sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Life's a bitch? No, you are.

   Charlie was still breathing heavily. Mike went out of bed, almost running to the bathroom. From there, came the sound of running water. Charlie wasn’t really listening, still trying to catch his breath. He had this stupid smile on his face and he knew it but had no idea of how to get rid of it. Anyway, who cared? He was happy and wanted to feel that way for as long as he could. It wasn’t that often he felt fulfilled in life.

 His boss had recently promised him a promotion, then Mike had moved in with him and they were planning a trip around Europe to celebrate their first year together. It was all going great and he had no reason to stop smiling. When Mike came back to bed, he told Charlie he was very thirsty and had to drink water from the tap. Charlie kept smiling at him and kissed him without saying a word. Just as they were, they fell asleep until the day was new.

 They had breakfast and a nice conversation before separating to get to their jobs. Then, Charlie’s happiness ended. He had been notified that someone else had landed the promotion instead of him. All morning, he was too embarrassed by this new development to ask anything but, after lunch, he decided to talk to his boss about it. After all, he liked him and new that he would be honest and would properly explain what had happened.

 As it happens, the guy who had landed the promotion was not even a long time employee but a new staff member and the boss told Charlie he had been obligated to give him that post as he was the company’s owner son. Charlie tried to understand how a person that had been working there for four years, working hard to be precise, was not going to get the job and a kid who had no idea of the business just landed the gig because he was related to someone.

 Unknown to him, Charlie had asked this enraged, screaming a bit and visibly annoyed. The boss asked him to calm down but he didn’t. He had no idea what came over him but he just started grabbing things and throwing them all around the room. He was about to go for his boss when two security guards subdued him. He was in such a state; it was hard for them to pull him out of there. He was not a tall guy but he was apparently really strong and would go without further fighting. But the two guys were stronger and they threw him out the front door. They left but returned shortly, telling him he needed to ask someone to empty his desk. He called his only friend in the office and she put everything worth something in a box and gave it to him in the parking lot. They parted, saying nothing.

 He walked to a coffee shop with his box and tried calling Mike from his cellphone several times but he wasn’t picking up. The last time he tried, the call went straight to voice mail. Then something came over him. It wasn’t the rage he had felt before but rather a sense of worry, that something wasn’t completely fine. He decided to go back to his house and call Mike from there. Maybe his cellphone had just died or maybe something else was going on. It was certainly not the best day to be Charlie and, as he walked to the train station with his box, he hoped for everything to be ok and for this to be just a normal day or a dream.

 When he stepped off the train, he received a call from the bank, telling him why he had his bank account blocked. He hung up immediately. It made no sense that his account was blocked and he knew those calls were just pranks or ways to get his data in order to rob him. He wasn’t going to fall for that. He walked fast from the station to his building. He was helped by a lady to open the front door and took the stairs as the elevator took too long to arrive at the ground floor. When he finally made it to the sixth floor, he looked for the keys in the box and open the door.

 The place was empty and he had hoped to see Mike there. But he was obviously at work. He just wanted to know right away that he was ok but apparently that was a lot to ask for. He decided to take the phone and call him again but the cellphone number he was calling was dead. Voice mail time and again. Then he sat in his sofa and started thinking where he might be. He could go to Mike’s work, but he said they didn’t know he was gay so maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe…

 And then he heard it. It was a sound coming from somewhere, like the one of someone complaining but soft. It was just as if someone tried to be silent but couldn’t really mask their own voice. It was then when Charlie realized the sound was not coming from outside or from another apartment. It was coming from one of the rooms, from the bedroom to be precise. He forgot all about his search for Mike, about his dismissal and his little box filled with shitty things. He just walked down the hall and opened the door, without even thinking much about it.

 The bedroom door was never closed but it had been this time and he now knew why. Mike was there all right. But he wasn’t wearing any clothes and wasn’t hurt at all except a few nail marks in his back. Trying to cover himself up, Mike fell from the bed and Charlie saw the person who had been moaning. Different than he might think, the person was a woman. Charlie had never seen her before and that really didn’t matter.

