Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta doctor. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta doctor. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2015


   Siento el agua alrededor mío y me despierto de golpe porque creo ahogarme, creo que en cualquier momento mis pulmones se llenarán de agua y entonces moriré en medio del mar. Pero el agua no es salada y no estoy en el mar sino tirado sobre un charco de agua que se expande sobre una superficie semi lisa que está igual de fría que el agua que siente alrededor de mi cuerpo.

 Trato de levantarme pero no tengo la fuerza ni para sostener mi cuerpo. Apenas soy capaz de mover los brazos para que mis manos estén al lado de mi cabeza pero eso es todo. Cierro los ojos de nuevo, pues el brillo de la luz es demasiado y me da mareo. De hecho, siento que voy a vomitar en cualquier momento y no quiero puesto que no soy capaz de moverme. Quiero llorar pero tampoco puedo y entonces me doy cuenta que me duele absolutamente cada parte del cuerpo, cada extremidad, como si de repente el dolor de muchas heridas hubiese entrada a mi cuerpo, ya sin que nada lo impida.

 El dolor me hace dormir una vez más. Tengo uno de esos sueños que no son nada, que no significan nada y que parecen pasar a toda velocidad. Yo no quiero soñar nada ni ver a nadie en ellos ni recordar como se siente oír la voz otro ser humano cerca de mis oídos. No quiero nada de eso porque sé que en poco tiempo, en apenas instantes, estaré muerto. Y no quiero luchar ni pelear ni esforzarme de manera alguna por lograr nada. Si ya no hice nada en la vida, que se queden las cosas así. No le debo nada a nadie.

 Para mi decepción, despierto de nuevo. Esta vez no estoy en el mismo lugar, o al menos no lo parece. Estoy sobre un colchón que huelen a orina y por lo que veo es un recinto estrecho, pequeño, donde incluso el techo parece bajo, como a punto de aplastarme. Esta vez me muevo por el miedo que siento pero entonces oigo el tintineo del metal y siento de repente su frío recorrerme, desde los pies a la cabeza. No estoy seguro porque no soy capaz de incorporarme, pero creo que estoy esposado por los pies a la cama en la que estoy.

 No puedo mantener los ojos abiertos mucho rato pero sigo despierto y trato de oír mi entorno pero no oigo a nadie ni nada que me diga donde estoy. Solo escucho un goteo no muy lejano y los pasos de lo que deben ser ratas en la cercanía. Espero que esos desgraciados animales coman mejor que yo porque o sino tendré algo más que preocuparme y ciertamente no quiero nada de eso. No hay almohada, apoyo directamente la cabeza en el colchón sucio y creo que ya está claro que me rindo y que no quiero seguir pretendiendo que voy a ganar la partida, ya perdí y lo admito y solo quiero que me dejen en paz pero dudo mucho que eso pase, puesto que por algo estoy aquí.

 Mi mente viene y va. Me quedo dormido por breves o largos periodos de tiempo (no lo tengo claro) pero siempre vuelvo y me despierto a ver que ha pasado a mi alrededor. Y la verdad es que nada cambia. No hay comida, que yo sepa, no viene nadie a darme agua y lo único que sé es que ya no se oyen los pasitos de las ratas. Después de despertarme unas cuantas veces, concluyo que el olor que emana el colchón ha sido causado por mi. Seguramente me he orinado encima bastantes veces desde que estoy aquí, sería imposible que no fuera así.

 De pronto, en una de esas veces que me despierto, siento que la puerta de la celda se abre y alguien entra. No dice nada y yo no volteo a mirar quién es. Mantengo con firmeza la cabeza girada hacia el lado contrario porque ya no me interesa saber nada, ya no quiero meterme más en todo esto y solo quiero que se den cuenta que me he rendido y que no pienso hacer nada contra ellos, nunca más. No oigo su voz, solo su respiración. Sale de la habitación unos momentos después y cierran la puerta. Respiro con más facilidad cuando eso pasa pero entonces me pongo a pensar si mi mensaje ha sido recibido o si preferirán asesinarme para prevenir.

