domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

The secret of the jungle

   The city was deserted. Everyone cleaned the sweat of their heads as they began walking through the empty stone yards that were covered in moss and roots. Most houses were made of solid rock but had crumbled centuries ago due to earthquakes and the growth of plant life. It was a beautiful but eerie sight, to see so many buildings all empty, no sign of life. They were covered in beautifully done “bas reliefs” depicting various images from the people that had apparently built the city.

 Every member of the expedition was now working, no longer trekking through the jungle to get nowhere. They had arrived and this was their price. The camp was built very fast, consisting of sleeping bags for everyone and mosquito nets to prevent people from getting sick during their sleep. They also one tent for meetings only where they held several weird apparatus and various maps of the region.

  When they began really exploring the city, they discovered it was much bigger than anything they had imagined and that they need to have more people in to help them with the cause. They asked one of the younger members of the party to go back to the town on the coast they departed from in order to call for more people to help them. The kid complied and left fast, on one of three donkeys they had brought with them.

 An entire day passed before they realized most of the art in the city depicted a fantastic creature: they were birds, in a flock. But, according to the drawings, the flock could transform into a bigger, gigantic bird that could sleep in the sun or have the power of the sun. That last part wasn’t very clear yet, as there were only images and no alphabet in any of the houses. The whole site was just about the imagining and the architecture, which consisted in at least a hundred houses in a roughly cube like form.

 Meanwhile, others decided to make a map out of the city and discovered the city was even bigger. Maybe it had been a very large city in the past but had shrunk before finally falling to time or some other reason. Some rocks looked older, and more affected by time. The site were they slept, with the houses still holding on in most of their structure, had apparently been abandoned. Some of the members of the team were sure this had happened only a few centuries ago, maybe even only a hundred of years ago. Others were not so sure.

 The more ancient parts of the city were difficult to recognize as the trees and the ground had quickly eroded the stone floor. The specialists did some testing and discovered something strange: the rocks on the “older” part of the city were actually not older than the rest. Tests found out the whole city was only a few hundred years old, at most. So something strange had happened were the center of the old town had not been as affected as the rest of the city.

 Two more days passed and some were already worried about the boy. The trip back to the port should have only taken him a day and he had been away for three. Some thought that maybe something bad had happened to him but the strange thing was that, in their way there, they had not encountered any ferocious animals or difficulties to surpass. They had cut through the jungle and had to stand the mosquitoes and the heat but nothing else. They realized they had never thought about it and decided, the ones that were botanists and biologists, to make a tour around the ancient city to find which species lived there.

 The search was useless as they found only some insects and a couple of bird species. Something was very wrong, as close by regions were known because of their rich fauna and flora. And this place seemed almost dead. Only the trees were really living there. Besides them, only some ants seemed to play a role in the environment. The following day, they decided to widen their range: they would walk a whole kilometer and then circle the city. But again, nothing appeared. There were no mammals or big reptilians, no frogs or big birds. They weren’t even nests in the trees. The botanists took some tree bark and decided to do tests on it to see if they jungle floor was somehow toxic.

 By the fifth day, the team was a little bit hopeless. They had traveled half way around the world and the place they had arrived to seemed dead, with nothing that interesting to see. All the bas-reliefs had been accounted for, not that it made any difference. In every house or building, there were exactly the same drawing of the flock of birds and the one of the gigantic bird attacking people with fire. For all intents and purposes, the people that had lived there had been dead for only a hundred years but had not made any real advancement except for their architecture.

 Some scientists, in the meeting held late at night, thought it was possible that the people that lived there had come from some other region and had quickly left after realizing the area was, somehow, toxic. But the tree bark’s tests didn’t show any massive toxicity. It was very normal although its cells looked strange in the microscope. They looked like the cells of a younger tree and not as big as one of those who grew there. They decided one night to stay only three more nights, in order to arrive at the port at the same time that the boat that took them to the capital city and then to their home.