-       Get out of my house…

 The woman looked at Mike and then at Charlie and then at Mike again, who was putting up his underwear and walking slowly to Charlie.

-       Get the fuck out of my house! And you…

 He said nothing. The woman picked up her things and ran past Charlie, still naked. She took his bed sheet but he didn’t care. He just wanted her out of his home. Once she was out, he stood in front of the door, still shocked. There was no way of crying, of going through another episode of crazy rage. He was too overwhelmed and too hurt to cry, scream or yell. Mike came out of the bedroom and was about to touch him but Charlie slapped his arm to one side and told him to go fuck himself. He told him he had been the best person in the world to him for a whole year. How could he be like this to him?

 He shouldn’t have asked. Mike told him, caressing his arm, that he had liked at first and that he was a nice fuck but that was it. He got boring both in bed and in the rest but he didn’t let him go because of how well positioned he was. But now, Mike said, he had enough of that and wanted to leave him. Charlie followed him back to the room and told him that he wasn’t just leaving. He was throwing him out. He wasn’t going to be the victim, he told Mike, not when he was clearly the one that was losing more.

 Mike didn’t listen to anything he said. He just put some clothes, grabbed a small bag and started packing. He packed all the clothes that Mike had given him. He had to take out another bag, a bigger one, and by then Charlie decided he had to breath and count to ten, so he went to the living room and tried to calm himself down. He finally started crying profusely and didn’t heard when Mike left with two big bags full of everything Charlie had bought him

 He had been alone for at least an hour when the phone rang and he had to answer because the sound annoyed him. It was the bank again. They were sorry to tell him Internet pirates had targeted his account and that he had lost of the savings in there. He laughed like a crazy person right then, and the lady talking to him thought he had gone insane or something. She was careful to say it may take a while but that the bank would reinstate all his savings, as he had paid the insurance they sold.

 Charlie just said thanks and hung up. He cleaned up his tears and, as painful as it was, he tried to think what he had done wrong. Although he saw nothing at the time and decided it was best to take a nap, Charlie had been not that great at his job and had been promised a promotion he didn’t deserve. The owner’s boss was not the stupid kid he thought he was. The man was actually an expert in advertising and would make the company double its earning in a single year.

 As for Mike, he had met him in a bar and, been drunk, had taken him to his apartment and had sex with him. The first three months, it was all about sex, not minding anything else. It was Charlie who asked Mike to be his boyfriend and the one that insisted on Mike leaving with him. All of this happened in a matter of months, including the expensive gifts and the planning of the trip that, unknown to him, Mike was still going to have. Charlie had left him in control of one of his credit cards and Mike had recently bought the tickets for both his female friend and him. Charlie would realize about this in the future, a bit too late.

 And the pirates. That looks random but it isn’t. Mike had paid for porn and clothes in many websites and that’s where the pirates always take their information from.

 In conclusion, Charlie had all the answers in front of him but he wasn’t acknowledging any of them, anything that he had done. He blinded himself into thinking certain things and rushed into liking somebody because he thought he would never find someone. His sunken self-esteem had been the one to blame and it would take him still a lot of life to learn the necessary to stop blaming others for his mistakes.

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

De los héroes y lo mediocre

   Tenemos el afán de siempre tener alguien a quien acudir, nos sentimos solos todo el tiempo e indefensos. Nuestra evolución ha sido fácil pero ha tenido sus tropiezos y nos ha dejado con rastros de nuestro pasado más salvaje, de cuando debíamos protegernos de todo porque todo era un peligro. Desde ese momento nacieron dos cosas: primero, el miedo a lo desconocido, a los animales que hacen ruidos demasiado fuertes y los que podrían comernos si no sabemos como defendernos. Y segundo, nacieron los héroes. Personas que nos salvaban de una situación difícil sin pedir nada a cambio, personas extraordinarias y poco comunes.

