jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

Nuestra humanidad

 Es muy extraño cuando todo lo que ha pasado ya ha ocurrido antes, de cierta manera, pero sin embargo siguen habiendo nervios e inseguridad al respecto. De hecho, siempre que se repite una vivencia, es frecuente que la segunda vez implique algo más, una complicación extra o algo por el estilo. Si uno se decide por hacer algo de nuevo, intentarlo otra vez porque fue interesante o porque se falló, siempre habrá algo más en ese intento: una expectativa especial, algo que esperar o de pronto un conocimiento que antes no se tenía pero que ahora da algo de confianza. El caso es que siempre vamos a ser seres expectantes y que cualquiera que diga que no tiene nervios por algo es un mentiroso o un ser humano mal diseñado porque los nervios, aquellas reacciones naturales son las que nos hacen sobrevivir.

 Eso suena a algo fatal, algo difícil y casi imposible pero es porque la palabra sobrevivir parece salida de una de esas películas de tragedia en las que algo ocurre que voltea al mundo de cabeza, a veces literalmente, y en el que los personajes deben hacer su mejor esfuerzo para salir lo mejor librados posible. La única diferencia es que en el cine la moral juega un papel muy grande, ya que pegada a los pensamientos del director, del guionista, del actor y de todos los demás involucrados. En cambio en la vida la mayoría de las tragedias ocurren sin importar como pensemos o que opinemos. No importa en quien o en que creamos, el caso es que morimos igual y todo nos afecta casi siempre de la misma manera.

 Una nueva experiencia, sin embargo, suele ser una aventura personal que varía no según la moral sino según las decisiones que se tomen y el tipo de carácter que se tenga. Por ejemplo, si es una persona que le gustan las confrontaciones, tendrá más problemas con otros al hacer o no hacer alguna cosa, por ejemplo irse de viaje o meterse de lleno en algo que nunca antes había hecho. Es diferente si el carácter varía y esa es la razón por la que dos personas pueden embarcarse en un mismo proyecto pero resultar con conclusiones diametralmente diferentes. Este es el caso de las relaciones amorosas que no dejan de ser una aventura bien o mal planeada, pero sin conclusiones claras a razón de las personalidades diferentes.

 Pero valen la pena, o no? Vale la pena sumergirse en un mar de cosas que jamás hemos hecho, y que no perjudican a nadie más sino a nosotros si salen mal. Porque todo puede salir mal o bien, eso a veces no depende de nosotros y si lo hace es posible que no afecte a nadie más, y esas son las mejores aventuras que existen. Si decido, por ejemplo, tener relaciones con varias personas en un lapso de tiempo definido, pero teniendo claras ciertas reglas como el uso de un preservativo, es una aventura porque estoy lanzándome a lo desconocido pero previniendo las eventualidades más graves que puedan pasar. No hay nada bueno o malo, en ese sentido. Cada vivencia es y ya.

 Y ahí vienen las preguntas de las personas que no pueden vivir su vida por si mismas, sino que tienen que pedir la ayuda, para todo, de alguien más: que es bueno y que es malo? Que debo hacer si quiero ser una persona moral y que debo hacer si decido salirme de ese esquema social de las cosas? La respuesta a eso no existe porque la línea entre el bien y el mal la dibuja cada persona. Muchos dirán que la ley es quién marca esa diferencia pero que es la ley sino un concepto humano, por lo tanto inexacto e imperfecto, que solo busca protegernos de nosotros mismos?

 Eso sí, hay cosas que obviamente son malas y la mayoría se asocian a ataques que podríamos perpetuar contra otros, casi nunca contra nosotros mismos. Si matamos o atentamos contra la identidad de alguien sin su permiso, estamos vulnerando sus derechos y violando su integridad como ser humano y eso es integralmente malo. Atención, es malo cuando no hay permiso, cuando se está transgrediendo. Porque podríamos irnos a las comunidades de gente que les gusta el dolor o la humillación y podemos ver con claridad que entre ellos hay un acuerdo, incluso con palabras de seguridad, para infligir dolor o palabras humillantes entre sí. Esas personas han decidido aceptar a que alguien más tenga cierto poder sobre ellos pero es un acuerdo común. Eso no es malo. De nuevo, lo malo es violar los derechos de alguien más sin su permiso.