 The thought of home was interrupted the following day, when one of the few women in the group yelled desperately. Many came to her aid and realized she had discovered something awful: the kid they had sent to the port had been found hanging inside one of the houses of the old city. The woman had woken up early to check the art there again and had found the poor creature. They took him down from there and realized he had a big splinter on each eye, almost used as a stake.

 The child was buried that afternoon but then, something else happened. It rained. But it wasn’t normal rain. It felt cold at the start, like normal rain, but then turned warm and strange. They soon realized it wasn’t water coming down from the sky but blood. Hot, red blood dripped from the trees and onto everything they had around. When it finally ended, all their clothes were tainted red, and so were their faces. Some of the members of the group were really scared, wanting to live the place as soon as possible. But that couldn’t be done just like that because they had to prepare, organize and that would take a while with so much to pack.

 They started the following day, after cleaning the blood of most of the clothes. But then, other people started to feel sick. They vomited and were tainted green. Their face grew even greener as they got worst. They had to delay their journey back as half of the scientists were sick in just a few hours. They had all eaten the same thing and had been careful only to drink water from their personal stash. They could only blame the blood rain, that had maybe poured into their mouths or eyes and then had contaminated them.

 Soon, only the leading expeditionary was fine. The rest were all sick and vomiting. The ones that had become sick first, were the same tone of green than the surrounding forest. That had become sort of paralyzed, unable to move at all. The man that had led them all there was not feeling sick but guilty. He had convinced personally everyone there to come with him to explore this jungle, promising them fame and glory, as well as a best name in the scientific community He had traced every one of them, had asked for the money and had paid many of their expenses with his own savings.

 And now, everyone was dying. It was hard for him to sleep the last night, before leaving, but when he finally did, his sleep was soon filled with nightmares and sweat. He woke up in the middle of the night and realized there were thousands of birds flying over the jungle. They were circling the center of the city. He stood up fast and tried to find his fellow expeditionary men but they were nowhere to be found. Somehow, they had disappeared.

 The man didn’t stood by and decided to run out of the forest, that had become thicker all of a sudden. He felt the presence of the birds and stumbled upon roots and rocks as he ran. When he fell again to the ground, he helped himself up with a tree and then screamed, like no one had screamed in the jungle before. The birds then flew down onto him and formed a bigger creature, or so it seemed. They attacked him viciously and killed him, drinking his blood and the flying away. Where the remaining of the scientist where, there was a young tree and, between the bark, there was the shape of a face, a screaming face.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2015

Secreto de oficio

   Cuando me di cuenta, ya era muy tarde. Ella ya estaba ahí, perfecta y dedicada, como siempre lo había sido. Yo estaba goteando agua, estaba sucio de pies a cabeza y más de uno en el hospital me estaba mirando para que me fuera. Y eso fue precisamente lo que hice. Nadie me quiso ayudar en ese momento, solo me echaron colectivamente, como si no quisieran arruinar el hermoso momento que estaba ocurriendo en una de las muchas habitaciones del hospital: un hombre herido y apenas consciente siendo visitado por su prometida, que lucía impecable pero triste y desconsolada. Debo decir, que me alegro verla así, vulnerable, al menos una vez.

 Cuando llegué a casa, me quité toda la ropa, la puse en la lavadora y me hice un sopa instantánea. Necesitaba de algo que me diera calor después de una noche como esta. Prendí el televisor tratando de distraerme pero lo único que hacía el aparato era parlotear, hablar incoherencias que solo me llenaban el cerebro de ruido. No quería eso. Quería pensar en lo sucedido y, por supuesto, pensar en él.