 Ha sido este personaje tan fuerte y único que se le han hecho alabanzas a lo largo de la historia, poniéndolo como personaje central de novelas y demás relatos que pudiesen ser pasados de boca en boca, de persona a persona para así impulsarlos a ser algo más de lo que eran, simples humanos sin la capacidad de ser extraordinarios pero con los medios para hacer lo poco común. Se puede debatir si primero existieron en los libros o si fueron personas reales. Eso simplemente no se sabe pero el concepto de héroe es uno bastante flexible.

 Puede ser un héroe aquel que descubre una nueva fuente de alimento para la comunidad o el que descubre una nueva ruta de migración o una nueva forma de matar al animal que da más carne. Esos fueron héroes aunque hoy seguramente no lo serían. El caso es que posiblemente gente así fue la primera en ser considerada la máxima expresión de la experiencia humana, lo mejor que podían ofrecer las personas en ese momento.

 En las novelas se exageró su posición, su aspecto e incluso sus hazañas. Ya no descubrían una nueva semilla o una ruta menos accidentada para sus familias, no, ahora combatían ejércitos enteros, salvaban comunidades enteras del desastre inminente e incluso luchaban con criaturas igual de fantásticas que ellos, como dragones y monstruos de tres cabezas. Todos los personajes en esos cuentos están en un mismo nivel de fantasía, todos son el ideal de lo que el ser humano debería ser para cada persona que escribió o contó el cuento, dependiendo del momento histórico y su contexto.

 Los héroes han ido mutando pero esencialmente siempre son los mejores, el punto culminante de nuestra sociedad y a lo que todos aspiran a ser. Esto quiere decir, que la realidad de las cosas no podría estar más alejada de esos cuentos y relatos. El ser humano no es un héroe por naturaleza. Apenas hemos evolucionado lo suficiente para ponernos de pie y reflexionar sobre lo que nos rodea. No somos más que lo podemos ver y tal vez un poco más, algo interesante que yace bajo la corteza cerebral. Pero nada más. Los seres humanos somos, para cualquier intención o propósito, comunes y corrientes como todos los demás seres vivos.

 Sin embargo, la necesidad de tener quien nos defienda, quien saque la cara por nosotros, ha hecho que los héroes de los libros y películas no sean suficientes para contentar nuestra hambre por sentirnos que somos más de lo que somos. Tenemos un afán, una urgencia exagerada, por calificar al ser humano como el mejor de todos sin objeción alguna. Queremos que nos digan, una y otra vez, que somos los mejores y que nos merecemos lo mejor que este mundo pueda ofrecer.

 Eso, en principio, no tiene nada de malo. Es normal tener un cierto nivel de ambición porque, si no se tuviera, no habría forma de conseguir nada de la vida. Mucha gente piensa que querer más es malo pero lo malo es usar ciertas técnicas para conseguir lo que queremos. Y ahí vienen las mentiras, que varían en su dimensión para hacernos ver mejores y mucho más brillantes que los demás. Porque si de algo se trata es de crear ilusiones, cosas que no pueden existir ni que tienen sentido alguno pero que la gente cree de todas maneras, como si no hubiera más opción.

 Es lo que ocurre cuando la gente decidió sacar a los héroes de las páginas de los libros y de todos los rincones de la cultura. Los que hubo en el pasado, con sus hazañas pequeñas, hoy son vistos como aportes insignificantes y ya no son héroes, si acaso para su comunidad o núcleo  familiar. Hoy en día se necesita mucho más, se necesita ser un héroe como los de los cuentos que pueden hacer varias cosas al mismo tiempo, luchan con unos mientras defienden a los demás y hacer actos de increíble valor.

