark Ruffalo -- Spotlight
* Mark Rylance -- Bridge of Spies
* Jacob Tremblay -- Room

Alt: Sylvester Stallone -- Creed

Best Actress in a Supporting role

* Jane Fonda -- Youth
* Jennifer Jason Leigh -- The Hateful Eight
* Rooney Mara -- Carol
* Alicia Vikander -- The Danish Girl
* Kate Winslet -- Steve Jobs

Alt: Kristen Stewart -- Clouds of Sils Maria

Best Adapted Screenplay

* The Big Short -- Adam McKay and Charles Randolph
* Brooklyn -- Nick Hornby
* Carol -- Phyllis Nagy
* Room -- Emma Donoghue
* Steve Jobs -- Aaron Sorkin

Alt: The Martian

Best Original Screenplay

* Bridge of Spies -- Matt Charman, Ethan Coel and Joel Cohen
* The Hateful Eight -- Quentin Tarantino
* Inside Out -- Josh Cooley, Pete Docter and Meg LeFauve
* Spotlight -- Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer
* Straight Outta Compton -- Andrea Berloff, Jonathan Herman, S.Leigh Savidge and Alan Wenkus

Alt: Ex Machina

Best Foreign Language Film

* Embrace of the Serpent -- Colombia
* Labyrinth of Lies -- Germany
* Mustang -- France
* Son of Saul -- Hungary
* Theeb -- Jordan

Alt: The Brand New Testament -- Belgium

Best Animated Feature Film

* Anomalisa
* The Good Dinosaur
* Inside Out
* The Peanuts Movie
* Shaun the Sheep 

Alt: Minions

Best Cinematography

* Carol
* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Martian
* The Revenant
* Sicario

Alt: The Hateful Eight

Best Costume Design

* Brooklyn
* Carol
* Cinderella
* The Danish Girl
* Mad Max: Fury Road

Alt: The Revenant

Best Film Editing

* The Big Short
* Bridge of Spies
* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Martian
* The Revenant

Alt: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Best Makeup and Hairstyling

* Mad Max: Fury Road
* Mr. Holmes
* The Revenant

Alt: Black Mass

Best Production Design

* Bridge of Spies
* Carol
* Crimson Peak
* The Danish Girl
* The Martian

Alt: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Best Original Score

* Bridge of Spies
* Carol
* The Danish Girl
* The Hateful Eight
* Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Alt: Sicario

Best Original Song

* "Feels Like Summer" from Shaun the Sheep
* "I'll See You In My Dreams" from I'll See You In My Dreams
* "See You Again" from Furious 7
* "Simple Song #3" from Youth
* "Til' It Happens to You" from The Hunting Ground

Alt: "Love Me Like You Do" from Fifty Shades of Grey

Best Sound Editing

* Jurassic World
* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Martian
* Sicario
* Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Alt: The Revenant

Best Sound Mixing

* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Revenant
* Sicario
* Star Wars: The Force Awakens
* Straight Outta Compton

Alt: Bridge of Spies

Best Visual Effects

* Ex Machina
* Jurassic World
* Mad Max: Fury Road
* The Martian
* Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Alt: The Revenant

Best Documentary Feature

* Amy
* He Names Me Malala
*The Hunting Ground
* Listen To Me Marlon
*The Look of Silence

Alt: Where to Invade Next

Best Documentary Short

* Body Team 12
* Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah
* Last Day of Freedom
* Minerita
* My Enemy, my Brother

Alt: Starting Point

Best Animated Short Film

* Bear Story (Historia de un oso)
* If I was God
* An Object at Rest
* Sanjay's Super Team
* We Can't Live Without Cosmos

Alt: My Home (Chez moi)

Best Live Action Short Film
* Ave Maria
* Bad Hunter
* Day One
* Shok
* Stutterer

Alt: Bis Gleich (Till Then)


Mad Max: Fury Road > 9
Carol & The Martian > 8
The Revenant > 7
The Big Short, Bridge of Spies & The Danish Girl > 6
Room, Spotlight & Star Wars: The Force Awakens > 4
Brooklyn, The Hateful Eight, Inside Out, Sicario, Steve Jobs & Straight Outta Compton > 3
The Hunting Ground, Jurassic World & Shaun the Sheep > 2

All other movies would get one nomination each.