  La gran mayoría de veces somos nosotros mismos, cada uno en su vida y con sus convicciones personales, su manera de ver el mundo, los que definimos que es malo y que es bueno. Esto puede ser claramente peligroso pero también beneficia a la sociedad en el sentido en el que se le deja ver a la ley y a la comunidad las falencias que tiene. Ese es el propósito que deben tener las criticas a un gobierno o a una empresa, el de arreglar lo que esté hecho. Eso a menos de lo que exista sea tan malo que lo mejor sea remplazarlo. Pero ese es un tema demasiado complejo que prefiero no tratar. El caso es que tenemos la capacidad, cada uno por su lado, de construir su manera de ver el mundo y eso es lo que llaman personalidad, mejor llamado carácter.

 El carácter es el conjunto de todo lo que somos y es el que actúa frente a esas cosas que nos alegran las vida o que la someten a las sombras de la tristeza  y la desesperación. Nuestro carácter y la forma en que lo hemos construido y moldeado, según como entendemos el mundo, es definitivo en nuestra manera de experimentar la vida y entender las varias capas que pueden existir en cada momento de nuestras vidas. Por que contrario a lo que normalmente pensamos la vida no tiene dos colores sino una gama más alta que va de lo más brillante a los más oscuro. Dependiendo de todo eso cada vida es distinta y cada vida por eso es única.

Son nuestras decisiones conscientes las que hacen que la vida de cada uno sea única. No somos nosotros solo por el hecho de existir las que la hacemos tan valiosa sino nuestro proceso de vida el que define lo especial que es cada quien. Eso sí, cuando decimos “especial” o “única”, no quiere decir que todos seamos perfectos ni tampoco que seamos lo mejor de lo mejor. Hay que recordar que los seres humanos, por definición, somos seres imperfectos y siempre defectuosos que lo único que buscan es vivir la mejor vida posible. Eso no implica que todo sea color de rosa porque, de nuevo, nuestras decisiones para llegar a esa última felicidad hacen de nosotros seres multidimensionales, que pueden ser muchas cosas al mismo tiempo.

 Porque podemos ser tan crueles como podemos ser amables, podemos ser cariñoso al mismo tiempo que podemos ser duros, podemos ser seguros y luego sentir que nos hundimos en nuestro propio desespero. Somos más de una cosa al mismo tiempo, y muchas contrarias a la vez, y eso no está mal. No existen seres completamente felices ni completamente amables y buenos. La bondad es un concepto y no un sentimiento ni una manera de ser. Casi nadie, por ejemplo, dice que es bueno o malo porque se lo dejan a los demás. Eso puede ser peligroso pero es mejor que autodefinirse, algo que solo perjudica al que lo hace y no a los que deciden creer la mentira que este les proporciona.

 Puede parecer que todo lo dicho no tiene mucho sentido pero piensen lo diferentes que son las experiencias para cada persona dependiendo de esos factores, de esas ligeras diferencias de tonalidad entre unos y otros. Eso es lo que hace que cada cosa que vivimos sea única y lo que hace que nos interesemos por los demás. Porque a veces no hay nada más apasionante que ver a otra persona siendo lo que es y nada más. Por eso existe el comentario romántico de “Me gusta cuando te enojas”. Es porque entendemos que una persona no es definible por una acción sino por el conjunto de sus acciones, sus sentimientos, sus decisiones y por su manera de ver el mundo. Por eso existe empatía, porque hay conexiones que podemos hacer y otras de las que queremos aprender.