Pero recordemos que es todo una ilusión. Porque el héroe contemporáneo no es en verdad capaz de hacer varias cosas al mismo tiempo, eso es físicamente imposible. Lo saben bien las madres cuando dicen que al intentar hacer dos cosas a la vez, una quedará seguramente mal hecha. Y así es porque somos seres humanos, por mucho que intentemos y nos empeñemos en hacer las cosas como queremos, la realidad siempre será diferente porque tenemos limitaciones que muchas veces preferimos ignorar, como si no existieran o importaran.

 La ilusión también está en lo de hacer actos de gran valía. Hoy en día cualquier idiota, tal cual, es un héroe por hacer su trabajo. Lo que se hizo fue modificar el concepto del héroe, rebajándolo a una expresión más accesible a los seres humanos, para que así sea más fácil ser un héroe. Esto solamente resalta lo mediocre que puede ser la raza humana, rebajando las cosas para tenerlas a su alcanza en vez de tratar de conseguir eso que parece inalcanzable.

 Porque ser un héroe como los de los cuentos no es imposible. Parece imposible porque son momentos únicos con personas comunes y corrientes que se convierten en algo más en un segundo de sus vidas. Un héroe de verdad es alguien que tiene que hacer algo, tomar una decisión en un debido momento crucial y deja de serlo una vez a pasado todo. Ha habido personas así a lo largo de la Historia, personas que han tomado decisiones que nunca pensaron que fueran trascendentales pero terminaron cambiando la cara de la humanidad.

 Esos son héroes. No son los que hoy en día dan comida a los pobres o hacen su trabajo medianamente bien. Los militares, cualquier persona que tenga un arma encima, no es un héroe porque va en contradicción con el termino. Que tiene de extraordinario e increíble una persona que se gana la vida matando a los demás? Porque se puede argumentar que los militares protegen y ese es de hecho su rol principal pero no su actividad primaria. Nadie es un héroe cuando en vez de usar su voz o su cerebro, usa un arma para matar y callar para siempre a sus contradictores.

 Nadie es héroe a punta de armas y tampoco lo es simplemente por existir. No son héroes los que construyen casas para los damnificados de una inundación y tampoco lo son los que se esfuerzan en hacer reír a las personas en los momentos más difíciles. Muchas de esas pueden ser personas de gran valor pero no son héroes porque no ha habido es coyuntura, ese momento que lo cambia todo y los separa, por unos segundos, del resto de la humanidad.

 Todo esto en pro de conservar las palabras y sus definiciones como son y no dejar que todo lo vaya modificando la mediocridad humana, que quiere hacer que todos sean felices sin razón alguna. No hay nada como alcanzar una meta, como hacer un descubrimiento así ya todo el mundo lo conozca. Estas cosas nuevas nos hacen crecer y son las que deberían traer felicidad a nuestro corazón, no mentiras e ilusiones que no son nada, que se deshacen en el viento y que en verdad no nos aportan nada.

 No hay nada peor que ese comportamiento de decirle a todo el mundo algo que no es cierto para alentarlo a algo. No. Si se quiere alentar a alguien hay que decirle la verdad, completa y sin inventos. Se le dice que está bien y que mal y en que se le puede ayudar. Y así las personas crecen desde adentro hacia fuera y colaboran en el crecimiento personal de otros.

 Lo fantástico tiene mucho de atractivo, de fascinante e increíble pero termina siendo una mentira, porque simplemente no existe. Los seres humanos quieres ser todos diferentes, todos únicos e irrepetibles pero eso no es posible. Habrá quienes tengan una vida estándar, sin vaivenes o experiencias increíbles y eso no es malo de ninguna manera. Es solo una de las maneras de vivir la vida. La cosa es que tenemos tanto miedo de ser simples, de ser solo seres humano hechos de piel y carne que algún día dejarán de existir. De pronto es que nos hemos dado cuenta la poco que estaremos por aquí y tenemos miedo a no permanecer, a no dejar marca.

