miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

Our young past

   Like a waterfall, all the books on the shelf in the closet came running down towards. One of them hit me on the foot, but it was a small one, so the pain was not that bad. However, the incident reminded that stuff had been stored around the house for years and years. There were so many shelves and drawers and hidden little closets and tiny spaces to keep things, and we had all used them ever since I had lived there as a young boy. I even remember my mother telling me where and how to store everything.

The book that had hit my foot was one that I had read a lot when I was young: 1984 by George Orwell. I remember being fascinated by the world building this master of writing had achieved. I really felt there, with all the characters, enduring their hardships and helping them survive somehow. Of course, the book was maybe too dark for me as a young man, but it was one of those building blocks of my personality. I think everyone should be obliged to read such a masterpiece.

 I decided to grab all the books and put those I wanted to keep in a box. Of course, 1984 would go there but there were many others that I hadn’t seen for decades and now I had to decide whether to throw them away or not. The first thing I decided on was to put all my former schoolbooks and notebooks on trash bags. I had no use for that. School had been kind of a nightmare at the end, so it made no sense keeping something that reminded me of any bad moments in my life.

 Some people keep those kinds of books as souvenirs, even to help their children in the future with their homework, but I’m more of a realist. I will never have any children and even if I did, I wouldn’t put them through the trauma and boredom of watching how lousy I was at school when I was young. I’d rather help them with current knowledge and not by reminiscing about things that no one longer cares about. So I put the about ten books and seven notebooks in trash bags.

 I did the same thing with notebooks from college. I had already studied enough and keeping them would only occupy space for other books that I would like to keep. For example, I had a small but very well preserved collection of graphic novels that I had binged through during my college years. They had been great entertainment when I wanted to relax for a while and not be so dependent on internet or anything associated with it. They were a great source of a imagination and certainly helped me build my own creativity during those years. I loved them too much to part with them.

 The remaining books where old and had belonged to my parents. So it wasn’t my choice to put them away or throw them away. I had to ask before doing anything. So I put all of those in a different box and clean the whole space with care. I put on a mask on my mouth, as the amount of dust was just incredible. It took me a long while to properly clean the closet, every single corner and space, before leaving for my former bedroom and start doing the same thing there. It seemed like a job that wouldn’t end.

 But, in time, it did. Every single thing that I wanted to keep was in boxes that would be sent to my place. Some other things would be sent to mu parents home, where they could decided if they wanted to keep all that or if they want to throw something. Knowing them, a visit to their place would be necessary because parents are all the same, they have difficulty trying to part with anything that reminds them of something you did when you were young or that reminds them of a tiny thing they did year ago.

 It’s their choice anyway. I carried all the trash bags to the containers and said my final goodbyes. After all, many of those books and toys and so many other things had been there through my younger years. Years that had been difficult at some points and joyful at others. It is weird, but as humans we do tend to give this human quality to everything that is not alive. We care for our things as if they knew we cared for them and it goes beyond of trying to preserve them as long as possible. It’s a weird kind of love.

 Driving back home, with two boxes filled with my past, my eyes started to fill up and I had to take advantage of a red light in order to clean my eyes with a tissue and just try to compose myself. Cleaning the house in which I had lived for so long had been a very unexpected experience. It’s one of those things you don’t really think much about but, once you’re there doing the job, you realized that it’s not as simple as it looks. It’s difficult to stare at your past and just see it all in front of you, kind of like a movie.

 I was grateful to get home and put the boxes on the elevator. A young woman I had never seen on the building helped me hold the button for me, as I pushed the boxes into the steel container. She got down first. She seemed very nice and that made me realize I really had no idea who my neighbors were, except for the lady that lived next door who loved to sing opera at the top of her lungs every single afternoon. I guess she thought it would be less annoying at that time of day. Maybe she had been a famous opera singer or had failed to reach her life dream. Who knows?