 Porque ese es el verdadero motor de la humanidad, que a veces parece diluirse en la sangre de la guerra y en el sudor de un trabajo que parece nunca llegar a ninguna parte. El afán de saber, la curiosidad por aprender y entender como funciona todo lo que nos rodea. Ese es el verdadero destino de la humanidad y su función. Existimos para aprender y entender. Y eso no tiene porque tener una utilidad porque la utilidad es una creación humana. Las cosas son y ya. Si son por algo y para algo, eso no quiere decir que sea para toda la eternidad. Las cosas varían y se mueven, cambian a diario e incluso cada hora de nuestra existencia. Solamente debemos quitarnos todo el mugre, todo el polvo de nuestra existencia, y mirar a las estrellas. Han estado olvidadas por mucho tiempo.  

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015


   From the top of the hill, he looked majestic. It was incredible to see him glide over the water and then fly up towards the sun and then fall, breaking the surface of the lake with his huge body. The creature loved to swim, or so it seemed, and it looked really happy to be there. He looked like a child that meets the ocean for the first time. But he was much larger than just a child. He was more the size of two horses and there were far from any ocean although he could reach one in no time. The people who found him had called him Mjölnir, like the hammer that the god Thor held in battle, the hammer that the gods had created to bring order and stability to a world in chaos. He was that for them, a fantastic creature capable of bringing calm to this world.

 The two explorers that had gone to see him were so amazed that they just stared at him for an hour, never mind the fact that he might fly away in any moment. The locals said he lived deep in the mountains because they were the only inaccessible area of the region. The mountains her were sharp and built by nature like razors. Not any human could climb those and to use any means of transport would be a waste of time because of the magnetic instability of the area, which no one had ever explained. Maybe there was something to mine down there; maybe it was because of him. No one knew. What they knew was that he was, for all intents and purposes, unique. The locals never spoke about another one or a herd of them nor nothing like that. He was alone in the world.

 After a week of the discovery, the scientists had begun to look everywhere in the world with the same circumstances but nothing had come up yet. Maybe he wasn’t alone but they had to help him mate or he would be extinct in a number of years. To be honest, they had no idea how long the lifespan of a dragon was but the general thought was that they could live for hundreds of years, so that gave them some time to organize and look for a suitable mate. They studied him for weeks and weeks and more and more people came to meet him, which was astonishing due to the fact that, in the past, any person that had attempted to get close had died.

 Doctor Lemon was a brilliant biologist. She had discovered many new plants and animals in the deep forests of Indonesia. As for Doctor Samuelson, he was a paleontologist, the one that had discovered the first skeleton of a dragon in China. He was the reason the two of them were granted help from an American institution to go and explore the Razor Mountains and see if its inhabitant was real or not. They had to train hard for days in climbing and trekking and in every sport that could help them pass the mountain range. When they got there, they had to try it several times, risking their lives, in order to finally make the crossing that would lead them to Mjölnir.

The lake was not a place they went to look for him. They had seen it from the range and had thought they needed to recharge their water supplies before attempting to do anything else and the lake was probably made of melted ice water from the mountaintops. It was summer, so the lake was not as large as it could be but it happened to be large enough for a gigantic creature to swim in it. It was so strange, for both scientists, to see the creature so at peace and relaxed. If they hadn’t known any better, they would have thought he was a giant dog or something. Not for his looks of course but for the way he behaved in private, playing around and just enjoying himself.

 They had always been portrayed as savages in every single culture. They have been deemed dangerous and quite vengeful but this one did not seem like that. He seemed nice. Maybe that was because in all of the first week, they didn’t see him spout fire. It was possible that he used it only as mechanism of defense but when they saw him eat a deer, they realized he wasn’t able to do it at all. He was a very large lizard who happened to fly short distances but he had no ability to propel fire from his mouth or nostrils. This disappointed many who followed the investigation but he was, nevertheless, a species in the brink of extinction. The two scientist looked all around the area and found the skeleton of another dragon but it wasn’t its partner but its mother.