 No tenemos porque todos ser héroes. No tenemos que esforzarnos para ser únicos. Solo debemos dejarnos llevar por la vida y ella sabrá la mejor manera de hacer disfrutar la experiencia humana que, ya de por si, es fantástica.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

More than love

   Crabs invaded the beach. They were many, turning the shore into a large red stain. It was strange, but they seemed to stop just before entering the water, as if they knew there were dangers beyond the foam line of the waves. Anyway, they walked in and swam into the bottom of the bay without much further hesitation. Every single one of those animals did the same thing as they stepped out of their homes in the inner side of the island, after having eaten all they could there. It was a sight to be seen and two humans were actually looking at it.

 Behind some bushes, Christina and Neil were observing with fascination the event. They were just there for their holidays but had wanted to see the mass entry of the crabs into the oceans, as many biologists said it was one of the most beautiful events in nature. They were biologists themselves but worked mostly in labs so they didn’t have the chance to see much of the animal’s natural behavior.

 Christina was the first one to stand up when it was all done, when every single one of the crabs had gone into the water. The beach was now deserted; only some leaves and branches soiling its pristine white color. She helped her husband up and took his hand as they walked in silence along the beach. The waves brought a nice unique sound to the scene that included a sunset and a nice afternoon breeze.

 They stopped walking near the middle of the sand strip and sat down on the sand. The couple saw each other’s eyes and kissed, then hugged watching the sun disappearing on the horizon. They were happy to be there, finally resting and building a relationship that had always been put on hold because of their work.

 On one hand, Christina worked in a cosmetics lab creating new lipsticks based on animals and plant life. Of course, she was against the killing of animals, so the company had agreed they would only buy the ones that were already going to be used for other purposes, such as fish. They used the scales and bones for the lab but the meat was packed and put into freezers for people to boy them in supermarkets.

 Christina was not thrilled with her job. Her dream, ever since she was a little girl, had been to work in a zoo and care for many types of animals there. But after several interviews, trips and trials, she had not been selected in any zoo, no matter how small or wealthy. She just wasn’t needed anywhere until she found this cosmetic company and decided to work there for the money. They had recently stopped makeup trials with animals and she was happy about it as she had always been an advocate of animals rights.

 Funny enough, that was the way she met Neil. He was a veterinarian in a small town and had come to the city for one of the many rallies that were held in order to get the government to make laws punishing openly acts of violence against animals, including many events that were considered “tradition” by many. The first time Christina saw him, she honestly didn’t think much of him. She always said it was because she was very focused on the rally but Neil thought it was because she just didn’t like him right away.

 In a meeting for another rally, they were seated one next to the other and started talking casually about their pets. Being a veterinarian, Neil owned a farm and had lots of animals, inherited to him by his father who had recently passed away. Christina thought that was amazing, as she has always wanted to be around lots of different animals. She told him about her dream of becoming a zookeeper but how it was such a pointless fantasy for her, as she was never deemed “zoo material”.

 Neil laughed at this and told her that he had always wanted to be a marine biologist but that his father really wanted someone to keep the farm going and he was his only son. For some reason, his parents had never wanted to have more children and now the responsibility of the farm had just been passed onto him. His dream of becoming a marine biologist died quickly but, seeing Christina’s face, he said he had fallen in love with life at the farm and with the animals and people he interacted with.

 That day, they exchanged numbers and texted each other constantly. They didn’t date or anything. They just chatted about their passion for life and whatever was happening on their lives. This way of doing things lasted for one whole year. She always mentioned Neil to her friends but they didn’t believe he existed and the same happened with Neil. Many people that knew him thought he had invented Christina because he didn’t have any romantic prospects around him, even if many girls came up to him and asked him for a date or a kiss.

 Their texting relationship was cut short when Neil announced he had been granted a scholarship to go and study in China. They had a very interesting program where he could learn a lot to keep helping farmers so he had decided to go. Christina was very sad by this but he assured her they would continue to text and so on, and it was true. One of the first things he did when arriving in Beijing, was getting a new phone and a data plan to chat with Christina every day.