 De nuevo duermo pero esta vez se siente que ha sido por más poco tiempo. Es la puerta que me despierta y esta vez sí me volteo a mirar quién entra: son dos tipos con la cara cubierta. Supongo que son hombres por su musculatura pero podría equivocarme. Cada uno libera uno de mis tobillos y después uno de ellos me pone un antifaz en la cabeza, para que todo lo que vea sea una negrura inmensa. Siento que me toma por los brazos y las piernas y yo me dejo llevar, no voy a pelear con ellos ni a hacer nada que los ofenda.

 Siento que me cargan al exterior, pues siento algo de viento en mi cabeza y un olor particular, como a pino o algo por el estilo. Entonces me dejan sobre una superficie suave y escucho el sonido de puertas cerrándose. Segundos después siento un pinchazo y entonces el antifaz se vuelve un adorno pues quedo dormido profundamente. En el sueño imagino que me quito el antifaz y veo a los hombres que me cargaban y los beso y los abrazo y ellos me corresponden, y bailamos y nos queremos como locos. Es un sueño estúpido, sin ningún sentido.

 Cuando me despierto, el brillo de la luz es peor que en lugar del piso de cemento. Cierro los ojos al instante y entonces una enfermera viene y apaga la luz. Solo queda prendida una luz débil, azulosa, que sale de la cabecera de la cama, donde hay interruptores y todo eso. La mujer se disculpa y revisa cosas a mi alrededor. Yo mantengo los ojos cerrados y la escucho, revisar bolsas y aparatos y murmurar por lo bajo.

 Pasadas unas semanas, creo que ya tengo más cara de ser humano que nunca antes. Me dice la enfermera que cuando llegué tenía el rostro demacrado y la piel verdosa y que ahora parezco mejor alimentado, incluso si el noventa por ciento de mi comida sigue siendo suero. No me dejarán comer solidos por unos días más. A mi me da igual. Me siento mucho mejor que antes y ya no me quiero morir, incluso cuando todos los días me agobian varias preguntas a las que no tengo respuesta: Que va a ser de mi cuando salga de aquí? Que vida tendré, si ya he olvidado la que tenía?

 En efecto, ya no recuerdo con exactitud mi nombre. Ya han pasado días y un hombre me visita y me explica quién era yo. Es una situación muy particular, muy extraña, pues el hombre me muestra fotos en las que salgo yo, más que todo en viajes familiares o situaciones por el estilo. A mi me gusta ver esas fotos pero no recuerdo nada de ellas. Aprendo mi nombre otra vez pero antes se me preguntan si quiero cambiarlo. Yo asiento, hablo muy poco.

 Cuando esa terapia termina, empieza el periodo de explicarme como está mi salud. Ya me dejan tomar sopas y jugos, lo que agradezco enormemente pues mi garganta duele mucho menos ahora. Un día llega otro hombre, este vestido de doctor, y dice que necesita explicarme como estoy. Yo no quiero oír pero no tengo opción. Él me explica que cuando me dejaron frente al hospital tenía varios órganos comprometidos por lo que parecían ser golpizas sistemáticas. Además tenía gran cantidad de químicos en el cuerpo, seguramente los medicamentos que me daban para mantenerme drogado. También habían encontrado infecciones en mi vejiga.

 Hizo una pausa el doctor antes de hablarme de las violaciones. Cuando escucho la palabra, ni siquiera parpadeo. Lo sé y la verdad me da igual. Su voz parece lejana mientras explica que me han hecho los exámenes debidos y afortunadamente no tengo nada en la sangre a excepción de una anemia severa. Me explica también que medicamentos deberé tomar y entonces se retira.

 Los días pasan y es entonces que me doy cuenta que tengo mucho miedo. Tengo miedo de tener que salir al mundo de nuevo, de enfrentarme a la realidad de la que he estado alejado por tanto tiempo. No tengo ganas de nada pero obviamente no puedo quedarme en el hospital. Me dicen que han encontrado un sitio para mi y un trabajo en casa por mis condiciones especiales. Yo solo asiento, puesto que negarme no es una opción realista. No sé quién ha dado el dinero para mi casa o quién me contrata en el trabajo, pero no me interesa en lo más mínimo. Es cosa de ellos, sean quienes sean.