 Terminé de comer, apagué el televisor y decidí irme a acostar. Daniela, mi mejor amiga, me había estado llamando toda la noche por lo que decidí apagar el celular antes de acostarme. Me llevó un buen tiempo conciliar el sueño y la lluvia afuera, que normalmente me ayudaba a dormir más tranquilo, no estaba sirviendo de nada. Miraba hacia la cortina y me preguntaba que estaría haciendo él, si estaría sufriendo, si tenía dolor. Pero pensar en eso solo me hacía sentir peor de lo que ya me sentía. No sé como me pude quedar dormido y así, al menos por unas horas, no tuve que pensar más en lo sucedido.

 Al otro día tenía que ir al trabajo. No ir hubiese sido peor. Daniela vino hasta la casa para llevarme, cosa que yo no quería pero no tenía sentido decirle que no. En el camino a la agencia, nadie dijo nada. Ella me miraba casa cierto tiempo, como queriendo preguntar algo, pero yo no le iba a decir nada, ningún detalle de lo ocurrido. Para qué? Las cosas era mejor dejarlas como estaban y no ponerse a remover el fango debajo de las aguas tranquilas.

 Cuando llegamos yo me fui a mi oficina y ella a la suya pero el mismísimo jefe se me atravesó en uno de los pasillos y me exigió seguirlo hasta su oficina. Obviamente tuve que hacerlo porque no le podía decir que no y tampoco tenía ganas de pelear con nadie. Como no había querido quedarme en casa, tenía que afrontar todo lo que pasara en el día. El jefe me pidió sentarme, se sentó frente a mí y me pidió que le contara lo sucedido. Por un momento dudé. Nunca me han gustado las sesiones donde alguien tiene ventaja sobre alguien más y claramente esta era una de esas veces. Pero no tenía opción así que empecé a contarle todo.

 Alejandro y yo nos conocíamos desde que él entró en la agencia, hacía unos dos años. Al comienzo, no nos habíamos llevado bien, al punto de que habíamos pedido, cada uno por nuestro lado, que nunca nos pusieran como pareja para ningún tipo de tarea. Yo no lo soportaba: era prepotente y creía saber todo de todo nada más por su experiencia con la policía. Yo llevaba más tiempo que él trabajando y sabía más de lo que hacíamos aquí que era inteligencia y no perseguir a la gente como si fuéramos perros.

 El caso era que no nos podíamos ni ver y menos aún cuando venía su adorada novia, que hoy en día era su prometida. Era una mujer de esas perfectas, que parece salida de una película de los años cincuenta. No puedo decir que confío en alguien así. Quien, en sus veintes, se comporta como una ama de casa dedicada? En estos tiempos eso me parece, por lo menos, muy sospechoso. Al menos pude notar, alguna vez, que el desagrado mutuo entre Alejandro y yo había sido comunicado a la mujer porque me miraba como si fuera un gusano cada vez que venía y yo simplemente no reconocía su presencia.

 El caso fue que, con él tiempo y por situaciones que nadie podía haber prevenido, tuvimos que trabajar juntos. El número de agentes que podía desplegar la agencia había disminuido después de varias muertes y secuestros. Había sido una época difícil y todos hicimos concesiones. Una de las que hice yo fue precisamente trabajar con gente con la que no me llevaba bien y debo decir que me arrepiento de todo lo que pensé de ellos hasta ese momento.

 Con Alejandro fue difícil al principio pero encontramos terreno en común: a ambos nos fascinaba la ciencia ficción y lo descubrimos mientras vigilábamos a un narcotraficante prominente. Hablábamos de Ellen Ripley mientras recargábamos nuestras armas o de las lunas de Naboo mientras acelerábamos por una autopista europea. Nos hicimos amigos pronto y nos pedimos perdón mutuamente. Pude notar, estando ya más cerca, que ese cambio no había sido bien recibido por su novia pero la verdad eso no me importaba. Afortunadamente yo no trabajaba con ella.