 One more year passed during which they both dated other people. Neil met Li Fa, a beautiful young woman that worked with horses in a farm owned by the university where he was studying. They dated and had a strong romantic and sexual relationship over the course of many months, practically until the day he had to come back home. Li Fa assured Neil that she really liked him but that she understood he had to go back and that, in any case, she would always be there for him. They stayed friends for the rest of their lives.

 Christina dated two men, both very different guys in every single aspect of their being. Mark, the first one, was the gym kind. He loved himself a lot, which was good until it became annoying. Christina thought the relationship would only be about sex but, who would’ve known, the guy was a romantic and the few times he wasn’t training (God knows what for) or looking at himself in the mirror, he would buy her beautiful flowers, and cards and chocolates of every flavor.

 To be honest, Christina never knew what he did for a living and she didn’t care much about it. Things ended because he wanted much more from her that she could give and she was a very career oriented woman. Having a boyfriend or anything like that was extremely high maintenance at the moment and she wasn’t into that.

 The second one was Joe. Despite his name, he was a skinny guy whom she met on a cosmetics conference she had been sent to. They hit it off and dated for a couple months until she decided to end it. Not only it was becoming annoying that he only spoke about work, which he loved to do very often, but also she had noticed that he wasn’t as interested in her as he pretended to be. At the end, she just told him to get real and be who he was. Months later, she saw him kissing another guy on a street. Good for him.

 When Neil came back, he decided to visit Christina and they had the best weekend to very good friends could have: they ate a lot, they went to a party, drank a lot of alcohol, then spoke about every single subject they could think of and, most importantly, they made each other laugh constantly. It was obvious for them something had awoken at the moment. Neil went back to his farm and Christina to her work, but what had begun had no way to stop. He would come back to the city every weekend to visit her and in a few months he asked her to marry him. She didn’t even say the word; she just kissed and hugged him.

 The holiday in Hawaii was meant to celebrate their first year together and it was a success. They had walked together on a volcano slope; they had swum with the marine life and where now looking at the most beautiful sunset any of them had seen. They held hands watching the orange sun casting the last shadows of the day on their faces. When it was gone, they decided to go back to the hotel and just spent time there, talking, as they loved to do and eating to because they were both food lovers.

 Christina and Neil were just in love, as people say. But they felt it was a lot more than just that. They felt connected, like actual partners in life and not just linked by romance or sex. They loved the term “twin souls” as it was not something uniquely romantic, also deeply social and emotional.  But no matter how people called it, they sure liked it a lot.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Por amor al arte

   Todos los alumnos usaban sus carboncillos con habilidad y rapidez. Miraban por un lado del caballete por unos segundos y luego volvían a su dibujo, ya retocando los últimos detalles. Eran unos quince alumnos, entre chicos y chicas, todos distribuidos en un gran círculo alrededor de un cubo blanco. Encima de esa estructura estaba un joven de pie, mayor que los alumnos pero igual joven, totalmente desnudo. Imitaba la pose del gran David de Miguel Ángel. Era increíble ver la similitud en los cuerpos, incluso en el cabello, y la habilidad casi anormal de quedarse quieto por tanto tiempo.

 La profesora de la clase daba vueltas por todo el salón, mientras los alumnos tenían solo cinco minutos para terminar. Algunos estaban visiblemente atrasados, dibujando con tal rapidez que parecía estar a punto de rasgar el gran bloc de hojas en el que pintaban. De hecho, un par miraban con desespero a un lado y otro, viendo como sus hojas estaban en efecto rasgadas y como las hojas inferiores se veían igual. Otros, pocos, veían con suficiencia a su alrededor ya dando retoques casi innecesarios a sus dibujos. Habían trabajado duro y lo tenían todo a punto.