 The bones indicated it was a larger animal, with a far longer wingspan and a huge body. It was now easy to see now why they had such a clumsy ability to fly: they were too big. They weren’t like the pterosaurs of the past that were light like birds. These dragons were heavy and had to train their whole lives to be able to fly properly. That’s why no one had ever spotted one. Contrary to belief, they didn’t fly that much, they didn’t spout fire and they lived in an area where the magnetic field was just crazy. The area was soon protected by law, so only scientist and authorized people could come in, dare to cross the mountains, and then just watch him to his things.

 Both Lemon and Samuelson stayed there for a whole year and were the ones who set the rules on how to behave while staying in the area. They would explain to any visitors that they had been very careful for him not to se them or be able to smell them. They used a special perfume that made them smell like plant life so he wouldn’t come too close and attack. People always obeyed because it was more important for them to see him and take pictures than risking their lives in a silly way. But like with everything that goes into fashion, most people soon forgot Mjölnir, after only a year. Lemon and Samuelson were happy that this had happened because they needed to investigate more and see how much time he had.

They gathered saliva from the remains of his meals and some scales that had apparently fallen from him. Maybe he was changing skin like most reptiles or maybe he was sick. They had no real idea and that made them insane. For a while, they had to go back to a proper lab and just try to understand more about him. As they did all the tests and experiments they had to do, they realized it was a very difficult job as there was no other creature like it. Lizards and snakes were only similar to him in small things but, in the larger picture, he was a unique creature. And that worked against him hard because it’s much more difficult to protect something you don’t understand than the opposite.

 It was during that time that a couple of explorers in remote parts of the world found more dragon remains and even fossilized eggs. They were brought to a laboratory for investigation and hoping they could lead to a possible cloning project but that was cancelled when they realized there was nothing they could do with the eggs, except noting it features and putting it in a museum. After six months of hard work, they had come to the conclusion that the dragon was about to enter adulthood. His mother had died at least fifty years ago when he was a baby but only know he was beginning to grow up. That explained, at least partially, his behavior in the lake and the way he did things. He was becoming an adult all by himself and it appeared he would die alone too.

 Then the news came. The locals had found his body lying next to the lake. He was dead. Lemon and Samuelson flew to the area but it was too late, another team had come for the body and, with permission and bribes to the locals, they had managed to take the body in a helicopter and now it was far from the reach of those two scientists, the ones that had discovered him. For months, no one heard one more word about anything related to the creature. But both scientists decided to release a book with their impressions and experiences with the dragon. They thought they should at least be the first to say what he was like and how thrilling it was to discover him.

 The rival scientists released an autopsy report saying that he had died from drowning and that they had found the organ that might have produced the flames every single culture in ancient history attributed to the dragons. The discoverers of the creature published an article saying all of that was false and that there was something they weren’t telling and that they should have been able to check the bodies themselves or at least leave someone else do it. But they never did. And the body was never donated to any museum or organization. People, again, largely forgot about the dragon and about them, even as they slammed scientists without scruples every time they had the chance.

 Mjölnir was dead and the truth was he had died because he had wanted to. He was smarter than people thought and his fly over the lake were just an attempt to understand how to kill himself. He was grieving and because he missed his mother. And he was alone and that wouldn’t change. So he took matters into his own hands and did it. People would have never understood that because of the intelligence factor but that no longer matters. We will never understand.

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Un día complicado

   Al despertar, me di cuenta que todavía estaba allí, con sus piernas entrelazadas con las mías y su mano en debajo de mi camiseta, como si yo fuera su calentador personal. Lo primero que hice después de alegrarme, fue tomar su mano y apretarla con suavidad. Por alguna razón, la inseguridad o tal vez el alcohol, pensé que nada de lo que había sucedido era algo de verdad. Mejor dicho, creía que estaba tan mal que me lo había inventado todo mientras dormía. No hubiera sido la primera vez. Pero no era así. Estábamos juntos allí, abrazándonos más, sintiendo que estábamos allí. Era algo extraño, después de tanto tiempo de no vivir nada por el estilo. No había amor pero sí existía cierto cariño, cierta comprensión que era imposible de ignorar.