 I pushed the boxes all the way from the elevator to my doorstep. I was about to pull the keys out of my coat, when the door flung open and he stood there, smiling. Apparently, he had heard me coming from the elevator and had waited patiently to open the door. He grabbed one box and I took the other. We put them by the sofa and hen just fell on the furniture. I was exhausted and he seemed to be tired too. He had gone out with friends to hike some mountain or something like that. A sportsman, he was.

 We lay there for a while, slowly embracing each other, in silence. Then, the afternoon came and we realized we had fallen asleep for a short while. I woke up because my stomach was hurting. I had been working on the house all day and had not eaten a single thing. He proposed we should order takeout but I reminded him we had no money to spare for that. So I decided to stand up and cook something fast. Pasta came to mind, so I just started cooking right away, not even listening to what he was saying.

 He apparently grew tired of not getting real answers, because he then turned to the boxes and opened them. He grabbed some things, looked at my toys and browsed some of the old magazines I had wanted to save from the dumpster. He laughed when he saw my old video games, as he had never known I had played videogames when younger. It’s weird but we had never really talked about our childhood personas. Our younger self sometimes feels like a whole different person, away from us.

 I saw 1984 in his hands, just as I chopped some tomatoes for the sauce. I waited to hear if he had something to say about it, if he had any input about me owning such a book. He didn’t say a word for a while. He appeared to be checking the state of the book and some of the pages. But he wasn’t saying anything. For a moment, I asked myself what kind of couple lives together for almost a year and they don’t even share their tastes to one another. It made me feel like a failure, so much so that I almost cut off a finger.

 Then, he started reciting. He just opened the book on a random page, the one where Winston talks about Julia, and how he sees her and how he feels. The way he read it was just delightful and, as the water boiled and I put the pasta in, I smiled hearing his voice reading my favorite book ever.

 He only stopped when started serving. The food looked amazing and I think his reading inspired me. He left the book on the coffee table and, before sitting down to eat, he kissed me softly and I gently grabbed him by the waist. It felt different somehow. But different good. We smiled and ate, while talking.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2018

Cruzar la frontera

   Cuando lo besé por segunda vez, sus labios tenían el gusto del hierro frío. Empecé a llorar en silencio, tratando de no crear una situación que pudiese atraer a aquellos que nos querían matar. No tenía ni idea si estaban cerca o lejos pero no podía arriesgarme por nada del mundo, incluso si eso significaba ver como el amor de mi vida moría en mis brazos sin yo poder hacer nada al respecto. Toqué y escuché su pecho y noté que todavía respiraba pero se estaba poniendo morado y sabía que no resistiría por mucho tiempo.

 Tenía que llegar a algún lugar donde lo pudiesen ayudar o al menos conseguir algo que detuviera la hemorragia interna que obviamente estaba sufriendo. Le di otro besos y golpecitos suaves en la mejilla para que permaneciera despierto. Era difícil para él, se le notaba, pero lo que pasaba iba mucho más allá de nosotros dos. Ya muchos habían intentado cruzar el denso bosque para cruzar la frontera y poder encontrarse en un lugar donde no fueran cazados por su sexualidad, religión o gustos políticos. Pero la mayoría fracasaba.

 Nosotros decidimos intentarlo porque nos habían querido separar, yendo tan lejos como a encarcelarnos por un año entero en prisiones diferentes. Nos demoramos un buen tiempo en reencontrarnos pero lo hicimos, cosa que ellos pensaron que sería evitada con el tratamiento inhumano al que habíamos sido sometidos. Incluso pudimos haber sido candidatos para la horca, que había vuelto a la plaza pública, o a la castración. Pero eso no pasó, tal vez creyeron que con separarnos había sido suficiente.

 Apenas nos reencontramos supimos que la única opción real era escapar. Al otro lado de la frontera tampoco estaba todo tan bien como algunos decían, pero al menos nadie del gobierno nos perseguiría por ser dos hombres en una relación amorosa. Tendríamos que protegernos, eso sí, de los mercenarios que cazaban personas para cobrar recompensas. Y esos estaban por todas partes, desde las grandes ciudades hasta la parte más profunda de los campos del país. Eran como un virus alimentado por solo odio.