 Semanas después, todavía sigo sin subir las persianas de las ventanas. No me gusta que entre mucho sol a mi pequeño apartamento, que me he enterado que es mío y de nadie más. Igual, no quiero saber. Me paso los días pensado y eso me tortura y el trabajo desde casa no ayuda mucho. A veces me despierto en la noche sudando y pensando que estoy de nuevo en la celda. Pero olvido que he cambiado de cárcel.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Dolor de sueño

   Lo único que podía hacer era arquear la espalda, girar la nuca para un lado y para el otro y tratar de encontrar una nueva posición en la que dormir. Pero como todos sabemos, eso no es posible. Muy pocas personas son tan adaptables y yo simplemente nunca he sido una de esas personas. Intento acostarme boca arriba y lo único que hago es dejar los ojos abiertos y mirar al techo, así la oscuridad sea completa. Si duermo de lado, siento que estoy atrapando uno de mis brazos y siento como se va durmiendo lentamente. Ya me ha pasado antes que me duermo encima de uno y a la mañana siguiente me siento como una marioneta.

 Lo mío, sin lugar a dudas, es dormir boca abajo, con la cabeza girada, ocho veces sobre diez, hacia la derecha. No tengo ni idea de porqué es la única manera en que me quede dormido. Puede que cuando era un bebé tomé esa costumbre y ahora no la dejo por nada del mundo. No lo sé y la verdad puede llegar a ser bastante molesto.

 Comprar un nuevo colchón no era una opción pues la casa no era mía y simplemente no iba a gastar un dinero en algo tan personal para que después alguien lo usara más que yo. Nunca me ha gustado hacer caridades y menos aún cuando no tengo el poder adquisitivo, o mejor dicho el dinero, para hacer semejantes contribuciones. Así que simplemente trataba de encontrar mi mejor ángulo para dormir y listo.

 Una vez, recuerdo, estaba haciendo mis ejercicios de cuello y espalda en un tren, uno que iba considerablemente vacío, y varias personas se me quedaron mirando, como si jamás hubiesen visto a alguien con cuello. Eran tantas miradas y de manera tan penetrante que agradecí llegar a mi parada para no tener que sentir todos esos ojos encima mío. Se sintió extraño y ese día solo caminé a paso veloz a mi casa para hacer allí los ejercicios y hacer que mi espalda crujiera y aliviara mi dolor.

 Averiguando por ahí, encontré una masajista que decía ser la mejor en males relacionados con el sueño, así que concertamos una cita y fui a su consultorio. El resultado fue bastante pobre y estoy seguro que cualquier persona que yo conocía hubiese tenido más fuerza en las manos que esa pobre mujer. Lo único que me causó al final de la sesión fue dolor y no solo físico sino en la billetera al cobrarme un precio exorbitante por haberme hecho sentir más dolor. Por supuesto, jamás volvería a un masajista ya que soy de las personas que juzgan a un grupo por lo que hace uno de ellos.

 La acupuntura ayudó y resultó ser más relajante pero la verdad era que requería más fuerza, más insistencia, y resultados más rápidos. No podía estar yendo a cada rato para citas a ver que podíamos ir trabajando. Así que la opción era buena pero no lo suficiente.

 Cualquier amistad que viniese a mi casa tenía que soportar la extraña pregunta: “Te parece muy raro si te pido que te sientes en mi espalda?”. A muchos sí que les parecía raro y descartaban la pregunta como si fuera una de esas moscas gordas que entran en las habitaciones únicamente a molestar. Otros, los mejores amigos sin duda, aceptaban así no estuvieran muy seguros de que tenían que hacen o como tenían que hacerlo. Pero al fin y al cabo que no era ciencia nuclear sino sentarse en mi espalda.

 Es magnifico lo útil que era a veces. Sentir el peso de alguien sobre ti, es obviamente intimidante y da mucho miedo por la parte de quedarse sin aire, pero también es algo liberador. Es como si los males que te aquejan adquirieran una forma física que puedes quitarte de encima cuando quieras y que puedes sentir más fácilmente. Y lo normal es que sea más fácil para nosotros manejar lo que vemos y conocemos que lo que no tenemos ni idea cómo es.

 Pero al cabo de un tiempo tuve que dejar de hacerlo pues ya no tenía ningún efecto. Una amiga me aconsejó entonces que fuese a un doctor. Me sugirió que tal vez mi dolor de espalda provenía de una falta de vitaminas y minerales esenciales y que de pronto tomando algún tipo de medicamente podría mejorar estado de salud.