 Entonces sonó la alarma de mi celular y el momento terminó. Lo abracé y lo apreté suavemente para luego darle un beso en una mejilla. Enfrentándome al congelante clima de la mañana, salí de las cobijas y me dirigí rápidamente al baño. Abrí la llave de agua caliente y oriné antes de entrar y empezar a pensar en todo lo que tenía que hacer ese día. En el hotel, era mi turno de atender a los clientes en la recepción. El turno empezaba en hora y media y debía estar justo en el cambio de turno o sino el gerente me iba a despedir, como si ya no tuviera razones para odiarme. Además, debía supervisar un estúpido evento que iba a tener lugar en una de las salas de recepción y eso siempre era tedioso por el tipo de personas que asistían a semejantes centros de aburrimiento.

 Él entró en la ducha y me abrazó y entonces nos besamos. Otra vez, olvidé todo lo que pasaba en el día y en mi vida y me concentré solo en él. Me encantaba ver como sentía placer y como me lo demostraba con todo su cuerpo y con cada segundo que estábamos juntos. Cuando terminamos, hicimos lo que todo el mundo en la ducha y luego salimos. Él tenía que ir a su casa y luego tenía que ponerse a estudiar. Su posgrado no iba a terminarse solo. Lo felicité por ese compromiso y antes de separarnos en el ascensor le di un beso para que no me olvidara, algo que en mi mente sonó tan cursi como ahora mismo.

 Todo el camino pensé en él y en lo increíble que era habérmelo encontrado después de tantos años. No había sido a propósito y tal vez esa había sido la mejor parte de todo este asunto porque no teníamos realmente expectativas de nada. Lo que había pasado, había sido algo del momento, algo que solo ocurrió y nos dejamos llevar porque se sentía muy bien. Siempre me había gustado su piel y su sonrisa pero solo las había apreciado de lejos y por algunos segundos. Ahora había tenido todo eso solo para mí y debo decir que estaba más que feliz por haberlo conocido, porque antes no lo conocía de verdad. Es inevitable pensar que hubiese ocurrido si no hubiéramos conocido mejor entonces que ahora. Pero, al fin y al cabo, eso que importa?

 Llegué justo a tiempo y en el momento exacto que mi jefe entraba con algunos visitantes que parecían ser muy importantes. Me cambié rápidamente y cambiamos turno con Jorge, que no era mi amigo ni nada por el estilo. No era secreto que ambos queríamos que el otro saliera de allí pronto. Era de esas relaciones laborales donde no puedes ni mirar al idiota porque te arruina el día. Y nosotros teníamos que mirarnos todos los días para cambiar de turno. Como éramos siempre tres en recepción, había ese mismo número de cambios de turno a lo largo del día. No se hacía todo al tiempo para no perjudicar al cliente que casi nunca se daba cuenta de nada.

El hotel era uno de esos donde hay más ejecutivos que seres vivos en el área. Son personas realmente molestas, que piensan que solo porque están haciendo más dinero que los demás tienen prioridad en la vida antes que ningún otro. Las mujeres siempre se quejaban de algo y los hombres siempre tenían ese tono condescendiente que me había dado un día y otro ganas reales de partirles la cara. Pero así era la vida, unos arriba, otros abajo, y muchas veces mezclados. Porque el bar del hotel hacía maravillas y las cámaras de seguridad lo grababan todo. Cada fragmento de sus vidas en el hotel se veía allí, pro lo que a veces hacíamos apuestas entre nosotros, apostando quien se acostaría con quien o quien hacía que. Esa entretención se acabó con Jorge, que era uno de aquellos que le cuentan todo a sus superiores. Imbécil.