 Uno de esos había sido el que nos había alcanzado, con un compañero. Nos habían descubierto durmiendo bajo las raíces de un árbol gigante. Nos arrastraron afuera y nos despertaron con patadas en el estomago. A mi creo que me rompieron una costilla, pero nunca lo supe a ciencia cierta. A él, a mi alma gemela, le clavaron un cuchillo de hoja gruesa por la espalda. Menos mal los asustó el sonido de una tormenta y nos dejaron allí solos, mojados y golpeados, al borde de nuestra capacidad como seres humanos. Pero estábamos juntos y eso era más que suficiente y ellos no lo entendían.

 Como pudimos, caminamos por el bosque para alejarnos lo más posible de los mercenarios. Cruzamos un río casi extinto y dormimos al lado de otros árboles, aunque dormir no es la palabra correcta pues casi no pudimos cerrar los ojos. Traté de curar durante ese tiempo su herida, con algunas cremas que llevaba en mi mochila y con hierbas y hojas silvestres. Había aprendido algo de eso en la universidad, antes de que me expulsaran por órdenes del gobierno. Si hubiera podido terminar mi carrera, seguro lo habría atendido mejor.

 Todos mis intentos parecieron frenar lo que pasaba al comienzo, pero días después empezó a ponerse peor y entonces fue cuando sus labios se enfriaron. La frontera no podía estar muy lejos y había oído de gente que decía que algunos grupos habían formado campamentos del otro lado para ayudar a quienes pasaban de manera ilegal. Se suponía que la ley les prohibía ayudarles con nada pero existían personas que no pensaban que dejar a alguien morir a su suerte fuese algo correcto, y menos por razones tan estúpidas.

 Pensando en esa posibilidad, lo obligué a caminar de noche y de día. El bosque parecía hacerse más espeso y no teníamos ninguna manera de saber para donde estábamos yendo. No teníamos aparatos electrónicos de ninguna clase y las brújulas no eran algo muy común en ningún hogar. Teníamos que adivinar y, aunque seguramente no era la mejor opción de todas, era mejor que sentarnos a esperar la muerte, que parecía estar caminando increíblemente cerca de nosotros. Más de una vez, pensé que el momento había llegado.

 Al tercer día de cargar con él, después de darle algo de agua y unas galletas trituradas, abrió los ojos como no lo había hecho en varios días y me dijo que me amaba. No fue el hecho de que me lo dijera lo que me impactó, sino que se notaba el trabajo que había tenido que hacer para poder abrir los ojos bien y mantener su mente concentrada para decirme esas palabras. En ese momento no pudo importarme nada más sino el hecho de estar allí con él. Por eso rompí en llanto y lo abracé.

 Muchas personas no lo entienden, pero él es mucho más que un hombre y mucho más que un amante para mí. Es la única persona del mundo en la que puedo confiar a plenitud y la única que me hace sonreír sin ningún tipo de esfuerzo. Sus besos y abrazos me reconfortan como el mejor de los tés y  el olor de su piel es casi como una bienvenida al hogar que nunca debo dejar. Es una suerte de la vida haberlo encontrado y por eso escucharlo decir esas palabras en semejante situación tan precaria, fue como un medicamento. De esos que duelen al comienzo pero te ayudan a estar mejor.

 Por suerte, nadie me escuchó llorar. O al menos eso parecía, puesto que no había pasado nada grave. Decidimos dormir allí mismo y, por primera vez en un largo rato, dormimos de verdad. Lo hicimos abrazados, bien juntos el uno del otro. La noche fue agradable, sin clima imprevisto ni insectos que se pararan encima nuestro a molestar. Parecía casi como si estuviésemos de campamento, salvo que por la mañana nos despertó un disparo que rompió toda la magia de la noche anterior.

 Después hubo más disparos, pero para entonces ya habíamos comenzado a movernos. Él estaba mejor que antes y no necesitaba de mi ayuda para caminar. Lo hacía despacio pero era mejor que estar los dos en el mismo punto, más vulnerables que cuando caminábamos distanciados el uno del otro. Mientras nos dirigíamos colina arriba, donde todos los árboles estaban torcidos de alguna manera, escuchamos gritos. Eran gritos desgarradores, como si a aquellos que gritaban les estuvieran arrancando el alma.