 Odio ir al médico pero a esas alturas estaba dispuesto a intentar lo que fuera. El doctor era uno que había encontrado casi al azar. El caso era que hiciese los exámenes pertinentes y encontrara una manera de quitarme la incomodidad de encima. Hablaba con esa voz y esa paciencia que bordea en lo molesto, esa que tienen muchos doctores como si con solo la voz ya estuvieran salvando al planeta de su destrucción. Me revisó superficialmente y al final me pidió una muestra de sangre.

 Los resultados se demoraron una semana en estar listos y estaba seguro  que era tiempo suficiente puesto que la cantidad de sangre que me habían sacado era suficiente para una buena cantidad de pruebas. Esperé en una sala de varias sillas y donde todo el mundo se veía como si estuviese a cinco segundos de su muerte. Siempre he pensado que los hospitales y centros de salud son deprimentes, pero esta gente de verdad que no se estaba ayudando. Era tan horrible estar ahí, que tuve que ponerme de pie y esperar admirando falsamente un afiche sobre enfermedades venéreas.

 Cuando por fin me hicieron pasar, seguí rápidamente al consultorio y me resultó especialmente curioso que el doctor no estuviese solo sino que estuviese acompañado de quién parecía otro doctor. Me iban a coger de conejillo de Indias o mi doctor era de esos que creo que cualquier momento es bueno para socializar, así haya elegido la carrera que más restringe cualquier construcción social en el mundo?

 Al rato me respondió que ese señor era un especialista del sueño que trabajaba cerca y que estaba interesado en mi caso. Por un segundo me dio risa pero después decidí mejor no reírme y únicamente sentarme al lado del doctor que no conocía.

La verdad fue que sentí como si hubiese viajado en el tiempo a la época en que iba a clase y no entendía ni jota de lo que me decían. Esto porque cuando los doctores hablaron, quedó en ceros completamente. Sé que me decían cifras y hablaban de algunas vitaminas pero también de compuestos que yo ni conocía pero también decían nombres raro y asentían entre sí como si fuera lo más obvio del mundo pero yo, con el pasar de cada segundo, entendía cada vez menos.

 No soy bueno en momentos así, cuando me siento con mayores desventajas que otros. Y la verdad es que con el tiempo he aprendido a no ser un idiota y a poner mi pie en el suelo y exigir que mi presencia sea reconocida. Así que lo que hice fue ponerme de pie de golpe y salir del consultorio. Fue tal cual, sin decir nada ni despedidas ni ninguna floritura social de esas que a la gente le fascina. Solo me fui.

 Al no ser una película, obviamente nadie salió corriendo detrás de mí. Además la cita estaba pagada por mi seguro entonces podía hacer un poco lo que se me diera la gana. En cuanto al tiempo del doctor ese, la verdad me da igual. Como gasta uno su tiempo es problema exclusivamente propio, así que cuando caminé esa fría mañana hacia un café y me senté a desayunar, no tenía la menor culpa.

 Sin embargo, el problema persistía. Como suele pasar, el cuerpo recuerda cosas de un momento a otro y de la manera más cruel: apenas me senté sentí como si la espalda se me fuese a romper ahí mismo. El dolor fue máximo y quise gritar pero no dije nada pues nunca me ha gustado llamar la atención. Entonces llegó el mesero y le pedí lo que quería. Se me quedó mirando raro pero se fue al instante.

 Cuando se movió de mi campo de visión, me di cuenta de algo que no había intentado en estos días para remediar mi dolor. Era una respuesta tan obvia, que me reprendí por no ser tan ágil como para haberlo pensado antes. Cogí el celular y empecé a escribir para arreglar todos los detalles. Como sabía, todo fue a mi favor y de la mejor manera posible. Cuando el mesero volvió con mi pedido, lo recibí con una sonrisa y un guiño. Puede que lo que iba a hacer no funcionara pero el ejercicio no me vendría mal después de todo.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

In their minds

   Joanna let her tray fall flat to the ground; make a very loud sound and spilling everything everywhere. Everyone around her stopped right where they were and looked at her, as if she had exploded herself. She had fallen to her knees and was grabbing her head, saying something very fast over and over and over. Some people tried to get close and help her but they would suddenly get a horrible headache. One teacher started bleeding through the nose and young girl fainted. But after a couple of minutes, Joanna fainted and she was taken to a hospital. Everyone in the school talked about it for days and concluded, very fast, that she was just insane. It wasn’t unheard of that students could become crazy and that’s what everyone thought had happened to Joanna.