 El día empezó suave y después vino la conferencia que volvió al hotel en un lío completo. Gente iba y venía, había que darle identificaciones pero no se quedaban lo suficiente en un mismo sitio para poderles dar los carnet y después subían o iban y venían y los pobres guardias de seguridad no daban abasto, como tampoco nosotros que debíamos estar pendientes de todo porque la gente que se encargaba de los eventos estaba en huelga. Tuvimos que poner mesas, sillas y demás y esperar a que los desgraciados terminaran de hablar de cómo salvar al mundo con sus miserables empresas. Cuando terminaron, pensamos que todo ese lío iba a terminar pero no fue así.

 Yo estaba en el baño cuando oí gritos a lo lejos y unos sonidos sordos que pensé que eran algo que era imposible haber escuchado. Salí sin secarme las manos y me acerqué al lugar del evento. La puerta estaba cerrada con llave y no había ningún encargado del hotel afuera, como debía haber siempre. Por un momento me puso del mal genio porque era irresponsable no estar pendiente de los idiotas de la conferencia pero todo eso se fue al carajo cuando vi en el suelo una mancha que parecía negra y que estaba húmeda.  Me agaché a mirar que era. Era sangre. Entonces se oyó otro disparo, esta vez bastante claro, y corrí a la recepción. Los guardias habían despejado el lobby y una de mis compañeros hablaba con la policía. Cuando colgó le pregunté donde estaba nuestro otro compañero y ella solo empezó a llorar.

 Nunca he sido bueno para consolar a nadie así que no lo hice. Le pedí que se sentara y respirara mientras yo verificaba las cámaras de seguridad con uno de los guardias. Vimos que mi compañero de recepción estaba recostaba contra la puerta que estaba cerrada y que un hombre estaba subido en la mesa principal, con un arma en la mano. Lo más horrible de todo fue que, entre la multitud (unas cincuenta personas) pude ver varios cuerpos en el piso que no se estaban moviendo. El guardia me contó que el hombre había estado en el baño y simplemente entró disparando.

 Yo caí en cuenta de que habíamos entrado al mismo tiempo pero yo me había demorado más porque estaba leyendo un mensaje del hombre con el que había amanecido. Si hubiera estado más pendiente, lo hubiera podido ver con el arma. Seguramente la había puesto en uno de los cubículos. O tal vez hubiese sido mejor así. Al fin y al cabo el tipo ya había matado a algunos y yo hubiese podido ser el primero si lo hubiese descubierto antes que nadie. Justo entonces llegó la policía y nos dijo que desalojáramos todo el edificio, por lo que tuvimos que ir piso por piso y asegurarnos de que no hubiese nadie en los cuartos. Nos demorarnos un buen rato pero cuando estuvo la última persona fuera, se lo comunicamos a la policía.

 Mientras hacíamos nuestra parte, ellos no habían podido hablar con el hombre. Su presencia había hecho que matara a una mujer y si seguían insistiendo podría ser cada vez peor. El gerente llegó y por primera vez no tenía la cara de puño de siempre, sino que parecía estar cerca del colapso. Habló con el policía a cargo, quien le dijo que era una situación delicada y que ya habían contactado a las fuerzas especiales para lidiar con el hombre. En efecto, hombres que parecían soldados llegaron en breve y propusieron entrar por una salida de emergencia lateral y simplemente matar al tipo sin darle la oportunidad de pensar. Se organizaron y después de una hora, lo tenían todo planeado.

 Yo solo quería que terminara el día. Salí un rato y llamé a mi mamá que estaba preocupada y recibí una llamada de él. Oír su voz fue lo mejor del día y decidí no fingir que no estaba feliz de oírlo. Cuando colgué, se oyeron más tiros y otros sonidos que no pude entender. Al parecer el equipo especial de la policía había entrado ya pero cuando la puerta de la sala se abrió era evidente que las cosas no habían salido tan bien. El hombre había muerto, con un par de tiros en la cabeza. Llevaba un chaleco antibalas y se dieron cuenta muy tarde. Alcanzó a matar a otros cinco mientras terminaban con él. Las ambulancias llegaron y sacaron más de diez cuerpos de esa sala, uno de ellos nuestro compañero. El lugar quedó hecho un matadero. Suena desagradable porque era horrible. La policía le dijo al gerente que debían cerrar el hotel por un tiempo porque iba a haber una investigación y él solo asintió.