 Nos quedamos quietos por un instante pero nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos haciendo lo que los mercenarios seguramente querían. Así que apuramos el paso y pronto estuvimos en la parte más alta de la colina. Aunque había también muchos árboles allí, se podía ver un gran valle más adelante, una zona abierta y con llanuras despejadas. Me detuve de golpe y le sonreí. Lo habíamos logrado, pues los montes eran la frontera en esa región y lo recordaba de un mapa que había visto antes de salir de nuestra ciudad.

 Seguimos escuchando gritos por varias horas. Después del atardecer, cuando estuvimos seguros que habíamos cruzado la frontera, los dejamos de oír. Sin embargo, seguimos caminando y agradecimos en silencio a aquellos pobres que habían sido capturados y que habían hecho posible nuestro escape. Mientras nosotros lográbamos tocar la libertad, ellos veían sus vidas desaparecer en cuestión de segundos, entre el dolor y el sudor pegajoso, característico de todos aquellos que escapaban.

 Decidimos no dormir hasta llegar al gran valle. Llegamos allí en la madrugada y pronto alguien notó nuestra presencia. No nos habló, sino pidió que la siguiéramos en silencio. Nos llevó por callejones hasta una bodega enorme, propia de un aeródromo o algún espacio de ese estilo.

 Había cientos de personas en el suelo, durmiendo. Otros hablaban en voz baja. La mujer nos llevó a un costado, donde nos dieron sopa caliente. Mientras comíamos, pude llorar libremente por fin. Y él hizo lo mismo y nos besamos una y otra vez. Nada podría separarnos jamás.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

My truth

   The moment I came out from the interview, I took out one my cigarettes and lit it up right there, in front of the office building. There was no one there doing the same thing, so of course people looked at me as if I was the strangest thing they had ever done, almost as if they had never even seen a human smoking in their lives. Maybe it was my clothes or the way I was standing up or maybe the fact that it was obvious I didn’t belong there. Maybe they were very good at looking through people and knowing their truth.

 I didn’t stay long to figure it out. With my cig on my mouth, I walked towards the bus stop. I didn’t really want to go back home so soon, so I wasn’t precisely running to grab the bus. I stood a bit far from the bus stop in order to finish the cigarette, as I thought of the questions they had asked me and the answers I had given. My truth right then and there was that I wanted to scream, to run away and just put my head inside a hole in the ground. I was frustrated and tired and just fed up with everything around me.

 My bus came in too fast, so I had to put off my cigarette. Luckily, the bus was not as filled up as it could have been. I was a bit pissed off that I had to pay for it, only because I knew going to that stupid interview had been a waste of time. The same thing had happened that year, once and again and again and again. Sometimes it was in places close to my home but I mostly had to travel by bus in order to just feel like an imbecile once I got to the actual interview. I had to sit there and pretend I knew shit about shit.

 Somehow, I had learned to pretend and lie in many parts of my life, but never in situations like interviews. Actually, more than not knowing how to do it, I think it was something related to not having the same mindset than the people doing the interview. I knew I wasn’t one of them. And I don’t mean it like saying I’m better or something like that. I’m certainly not better. But the point is we weren’t understanding each other because we were two very different types of people who could never connect at any level.

 That happened to me in every interview, from the moment I came out of college until today, six years later. Six years and I have never had a steady job because people won’t hire me. Maybe it’s lack of enthusiasm or maybe it’s just that I don’t have any skills or knowledge that can be applied in a “useful” job. And I live in a country were jobs are a precious thing, not really offered in every corner. And yet, some people get them and stay in them for several years or maybe all of their lives. And here I am, over thirty now, jobless and still wondering if I will ever be able to live by myself.