 But in the hospital, the doctors did not find any anomalies on her brain or anywhere else. Her body was in perfect shape except for the fact that this was the third time she was admitted for a similar event. However, this time seemed to be special as, a full day after the incident, she was still sleeping and the doctors could not do anything to wake her up. Her mother, father and brother came in and tried to help the doctors but it was useless. Joanna would remain sleeping and also mumbling whatever word or words she had thought about just as the incident happened. Her mother stay in the hospital with her a whole week until finally Joanna woke up, as if nothing had happened. She was scared. She had no idea what had happened and the fact that a week had passed her by didn’t help to calm her down.

 The doctors checked her up one last time but couldn’t find anything abnormal. They asked Joanna’s mother to get her to a psychiatrist in order to help them with her problems at school. He had said it as if Joanna had done something awful to one of the students or something but the truth was that every time something happened, Joanna suffered the only real injuries. The nosebleeds and fainting were nothing compared to what she described as a massive headache, where she could hear many voices inside her head. But these voices were not random ones but the voices of her classmates, her teachers, her family… Something was very wrong with her and it was Joanna who first said so in therapy.

 She went to the psychiatrist two times per week and her parents decided to home school her, at least for the remainder of the school year. It was obvious she wasn’t ready to be with other kids and seeing them everyday after what they had seen her go through was clearly not the best idea in the world. And the truth was she didn’t miss anything about school. After the first incident, when she had started screaming in gym class, every single one of her so-called friends stopped talking to her. They only looked at Joanna as if she was a freak and made noises and mocked her. So she was happy to get rid of that.

 Her parents did not know this. Only the psychiatrist knew and she had told Joanna that it was very normal to see fear as a reaction when people didn’t know what was happening. In their sessions, they always talked about the voices in her head and that, once she had realized they were the voices of her classmates, she could choose to hear one of them over the others. And that made her even more nervous. When she let the tray go in the middle of the cafeteria, she had happened to break in the thoughts of a boy she had always found mysterious and handsome. And inside of him, he heard the most awful things, thoughts of suicide and of killing others. He felt guilty and alone. For her, it had been very painful to hear him in her head, so she let the tray go and screamed.

 The psychiatrist thought that Joanna was internalizing a lot of anxiety and had created this “power” in order to get attention. She thought Joanna had channeled a huge amount of feelings into one single event and now she thought she heard people’s thoughts. In the following sessions, the doctor tried to get Joanna to understand that what she heard was just herself. She had created this great power but now she had to let her go in order to get better. Joanna did as the therapist said and followed her every advice. She began doing yoga to relax the mind and started talking to her mother and father in order to have a better connection to them, as a real family should be.

 The truth was they had always been a little bit too private. Her parents were the kind of people that think that their children should be shielded against everything, even the fact that the parents are humans and have feelings and failures too. It was hard for them to tear down that wall they had built around their two kids but day by day, they made progress and Joanna started to get better. She was smiling again and soon she had finished her school chores and exams. She did it sooner that her classmates in the actual school, so her parents and the therapist agreed that the best thing would be for her to get some responsibility.

As summer was beginning, her mother found her a job as a lifeguard in a public pool not very far from home. Joanna was not thrilled about the idea but decided that she could use the money and maybe it could be the beginning of her working life. The first day, it all went perfectly. She helped many children to their parents and even saved one girl that had fallen by accident. Many people praised her and thanked her. She saw many people that she knew from school but decided not to say a word to them. That was the past for her and she did not want to go back to it. That evening, she told everything about her day to her mother and she was happy that her daughter was so much better now.

 But then, it happened again. Joanna was in her post, looking at the kid’s pool when a gorgeous young man came in. He was very handsome and his swimming gear was perfect on him. Joanna smiled to him and he smiled back and then she could hear his thoughts. Only that this time, it wasn’t painful. She didn’t collapse or scream. She had learned to relax so the voice just came in and she heard him think that she had beautiful her. She went a bit red on the cheeks and decided to try it out with other people. She saw a mother with her child and heard her think about the father of his son and how worried she was he may not come back from his next business trip. Apparently, she though he was cheating on her.