 Cuando volví a casa, lo primero que hice fue tomarme todo el contenido de  una botella llena de agua. Luego, me quité la ropa y me duché. Todo lo que había sucedido me hacía sentir sucio, como con asco. Afortunadamente nos iban a mandar a trabajar a otros hoteles de la cadena , así que todavía había un salario por el cual vivir. Pero mi cerebro siempre volvía a lo mismo: y qué si lo hubiese visto a tiempo, si lo hubiese detenido? Estaría vivo o muerte? Habría sido héroe o víctima? Antes de quedarme dormido, seguía pensando lo mismo hasta que olí su aroma en la almohada y entonces sonreí y tuve una noche sin sueños.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


   He was tied to one of the tubes coming out of the wall, tied with a very thin but resistant rope. He had attempted to free himself from it the first few days but he realized soon it wasn’t going to break. His clothes had been taken from him long ago an the only thing that reminded him of the past was a scar he had on his left calf, one that he had gotten while playing with his parents in his family’s farm a long time ago. It felt like a whole life ago because every single day memories appeared to vanish, a handful at a time. This was aggravated by the fact that he didn’t know on what day he lived and how much time he had been “living” in that basement, with the vermin and the insects that came and went, probably waiting for his body to finally succumb to starvation and thirst.

 But amazingly, he held on. Someone with a bag with holes in the head came in with dry fruit everyday, just a spoonful of it, and a bottle tap of water. That was all he got for the day and it made him feel each day more miserable. Even more when he remembered everything that he had eaten before, with his family or by himself: burgers, pizza, meat, pork, fish, vegetables, fruit, bread, candy, soup, pasta… It hurt his stomach to think about all of that but it helped him too because if he still remembered all of that it meant that his mind wasn’t all gone yet, it meant his essence was still in that frail and sick body that he didn’t recognize anymore, except for the scar.

 It was that scar that made him go on too. Because it reminded him of things and the only way to take that away would be to chop off his leg but it didn’t seem as if they were going to go to that extreme. What did happen was that once every so often, he guessed that once a week, he was taken from his basement to another basement or some other room in the same basement, and was also tied there and tortured. They would cut him, kick him, punch him, beat him with a stick or grab his head and push it into a big pool of water they had in that room. It was awful because it lasted for a long time and because his torturers never spoke a word, not even to yell at him, so it was even scarier than one would think.

 It was strange but, when he would come back to the basement where they kept him tied, he felt home. Maybe that was because he really didn’t remember what his actual home looked like. He didn’t remember if he had a family of his own or just his parents or even if his parents were still alive. It was like trying to solve a puzzle with half the pieces missing. He just couldn’t remember and that frustrated me. When they tortured him, he sometimes asked for the truth, he asked them to tell him who he was and what his life was like before this happened. But they never told him a word. Not even his name, which he had lost a long time ago.

 Another thing he didn’t remember, unfortunately, was the reason he was being held there, if there was an actual reason and if he even knew what it was. He felt he did knew, he felt he even knew who was behind all of it but after trying for days and nights, he just couldn’t remember. Was it possible that the people that held him hostage were putting things in the water he drank for him to forget everything? Or was it just a natural effect of being deprived of freedom for so long? Another thing he missed was the sun and the wind and the colors. He remembered all of that still but there was no natural light here, no soft wind to caress one’s skin and the only colors were white, black and grey.