 As I step down the bus, a couple of blocks away from my house, I decide to take my ass to the nearest park. I have no need to hear my mother’s questions about the interview or feel how my dad looks at me knowing that I’m a complete and utter failure. No, I need to mix it up a little bit and maybe the park has exactly what I need. If I was a pothead, I would consider smoking there for a while but I cannot even have an interesting hobby like that one. I’m very boring and just sit there by myself.

 There are many guys walking dogs and old ladies also doing the same thing. I get obsessed for a while with people picking up their dogs businesses. Then, I remember why I’m there and my world just crumbles again. I feel the need to cry but I really don’t want to. I’m tired of having done that so many times in the past. It’s like I’m dried up, just too damn tired to shed one more tear into this ungrateful fucking world. I’d rather just stay put and think about something else, escape from everything once again.

 Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Why doesn’t that faggot just commit to something and start changing his ways? Why doesn’t he just become whatever it is that people are looking for in a worker? I mean, that’s what people do: they pretend to be this superhuman in order to be considered for anything from a job to a damn relationship. Fuck, even people that want to fuck each other lie about many things in order to get laid. So what’s up with this guy? Why doesn’t he just do what everybody else does and shut up?

 Well, I can’t. I physically can’t. I cannot pretend forever, I cannot work in something I despise or don’t even have an interest in. Of course I don’t have that luxury, to like what I work in. I don’t and I know that. But even in that case I just feel like I have no other option but being this sack of gas and shit that biology turned me into. I cannot just acquire all of those things that people have because it’s a case of you have it or you don’t. At least it is for me, from my point of view.

 Of course, you people are just thinking: “Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Why doesn’t he just do something, like all the rest of us do?” And the real answer to that is that I don’t have a fucking clue why I don’t do that, why I don’t just turn into someone else and become this being that everyone wants to be connected with. But I can’t. I have failed as a human male, I know that. And I’m trying to reconcile with that in a world that doesn’t give a fuck about individuals, where the group is always much more important than anything you might be feeling in your little weak head.

 When I realize it, it’s almost completely dark. The lamps on the park illuminate everything in the creepiest way and it does remind me that this city is filled with rapists, murderers, robbers and, the worst part, stupid fuckers. So I stand up and walk a few blocks towards home. I prepare in my mind phrases to tell my mother and my father. As I enter the building and press the elevator button, the sense of dread enters my soul once again. I feel awful, like crying once again, but I just don’t do it. What good will that make?

 I enter home and, as predicted, she asks me about how it went and my father looks at me over his glasses. I just say whatever thing it was that I prepared and then excuse myself because I really want to pee. And it’s true, but I also want to run away from there because I have no need to watch them look at me. I feel parents can really see through their children, even if they decide to buy the lies you tell them as their sons and daughters. Parents always know, in one way or the other, and that has always scared me.

 I enter the bathroom, close the door and pull out my penis. As I pee, I look myself at the mirror and see someone I don’t completely like. It’s not only his looks that I have always hated, but also the fact that he cannot be the person that everyone wants him to me, that he needs to be in order to survive this motherfucking world. Look at him, staring back at me with those depressing little eyes and that fucking brain that’s only filled with garbage. I can say I sometimes despise him to death.

 And his looks. He cannot even get anyone to fuck him and there is no doubt why. Never mind the tiny dick, just look at his face. He looks sick and oily, just disgusting. He finishes peeing, washes his hands in seconds and leaves. I enter my room and just fall on my bed. Again, I want to cry and scream and yell and hit and kick. But I can’t. I know nothing of the sorts will help me be whoever it is I’m supposed to be. It just won’t and I don’t know what to do next, when to just quit for good. It seems like the obvious choice.

 How many times can I stand being rejected for a job interview? For how long can I wait until I understand that no one will ever hire me to do anything? Am I resistant enough to last like this forever? Should I even keep doing that now, that I know the reality of who I am and my possibilities?

 I fall asleep and wake up in the middle of night. My mother apparently understood it all, because she didn’t wake me up or nothing. It’s four in the morning and my thoughts race through my head. I’m trying to stay in control, but sometimes it is taken from you and there’s nothing you can do about it.