 It was the best thing that had ever happened to her because she realized that her gift was not something awful and hurtful but a great way to know what people were thinking in order to make their day happier. She brought balloons for kids that were sad and tried to cheer up many people by doing fun activities like exercising in the water. She was glad to be of help and for people to finally like her as she really was. At night, she would write it all in a journal and even thought of telling herm other but she stopped short because she realized it would be too much of a crazy story for her to believe it. If she said anything maybe her mom would think she needed more help or something more permanent to help her and Joanna did not want to go to any more doctors.

 She did, however, go to her therapist one more time. It was her last appointment and she wanted very thing to go great but she had the feeling she had to tell someone about her powers and how now they were just good and under control. But the therapist was an adult and adults did not take these things as good things, always afraid of everything. She went through the whole session without any reference to her powers until the phone rang and she couldn’t resist knowing what it was about. She realized the therapist was talking to the boy she had heard in school, the one with suicidal thoughts. Joanna had described him to her. He was called Evan. And he was her next appointment.

 Without any hesitation, she asked her therapist if Evan was going to be ok. At first, the woman seemed surprised but then she calmed down. Joanna asked her if she believed in her powers now. She read her man and asked her why she was thinking Joanna was unbalanced. The doctor smiled and told Joanna that Evan had serious problems, because he had already tried to kill himself only a few days ago. Joanna went the rest of the session trying to pretend everything was fine but the truth was she remembered how Evan had felt in school and needed to see him herself. After the session, he was there and, crazy as it sounds, she talked in his mind, asking him to join her in the hall.

 She had no idea if that could work but moments later she heard Evan apologize to his mother and the doctor, saying he really needed to pee. He stepped outside and joined Joanna. They looked at each other. Evan was a little bit scared and shaken and Joanna was too but also hopeful of what her powers could do. Then, she just hugged him tight and he responded the same way. They did not say a word, only Joanna left another message in his mind: "call me soon". She left and he went inside. And they both felt better about themselves because they had realized they were never alone.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015


   Although it was supposedly summer, the island was covered by ice and some snow too. Only a few patches of green were seen from the plane but once in the ground, those patches proved to be really small and sad. A car came to pick up the three people that had arrived: a security official, an expert in virus and pandemics and a botanist. It took them only fifteen minutes to reach the northern part of the island, where the vault was located. In the past, there was only one smaller vault where all the seeds that could be found in the world had been stored. Wanting to expand the collection, the owners of the vault decided to expand to living being, although they kept them in a special substance for the body not to rot or decay with time. It was a very delicate an expensive endeavor.

 But something had happened recently: one of the specimens brought in for the collection apparently contained an unknown virus than had already killed two of the scientists working in the vault. No one in the world knew about it because the place had been properly sealed and no one that was inside during the incident had been let out yet. They had enough food for a year inside the vault and it was imperative that they solved what was the virus in order to let them go. That’s why the owners of the vault had decided to call for help and received some from private parties involved in the creation of the collection. They couldn’t ask a government entity or everyone would know.

 Doctor Patel was a renowned botanist, dedicated to find a way to feed every single child in her native India. She had travelled all over the world in order to find every type of seed and nourishment that could help her achieve her goal. And, although she had not revealed it to anyone, she thought she was fairly close to achieving that dream. Ironically, one of the elements that she needed to complete her task was kept inside the vault and it was just days before she applies for a visit that she had been summoned due to her expertise with plants. She knew everything about them and it seemed that the people from the vault believed that a plant had something to do with the virus that they were experiencing.

 Then there was Fred Connor, also a world-renowned scientist but in a very different field. He had studied the use of several types of viruses as weapons and had also learned every tactic used by the governments that had used biological weapons against someone else. Viruses as weapons were no joking business to him and he was too well documented not to take one case seriously. This one of the vault one particularly intriguing, as the people working there had not been able to say if the virus that they were facing was from a botanical or an animal origin. The fact that it came from a rare animal had not been confirmed. He was eager to study this apparent new virus and neutralize it.