 Pronto la agencia se dio cuenta de que juntarnos en el campo era una buena idea ya que éramos altamente efectivos. Viajamos un poco por todos lados juntos y nos hicimos grandes amigos. Pero hubo momentos extraños, momentos en los que, por lo menos yo, sentía algo diferente. La verdad era que jamás había tenido ningún tipo de relación con nadie, más allá de lo amistoso o fraternal. Pero me di cuenta que estaba sintiendo algo distinto por Alejandro y simplemente decidí no reconocerlo y seguir como siempre.

 Lo malo de esta decisión fue que me di cuenta pronto de que no podía estar cerca cuando la novia venía. Por alguna razón que en ese momento no entendía, me daba rabia verla a ella, con sus vestiditos perfectos y esa sonrisa falsa. Me daban ganas de empujar o golpearla. Si, quise golpear a una mujer por física rabia. Pero obviamente nunca hice nada de eso. Solo me alejaba y después seguía hablando con Alejandro, cuando estuviese sin ella.

 Me di cuenta de que me estaba enamorando de él cuando empezamos a vernos más fuera del trabajo, en especial cuando ella estaba ocupada y él quería ver alguna película o hacer algo interesante. Incluso dormía en mi casa y eso me volvía loco, tenerlo tan cerca pero sin siquiera entender que era lo que estaba sucediendo en mi cabeza.

 Así fue durante varios meses, casi un año, hasta que nos enviaron juntos a Japón. El trabajo era sencillo pero hubo un tiroteo e nos hirieron a ambos. Pudimos salir del sitio pero no podíamos ir a ningún hospital ni nada por el estilo. Debíamos mantener la cabeza baja, como siempre, así que yo mismo curé sus heridas y él las mías. Afortunadamente, nada había quedado dentro. Sabíamos un poco de enfermería, por el entrenamiento así que no fue difícil curarnos. Tuvimos que retirarnos a una zona segura, en el campo, hasta que nos pudieran extraer y fue ahí donde finalmente pasó.

 Creo que estábamos comiendo y sonreíamos mucho. Recuerdo que su sonrisa hacía desaparecer el dolor de las heridas pero cuando recordaba como eran las cosas en realidad, me dolía el triple. Él se dio cuenta y me preguntó que me pasaba y yo le mentí, diciendo que las heridas me molestaban bastante. Sin explicación, él se me acercó y me revisó cada herida, subiendo mi camiseta sin decir nada antes. Entonces, teniendo su cuerpo tan cerca, sentí ese impulso. Fue, tal cual, un impulso hacia delante que me hizo darle un beso en una mejilla. Nadie dijo nada más en varios minutos. Había una tensión enorme, incluso más que en el tiroteo.

 Entonces el se me acercó y me besó y entonces perdí todo control. Su cuerpo en mis manos se sentía como lo mejor del mundo y sus besos me curaban de todas las heridas, pasadas, presentes o futuras. Fueron muchos besos y mucho tacto hasta que él se detuvo y se quedó como pensando. Yo no pregunté nada pero, sin embargo, él me respondió. Me dijo que quería a su novia pero que sentía algo por mí que no podía explicar. Me contó que nunca había besado a otro hombre en su vida y que sentía que yo le gustaba más allá de eso.

 Esa noche solo nos seguimos besando y por muchas otras noches y días, mantuvimos una relación de amantes. Suena tórrido y extraño pero así fue. Nos veíamos en mi casa y, aunque me sentía culpable a veces, nunca le dijo que no quería seguir con ello porque hacerlo había sido mentir y, en esa ocasión, no quería hacerlo.

 Una de esas noches que no nos habíamos visto había sido el día anterior. Tenía que vigilar a unas personas y después iría a mi casa. Pero nunca llegó y yo lo rastree con facilidad. Lo habían descubierto y casi lo matan en un terreno baldío, mientras llovía. Pero llegué a tiempo y maté a tiros a dos personas antes de liberarlo de unas cuerdas y darme cuenta que lo habían torturado con choques eléctricos y cigarrillos. Fue así que lo llevé al  hospital y lo demás ya se sabía.