 El modelo los veía de reojo pero casi todo el tiempo miró hacia una ventana, por donde pasaban las palomas que se posaban todas las tardes en la plazoleta exterior de la facultad de artes. Él recordaba con cariño su tiempo en la universidad pero no había estudiado nada relacionado con el arte, aunque había querido. Su padre era un abogado conocido y respetado en el país y le había insistido, desde pequeño, en que debía compartir su mismo destino y así seguir un cierto legado familiar.

 Él no quería nada que ver con eso pero igual hizo la carrera de cuatro años y encontró trabajo en una firma de abogados, recomendado por su padre. Pero hacía tan solo unos meses había vivido una experiencia cercana a la muerte y había decidido cambiar varias cosas en su vida. El coche en el que viajaba por carretera, de vuelta de una conferencia relacionada al trabajo, dio un giro inesperado al evitar un camión que venía directo hacia ellos. El automóvil dio varias vueltas y cayó en una zanja. Eso fue suficiente para él. El día siguiente, apenas al salir del hospital, renunció a su trabajo y le terminó de pagar a su padre lo que había gastado en su carrera.

 Sutilmente movió la cabeza. Se le habían humedecido los ojos pero respiró y trató de no desfallecer en los últimos minutos. No era la primera vez que posaba desnudo en los últimos meses. Se lo había sugerido una amiga y él se había lanzado a ello por cambiar de cosas por hacer. Ya había conseguido otro trabajo más estable y todo era para estudiar lo que él quería pero este trabajo del desnudo lo hacía sentirse libre, lo hacía sentirse honesto y vivo.

 Uno del os alumnos, un joven llamado Aníbal, estaba terminando con soltura su dibujo. La verdad era que hacía varios minutos que había terminado y solo se había dedicado a tratar de mejorar un poco el dibujo, haciéndolo más realista y único. Desde pequeño había tenido cierta facilidad para el dibujo y estudiar bellas artes había sido lo natural para él. Sus padres lo habían apoyado con varios cursos y viajes para aprender más del arte, siendo ellos mismos artistas: uno un escritor renombrado y la madre curadora de una de los museos más grandes del país.

 Su dibujo no era el mejor que había hecho. Para él este curso era la base que ya había visto hacía años, así que no se había esforzado demasiado pero sí lo había hecho lo suficientemente bien para resaltar. Algo que le gustaba, desde siempre, era ser aquel del que hablaran más. Le gustaba ser el ejemplo de los demás y que lo pusieran en un pedestal. Su aire de suficiencia era perceptible a todos los demás y solo aquellos que querían estar cerca de alguien con conexiones le hablaban, el resto se mantenía al margen.

 Esto era diferente a Adela, una de las chicas que estaban ocultando las rasgaduras en su papel con más carboncillo. Sudaba bastante a pesar de que la habitación estaba bien ventilada y miraba a sus vecinos inmediatos para ver que tal iban. La verdad era que ella de dibujo no sabía nada. Le gustaba mucho el arte pero más apreciarlo y hablar sobre él. De resto, no sabía mucho ejecutar nada. El dibujo era para ella algo nuevo y todas sus nuevas clases prácticas eran casi para ella una tortura.

 Siempre había sido torpe con los dedos, incluso para cortar una figura de un papel. Hacía bonitas carteleras porque tenía un muy buen sentido de la estética pero de resto no tenía ni idea de cómo hacer nada con ningún tipo de medio. La escultura le parecía especialmente difícil, ya que visualizar se le hacía casi imposible cuando no se tenían muchas bases. Su primera entrega en esa clase había sido una figura un tanto amorfa que el profesor había tomado como una obra futurista, algo que ella había reforzado diciendo todo lo que sabía respecto a ese movimiento.