 Someone less excited about this trip was the taller black man that joined the two scientists. He was no science man or had anything to do with any studies or viruses or animal and certainly not plants. Mister Fox, as he liked to be called, was a private security agent that had been called to assess the situation in the vault. His role was not about helping anyone in any way. His orders were to shut down the place completely if he found out that whatever was inside could be dangerous for human life and, more specifically, for the investments of many wealthy businessmen that had put a lot of money to make the vault in order to get their taxes lowered. Fox had the authorization to use force, if necessary.

 When they arrived, one of the local scientists that did not work in the vault greeted them and told them to get inside. They were a bit nervous but he told them it was the only room that hadn’t been exposed to the virus as every shipment went in through a door in the other side of the building. The vault was built underground, so the building you could see in the exterior was only a very small part of everything that was the vault. Inside, they felt a bit less cold, maybe because the space was very small and their bodies helped each other to feel a little bit better. The local scientist, called Jorgen, told them that they could talk to the people in the vault via an intercom system that even video feed.

 It was Connor who sat down in front of the screen and asked Jorgen to dial the code of three numbers. There was no tone or ring, only silence. That was until, almost an entire minute later, someone answered and an image in the screen appeared. They seemed to be in almost darkness and the person that had answered could not really be understood. As the image got better, they all realized that he was wearing a mask in order to breath a bit better. But the mask had the disadvantage of masking his voice too. He then started communicating in sign language and Doctor Patel translated, as she had learned the language when she was in medical school. The person on the screen said that three more were dead and that only him and another one remained.

 The four-person team decided to suit up with special uniforms that were originally created to enter radioactive areas. They checked every single centimeter of fabric before entering the elevator, as any hole could bring the virus into their bodies and to the surface. No one knew if it could die in the cold but the fact that it had survived the trip to the vault wasn’t a very good reference. Only Connor and Jorgen had worn these kinds of suits before, the other took some time to put them on and he tried to help them. When they were ready, Patel communicated with the people below before they entered the elevator.

 The elevator was a very small space too.  On the instructions of Jorgen, everyone practiced how to properly breathe inside the suits. They had oxygen tanks that could last up to three hours but it wasn’t a very good idea to be there all that time. The plan was to go there and just check on the survivors and help them decontaminate. Once they had done that, they could put them in quarantine in a special room and then go up to call for help. After that, they could go down again in order to investigate everything they could about the virus. Fox was not so glad about the procedure, as he didn’t want to stay longer than necessary. His boss wanted news fast and helping people would only delay that.

 Once the elevator opened, Jorgen told them to follow him. It wasn’t long before they found a large room and, at least, three bodies pilled up there.  All three visitors stopped to look at the bodies and Connor said that he had never seen anything like that before. He had being in the presence of several victims of biological incidents and none of them looked like these people: these one had no visible eyes anymore, their skin had a purple hue and their bodies seemed boneless, like puppets. Doctor Patel realized they had dirt beneath their nails and that they were barefoot. Then, there was a crash and Fox pulled out a gun and pointed in the direction of the noise. One of the remaining scientists had dropped a tray.

 It was Jorgen who reacted first, very angry that Fox had brought in a gun inside one of the pockets that was supposed to hold medicine for the wounded. No one noticed when he put it in and he ordered him to keep that thing deep in that pocket if he didn’t want to have a real problem with the local government. But as they quarreled, they hadn’t noticed that the scientist that had dropped the tray was trembling. A scream by doctor Patel came just as the man’s skin started to bleed and his eyes seemed to melt inside his head. Then his body collapsed. Like the others, he was barefoot. The team ran towards the elevator and pressed up. As the machine moved slowly, they were panting.

 Once up, they were not able to speak or move. It was Connor that said that the other scientist was probably contaminated as well. He was about to remove his helmet when Fox stopped him and told him not to remove it, as they could have been contaminated. This statement by Fox surprised them all but no one said anything to him. They just headed for the chemical showers, which would clean up very single trace of the pathogen of their suits, if they had it at all. As they showered together, they discussed the horrible nature of the virus and how devastating it looked. None of them could believe something like that was real.

 They were not paying attention when something crawled in the showers. It had entered the elevator when they did and it decided to crawl up in a corner and just stay there and wait. After all, it had a way of waiting, a certain patience. It was the creature they had brought in but it didn’t look like it anymore. And it was getting near the cold, were it could finally feel much stronger.