 El director asintió. Parecía que todo mi relato había sido demasiado para él . Pero eso cambio en un segundo cuando se puso de pie y se acercó a mi. Me dio un apretón de manos y me agradeció por salvar a otro agente. Dijo que tenía trabajo y entendí que pedía que me fuera, cosa que hice. Ya en mi oficina, Daniela me había dejado un chocolate con una nota que decía “Tranquilo”. Ella lo sabía todo. Y por eso había encendido mi celular. No sé cuando lo había tomado de mi ropa pero en la pantalla había un mensaje. Era de Alejandro y decía: “Te necesito”.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

The hell within

   Ariana had been eating exactly the same, nothing different. She may have been trying a new trail mix, a different cereal and had a little more water in her diet but nothing else was different. Her doctor assured her it wasn’t a nutritional thing. Nevertheless, something had triggered nightmares in her sleep. Every single night she would have a different one and it was not getting better. She had been spending many nights with no sleep and that had started to affect her work.

 She was a model. Her agent would book her for several runways gigs in department stores or for any kind of brand. She would also model for artistic photographers and for several advertisement campaigns involving anything from sunglasses to miniskirts. Ariana had made a name for herself in the fashion world but that was beginning to change, as the nightmares got worse.

 When she had them, she would normally sleep for too long. One would think fear would awaken her but that didn’t happen. She just stayed there, sweating and moaning in physical pain. Then, when she finally woke up, she would normally be late for some appointment so they would hire another girl. The situation got so much worse; she lost half of her jobs in a month. Her agent, a woman called Susan, tried everything. They went to a doctor, a herbalist, a nutritionist, to the gynecologist and even to one of those crooks than cleanses people’s auras.

 Nothing worked. So they finally tried with a psychiatrist. Ariana was not very enthusiastic about it but went with Susan. She’d rather go there that keep losing work and money. The doctor asked her several questions about her family and her personal life but also about the dreams themselves. It was funny, but Ariana couldn’t really remember anything about them. She only recalled parts, feeling, maybe some images but that was it. The doctor said this was normal and asked her if she would accept to do an experiment with him. She agreed.

 The psychologist had two different plans. The first one, the easiest one, was for her to stay in a hospital, under care, so they could monitor their sleep. The doctor and his assistant would check on her sleep rhythm and maybe that way they could guess what was wrong with her. She thought it was a good idea and shook the doctor’s hand, hopeful he would find whatever was causing all of this.

 As the days went by, waiting for the experiment to be done, Ariana kept working. She had mostly photo-shoots, which were never scheduled too early and were kind of relaxing to her. The only thing was that the makeup girl had to put a second layer of everything to make her look presentable. She would hope it wouldn’t be obvious on the pictures but did her job anyway, faking smiles and poses. The truth was she didn’t want to do anything anymore. She felt worried and sick but also exhausted and in need of real calm sleep.

 The following weekend she went into the hospital and greeted Doctor Pike. He and his assistant would stay in one room as she slept in the one next door. They would monitor her with electrodes on her head and the rest of her body and also with video cameras on the bedroom. Ariana was very tired but even so it took her a while to fall asleep. Something in her brain told her it wasn’t a good idea to submit herself to the horrors of the nightmares, once again. But she didn’t want a life like that anymore. She wanted to sleep like a normal person. So, after a few hours, she finally closed her eyes and got to sleep.

 The doctor watched closely as she fell asleep and once she was indeed sleeping, they started to detect something odd. There was a part of her brain that was very active. To be precise, it had activated when she had fallen asleep. And it was sending messages all over the body. The nightmare began as Ariana began moving a lot on the bed. She would moan and pant and sweat profusely. Her brain waves were off the charts at some point but then would calm and come up again after a few minutes. Doctor Pike thought it was amazing that her body was not awaking her. Her body had no answer to the pain the nightmare was causing.