 Adela estaba sentada justo al lado de Aníbal y trataba de no mirar su dibujo pero era casi imposible, al ver lo idéntico que era al modelo frente a ellos. La pobre chica miraba su dibujo, rudimentario y básico y lo comparaba al realista modelo de su compañero. Miraba también al modelo como suplicando algo pero no tenía ni idea de porque lo hacía. De pronto era porque siempre había habido alguien a su lado ayudándola pero en la carrera estaba sola. Ninguno de sus amigos había estudiado lo mismo y tenía que confesar que se sentía a veces arrepentida de su decisión, pero lo olvidaba pronto al recordar su pasión por el arte.

 Del otro lado del salón estaba Guillermo. Su dibujo era lo mejor que podía hacer para lo que conocía y se sentía muy contento de estar en su primera clase con un modelo en vivo. Le gustaba ver como la luz que entraba por las ventanas superiores, tocaba el cuerpo del modelo y lo convertía en algo más que una persona. Eso era para él el arte: algo que transformaba a los simples seres humanos en algo mucho más allá de lo que siempre vemos, de lo que conocemos y sentimos.

 Guille recordaba su primera visita a un museo y como se había sentido fascinado por los colores y las formas. Nunca había salido del país a conocer obras de arte famosas mundialmente pero había leído de varios artistas, de sus vidas, de sus obras y le encantaba. Veía todo tipo de películas, iba ocasionalmente al teatro y trataba de colaborar a amigos y conocidos en todo lo relacionado con el desarrollo artístico. La verdad era que le encantada todo lo que tenía que ver con lo social y para él el arte conectaba todos los seres humanos, sin importar el dinero o la edad o nada.

 La profesora miraba su reloj y veía como se gastaban los últimos segundos. En ese momento, decidió darles un par de minuto más. Era una tontería, pero era su costumbre con los alumnos primerizos. La vida normalmente no les daba una oportunidad y ella quería darles al menos un poco de esperanza, que tanto faltaba en el mundo del arte moderno. Nadie les iba a dar una oportunidad real con momentos tan duros y difíciles que iban a tener en su futuro. Ella no veía porque complicarles la vida tan rápidamente, para que hacerlo si eso solo los afectaba más allá de las clases y su gusto por el arte.

 Los minutos extra pasaron rápidamente y con tranquilidad la profesora les pidió que dejaran sus dibujos en los caballetes y salieran a almorzar. Lo cierto era que casi todos estaban hambrientos y eso había ayudado también a su preocupación y a que no pudiesen concentrarse por completo.

 Mientras salían, el modelo bajó de su pedestal y saludó a algunos que se despedían con una sonrisa, incluido Guille que lo miraba más que los demás. El modelo no se fijó mucho y se dirigió a su mochila que estaba a un lado del escritorio de la profesora. Se puso una bermuda y una camiseta con habilidad y cuando se dispuso a ponerse los zapatos, se dio cuenta que la profesora miraba con atención los dibujos. No los recogía para verlos después sino que se paseaba como quién iba a un museo.

 Apenas el modelo se puso los zapatos y una chaqueta, se puso la mochila al hombro y se acercó a la mujer. Ella le agradeció su ayuda y le dijo que tenía su paga pero que quería que la acompañara a dar una vuelta por el salón. La pareja observó por varios minutos, escuchando los sonidos del exterior, cada uno del os dibujos. Al modelo le sorprendió ver las diferentes maneras en las que cada alumno lo habían visto. Había estado siempre en la misma pose pero lo había percibido de muchas maneras. Algunos habían hecho un retrato tipo “cómic”, otros habían sido mas ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽b retrato tipo "ras. Algunos habs del exterior, cada uno del os dibujos. Al modelo le sorprendi habilidad y cuando se ás clásicos y otros más habían agregado cosas que ni siquiera estaban allí.

 Al final del recorrido, la mujer le sonrió y se dirigió a su escritorio. De un cajón sacó un sobre y se lo dio al modelo que lo guardó en su mochila. La mujer le preguntó porque había decidido modelar en los cursos de arte. Él la miró y le dijo con una sonrisa.

-       - Por amor al arte.