 It went on like that for a long time, maybe even years, until one day they just stopped putting the dry food and the water in his cell. After a while, he just knew he was going to die. Maybe they had given up on him giving any information and were just waiting for him to drop dead and be done with it. When lucid, he imagined they had other prisoners and that maybe they thought at least one of those knew whatever it was they thought he knew. He wouldn’t be the last one to be tortured that was for sure. The thought made him feel uneasy but strangely not annoyed nor sad. Because if he died, he would finally be free. He never imagined to go out alive of this one and to know the end was near was actually almost a happy thing. He was trying to prepare himself for it and just concentrated a lot on keeping the remaining memories inside and not give them the satisfaction of taking them

 One day, after no sessions of torture, they took him to the other room and id what they had done before. They even brought an electric device and electrocuted him with it. He finally felt his life leaving him behind but then they stopped and tied him to a chair that appeared from nowhere. He was dizzy and wanted to die soon, he just wanted them to leave him alone and go away. If he died, he wanted to die alone and not with a couple of men besides him with bags on their heads. But then the door opened and another person entered the room and this person didn’t have a bag on his head. It was a tall man, wearing a tailored suit and a hat. He stood in front of the tortured man and just stared, with no expression on his face.

 The hostage was too tired to keep his head up, so he just let his head hang there, looking at the wet floor. This appeared to go on for ages until of the men sat him down straight again and slapped him hard. The hostage opened his eyes but he was to week to stay awake anymore. He felt it was time go but they wouldn’t let him. He was about to protest when the suited man said a word: “Tom”. The hostage felt as if they had sunk his body in ice. That name meant something, something very close to him. He mumbled but couldn’t form a proper sentence. The man in the suit, however, ended the moment by nodding to his men who took the hostage back to his cell.

 Tom. Who was Tom? Was he Tom? That single piece of information was invaluable and yet he had no idea what it meant. But it wasn’t important because no name would give him the freedom that he wanted. To be honest, he didn’t even know if he wanted to free anymore. Death seemed so attractive, fast and good at that point. So he put Tom, however that was to a side, and just lie there to die, closing his eyes and trying to lay on the floor as comfortably as he could. His wrists were bloody because of the rope and his face was bloody from several punches on his eyes. He would close his eyes and just go away, leaving every piece of this shithole called world behind. That was home for him now.

 But then, he heard something in the distance. It felt like a small tremor and he was certain screaming followed it. But maybe he had imagined it. He was in a basement and there was no way to hear what happened far above. He closed his eyes again but another tremor hit closer and then the door burst open. Two men, now with no bags on their heads, came for him. They took him from the armpits and dragged him through a long corridor that ended on a metal door. The door opened to a long staircase that was covered in snow. The men dragged him all the way up. There, other prisoners were being rounded and some men had rifles. They were going to execute them. They had had it with them and they were going to die now. He seemed to be the last one so the man put the prisoners in a circle and pointed at them He closed his eyes and breath slowly.

 But then another tremor. It was an explosion, a bomb. It hit the nearby part of the building, scaring the executioners. They were distracted by the collapse of their bunker, now on fire and breathing black smoke. Bu they remembered they had prisoners and shot a couple of them before some other men came. There was a fire exchange, time during which he really tried to die because he didn’t want to become someone else’s prisoner but the fight ended fast. The new men helped the survivors up and took them to a truck nearby. The truck left the place and they all fainted from exhaustion.

 Days later, the former hostage woke up in the bed of a hospital. It was night but he could recognize, from deep in his memories, the sound of that machine that poured a health serum into his bloodstream. His eyes were not working great but he noticed a window and he saw some lights outside, buildings. Voice could be heard from the other side of the door and then a bunch of people busted in, the lights went on and he suddenly had two nurses and a doctor all over him. They checked every single part of his body. He cried a bit, but they didn’t notice. He cried because he was free and that had been impossible.

 After a while, everyone left except for the doctor. It was a woman. She spoke gently and explained to him what was right and what was wrong with him. But that didn’t matter anymore. He was finally dying, slowly and in peace. He saw the woman leave in a hurry before his eyes closed and he could only hear the sound of a voice. It was a nice, warm voice that he knew he loved and cherished. It was Tom. He remembered. And then, he left this world to see Tom again.