 They watched Ariana for hours until, finally, she woke up. They told her they had wanted to wake her up but they decided that wouldn’t have been a very good idea. Ariana was not looking good at all: her skin was kind of green, her lips had lost all color and she seemed dizzy, not quite there. They decided to give her a nice breakfast for her to recuperate some strength and then they send her home to relax. In her home, Susan made her some soup and left her alone to be more at ease.

 Ariana, of course did not sleep. She decided to distract herself with her computer or with magazines but she realized she couldn’t really read or pay attention to anything. Her body was numb, exhausted and deprived of energy. She had some soup and loved it, as it gave her some warmth. It felt just right, as she wanted to feel when sleeping. She wanted to go back to sleep, her body craving for it but she fought against it. She didn’t want the dreams to come back to her; she didn’t want to die from this. What if she fell asleep and it drained all of her energy? She would become a zombie, a shadow of what Ariana had once been.

 She fought the need to sleep bravely but ultimately, she passed out on the floor. She hit her head hard against the hardwood floor and was found by Susan that night, as she came to check on her. Ariana was rushed to the hospital. Doctor Pike came by too and asked the doctors treating her to tell him about her state. They told him they had too realized something was wrong with her brain. The blow to her head had rendered it erratic so they decided to induce her into coma. The doctor told them about her nightmare problems but they assured him nothing was going on with her besides the brain trauma. She was not dreaming, only in deep sleep.

 Doctor Pike realized this was true when he visited her with Susan, who told her that Ariana’s parents lived in another country and were trying to get there fast but plane tickets where difficult to find. As the doctors had said, Ariana was calm. She wasn’t moving nor sweating. She was sleeping like any normal person would. The doctor then told them that they had detected a brain tumor growing slowly. Apparently, it had begun affecting many parts of the brain that are not normally active. So now they understood the reason for the nightmares.

 Doctor Pike recalled the time she had told him about the feelings she remembered: changes in temperature, the sensation of being watched, and the presence of at least another human or creature. Was that all a product of the tumor? To doctor Pike, it was all a great mystery because he had never seen anything like it. The images she recalled were also confusing. She had assured him something like the devil, the typical depiction, had been lurking around her dreams. Also some other deformed being and a strange weather, where cold and hot coexisted.

 Ariana was in a coma for a whole month. They extracted the brain tumor with great care and when her parents finally arrived, she woke up. They were all there: her family, her doctors, Pike and Susan. But it wasn’t the happy moment they were expecting. The first thing Ariana did when waking up was yelling and crying profusely. Some nurses tried to calm her down but she wouldn’t. She would push them, jumping off the bed and crying, asking for them to step away. Everyone was very scared. Her parents tried to lure her towards them but she didn’t seem to recognize them.

 Ariana ran out of her room, up and down corridors. Some male nurses tried to catch her but she would bite and kick very hard. They chased her all over until they reached the top floor. She ran up some stairs and got out to the terrace of the building. As the hospital was in the middle of the city, they had built a nice garden for the patients there. It was doctor Pike who caught up with her first and he decided to talk to her from a distance. She looked mad, worried and in state of shock. The doctor told her to tell him what was happening.

-       I saw them! They’re all over. They want to kill us.
-       Who wants to kill us, Ariana?
-       The demons. They are planning to kill us all!

 The doctor walked towards her but she moved back, towards the railing. Then, all other arrived, ready to catch her. No one ever understood why the railing had no protective net. Ariana just climb it and jumped, in front of her parents and everyone who had followed her there. She had jumped from the top of a twelve-story building.

 In her funeral, doctor Pike didn’t talk to anyone else. He was troubled. By what Ariana had said before dying and by the doctor’s final analysis of her brain: a region that normally is not active in humans was active in her brain. They told Pike this region was adjacent to the region responsible of communications. Pike was in deeper inner turmoil than ever before in all his years as a psychiatrist.